How can dynamic breadcrumbs be achieved with MVC? -

How can dynamic breadcrumbs be achieved with MVC?
If you are curious about what breadcrumbs are:
What are breadcrumbs? Well, if you have ever browsed an online store or read posts in a forum, you have likely encountered breadcrumbs. They provide an easy way to see where you are on a site. Sites like Craigslist use breadcrumbs to describe the user's location. Above the listings on each page is something that looks like this:
s.f. bayarea craigslist > city of san francisco > bicycles
I realize what is possible with the SiteMapProvider. I am also aware of the providers out there on the net that will let you map sitenodes to controllers and actions.
But, what about when you want a breadcrumb's text to match some dynamic value, like this:
Home > Products > Cars > Toyota
Home > Products > Cars > Chevy
Home > Products > Execution Equipment > Electric Chair
Home > Products > Execution Equipment > Gallows
... where the product categories and the products are records from a database. Some links should be defined statically (Home for sure).
I am trying to figure out how to do this, but I'm sure someone has already done this with MVC.

Sitemap's are definitely one way to go... alternatively, you can write one yourself! (of course as long as standard MVC rules are followed)... I just wrote one, I figured I would share here.
#Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home")
#if(ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString() != "Home") {
#:> #Html.ActionLink(ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString(), "Index", ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString())
#if(ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString() != "Index"){
#:> #Html.ActionLink(ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString(), ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString(), ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString())
Hopefully someone will find this helpful, this is exactly what I was looking for when I searched SO for MVC breadcrumbs.

ASP.NET 5 (aka ASP.NET Core), MVC Core Solution
In ASP.NET Core, things are further optimized as we don't need to stringify the markup in the extension method.
In ~/Extesions/HtmlExtensions.cs:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;
namespace YourProjectNamespace.Extensions
public static class HtmlExtensions
private static readonly HtmlContentBuilder _emptyBuilder = new HtmlContentBuilder();
public static IHtmlContent BuildBreadcrumbNavigation(this IHtmlHelper helper)
if (helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString() == "Home" ||
helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString() == "Account")
return _emptyBuilder;
string controllerName = helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
string actionName = helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
var breadcrumb = new HtmlContentBuilder()
.AppendHtml("<ol class='breadcrumb'><li>")
.AppendHtml(helper.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home"))
"Index", controllerName))
if (helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString() != "Index")
.AppendHtml(helper.ActionLink(actionName.Titleize(), actionName, controllerName))
return breadcrumb.AppendHtml("</ol>");
~/Extensions/StringExtensions.cs remains the same as below (scroll down to see the MVC5 version).
In razor view, we don't need Html.Raw, as Razor takes care of escaping when dealing with IHtmlContent:
<div class="container body-content">
<!-- #region Breadcrumb -->
<!-- #endregion -->
<hr />
ASP.NET 4, MVC 5 Solution
(Expanding on Sean Haddy's answer above)
If you want to make it extension-driven (keeping Views clean), you can do something like:
In ~/Extesions/HtmlExtensions.cs:
(compatible with MVC5 / bootstrap)
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Html;
namespace YourProjectNamespace.Extensions
public static class HtmlExtensions
public static string BuildBreadcrumbNavigation(this HtmlHelper helper)
// optional condition: I didn't wanted it to show on home and account controller
if (helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString() == "Home" ||
helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString() == "Account")
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder breadcrumb = new StringBuilder("<ol class='breadcrumb'><li>").Append(helper.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Home").ToHtmlString()).Append("</li>");
if (helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString() != "Index")
return breadcrumb.Append("</ol>").ToString();
In ~/Extensions/StringExtensions.cs:
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace YourProjectNamespace.Extensions
public static class StringExtensions
public static string Titleize(this string text)
return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(text).ToSentenceCase();
public static string ToSentenceCase(this string str)
return Regex.Replace(str, "[a-z][A-Z]", m => m.Value[0] + " " + char.ToLower(m.Value[1]));
Then use it like (in _Layout.cshtml for example):
<div class="container body-content">
<!-- #region Breadcrumb -->
<!-- #endregion -->
<hr />

There is a tool to do this on codeplex: [project moved to github]
There is a way to derive a SiteMapProvider from a database:
You might be able to modify the mvcsitemap tool to use that to get what you want.

