F# on mono in leopard. Seq.cast error - f#

I came across this answered question, but I can't seem to compile the code. I'm getting the following error on Seq.cast:
error FS0039: The value, constructor, namespace or type 'cast' is not defined.
I'm using Mono 2.0.1_1 and F# on leopard. Is there something funky with f# when running under mono?

You need to upgrade to the latest version of F# (also known as the September CTP):

Thanks Rob. That was it. I was able to get around it using map_to_typed in
Seq.map_to_typed (fun e -> e :> System.Xml.XmlNode)


This expression was expected to have type 'System.String' but here has type 'string'

How is it possible that the F# compiler rejects the type string when it's expecting a System.String?
#I #"..\..\packages"
#r #"FSharp.Data\lib\net40\FSharp.Data.dll"
open FSharp.Data
let [<Literal>] csvFile = #"..\..\data\FootballResults.csv"
type Football = CsvProvider< csvFile >
let data = Football.GetSample().Rows |> Seq.toArray
After running this simple code, I get the error message:
Script.fsx(5,30): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type 'System.String' but here has type 'string'
I thought string was simply an alias for System.String?
The csv file is quite big, just the first rows are important:
Date,Home Team,Away Team,Full Time Home Goals,Full Time Away Goals,Full Time Result,Half Time Home Goals,Half Time Away Goals,Half Time Result,Home Shots,Away Shots,Home Shots on Target,Away Shots on Target,Home Fouls,Away Fouls,Home Cards,Away Cards,Home Yellow Cards,Away Yellow Cards,Home Red Cards,Away Red Cards
The full file can be downloaded here under the folder data
FSharp.Data version
FSharp.Data 2.3.2
I found the problem, it was in the paket script provided in the book Get Programming with F#.
The script was pointing to an old version of FSharp.Data (I thought paket was this amazing package manager that always get you the best version for your project while in fact, it does not, you always fight and struggle with wrong dependencies).
At the end I managed to fix the problem this way:
Solution 1
Simply start a new project using the nuget command Install-Package FSharp.Data -Version 4.2.7 and then the reference to the package #r "nuget: FSharp.Data"
Solution 2
Update the paket.lock provided by the book with the correct version FSharp.Data (4.2.7). The code posted in my question run after that.
Advice for F# learner
Whoever is trying to learn F# with this book, it's a good book but be very careful with their package reference. They seem outdated and can get you into unpleasant situation.

std::variant gives std#bad_alloc in assignment operatoe

Rad Studio Rio 10.3.1, CLANG.
The simple code throws an exception in the assignment operator (y=x): 'std#bad_alloc'
typedef std::variant< std::string, int> MVariant;
MVariant x=10;
MVariant y;
I cannot see the reason. What am I missing?
I think that the problem is not in Rad Studio itself. It is about CLANG. This is known bug 33222 that seems to only affect libstdc++'s std::variant (and other constructs using the same combination). The problem is related to friend function to templates.
The variant from libc++ doesn't seem to use the technique of friends that libstdc++ used.
See get<string> for variants fail under clang++ but not g++

F# tryHead is not defined

I am using Seq.tryHead but I am getting an error
let maybeTagDatabaseModel = Seq.tryHead tagSeq
error FS39: The value, constructor, namespace or type 'tryHead' is not defined
Does anyone have suggestions on how to fix? Thanks
For future visitors
The problem seemed to be this dependency "FSharp.Interop.Dynamic": "3.0.0" in the project.json file.
Two of my projects were on version less than 4. Upgraded those and they work now.

Alea.cubase gpu programming in F#

While running one piece of code using Alea.cuBase I am getting a type initialization exception
let worker = Engine.workers.DefaultWorker
System.TypeInitializationException was unhandled
Message: The type initializer for 'Worker' threw an exception.
I am using
visual studio 2012
.Net frame work 4.0
F# 3.1
Another piece of code I tried and got the same error at,
useprogram = template |> Compiler.loadWorker.Default
I started with trial version of Alea.cuBase 1.3.914.
Guide me how to fix this..
Problem got resolved.
My pc was having graphics card quadro fx 1800.
Because Alea cuBase support fermi or higher architecture.
When I tried with k4000 I could run the same program.

FsLex changed with latest PowerPack?

I've been working on a compiler for a while but after changing to PowerPack and the release version of VS2010 I'm no unable to compile the following line:
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string text
I get the following two error:
"The value, constructor, namespace or type 'from_string' is not defined" pretty obviopus what it's trying to tell me but what's the resolution?
My quick guess is that this function has been renamed to fromString (because, in general, functions with underscores such as of_seq are now written in camelCase).
Lexing.LexBuffer<_>.FromString ?

