Why is TestComplete so slow? - delphi

We are using TestComplete from AQTime to test the GUI at client with our Client/Server application. It is compiled with Delphi 2007. The source of client is about 1.4 millions sourcelines. The hardware is a Intel dualcore 2.13 Mhz, 2 GB RAM using Windows XP Pro.
I compile the application with all debug options and also link in TCOpenApp, tcOpenAppClasses, tcPublicInfo, tcDUnitSupport as described in documentation to make it an Open Application. The resulting exe-file is about 50 MB.
Now when running the testscript and it works, but running very very slow. The CPU is running at 100 % and it is a bit frustrating to change the testscript because of the slowness. I have turned off all desktop effects like rounded window corners. No desktop background.
Anyone else with the same experience or even an solution ?

Your problem probably lies in the fact you compiled with debug info and are using the tcXXX units, resulting in an enormous amount of objects being created.
A transcript from AutomatedQA message boards
Did you compile it in debug mode? We have an app that when compiled in
Debug mode is slow when used with TC. This is because of the enormous # of
objects in it. If we compile w/o debug but with the TC enabler(s),
everything is fine.
and this one might help to
A couple of areas where you can
increase speed.
If you are just using record and
playback, then look into replacing the
.Keys("xxx") calls to .wText = "xxx".
The Keys function will use the ms
delay between keystrokes, while wText
just forces the text overwrite
The second suggestion (which you
likely have already looked at) is
Tools->Default Project
Properties->Project->Playback, setting
the delays to 100 ms, 5 ms, and 5 ms
to keep the pauses to a minimum.
As for the object properties, yes, TC
loads them all. You can force this
with a process refresh on yor
application, so that the data is
forced into being available without a
load delay when called. This might
help with reducing the appearance of
We also have been evaluating TestComplete and also encountered this performance problems. I would be very interested to know if and how you've finally solved them.
That said, I think it is a product with great potential and can really help you with organizing all of your unit, integration and GUI tests.

Now when running the testscript and it works, but running very very slow. The CPU is running at 100 % and it is a bit frustrating to change the testscript because of the slowness. I have turned off all desktop effects like rounded window corners. No desktop background.
Anyone else with the same experience or even an solution ?
I recommend that you try changing the TCP ports that TestComplete use for remote connections. You can change them in the Network Suite Options Dialog. For example, you can set 6100-6102 ports. Does this help? A similar issue was described in the TC 9.20 consuming high 98% cpu SmartBear forum thread.


How can I debug high cpu usage in electron?

I'm writing an Electron app and a few builds back testers started noticing that two electron.exe processes were consuming a lot of CPU time all the time. One pegging a CPU core and the other using about 85% of a core.
I'm certain that this was not always the case as builds several months ago didn't do this. But I'm at a loss to know how to debug what code changes may have introduced this as the code base has evolved dramatically over that time.
process.getIOCounters() reports that several gigabytes of IO is occurring every few minutes. The application is not deadlocked and everything still works it is just chewing through CPU. It happens anytime the app is open even if it is in the background without any user input. I only have windows 10 x64 systems that I've deployed this to as Electron 1.7.9 and also 1.7.5.
Based on the behavior I'm certain that this IO is interprocess communication between the render and main threads, but I'm not manually performing any IPC. I think this problem is being caused by some module we've introduced that improperly resides in the rendered thread.
My question, how does one debug the The Electron render/main thread IPC pipe? Can it be hooked to know what the contents of the gigabytes of traffic are?
Based on the past few days of attempting to debug this I've answer the question for myself:
My question, how does one debug the The Electron render/main thread IPC pipe?
Don't, electron seemed like a good idea, writing all your client and platform code in the same place. But there are a lot of catches, and out of the blue libraries will have strange bugs that are costly to address because they are outside the main stream use case. This certainly has a lot to do with me not being an Electron Expert, but in the real world there are deadlines and timelines and I can't always get up to speed as much as I would like to.
I've updated my architecture to the tried an true Service/GUI model. I'll be maintaining full browser support for the client code as well as an Electron mode with hooks for some features when electron is detected.
This allows me to quickly identify issues that are specific to browser, version or platform framework. It also lets me use which ever version of NodeJS that I would like to for the service which has also been an issue in my case.
I still love Electron though, I'm just going to be more careful as I use it. If I do discover the specifics of why I had this problem I'll check back and report those details.
So this issue was not directly related to Electron like I had supposed, the IPC was not between the renderer and main threads and was a red herring. It was actually a chrome key frame animation issue which was causing a 60 FPS redraw rate, still not sure why this caused GBs of IPC, but whatever. See https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/22900
I was able to discover this by porting this app back to native browser ( with nodejs service ). I then ran in chrome, edge and firefox. Only chrome behaved this way.