I built this nuget package to solve this problem for myself:
You can contribute here if you have ideas for it:

For those using ASP.NET Core 2.0 and looking for a more decoupled approach than vulcan's HtmlHelper, I recommend having a look at using a partial view with dependency injection.
Below is a simple implementation which can easily be molded to suit your needs.
The breadcrumb service (./Services/BreadcrumbService.cs):
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace YourNamespace.YourProject
public class BreadcrumbService : IViewContextAware
IList<Breadcrumb> breadcrumbs;
public void Contextualize(ViewContext viewContext)
breadcrumbs = new List<Breadcrumb>();
string area = $"{viewContext.RouteData.Values["area"]}";
string controller = $"{viewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"]}";
string action = $"{viewContext.RouteData.Values["action"]}";
object id = viewContext.RouteData.Values["id"];
string title = $"{viewContext.ViewData["Title"]}";
breadcrumbs.Add(new Breadcrumb(area, controller, action, title, id));
if(!string.Equals(action, "index", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
breadcrumbs.Insert(0, new Breadcrumb(area, controller, "index", title));
public IList<Breadcrumb> GetBreadcrumbs()
return breadcrumbs;
public class Breadcrumb
public Breadcrumb(string area, string controller, string action, string title, object id) : this(area, controller, action, title)
Id = id;
public Breadcrumb(string area, string controller, string action, string title)
Area = area;
Controller = controller;
Action = action;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title))
Title = Regex.Replace(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(string.Equals(action, "Index", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? controller : action), "[a-z][A-Z]", m => m.Value[0] + " " + char.ToLower(m.Value[1]));
Title = title;
public string Area { get; set; }
public string Controller { get; set; }
public string Action { get; set; }
public object Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
Register the service in startup.cs after AddMvc():
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
Create a partial to render the breadcrumbs (~/Views/Shared/Breadcrumbs.cshtml):
#using YourNamespace.YourProject.Services
#inject BreadcrumbService BreadcrumbService
#foreach(var breadcrumb in BreadcrumbService.GetBreadcrumbs())
<a asp-area="#breadcrumb.Area" asp-controller="#breadcrumb.Controller" asp-action="#breadcrumb.Action" asp-route-id="#breadcrumb.Id">#breadcrumb.Title</a>
At this point, to render the breadcrumbs simply call Html.Partial("Breadcrumbs") or Html.PartialAsync("Breadcrumbs").

Maarten Balliauw's MvcSiteMapProvider worked pretty well for me.
I created a small mvc app to test his provider: MvcSiteMapProvider Test (404)

