RoR environment in Ruby standalone script - ruby-on-rails

I want to run a standalone ruby script in which I need my RoR environment to be used. Specifically, I need my models extending ActionMailer and ActiveRecord. I also need to read the database configuration from my database.yml.
How do I go about it?

The easiest way is to change the shebang of your script from :
Et voilĂ , your script will be run with the full rails environment loaded. You can also run your script as ./my_script -e production to have it run with the production database.

Check out this thread:
How do I run Ruby tasks that use my Rails models?
Essentially it boils down to:
require "#{ENV['RAILS_ROOT']}/config/environment.rb"
Have fun!

I think the best way to do this is to make it a rake task.
# lib/tasks/mystuff.rake
desc 'do my stuff'
task :my_stuff => [:environment] do
# do my stuff
The [:environment] stanza loads the rails environment.


How to log in a Ruby worker script of a Rails app that does not have the environment?

I'm using rufus-scheduler for handling cron jobs for a Rails 3.2.x app. The root worker.rb is being fired off by foreman (actually upstart on this particular server) and therefore when it starts off it does not have the Rails context in which to operate. Obviously when I attempt to call logger or Rails.logger it will fail each time.
I'm using log4r as a replacement for the default Rails Logger, which is quite nice, but I am wondering what the proper solution for this problem would be:
1) Do I need to give the script the Rails context at startup (it is simply running rake tasks right now so it ends up getting the Rails environment when the worker script hands off to the rake task and I fear giving the script the Rails env before running the timed task would be overkill since it takes so long to fire up the env)? or
2) Should I just set up log4r as one would do in a non-Rails Ruby script that simply reads in the same log4r.yml config that the Rails app is using and therefore participate in the same log structure?
3) Or some other option I'm not thinking of?
Additionally, I would appreciate either an example or the steps that I should consider with the recommended implementation.
For reference, I followed "How to configure Log4r with Rails 3.0.x?" and I think this could be helpful when integrated with the above: "Properly using Log4r in Ruby Application?"
I think this might be what you're looking for..
Use this within the worker itself, and create a custom named log file
require 'log4r'
logger ='test')
logger.outputters << Log4r::Outputter.stdout
logger.outputters <<'logtest', :filename => 'logtest.log')'started script')
## You're actual worker methods go here'finishing')

How to deploy Rails 3 project using "Rake"?

How to deploy Rails project on live server using Rake task?
For other projects I used Capistrano deployment.But for this project I wish to use rake...if anybody guide me please ... What gem I will need to install or what is the procedure I should follow?
You already answered your question yourself:
Either you use capistrano (the recommended way) - or you write your own custom rake Tasks that do what you want.
Writing Rake tasks is nothing complicated, you simply define tasks that depend on each other for each step of your deployment and then run them.
Remember: Rake tasks are just plain Ruby and you therefore can use any Gem that suits your needs.
Only if you get a bit more detailed on what tasks you want to do during your deployment I can start recommending Gems or what Tasks you may need to write.
Article by Martin Fowler on Rake:
Generally a Rake file looks pretty much like this:
task :default => [:test]
task :test do
# You can write regular ruby here and do anything you want
puts "Foo"
task :dependant => [:test] do
# This task will automatically make sure task test is run before running.
puts "Hello World"
Linux or windows? which is the os you are using?
you can follow this refeerence
Just guessing a bit.
You probably would need:
A command line options parser
A way to interact through ssh
Some linux command execution
Optionally a way to interact with git

Set RAILS_ENV for test rake tasks

I've done this patch to my test_helper.rb
This works in that I can run
RAILS_ENV_TEST=test_dan ruby -Itest test/unit/post_test.rb
but I want to be able to run all kinds of test things, including rake db:test:clone but not using the environment test. How can I do this?
Most rake tasks that are namespaced with "test" will only run on your test environment and not in other environments. It's hardcoded into the task as to mitigate potentially devastating affects they might have in an environment such as production.
You can see that these tasks don't take into account the environment in which they are called in the source.
If you want to run these tasks in whatever environment you want, your best bet is to recreate these tasks and pass in the environment.
namespace :any_environment_test do
task :load => :environment do
task :clone => :environment do
In this specific case, it's a little trickier, as it sounds like you want to clone from any environment to any environment. If this is the case, you should probably have two vars that are passed, such as FROM_ENV= and TO_ENV=.
Long story longer, you're going to write custom tasks, but can inspire yourself from the link I posted above. :)

