How reliable is DRb? - ruby-on-rails

Are there any issues to consider when using DRb for implementing an in-memory message queue and for synchronizing actions between processes? I heard that it could be unreliable, but haven't found anything on the web that confirms this assertion.
In case it's relevant, these would be processes running with a rails app environment that will update models in the database.

DRb is pretty established and widely used. I don't know of anything that would make it unreliable, but I don't use it as a message queue
I'd say you'll have more luck using a message queue as a message queue, instead of rolling your own using DRb. There's a bunch of solutions depending on your needs, memcacheq is pretty easy to interact with, and is in-memory, and is pretty solid.

I personally use DRb running in two separate processes on my web server one to perform minutes-long calculations, allowing the website to poll and check in on the progress, another as a shared captcha server with its own DB connection for various applications on my server. In neither case have I ever had the DRb server fail (except where it was a programming mistake on my part).
Even when the DRb server does fail, you can restart it and the still-running client will reconnect cleanly the next time it needs to communicate.


Background Tasks in Spring (AMQP)

I need to handle a time-consuming and error-prone task (e.g., invoking a SOAP endpoint that will trigger the delivery of an SMS) whenever a given endpoint of my REST API is invoked, but I'd prefer not to make my users wait for that before sending a response back. Spring AMQP is already part of my stack, so I though about leveraging it to establish a "work queue" and have a number of worker processes consuming from the queue and taking care of the "work units". I have, however, the following requirements:
A work unit is guaranteed to be delivered, and delivered to exactly one worker.
Shall a work unit fail to be completed for any reason it must get placed back in the queue so that another worker can pick it up later.
Work units survive server reboots and crashes. This is mandatory because I won't be using a DB of any kind to store them.
I know RabbitMQ and Spring AMQP can be configured in such a way that ensures these three requirements, but I've only ever used it to achieve RPC so I don't know much about anything other than that. Is there any example I might follow? What are some of the pitfalls to watch out for?
While creating queues, rabbitmq gives you two options; transient or durable. Durable messages will be available until you acknowledge them. And messages won't expire if you do not give queue a ttl. For starters you can enable rabbitmq management plugin and play around a little.
But if you really want to guarantee the safety of your messages against hard resets or hardware problems, i guess you need to use a rabbitmq cluster.
Rabbitmq Clustering and you can find high availability subject on the right side of the page.
This guy explaines how to cluster
By the way i like beanstalkd too. You can make it write messages to disk and they will be safe except disk failures.

RabbitMQ with EventMachine and Rails

we are currently planning a rails 3.2.2 application where we use RabbitMQ. We would like to run several kind of workers (and several instances of a worker) to process messages from different queues. The workers are written in ruby and are laying in the lib directory of the rails app.
Some of the workers needs the rails framework (active record, active model...) and some of them don't. The first worker should be called every minute to check if updates are available. The other workers should process the messages from their queues when messages (which are send by the first worker) are present and do some (time consuming) stuff with it.
So far, so good. My problem is, that I only have little experiences with messaging systems like RabbitMQ and no experiences with the rails interaction between them. So I'm wondering what the best practices are to get the two playing with each other. Here are my requirements again:
Rails 3.2.2 app
Several kind of workers
Several instances of one worker
Control the amount of workers out of rails
Workers are doing time consuming tasks, so they have to be async
Only a few workers needs the rails framework. The others are just ruby files with some dependencies like Net or File
I was looking for some solution and came up with two possibilities:
Using amqp with EventMachine in a new thread
Of course, I don't want my rails app to be blocked when a new worker is created. The worker should run in another thread and do its work asynchronously. And furthermore, it should not start a new instance of my rails application. It should only require the things the worker needs.
But in some articles they say that there are some issues with Passenger. And another fact that I don't like is, that we are using webbrick for development and we ought to include workarounds for that too. It would be possible to switch to another webserver like thin, but I don't have any experience with that either.
Using some kind of daemonizing
Maybe its possible to run workers as a daemon, but I don't know how much overhead this would come up with, or how I can control the amount of workers.
Hope someone can advise a good solution for that (and I hope I made myself clear ;)
It seems to me that AMQP is a big shot to kill your problem. Have you tried to use Resque? The backed Redis database has some neat features (like publish/subscribe and blocking list pop) which make it very interesting as a message queue, and Resque is very easy to use in any Rails app.
The workers are daemonized, and you decide which worker of your pool listens to which queue, so you can scale each type of job as needed.
Using EM reactor inside a request/response cycle is not recommended, because it may conflict with an existing event loop (for instance if your app is served by thin), in any case you have to configure it specifically for your web server, OTOS it may be interesting to have an evented queue consumer, if your jobs have blocking IO and are not processor-bound.
If you still want to do it with AMQP, see Starting the event loop and connecting in Web applications and configure for your web server accordingly. Or use bunny to push synchronously in the queue (and whichever job consumer you deam useflu, like workling for instance)
we are running slightly different -- but similar technology stack.
daemon kit is used for eventmachine side of the system... no rails, but shared models (mongomapper & mongodb). EM is pulling messages off the queues, and doing whatever logic is required (we have ruleby in the mix, but if-then-else works too).
mulesoft ESB is our outward-facing message receiver and sender that helps us deal with the HL7/MLLP world. But in v1 of the app, we used some java code in ActiveMQ to manage HL7 messages.
the rails app then just serves up stuff for the user to see -- again, using the shared models.