For whoever is interested, I did an improved version of a HtmlExtension that is also considering Areas and in addition uses Reflection to check if there is a Default controller inside an Area or a Index action inside a Controller:
public static class HtmlExtensions
public static MvcHtmlString BuildBreadcrumbNavigation(this HtmlHelper helper)
string area = (helper.ViewContext.RouteData.DataTokens["area"] ?? "").ToString();
string controller = helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
string action = helper.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
// add link to homepage by default
StringBuilder breadcrumb = new StringBuilder(#"
<ol class='breadcrumb'>
<li>" + helper.ActionLink("Homepage", "Index", "Home", new { Area = "" }, new { #class="first" }) + #"</li>");
// add link to area if existing
if (area != "")
if (ControllerExistsInArea("Default", area)) // by convention, default Area controller should be named Default
breadcrumb.Append(helper.ActionLink(area.AddSpaceOnCaseChange(), "Index", "Default", new { Area = area }, new { #class = "" }));
// add link to controller Index if different action
if ((controller != "Home" && controller != "Default") && action != "Index")
if (ActionExistsInController("Index", controller, area))
breadcrumb.Append(helper.ActionLink(controller.AddSpaceOnCaseChange(), "Index", controller, new { Area = area }, new { #class = "" }));
// add link to action
if ((controller != "Home" && controller != "Default") || action != "Index")
//breadcrumb.Append(helper.ActionLink((action.ToLower() == "index") ? controller.AddSpaceOnCaseChange() : action.AddSpaceOnCaseChange(), action, controller, new { Area = area }, new { #class = "" }));
breadcrumb.Append((action.ToLower() == "index") ? controller.AddSpaceOnCaseChange() : action.AddSpaceOnCaseChange());
return MvcHtmlString.Create(breadcrumb.Append("</ol>").ToString());
public static Type GetControllerType(string controller, string area)
string currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name;
IEnumerable<Type> controllerTypes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes().Where(o => typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(o));
string typeFullName = String.Format("{0}.Controllers.{1}Controller", currentAssembly, controller);
if (area != "")
typeFullName = String.Format("{0}.Areas.{1}.Controllers.{2}Controller", currentAssembly, area, controller);
return controllerTypes.Where(o => o.FullName == typeFullName).FirstOrDefault();
public static bool ActionExistsInController(string action, string controller, string area)
Type controllerType = GetControllerType(controller, area);
return (controllerType != null && new ReflectedControllerDescriptor(controllerType).GetCanonicalActions().Any(x => x.ActionName == action));
public static bool ControllerExistsInArea(string controller, string area)
Type controllerType = GetControllerType(controller, area);
return (controllerType != null);
public static string AddSpaceOnCaseChange(this string text)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
return "";
StringBuilder newText = new StringBuilder(text.Length * 2);
for (int i = 1; i < text.Length; i++)
if (char.IsUpper(text[i]) && text[i - 1] != ' ')
newText.Append(' ');
return newText.ToString();
If can definitely can be improved (probably does not cover all the possible cases), but it did not failed me until now.


How to pass model to partialview at run time?

public class ModelTypeViewModel
public virtual CheckRadioButton CRB { get; set; }
public class M1Controller : Controller
public CarContext db = new CarContext();
private CheckRadioButton get()
CheckRadioButton c = new CheckRadioButton();
c.BrandName = "abc";
c.type = "xyz";
return c;
public ActionResult Hello ()
CheckRadioButton s = get();
ModelTypeViewModel mm = new ModelTypeViewModel(s);
return View(mm);
#model Car.Models.ModelTypeViewModel
#Html.Partial("_Display", Model.CRB)
Partial View(_Display)
<h1> Hello </h1>
How can I pass diff model each time to to partial view?
It gives an error
"An exception of type 'System.Web.HttpParseException' occurred in System.Web.WebPages.Razor.dll but was not handled in user code"
It gives the same error even if I pass only 'Model"
I am confused
Put each button inside Ajax.BeginForm
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("BuyItem", "MsmqTest"}, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "msmqpartial" }))
{ <button type="submit">Buy</button>}
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("BuyItem", "MsmqTest" }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "msmqpartial" }))
<button type="submit">Sell</button>
Where "updateTargetId" is the div id to append content
public ActionResult BuyItem()
if(//some condition goes here)
return PartialView("Partial1",data);
if(//some condition goes here)
return PartialView("Partial2",data);