JBoss 7.1 - Constant heap increase

I've been tasked with analyzing some memory consumption issues with one of our web apps. I'd made myself passibly familiar with tools like Mission Control and VisualVM and used them to resolve a number of leaks, but in doing so came across behavior for which I can't account.
JBoss 7.1.1 AS
Java 1.7.0_67
Specifically, I've found that even when I run only JBoss 7 by itself (that is, I turn off the deployer and just let the server itself run) I can see regular allocations (followed by garbage collection) of about 1MB/3 seconds or so.
On a whim, I took heap dumps immediately after doing a GC and then once the allocations had been going on. It seems like the majority of the objects I'm seeing have to do with modules, either Xerces activity (reading the module XML, I guess?) or objects associated with ModuleLoader. The majority of the objects I see all have 'References' that look something like this:
http://i.stack.imgur.com/LlUmv.png (sorry, I can't mark up images)
My thinking (which may be entirely off base) was that JBoss scans for new modules to support hot deploys? The thing is though, that use case isn't one I ever use: new deployments always involve just shutting down the server, so dynamically scanning for modules is really unnecessary.
I guess my questions are:
Does my belief about module loading have any merit?
If so, is there any way to get JBoss to stop scanning?
If not, does anyone have any suggestions about what else I can investigate?
Thanks for reading!

Is there a way to emulate 2 CPU Cores?

My app is ASP.NET MVC.
I am using a lot of parallel processing on my local machine (8 cores) and things are running very smoothly.
But when I roll to Azure Medium Instance (2 cores), during testing, I get weird slow downs and program stops working sometimes.
Is there a way to emulate 1, 2 or another number of cores to match what will happen in production environment?
I guess you could try setting the process affinity for the development server. To do that, (assuming Windows 7) open task manager, right-click the server process and select Set Affinity... and select the cores you want it to run on.
Just managed to find a way around #Dai's answer above, but it means you'll have to start the development server yourself. This .bat file runs notepad.exe using two cores (you can verify that by checking its affinity within task manager):
start /affinity 0x03 notepad.exe
The 0x03 specifies core 1 and core 2. The help command was a bit confusing, but it seems it combines those to get the result (as in, 1 + 2 = 3, unless I've misunderstood it). So if you need to change to a different set of cores, keep that in mind.
#JohnH's method seems the best, but you'd have to do it every time w3wp.exe runs on your machine. An alternative is to restrict your operation to 2 threads (or 4 if using hyperthreading). We need more information about how you're processing information in parallel.
A parralelisable problem should just run 4 times as fast on an 8-core machine as opposed to the 2-core Azure VM, but getting 'program stops working' situations means you've got a bug there.
I'm not sure if this will fully help the situation, but you can set the MaxDegreeOfParalellism for each core. This way you can limit the threads that run.

Grails app performance degrades over time

I have noticed that after my Grails app has been deployed for about 2 weeks, performance degrades significantly, and I have to redeploy. I am using the Spring Security plugin and caching users. My first inclination is that it has something to do with this and the session cache size, but I'm not sure how to go about verifying this.
Does it sound like I'm on the right track? Has anyone else experienced this and narrowed down the problem? Any help would be great.
Never guess where to optimize, it's going to be wrong.
Get a heap dump and a profile it a little (VisualVM worked fine for me).
It might be a memory leak, like it happened to me. What is your environment - OS, webserver, Grails?
I would recommend getting YourKit (VisualVM has limited information) and use this to profile your application in production (if possible).
Alternatively you could create a performance test (with JMeter for example) and performance test the pieces of your application that you suspect is causing the performance degredation.
Monitoring memory,cpu,threads,gc and such while running some simple JMeter performance tests will definitely find the culprit. This way you can easily re-test your system over time and see if you have incorporated new "performance killing" bugs.
Performance testing tools/services:
Selenium (Can performance test with selenium grid, need hw though)
Browsermob (Commercial, which uses Selenium + Selenium-Grid)
NeoLoad by NeoTys (Commercial, trial version available)
HP Loadrunner (Commercial, The big fish on the market, trial version available)
I'd also look into installing the app-info plugin and turning on a bunch of the options (especially around hibernate) to see if things are getting out of control there. Could be something that's filling the hibernate session but never closing a transaction.
Another area to look at is if you're doing anything with the groovy template engine. That has a known memory leak, that's sort of unfixable if you're not caching the class/results. Recently fixed a problem around this on our app. If you're seeing any perm gen errors, this could be the case.
Try to install Javamelody plugin. In our case it helped to find problem with GC.

How can I find out why my app is slow?