Rails best practice: background process/thread?

I'm coming from a PHP environment (at least in terms of web dev) and into the beautiful world of Ruby, so I may have some dumb questions. I imagine there are some fundamentally different options available when not using PHP.
In PHP, we use memcache to store alerts we want to display in a bar along the top of the page. When something happens that generates an alert (such as a new blog post being made), a cron script that runs once every 5 minutes or so puts that information into memcache.
Now when a user visits the site, we look in memcache to find any alerts that they haven't already dismissed and we display them.
What I'm guessing I can do differently in Rails, is to by-pass the need for a cron script, and also the need to look in memcache on every request, by using a Singleton and a polling process running in a separate thread to copy from memcache to this singleton. This would, in theory, be more optimized than checking memcache once-per-request and also encapsulate the polling logic into one place, rather than being split between a cron task and the lookup logic.
My question is: are there any caveats to having some sort of runloop in the background while a Rails app is running? I understand the implications of multithreading, from Objective-C/Java, but I'm asking specifically about the Rails (3) environment.
Basically something like:
class SiteAlertsMap < Hash
include Singleton
def initialize
# ... SNIP, any specific methods etc ...
def begin_polling
# Create some other Thread here, which polls at set intervals
This leads me into a similar question. We push (encrypted) tasks onto an SQS queue, for things related to e-commerce and for long-running background tasks. We don't use cron for this, but rather we have a worker daemon written in PHP, which runs in the background. Right now when we deploy, we have to shut down this worker and start it again from the new code-base. In Rails, could I somehow have this process start and stop with the rails server (unicorn) itself? I don't think that's something I'd running on the main process in a separate thread, since we often want to control it as a process by itself, but it would be nice if it just conveniently ran when the web application was running.
Threading for background processes in ruby would be a terrible mistake, especially since you're using a multi-process server. Using unicorn with say 4 worker processes would mean that you'd be polling from each of them, which is not what you want. Ruby doesn't really have real threads, it has green threads in 1.8 and a global interpreter lock in 1.9 IIRC. Many gems and libraries are also obnoxiously unthreadsafe.
Using memcache is still your best option and, if you have it set up correctly, you should only see it adding a millisecond or two to the request time. Another option which would give you the benefit of persisting these alerts while incurring minimal additional overhead would be to store these alerts in redis. This would better protect you against things like memcache crashing or server reboots.
For the background jobs you should use a similar approach to what you have now, but there are several off the shelf handlers for this like resque, delayed_job, and a few others. If you absolutely have to use SQS as the backend queue, you might be able to find some code to help you, but otherwise you could write it yourself. This still requires the other daemon to be rebooted whenever there is a code change. In practice this isn't a huge concern as best practices dictate using a deployment system like capistrano where a rule can easily be added to bounce the daemon on deploy. I use monit to watch the daemon process, so restarting it is as easy as telling monit to restart it.
In general, Ruby is not like Java/Objective-C when it comes to threads. It follows the more Unix-like model of process based isolation, but the community has come up with best practices and ways to make this less painful than in other languages. Ruby does require a bit more attention to setting up its stack as it is not as simple as enabling mod_php and copying some files around, but once the choices and architecture is understood, it is easier to reason about how your application works. The process model, in my opinion, is much better for web apps as it isolates code and state from the effects of other running operations. The isolation also makes the app easier to work with in a distributed system.

Best way to run rails with long delays

I'm writing a Rails web service that interacts with various pieces of hardware scattered throughout the country.
When a call is made to the web service, the Rails app then attempts to contact the appropriate piece of hardware, get the needed information, and reply to the web client. The time between the client's call and the reply may be up to 10 seconds, depending upon lots of factors.
I do not want to split the web service call in two (ask for information, answer immediately with a pending reply, then force another api call to get the actual results).
I basically see two options. Either run JRuby and use multithreading or else run several regular Ruby instances and hope that not many people try to use the service at a time. JRuby seems like the much better solution, but it still doesn't seem to be mainstream and have out of the box support at Heroku and EngineYard. The multiple instance solution seems like a total kludge.
1) Am I right about my two options? Is there a better one I'm missing?
2) Is there an easy deployment option for JRuby?
I do not want to split the web service call in two (ask for information, answer immediately with a pending reply, then force another api call to get the actual results).
From an engineering perspective, this seems like it would be the best alternative.
Why don't you want to do it?
There's a third option: If you host your Rails app with Passenger and enable global queueing, you can do this transparently. I have some actions that take several minutes, with no issues (caveat: some browsers may time out, but that may not be a concern for you).
If you're worried about browser timeout, or you cannot control the deployment environment, you may want to process it in the background:
User requests data
You enter request into a queue
Your web service returns a "ticket" identifier to check the progress
A background process processes the jobs in the queue
The user polls back, referencing the "ticket" id
As far as hosting in JRuby, I've deployed a couple of small internal applications using the glassfish gem, but I'm not sure how much I would trust it for customer-facing apps. Just make sure you run config.threadsafe! in production.rb. I've heard good things about Trinidad, too.
You can also run the web service call in a delayed background job so that it's not hogging up a web-server and can even be run on a separate physical box. This is also a much more scaleable approach. If you make the web call using AJAX then you can ping the server every second or two to see if your results are ready, that way your client is not held in limbo while the results are being calculated and the request does not time out.