ASP.NET MVC Post list becomes null under very strange circumstances

So I have a controller like this:
public class TestController : Controller
// GET: /Test/
public ActionResult Index()
return View("Test");
public ActionResult Post(IList<Test> LanguageStrings, IList<Test> LanguageStringsGroup, IList<string> Deleted, IList<string> DeletedGroup)
if (LanguageStrings == null)
throw new ApplicationException("NULL");
return View("Test");
public class Test
public string Val { get; set; }
public string Another { get; set; }
And a view like this:
#using (Html.BeginForm("Post", "Test"))
#Html.Hidden("LanguageStrings[0].Val", "test1")
#Html.Hidden("LanguageStrings[1].Val", "test2")
#Html.Hidden("LanguageStringsGroup[0].Val", "test4")
When I post the form my controller throws the exception because LanguageStrings is null. The strange part I mentioned in the title is that if I add one more record to the list everything works.
Like this:
#using (Html.BeginForm("Post", "Test"))
#Html.Hidden("LanguageStrings[0].Val", "test1")
#Html.Hidden("LanguageStrings[1].Val", "test2")
#Html.Hidden("LanguageStrings[2].Val", "test3")
#Html.Hidden("LanguageStringsGroup[0].Val", "test4")
It also works when I remove the "Deleted" list.
Like this:
#using (Html.BeginForm("Post", "Test"))
#Html.Hidden("LanguageStrings[0].Val", "test1")
#Html.Hidden("LanguageStrings[1].Val", "test2")
#Html.Hidden("LanguageStringsGroup[0].Val", "test4")
This has something to do with the naming I am using. I have already solved the problem with renaming LanguageStrings to something else. But I would like to understand what is happening here because probably I could learn something from it how MVC maps request body and will be able to avoid similar time consuming problems.
Please help me and explain the cause of this.
You found a bug in the PrefixContainer of MVC 4 which has already been fixed in MVC 5.
Here is the fixed version with comments about the bug:
internal bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix)
if (prefix == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("prefix");
if (prefix.Length == 0)
return _sortedValues.Length > 0; // only match empty string when we have some value
PrefixComparer prefixComparer = new PrefixComparer(prefix);
bool containsPrefix = Array.BinarySearch(_sortedValues, prefix, prefixComparer) > -1;
if (!containsPrefix)
// If there's something in the search boundary that starts with the same name
// as the collection prefix that we're trying to find, the binary search would actually fail.
// For example, let's say we have foo.a, foo.bE and foo.b[0]. Calling Array.BinarySearch
// will fail to find foo.b because it will land on foo.bE, then look at foo.a and finally
// failing to find the prefix which is actually present in the container (foo.b[0]).
// Here we're doing another pass looking specifically for collection prefix.
containsPrefix = Array.BinarySearch(_sortedValues, prefix + "[", prefixComparer) > -1;
return containsPrefix;
I have had much more success with #Html.HiddenFor() for posting back to the controller. Code would look something like this:
#for (int i = 0; i < #Model.LanguageStrings.Count; i++)
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.LanguageStrings[i].Val, string.Format("test{0}", i))
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.LanguageStrings[i].Another)
Most HTML helper methods have a "For" helper that is intended to be used for binding data to models. Here is another post on the site that explains the "For" methods well: What is the difference between Html.Hidden and Html.HiddenFor

Binding conflict between a property named Title in my Model and View.Title in my View (in MVC)

