javacc parseException... lookahead problem? - parsing

I'm writing a parser for a very simple grammar in javacc. It's beginning to come together but at the moment I'm completely stuck on this error:
ParseException: Encountered "" at line 4, column 15.
Was expecting one of:
The line of input in question is z = y + z + 5
and the production that is giving me problems is my expression which get called from
<ID> <EQL> expression()
Expression looks like this:
<VAR> (<PLUS> expression())?| <NUM> (<PLUS> expression())?
| call() (<PLUS> expression())?
I'm at a loss as to why I'm getting this error - any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Hm, yes, that's not a very helpful error from JavaCC. What version of JavaCC are you using?
Also, it's difficult to troubleshoot these problems without seeing the full grammar... and although I understand you might not be in a position to post that.


Antlr Indirect Left Recursion

I've seen this question asked multiple times, and also seen people "solve" it... but it either confused me or didn't solve my specific situation:
Here's approximately what's going on:
block: statement*;
statement: <bunch of stuff> | expressionStatement;
expression_statement: <more stuff, for example> | method_invoke;
method_invoke: expression LEFT_PAREN <args...> RIGHT_PAREN block;
expression: <bunch of stuff> | expression_statement;
Everything inside of the expression_statement that starts with an expression uses indirect left recursion that I do not know how to fix while still being able to use those syntaxes as statements so they'll be usable in blocks(It is possible to do something like Print("hello world");
On it's own(a statement), but also do something like int c = a + b.getValue() as a part of an expression(an expression)...
How would I handle it differently?
If you need more info please let me know and I'll try my best to provide
I knew that to solve Indirect Left-Recursion I'd have to duplicate one or more of the rules... I hoped there'd be a better way to handle it then what is written online and also said here, but there isn't. I ended up doing that and it worked, thank you

how to report error for undefined grammar defined using anltr

I am currently trying to improvise/fix bug an existing grammar which someone else has created.
We have our own language for which we have created an editor We are using eclipse ide.
Some grammar examples like
calc : choice INTEGER INTEGER
choice : add|sub|div|mul
INTEGER : ('0'..'9')+
So in my editor, if I type
calc add 2 aaa
So the error parser of antlr recognizes it as an error since it is expecting an integer and we typed string and throws error message such as
extraneous input 'aaa' expecting {'{', INTEGER}"
(I have my class extends BaseErrorListener, where I create markers for these errors )
Similarly, I have such grammar defined for my editor.
Now the question is: for all this, it identifies that something is wrong in the syntax and it throws errors, but what for syntax which is not part of grammar like
If I type any garbage value such as
abc add 2 3
it does not throw any error since ‘abc’ or ‘just_type_junk_in_editor‘ is not in my grammar
so is there a way that for keywords which are not part of grammar, the error parser of antlr should parse it as an error.
Without having seen the full grammar I think your problem is the missing EOF token in your main rule. ANTLR4 consumes input as much as it can, but if it doesn't match anything at least in the main rule, it ignores the rest, which explains why you don't see an error. By adding EOF you tell your ANTLR4 that all input must be matched:

Xcode weird debugger issue?

both integers, one is loaded from NSUserDefaults with the integerForKey: method. Has anyone seen a behaviour like this?
The result should obviously be 2, or is it way too late and I should sleep?
this is so weird....
Yes, this is a bug, please file it with the bugzilla.
Note, po is just shorthand for: run the basic "expr" command to evaluate the arguments as an expression, then call the description method on the result.
The way the expression command works is if the expression is simple enough to interpret, we do that, and otherwise we JIT the expression and insert it into the debugee and run it. The bug is in the interpreter, apparently it can't do mod with signed integers. Unsigned integer types work correctly, and the JIT result is also correct. For instance, in Kurt's example:
(lldb) expr n % m
(int) $5 = 0
That's not right! But:
(lldb) expr (void) printf ("%d\n", n % m)
Because the expression involved a function call, we couldn't interpret it and had to JIT it, which got the calculation right. That's also a pretty gross workaround, but also please file a bug.

why erlang not supporting expressions like : mysum(32)(1)

I am new in Eralng . get a little query about applying functions
assumming got a funciton defined :
mysum(X) -> fun(Y)-> X + Y end.
then try to calling like this
getting error
* 1: syntax error before: '('
so I had to
M = mysum(32), M(333)
but I would like to know a little bit more , why it is not supporting , what is the disadvantage
As you expected, mysum return a function. you must enclose the evaluation inside parenthesis to satisfy the erlang parser:
this spelling is obviously not ambiguous.
Your expression seems not ambiguous because you know that mysum(32) is a function, but the types are solved at run time in erlang, so the parser has no idea of what is mysum(32), it is expecting some help here to know what it has to do: the parenthesis, the apply or the intermediate variables, but it could be an operator or a separator.

Help with Shift/Reduce conflict - Trying to model (X A)* (X B)*

Im trying to model the EBNF expression
("declare" "namespace" ";")* ("declare" "variable" ";")*
I have built up the yacc (Im using MPPG) grammar, which seems to represent this, but it fails to match my test expression.
The test case i'm trying to match is
declare variable;
The Token stream from the lexer is
The grammar parse says there is a "Shift/Reduce conflict, state 6 on KW_Declare". I have attempted to solve this with "%left PrologHeaderList PrologBodyList", but neither solution works.
Program : Prolog;
Prolog : PrologHeaderList PrologBodyList;
PrologHeaderList : /*EMPTY*/
| PrologHeaderList PrologHeader;
PrologHeader : KW_Declare KW_Namespace Separator;
PrologBodyList : /*EMPTY*/
| PrologBodyList PrologBody;
PrologBody : KW_Declare KW_Variable Separator;
KW_Declare KW_Namespace KW_Variable Separator are all tokens with values "declare", "naemsapce", "variable", ";".
It's been a long time since I've used anything yacc-like, but here are a couple of suggestions that may or may not help.
It seems that you need a 2-token lookahead in this situation. The parser gets to the last PrologHeader, and it has to decide whether the next construct is a PrologHeader or a PrologBody, and it can't tell that from the KW_Declare. If there's a directive to increase lookahead in this situation, it will probably solve the problem.
You could also introduce context into your actions: rather than define PrologHeaderList and PrologBodyList, define PrologRuleList and have the actions throw an error if a header appears after a body. Ugly, but sometimes you have to do it: what appears simple in a grammar may not be simple in the generated parser.
A hackish approach might be to combine the tokens: rather than KW_Declare and KW_Variable, have your lexer recognize the space and use KW_Declare_Variable. Since both are keywords, you're not going to run into namespace collision problems.
The grammar at the top is regular so IIRC you can plot it out as a DFA (or a NDA and convert it to a DFA) and then convert the DFA to a grammar. It's bean a while so I'll leave the work as an exercise for the reader.
