.NET MVC - Call a controller Action from another controller action - asp.net-mvc

I have a controller action which I would like to call another controller action.
Is this a valid thing to do. Is it possible?


As #Justice says you can use RedirectToAction. Also, you can use TempData to pass model (and other) data between controller actions.


Creating a base controller default action for all ActionResults

I'm trying to find out if its possible to create a controller or action result in MVC that will trigger for every action.
Basically I want a check to occur before people are directed to the url each time, if this check fails I will return a different view but I don't want to write this out for every single action in my controller.
Can this be done??
This can be done with a custom ActionFilterAttribute.
Overriding OnActionExecuting means I can put the same check in for all actions.

Call action from another Controller

I have a controller action.How can i call action method from another controller in asp.net mvc?
Is this a valid thing to do. Is it possible?
If you're first action is complete then you might redirect to another action.
If there is some common code between these two controllers that you don't want to duplicate then you'd probably look at creating a service which would have this and be called by both actions

ASP.NET MVC - Can a Partial View have a controller?

When I'm in a View and I call #Html.RenderPartial("MyPartialView", MyObject) Can I set it up so that this partial view has a controller which is called when RenderPartial gets called?
Probably it will be better to use the RenderAction instead of the RenderPartial
You should gather all data necessary for the partial in the current controller action (which may use methods shared across other controllers and actions).
If you really want a partial to be rendered using its own controller/action then consider loading it via AJAX with a separate request.
In MVC, although controllers know about views, the reverse is not true.
Views are just means to render some data (a model or a viewModel) but they are not related to a controller or an action.

I have a ViewModel strongly bound to my View in my ASP.NET MVC app, now what about the controller

So like the title says, I created a view model in my asp.net mvc application so it would be strongly typed to my view. My view model is a combination of two of my model classes. Now when the user hits the save button on that view, it goes to a controller. How does it know what controller to go to? I built my controller 1 - 1 so to speak with my models and views so controller A knows about Model A and controller B knows about Model B. But if I have a view model that is AB how does it know on subit to go to A or B. Do I need a controller called AB Controller?
The controller and action invoked do not depend on the viewmodel object you used to bind the page during initial view rendering. The controller (and action) invoked is determined by the URL of the request sent. (One of the routes you have defined will be matched based on the URL string of the request or a 404 not found error will be returned.)
A submit button in an HTML form (usually a POST) will have an action attribute that determines its url target, an anchor tag will have an href, etc.
In your situation where you have a custom viewmodel object you can define an action to expect and to attempt to parse that specific type of object by specifying it as the parameter to your action:
public ActionResult SaveSystemSetting(SystemAdminVM item) {
An Action Method doesn't receive a model. It receives parameters.
Anyway I think I know where you come from: One of the parameters of your action has the type of the ViewModel used in the View. That is a common layout and makes a lot of sense. In lots of projects it is so widely used that after some time you start to think that an action actually receives a model.
Just remenber that the parameters of your action can by anything that can by filled by the ModelBinder. You could pass both Models as parameters, you could pass a ViewModel that agregates Model a and b or you could pass a ViewModel that has properties of a + b.
Agregation ist the most common approach.
Generally we overload our action methods in the controller so if you have an action called edit that renders the view with your viewmodel object, you will have an overloaded edit action method with the HttpPost specified for that method.
The data to this method will be passed as form value collection values or you can bind it to your viewmodel object if you like and process it further.

Execute action without redirect

I have a little question to community. Does ASP.NET MVC allow to execute an action of another controller without RedirectToAction() method and without creation of an instance of this controller?
This is impossible. For an instance method to execute there must be an instance to execute in. Action methods are simply methods like all other methods, so you always need an instance to call the method.
Do you mean you wish to have a View which returns nothing. No view. No nadda?
If so, u can return a EmptyResult ViewResult class...
You can call it through the Reflection technic, But It's Not Recommended. Shortly because it's not in the request/response/controller context.
Personally, I prefer to have an internal static method(bla bla){...} and call it where ever i want.
But if you drop the
without creation of an instance of this controller
Clause, Then you can use this methodology. But as it explains, It's Not Recommended Too. the following is summarized:
var controller = new FooController();
controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(this.ControllerContext.RequestContext, controller);
var jsonResult = controller.BlaMethod(someInputParams);