My Model contains a property named Title, and in my Create view I set the page title using ViewBag.Title.
This creates the following problem: the form generated by Html.Editor will display the text from ViewBag.Title, instead of the model's Title value.
The only workaround I have found is first calling Html.Editor, and then setting the View.Title.
Does anyone have a better solution?
Edit 1: I am using MVC 3.
Edit 2: This is my DisplayTemplates/Object.cshtml:
#model dynamic
#using Iconum.VS10CS040.Library.Web.MVC3.Helpers
#if (ViewData.TemplateInfo.TemplateDepth > 1) {
<span class="editor-object simple">#ViewData.ModelMetadata.SimpleDisplayText</span>
} else {
foreach (var prop in ViewData.ModelMetadata.Properties.Where(
pm =>
&& !ViewData.TemplateInfo.Visited(pm)
&& pm.ModelType != typeof(System.Data.EntityState)
&& !pm.IsComplexType
if (prop.HideSurroundingHtml) {
} else {
string css = "";
if (prop.Model != null && prop.Model.GetType() != null)
css += " " + prop.Model.GetType().ToString().ToLower().Replace('.', '-');
if (prop.DataTypeName != null)
css += " " + prop.DataTypeName.ToLower();
if (prop.IsRequired && prop.ModelType.FullName != "System.Boolean")
css += " required";
<div class="editor-container #css">
<div class="editor-label">
#if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Html.Label(prop.PropertyName).ToHtmlString()))
// Use LabelWithForThatMatchesTheIdOfTheInput instead of Label because of a bug (fixed in MVC 3)
#if (prop.IsRequired && prop.ModelType.FullName != "System.Boolean")
#Html.Raw(" <span class=\"required\">*<span>");
<div class="editor-field">
#* This the line that causes my problem *#
} //foreach
// Loop though all items in the Model with an TemplateHint (UIHint)
foreach (var prop in ViewData.ModelMetadata.Properties.Where(
pm => pm.ShowForEdit
&& !ViewData.TemplateInfo.Visited(pm)
&& pm.ModelType != typeof(System.Data.EntityState)
&& !pm.IsComplexType
&& pm.TemplateHint != null
&& (
pm.TemplateHint == "jWYSIWYG0093"
pm.TemplateHint == "jQueryUIDatepicker"
pm.TemplateHint == "CKEditor"
// TODO: check for duplicate js file includes
#Html.Editor(prop.PropertyName, prop.TemplateHint + "-Script")
I would recommend using EditorFor instead of Editor.
Html.EditorFor(x => x.Title)
instead of:
This way not only that the view takes advantage of your view model but it behaves as expected in this case.
Example with ASP.NET MVC 3.0 RTM (Razor):
public class MyViewModel
public string Title { get; set; }
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Title = "ViewBag title";
ViewData["Title"] = "ViewData title";
var model = new MyViewModel
Title = "Model title"
return View(model);
#model AppName.Models.MyViewModel
ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";
#Html.EditorFor(x => x.Title)
ViewBag.Title = "Some other title";
So no matter how much we try to abuse here the editor template uses the correct model title (which is not the case if we used Html.Editor("Title")).
As suggested by the other answers, using EditorFor instead of Editor seems to work around the problem. However, using EditorFor requires knowledge of the model type and property type at compile-time, which isn't the case for Object.cshtml.
You can still do this by building up and calling the correct generically-constructed EditorFor method using reflection. The code to do this is really messy, so here are some re-usable extension methods to do it for you.
