Detecting output device in LaTeX - latex

Is there a way, in a LaTeX style/class file, to detect which output device is being used (or at least which capabilities it has)? The reason is, I'm writing a class file in which I want to use some Postscript-specific packages (e.g. pstricks) if Postscript is available, but if I just write
then of course bad things happen if I'm compiling the document with pdflatex. So ideally I'm looking for something I can use like
It seems like this must be possible because I know packages like pgf can change their behavior to use appropriate graphics commands based on the output device, but I've done some Google searches and checked in my LaTeX book and haven't found a way.

% nothing

You can detect pdfTeX like this (this is what ifpdf.sty does):
no pdfTeX
pdfTeX is outputting a .dvi file
pdfTeX is outputting a .pdf file
graphicx.sty, hyperref.sty and pgf.sty have their own autodetection mechanisms built in. They load a different driver file (like pdftex.def and hpdftex.def) based on the autodetection and the package option. If you load any of these in your .tex file, try to get the information which driver they loaded. The relevant driver files are:
The name of the driver for pgf.sty and graphicx.sty is stored in the macro \Gin#driver. You can inspect this macro after loading any of these packages.

Have a look at packages pstool and auto-pst-pdf. They are here to help use pstricks and friends with pdfLaTeX.

If you are using the KOMA-Script package (which I can really recommend, unless you need to use a different style of course) you already have a macro for this: \ifpdfoutput{pdf output}{dvi output} is defined in that package. If not, use the ifpdf package as has already been mentioned.


use reference in latex file

When I use to get the full reference code (BibTeX) such as
title={Design and implementation of building structure monitoring system based on radio frequency identification (RFID)},
author={Li, Hongwei and Ren, Yilei},
journal={International Journal of RF Technologies},
publisher={IOS Press}
Then go to the journal template file, I want to copy the reference from and paste it into the LaTex journal template file without doing any modification.
The template file looks like this:
Unfortunately, the paste in the template file does NOT work.
Here is the error message:
Can you assist of how to do it and make the file work correctly?
The format given by Google scholar has to be used when you compile, in order, with
Latex (or PDFLatex)
Latex (or PDFLatex)
Latex (or PDFLatex)
where you store the entries of your bibliography in a separate file named <mydoc>.bib.
You are simply using \thebibliography environment, which allows you to write \bibitems, which is a simpler approach (even if I suggest to use it when you have a small number of bibliography entries). If you have to use this latter approach, you have to rewrite the reference retrieved in Google scholar in the format needed by your document.
Have a look here: it explains very well the differences.

usepackage and making macros in ipython notebook

How can user macros and packages be included in the latex rendered in markdown cells in ipython?
It is possible to define macros in cells with markdown. Just put the \newcommand between $'s:
(Note that I removed the \ensuremath command, as it is not accessible.)
In any following statement (in the whole notebook) you can call the macro (in a markdown cell only, of course):
I do not know a way to include extra packages :( If you ever learn how, I would also encourage you to use the siuntx package to format units.
The Html notebook use mathjax to render LaTeX, I suggest reading its doc to know wether it is possible and how.

Individual function docs in LaTeX using doxygen

I'm writing a manual of sorts in LaTeX for some software. I'm constrained to use the article class. I must include docs of individual c++ classes in the manual. I'm looking at doxygen for this, but I've never used doxygen (if there's a better way, let me know).
I can get doxygen to produce a nice LaTeX (--> pdf) file of my entire project. But what I'd like to do is somehow extract the LaTeX source for each class and drop it into my LaTeX manual source at the appropriate place.
I've tried putting all the preamble stuff from refman.tex (generated by doxygen) in my preamble, and then later in the document using \input to include the tex file of an individual class. After cleaning up a few conflicts, I get to one that I don't know how to get past. The doxygen-generated doxygen.sty file makes reference to \chaptermark, but I believe that this is a macro defined in the book class.
So 1.) Am I going about this all the wrong way? 2.)Is it possible to force Doxygen to produce code in the article class? 3.) Anything else?
You can make doxygen produce a document that uses the article document class by setting COMPACT_LATEX to YES in your doxygen config file.

How to load latex .sty files from a subdirectory?