Executing large numbers of asynchronous IO-bound operations in Rails

I'm working on a Rails application that periodically needs to perform large numbers of IO-bound operations. These operations can be performed asynchronously. For example, once per day, for each user, the system needs to query to fetch the user's current list of accounts (companies) that he's tracking. This results in huge numbers (potentially > 100k) of small queries.
Our current approach is to use ActiveMQ with ActiveMessaging. Each of our users is pushed onto a queue as a different message. Then, the consumer pulls the user off the queue, queries, and processes the results. But this approach gives us horrible performance. Within a single poller process, we can only process a single user at a time. So, the queries become serialized. Unless we run literally hundreds of poller processes, we can't come anywhere close to saturating the server running poller.
We're looking at EventMachine as an alternative. It has the advantage of allowing us to kickoff large numbers of queries concurrently within a single EventMachine process. So, we get great parallelism and utilization of our server.
But there are two problems with EventMachine. 1) We lose the reliable message delivery we had with ActiveMQ/ActiveMessaging. 2) We can't easily restart our EventMachine's periodically to lessen the impact of memory growth. For example, with ActiveMessaging, we have a cron job that restarts the poller once per day, and this can be done without worrying about losing any messages. But with EventMachine, if we restart the process, we could literally lose hundreds of messages that were in progress. The only way I can see around this is to build a persistance/reliable delivery layer on top of EventMachine.
Does anyone have a better approach? What's the best way to reliably execute large numbers of asynchronous IO-bound operations?
I maintain ActiveMessaging, and have been thinking about the issues of a multi-threaded poller also, though not perhaps at the same scale you guys are. I'll give you my thoughts here, but am also happy to discuss further o the active messaging list, or via email if you like.
One trick is that the poller is not the only serialized part of this. STOMP subscriptions, if you do client -> ack in order to prevent losing messages on interrupt, will only get sent a new message on a given connection when the prior message has been ack'd. Basically, you can only have one message being worked on at a time per connection.
So to keep using a broker, the trick will be to have many broker connections/subscriptions open at once. The current poller is pretty heavy for this, as it loads up a whole rails env per poller, and one poller is one connection. But there is nothing magical about the current poller, I could imagine writing a poller as an event machine client that is implemented to create new connections to the broker and get many messages at once.
In my own experiments lately, I have been thinking about using Ruby Enterprise Edition and having a master thread that forks many poller worker threads so as to get the benefit of the reduced memory footprint (much like passenger does), but I think the EM trick could work as well.
I am also an admirer of the Resque project, though I do not know that it would be any better at scaling to many workers - I think the workers might be lighter weight.
I've used AMQP with RabbitMQ in a way that would work for you. Since ActiveMQ implements AMQP, I imagine you can use it in a similar way. I have not used ActiveMessaging, which although it seems like an awesome package, I suspect may not be appropriate for this use case.
Here's how you could do it, using AMQP:
Have Rails process send a message saying "get info for user i".
The consumer pulls this off the message queue, making sure to specify that the message requires an 'ack' to be permanently removed from the queue. This means that if the message is not acknowledged as processed, it is returned to the queue for another worker eventually.
The worker then spins off the message into the thousands of small requests to SalesForce.
When all of these requests have successfully returned, another callback should be fired to ack the original message and return a "summary message" that has all the info germane to the original request. The key is using a message queue that lets you acknowledge successful processing of a given message, and making sure to do so only when relevant processing is complete.
Another worker pulls that message off the queue and performs whatever synchronous work is appropriate. Since all the latency-inducing bits have already performed, I imagine this should be fine.
If you're using (C)Ruby, try to never combine synchronous and asynchronous stuff in a single process. A process should either do everything via Eventmachine, with no code blocking, or only talk to an Eventmachine process via a message queue.
Also, writing asynchronous code is incredibly useful, but also difficult to write, difficult to test, and bug-prone. Be careful. Investigate using another language or tool if appropriate.
also checkout "cramp" and "beanstalk"
Someone sent me the following link: This is a system that's somewhat similar to ActiveMessaging except that it is built on top of EventMachine. It's almost exactly what we need. The only problem is that it seems to only work with Amazon's queue, not ActiveMQ.