Use them like this in Object.cshtml where prop is an instance of ModelMetadata like in the question:
Here are the extension methods:
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Html;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace ASP
public static class NonStronglyTypedStronglyTypedHtmlHelpers
public static MvcHtmlString DisplayFor<TModel>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> html, ModelMetadata prop)
return StronglyTypedHelper(html, h => h.DisplayFor, prop);
public static MvcHtmlString EditorFor<TModel>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> html, ModelMetadata prop)
return StronglyTypedHelper(html, h => h.EditorFor, prop);
public static MvcHtmlString LabelFor<TModel>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> html, ModelMetadata prop)
return StronglyTypedHelper(html, h => h.LabelFor, prop);
public static MvcHtmlString ValidationMessageFor<TModel>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> html, ModelMetadata prop)
return StronglyTypedHelper(html, h => h.ValidationMessageFor, prop);
private static MvcHtmlString StronglyTypedHelper(HtmlHelper html, Func<HtmlHelper<object>, GenericHelper<object>> accessMethod, ModelMetadata prop)
var constructedMethod = MakeStronglyTypedHelper(html, accessMethod, prop);
var genericPropertyExpression = MakePropertyExpression(prop);
var typedHtmlHelper = MakeStronglyTypedHtmlHelper(html, prop.ContainerType);
return (MvcHtmlString)constructedMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { typedHtmlHelper, genericPropertyExpression });
private static MethodInfo MakeStronglyTypedHelper(HtmlHelper html, Func<HtmlHelper<object>, GenericHelper<object>> accessMethod, ModelMetadata prop)
var objectTypeHelper = new HtmlHelper<object>(html.ViewContext, html.ViewDataContainer, html.RouteCollection);
var runMethod = accessMethod(objectTypeHelper);
var constructedMehtod = runMethod.Method;
var genericHelperDefinition = constructedMehtod.GetGenericMethodDefinition();
return genericHelperDefinition.MakeGenericMethod(prop.ContainerType, prop.ModelType);
private static object MakeStronglyTypedHtmlHelper(HtmlHelper html, Type type)
var genericTypeDefinition = typeof(HtmlHelper<>);
var constructedType = genericTypeDefinition.MakeGenericType(type);
var constructor = constructedType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(ViewContext), typeof(IViewDataContainer), typeof(RouteCollection) });
return constructor.Invoke(new object[] { html.ViewContext, html.ViewDataContainer, html.RouteCollection });
private static LambdaExpression MakePropertyExpression(ModelMetadata prop)
var propertyInfo = prop.ContainerType.GetProperty(prop.PropertyName);
var expressionParameter = Expression.Parameter(prop.ContainerType);
var propertyExpression = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(expressionParameter, propertyInfo);
return Expression.Lambda(propertyExpression, expressionParameter);
private delegate MvcHtmlString GenericHelper<TModel>(Expression<Func<TModel, object>> expression);
I found partial solution myself.
Just use:
instead of:
#foreach (var property in Model.GetMetadata().Properties)
<div class="editor-label">
<div class="editor-field">
Html.EditorForModel() method return same results, but without described problem.
I solve same problem. Use this syntax instead Html.Editor
#(Html.EditorFor(p => property.Model))