I use some .sty-files that are not part of texlive and want to have them in a subdirectory of the folder with my main.tex. I used the following line to load the package:
This works, but compiling the main.tex with xelatex and using rubber gives me a warning:
sty/prettythesis.sty: You have requested package `sty/prettythesis',
but the package provides `prettythesis'. (page 1)
Is there a way to prevent this warning or handle this case without having to include "sty\" in all .sty-files' \ProvidesPackage command or set the TEXINPUTS environment variable (which seems not to be possible from the main.tex itself)?
I believe this thread here:
LaTeX Community • View topic - Including tex files
talks about precisely the same thing: so it seems, the only alternatives are either using TEXINPUTS environment variable; or using the import package. (note, there is a variant on the import package on ...Including tex files pg 3.)
A bit more about TEXINPUTS:
TeX Frequently Asked Questions -- “Temporary” installation of (La)TeX files
Setting TeX Environment Variable Paths
Environment Variables for Running LaTeX
TeX (and Variations) for Writing Math - (see 'TeX Inputs')
Installing LaTeX packages - TeX search paths
Hope this helps;
EDIT: I hoped that one could set the TEXINPUTS path directly in the tex file (by using \write18 -- and note, some versions of LaTeX use --enable-write18, mine uses -shell-escape to enable \write18; see also this) - but it seems it is not possible:
"... This isn't possible. ... The environment variable of the child process is set, but this hasn't an effect to its parent process (TeX)." (Re: Setting the environmental variable TEXINPUTS within latex - comp.text.tex).
... so, now I just call pdflatex in my Linux bash like this:
TEXINPUTS=.//:$TEXINPUTS pdflatex ./myfile.tex
and then it will resolve directly \usepackage{mypackage} in the myfile.tex file - even if mypackage.sty is in a subdirectory, say ./subdir/mypackage.sty.
As you discovered, putting the package in a subdirectory (say, ./sty/prettythesis.sty with respect to your main .tex file at ./), and calling the package via
will successfully load the package, but it will produce the warning
sty/prettythesis.sty: You have requested package `sty/prettythesis',
but the package provides `prettythesis'. (page 1)
If all you want is to get rid of this warning, and you're OK with minor modifications in the .sty file, then you can simply change the package name that it reports, by changing the \ProvidesPackage command to
This can be inconvenient if you're going to be moving it around loads, but the modifications load isn't too bad either.
Even better, if what you have in there is a specific, modified version of a standard TeX package (like, say, this patch of natbib), then the change in the package name clearly indicates what package it's providing, and if you reuse the file then it will (most likely) re-raise a warning to prompt you into making sure that you know what you're doing.
You can do it in your TeX file without changing your system's environment (do not forget the trailing slash / with each directory):
This way, though, may be not recommended for portability. As other answers mention, the "correct" way is to set the TEXINPUTS variable in your system environment before you call latex; in Windows it is (you can place it in a batch file):
set TEXINPUTS=../one-directory/;../another-directory/;%TEXINPUTS%
pdflatex myfile.tex
Simply put line below before the call to pdflatex (or latex) in your makefile or build script:
export TEXINPUTS=".:./sty:"
Then reference your package as:

How do I use TrueType fonts with LaTeX

I need to use a font family in my LaTeX documents, that is available as 18 .TTF (TrueTypeFont) files.
Where do I have to copy the files in my MiKTeX 2.8 installation?
How Do I make the fonts available for LaTeX?
I usually use pdfLaTeX. I read in Truetype-Fonts in LaTeX that TTF fonts are available without creating all the .TFM files. What is necessary for this case?
Can I install the fonts in the local-texfm directory? I would like to isolate the system installation and my manually added stuff. Probably it would be easier to copy this font family on another installation.
The easiest way would be to use XeLaTeX, for which you would just install the fonts to your system. A basic template would look like this (from :
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\setromanfont[Numbers=Uppercase]{Hoefler Text}
\title{Your Title}
\author{Your Name}
\section{Section Title}
Your text
\subsection{Subsection Title}
Your Text
If you want to stick to LaTeX, you can generally try these steps:
Create the TeX font metrics (tfm), the font description (fd) and the font mapping (map).
Using ttf2tfm to generate .vpl, then vptovf to create .tfm.
Put the files (ttf, tfm, fd, map) into the proper directories in the local texmf tree.
Update the TeX filename database.
Using texhash
Register the mapping.
Using updmap-sys
It seems rather straightforward, but there are many traps regarding the font description and mapping, as well as the naming scheme for the output files.
There are a lot of scripts and howtos which didn't work for me. So I wrote this tool to help me use ttf fonts with LaTeX:
Although it's many years later I thought of adding that if one uses LuaLaTeX, you don't need to do anything apart from using the LuaLaTex package fontspec and then in the preamble of in the document \setmainfont{ComicSansMS}.
Use ttf2tfm and ttf2pk programs
try the following: I tried it several YEARS ago; i found some bugs but I can't remember them anymore. I think it had something to do with wrong files being used with another program. The author had SWITCHED file extensions due to confusion because of the number of files being generated. I notified the author about it but I don't know if he had corrected it.