Expose Rails App Environment to Ruby Script

Out of pure curiosity, I am wondering if it's possible (no doubt it is) to 'hook into' a Rails Application's environment. So for example, say I want to create a cron script (I don't) that operates some sort of maintenance on a Rails app, and I want to write it in Ruby and using all of the nice code that I already have, for example, User.find etc.
Is this possible, and if so, how?
I'm just curious, as I feel I would eventually want to do this for some reason or other.
I'm currently on Rails 3 with Ruby 1.9.1, in case it matters.
This is certainly possible. Here is a good writeup on how to do that: How to run a rake task from cron
Take a look at the Rails::Railtie class. If you need to run code code when you start up your app, this is a way to do it. Here's a very simple example.
From the beginning of Rails there is ./script/runner, designed exactly for such kind of problems.
In Rails 3 you call it as: ./script/rails runner "puts User.find(:all).map(&:inspect)"
Try ./script/runner --help or ./script/rails runner --help
As the argument to the runner you provide a filename or just a code.
It's often more useful than preparing a Rake task, because you can execute just one-time actions:
ssh "cd rails/app && ./script/runner -e production 'puts User.count'"
You could either use script/rails runner as suggested by Arsen7 or you could write your own script in which you load the app environment in the beginning:
require 'config/environment'
is actually everything you need.
To have your script working in a cron job, make sure that it is executable (chmod u+x) and that it starts with a correct shebang line (#!/usr/bin/env ruby or whatever is appropriate for your situation).
yeah just require these file at top of your script file
require 'config/boot.rb'
require 'config/application.rb'
Now you'll have access to your models

How can I set the Rails environment for my somewhat stand alone Ruby script?

I have a Ruby script in my Rails app that I use to load some data from Twitter.
In the future I will make it an automatic background process, but for now I run it manually like:
ruby /lib/twitter/twitterLoad.rb
In order to use the Rails model classes and such, I have the following as the top line of the script:
require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../config/environment.rb"
By default, the development environment is used. But, I'd like to be able to choose the production environment at some point.
Update #1: The RAILS_ENV constant is getting set in the environment.rb file. So, I was able to put ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'production' at the very top (before the environment.rb) line and solve my problem somewhat. So, my new question is, can do pass in env vars through the command line?
If you're going to be using the rails environment, your best bet would be to make this a rake script. To do this, put a twitter.rake file into lib/tasks and begin and end it like this:
task(:twitter_load => :environment) do
# your code goes here
That way, you're doing it by "following conventions" and it doesn't have that 'orrible smell associated with it.
I currently use the following method, and I know the environment doesn't have the rb extension, it's not needed. You can also set it before running it to overwrite the ENV["RAILS_ENV"].
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Set your environment here.
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "production"
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../config/environment"
puts "Rails was loaded!"
Then to change the environment, just run it with:
rb /lib/tasks/file.rb RAILS_ENV=development
Don't forget script/runner.
Set your environment variable from the command line and
ruby script/runner your_script_here.rb
The accepted answer to use rake is well-taken, but you may still want to manually set the environment for testing utility classes.
Here's what I use to set up the test environment for utility classes in /lib. For these I tend to use the Ruby convention of making my class file execute its tests when it gets run from the command line. This way I can do TDD outside of Rails' web-centric test harnesses, but still use the class within rake without affecting the environment that it sets.
This goes at the top:
if (__FILE__ == $0)
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'test'
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'../config/environment.rb')
and this goes at the bottom:
if (__FILE__ == $0)
require 'test/unit/ui/console/testrunner'
You can also do
script/console development < path/to/your/script.rb
Admiteddly cumbersome -and will spit out lots of irb garbage after evaluating each and every line of your script- but works for quickies and you dont have to remember that damned require line.
And don't forget that maybe the most elegant way to extend your app with scripts that do useful things is writing Rake tasks!
add the line:
RAILS_ENV = '<your environment of choice>'
pantulis: It's cool that that works, but for quickies I just use RAILS_ENV = '<your environment of choice>' ruby path/to/script.rb. This is how you set environment variables in the console.
require 'bundler'
require 'bundler/setup'
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'development'
RAILS_ROOT ='~/path/to/root'))
puts "Loading Rails Environment from #{RAILS_ROOT}..."
require RAILS_ROOT.join('config/environment').to_s
This works but only if the Gemfile of your script contains all the dependencies of your rails app. You might be able to load one Gemfile from another, e.g just eval it, to overcome this copy/paste.