Redirecting to same ActionResult from different controllers

I have a User entity, and in various views, I want to create links to a user home page basically. This functionality should be available in different controllers, so I can easily redirect to the user's home page. Each user in my site has a role ; for example reader, writer, editor, manager and admin. Ideally, I want to try to achieve something like this:
In a controller, for example
public ActionResult SomeThingHere() {
return View(User.GetHomePage());
return RedirectToROute(User.GetHomePage());
in a View, I also want to use the same functionality, for example:
<%= Html.ActionLink("Link to home", user.GetHomePage() %>
Is it possible to achieve such a design in MVC? If so , how should I go about it?
I currently use a method like this, but it is only in one controller at the moment. Now I need to use the same code somewhere else and I am trying to figure out how I could refractor this and avoid repeating myself?
private ActionResult GetHomePage(User user){
if (user.IsInRole(Role.Admin))
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = "Admin" });
if (user.IsInRole(Role.Editor))
// Managers also go to editor home page
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new {area = "Editor"});
if (user.IsInRole(Role.Reader))
// Writer and reader share the same home page
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = "Reader" });
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
How about something like this:
private string GetArea(User u)
string area = string.empty;
if (User.IsInRole(Admin)) area = "admin";
else if (...)
return area;
I would suggest a custom extension to the HtmlHelper class. Top of my head (liable to have syntax errors), something like this
public static class RoleLinksExtension
public static string RoleBasedHomePageLink(this HtmlHelper helper, string text)
if (user.IsInRole(Role.Admin))
return helper.ActionLink(text, "Index", "Home", new { area = "Admin" });
// other role options here
return string.Empty; // or throw exception
Then it's just
<%= Html.RoleBasedHomePageLink("Link to home") %>
in your markup.
You don't really want to have a link to somewhere that simply redirects somewhere else, if you can avoid it.
Edit: No idea why I didn't think of this earlier, but if you do need to redirect (perhaps if you need some functionality before going to the home page), you could extend IPrinciple instead
public static class AreaHomePageExtensions
public static string GetArea(this IPrinciple user)
if (user.IsInRole(Role.Admin))
return "Admin";
// Other options here
Then you can do
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home", new { area = User.GetArea() });
whenever you like.
Well I finally came up with a design that seems to work. I have written an controller extension,
with a GetHomePage Method. This extension can also be used in your views. Here is how I did It:
public static class UserHelperExtension {
public static string GetHomePage(this ControllerBase controller, User user) {
return = "http://" + controller.ControllerContext
.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"] + "/"
+ GetHomePage(user);
//need this for views
public static string GetHomePage(string httphost, User user) {
return = "http://" + httphost + "/" + GetHomePage(user});
private static string GetHomePage(User user) {
if (user.IsInRole(Role.Admin))
return "/Admin/Home/Index";
if (user.IsInRole(Role.Editor))
return "/Editor/Home/Index";
if (user.IsInRole(Role.Reader))
return "/Reader/Home/Index";
return "/Home/Index";
The action method in the controller looks like this:
using Extensions;
public ActionResult SomethingHere() {
return Redirect(this.GetHomePage(user));
In the view I have this:
<%# Import Namespace="Extensions"%>
<%=UserHelperExtension.GetHomePage(Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"], user)%>
The advantage is that I can easily use this "GetHomePage" method in various controllers,
or views thoughout my application, and the logic is in one place. The disadvantage is that
I would have preferred to have it more type safe. For example, in my orignal tests, I had access to RouteValues collection:
public void User_should_redirect_to_role_home(Role role,
string area, string controller, string action) {
var result = (RedirectToRouteResult)userController.SomeThingHere();
But now that I am using a string so it is not type safe, and checking the RedirectResult.Url.
var result = (RedirectResult) userController.SomethingHere();
Assert.That(result.Url.EndsWith("/" + area + "/" + controller + "/" + action),