I have a simple Rails app deployed on a 500 MB Slicehost VPN. I'm the only one who uses the app. When I run it on my laptop, it's fast enough. But the deployed version is insanely slow. It take 6 to 10 seconds to load the login screen.
I would like to find out why it's so slow. Is it my code? (Don't think so because it's much faster locally, but maybe.) Is it Slicehost's server being overloaded? Is it the Internet?
Can someone suggest a technique or set of steps I can take to help narrow down the cause of this problem?
Sorry forgot to mention. I'm running it under CentOS 5 using Phusion Passenger (AKA mod_rails or mod_rack).
If it is just slow on the first time you load it is probably because of passenger killing the process due to inactivity. I don't remember all the details but I do recall reading people who used cron jobs to keep at least one process alive to avoid this lag that can occur with passenger needed to reload the environment.
Edit: more details here
Specifically - pool idle time defaults to 2 minutes which means after two minutes of idling passenger would have to reload the environment to serve the next request.
First, find out if there's a particularly slow response from the server. Use Firefox and the Firebug plugin to see how long each component (including JavaScript and graphics) takes to download. Assuming the main page itself is what is taking all the time, you can start profiling the application. You'll need to find a good profiler, and as I don't actually work in Ruby on Rails, I can't suggest any: google "profile ruby on rails" for some options.
As YenTheFirst points out, the server software and config you're using may contribute to a slowdown, but A) slicehost doesn't choose that, you do, as Slicehost just provides very raw server "slices" that you can treat as dedicated machines. B) you're unlikely to see a script that runs instantly suddenly take 6 seconds just because it's running as CGI. Something else must be going on. Check how much RAM you're using: have you gone into swap? Is the login slow only the first time it's hit indicating some startup issue, or is it always that slow? Is static content served slow? That'd tend to mean some network issue (either on the Slicehost side, or your local network) is slowing things down, assuming you're not in swap.
When you say "fast enough" you're being vague: does the laptop version take 1 second to the Slicehost 6? That wouldn't be entirely surprising, if the laptop is decent: after all, the reason slices are cheap is because they're a fraction of a full server. You're using probably 1/32 of an 8 core machine at Slicehost, as opposed to both cores of a modern laptop. The Slicehost cores are quick, but your laptop could be a screamer compared to 1/4 of core. :)
Try to pint point where the slowness lies
1/ application is slow, or infrastructure (network + web server)
put a static file on your web server, and access it through your browser
2/ If it is fast, it is probable a problem with application + server configuration.
database access is slow
try a page with a simpel loop: is it slow?
3/ If it slow, it is probably your infrastructure. You can check:
bad network connection: do a packet capture (with Wireshark for example) and look for retransmissions, duplicate packets, etc.
DNS resolution is slow?
server is misconfigured?
What is Slicehost using to serve it?
Fast options are things like: Mongrel, or apache's mod_rails (also called passenger phusion or
something like that)
These are dedicated servers (or plugins to servers) which run an instance of your rails app.
If your host isn't using that, then it's probably defaulting to CGI. Rails comes with a simple CGI script that will serve the page, but it reloads the app for every page.
(edit: I suspect that this is the most likely case, that your app is running off of the CGI in /webapp_directory/public/dispatch.cgi, which would explain the slowness. This tends to be a default deployment on many hosts, since it doesn't require extra configuration on their part, but it doesn't give good performance)
If your host supports "Fast CGI", rails supports that too. Fast CGI will open a CGI session, and keep it open for multiple pages, so you get much better performance, but it's not nearly as good as Mongrel or mod_rails.
Secondly, is it in 'production' or 'development' mode? The easy way to tell is to go to a page in your app that gives an error. If it shows you a stack trace, it's in development mode, which is slower than production mode. Mongrel and mod_rails have startup options to determine whether to run the app in production or development mode.
Finally, if your database is slow for whatever reason, that will be a big bottleneck as well. If you do have a good deployment (Mongrel/mod_rails/etc.) in production mode, try looking into that.
Do you have a lot of data in your DB? I would double check that you have indexed all the appropriate columns- because this can make a huge difference. On your local dev system, you probably have a lot more memory than on your 500 mb slice, which would result in the DB running a lot slower if you have big, un indexed tables. You can also run the slow queries logger in MySql to pinpoint columns without indexes.
Other than that, yes- passenger will need to spool up a process for you if you have not been using the site recently. If this is the case, you should see a significant speed increase on second, and especially third and later page loads.
You might want to run a local virtual machine with 500 MB. Are you doing a lot of client-server interaction? Delays over the WAN are significant
You might want to check out RPM (there's a free "lite" version too) and/or New Relic's Tune Up.
Your CPU time is guaranteed by Slicehost using the Xen virtualization system, so it's not that. Don't have the other answers for you, sorry! Might try 'top' on a console while you're trying to access the page.
If you are using FireFox and doing localhost testing (or maybe even on LAN) you may want to try editing the network.dns.disableIPv6 setting.
Type about:config in the address bar and filter for network.dns.disableIPv6 and double-click to set to true.
This bug has been reported mainly from Vista OS's, but some others as well.
You could try running 'top' when you SSH in to see which process is heavy. If you also have problems logging you, perhaps you may try getting Statistics in the Slicehost manager.
If you discover it is MySQL's fault, consider decreasing the number of servers it can spawn.
512 seems decent for Rails application, you might have to check if you misconfigured too.