ASP.NET MVC: How to maintain TextBox State when your ViewModel is a Collection/List/IEnumerable

I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta. I can create a wizard like workflow using Steven Sanderson's technique (in his book Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework) except using Session instead of hidden form fields to preserve the data across requests. I can go back and forth between pages and maintain the values in a TextBox without any issue when my model is not a collection. An example would be a simple Person model:
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
But I am unable to get this to work when I pass around an IEnumerable. In my view I am trying to run through the Model and generate a TextBox for Name and Email for each Person in the list. I can generate the form fine and I can submit the form with my values and go to Step2. But when I click the Back button in Step2 it takes me back to Step1 with an empty form. None of the fields that I previously populated are there. There must be something I am missing. Can somebody help me out?
Here is my View:
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
<% int index = 0;
foreach (var person in Model) { %>
<%= Html.Hidden("persons.index", index.ToString())%>
<div>Name: <%= Html.TextBox("persons[" + index.ToString() + "].Name")%></div>
<div>Email: <%= Html.TextBox("persons[" + index.ToString() + "].Email")%></div>
<% index++;
} %>
<p><input type="submit" name="btnNext" value="Next >>" /></p>
<% } %>
And here is my controller:
public class PersonListController : Controller
public IEnumerable<Person> persons;
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
persons = (Session["persons"]
?? TempData["persons"]
?? new List<Person>()) as List<Person>;
// I've tried this with and without the prefix.
TryUpdateModel(persons, "persons");
protected override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
Session["persons"] = persons;
if (filterContext.Result is RedirectToRouteResult)
TempData["persons"] = persons;
public ActionResult Step1(string btnBack, string btnNext)
if (btnNext != null)
return RedirectToAction("Step2");
// Setup some fake data
var personsList = new List<Person>
new Person { Name = "Jared", Email = "", },
new Person { Name = "John", Email = "" }
// Populate the model with fake data the first time
// the action method is called only. This is to simulate
// pulling some data in from a DB.
if (persons == null || persons.Count() == 0)
persons = personsList;
return View(persons);
// Step2 is just a page that provides a back button to Step1
public ActionResult Step2(string btnBack, string btnNext)
if (btnBack != null)
return RedirectToAction("Step1");
return View(persons);
As far as I can tell, this is not supported in ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta, nor is it supported in ASP.NET MVC 2 RC. I dug through the MVC source code and it looks like Dictionaries are supported but not Models that are IEnumerable<> (or that contain nested IEnumerable objects) and it's inheritors like IList<>.
The issue is in the ViewDataDictionary class. Particularly, the GetPropertyValue method only provides a way to retrieve property values from dictionary properties (by calling GetIndexedPropertyValue) or simple properties by using the PropertyDescriptor.GetValue method to pull out the value.
To fix this, I created a GetCollectionPropertyValue method that handles Models that are collections (and even Models that contain nested collections). I am pasting the code here for reference. Note: I don't make any claims about elegance - in fact all the string parsing is pretty ugly, but it seems to be working. Here is the method:
// Can be used to pull out values from Models with collections and nested collections.
// E.g. Persons[0].Phones[3].AreaCode
private static ViewDataInfo GetCollectionPropertyValue(object indexableObject, string key)
Type enumerableType = TypeHelpers.ExtractGenericInterface(indexableObject.GetType(), typeof(IEnumerable<>));
if (enumerableType != null)
IList listOfModelElements = (IList)indexableObject;
int firstOpenBracketPosition = key.IndexOf('[');
int firstCloseBracketPosition = key.IndexOf(']');
string firstIndexString = key.Substring(firstOpenBracketPosition + 1, firstCloseBracketPosition - firstOpenBracketPosition - 1);
int firstIndex = 0;
bool canParse = int.TryParse(firstIndexString, out firstIndex);
object element = null;
// if the index was numeric we should be able to grab the element from the list
if (canParse)
element = listOfModelElements[firstIndex];
if (element != null)
int firstDotPosition = key.IndexOf('.');
int nextOpenBracketPosition = key.IndexOf('[', firstCloseBracketPosition);
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(element).Find(key.Substring(firstDotPosition + 1), true);
// If the Model has nested collections, we need to keep digging recursively
if (nextOpenBracketPosition >= 0)
string nextObjectName = key.Substring(firstDotPosition+1, nextOpenBracketPosition-firstDotPosition-1);
string nextKey = key.Substring(firstDotPosition + 1);
PropertyInfo property = element.GetType().GetProperty(nextObjectName);
object nestedCollection = property.GetValue(element,null);
// Recursively pull out the nested value
return GetCollectionPropertyValue(nestedCollection, nextKey);
return new ViewDataInfo(() => descriptor.GetValue(element))
Container = indexableObject,
PropertyDescriptor = descriptor
return null;
And here is the modified GetPropertyValue method which calls the new method:
private static ViewDataInfo GetPropertyValue(object container, string propertyName) {
// This method handles one "segment" of a complex property expression
// First, we try to evaluate the property based on its indexer
ViewDataInfo value = GetIndexedPropertyValue(container, propertyName);
if (value != null) {
return value;
// If the indexer didn't return anything useful, continue...
// If the container is a ViewDataDictionary then treat its Model property
// as the container instead of the ViewDataDictionary itself.
ViewDataDictionary vdd = container as ViewDataDictionary;
if (vdd != null) {
container = vdd.Model;
// Second, we try to evaluate the property based on the assumption
// that it is a collection of some sort (e.g. IList<>, IEnumerable<>)
value = GetCollectionPropertyValue(container, propertyName);
if (value != null)
return value;
// If the container is null, we're out of options
if (container == null) {
return null;
// Third, we try to use PropertyDescriptors and treat the expression as a property name
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(container).Find(propertyName, true);
if (descriptor == null) {
return null;
return new ViewDataInfo(() => descriptor.GetValue(container)) {
Container = container,
PropertyDescriptor = descriptor
Again, this is in the ViewDataDictionary.cs file in ASP.NET MVC 2 RC. Should I create a new issue to track this on the MVC codeplex site?
