VS2005: Limit the Heap size - memory

Is the a VS2005 C++ compiler flag like the Xmx???M java flag so I can limit the heap size of my application running on Windows.
I need to limit the heap size so I can fill the memory to find out the current free memory. (The code also runs on an embedded system where this is the best method to get the memory usage)

You can set the heap size for your program by setting the size in:
Linker -> System -> Heap Reserve Size
It can also be set at the compiler command line using /HEAP:reserve

You might want to look into whether the gflags utility (in the Windows Debugging Tools) can do this. It can do a lot of other interesting things with the heap of native applications.

The heap size depends on the allocator used. There might also be some Windows API call that limits the amount of memory a process can allocate, but I'm not aware of one and I don't feel like looking for it right now, sorry. But in general, if you write your own allocator (maybe just wrap around the compiler-provided malloc() or new operator) you can artificially limit the heap size that way.
Alternatively, if you have your own allocator, even if just a wrapper, you can keep track of how much memory has been allocated in total. If you know the amount available you can just do some subtraction and be done with getting the total. You might also be able to get fragmentation statistics then, like largest free block.


How to analyze excessive memory consumption (PageFileUsage) in a Delphi Application?

This is a follow-up to this question: What could explain the difference in memory usage reported by FastMM or GetProcessMemoryInfo?
My Delphi XE application is using a very large amount of memory which sometimes lead to an out of memory exception. I'm trying to understand why and what is causing this memory usage and while FastMM is reporting low memory usage, when requesting for TProcessMemoryCounters.PageFileUsage I can clearly see that a lot of memory is used by the application.
I would like to understand what is causing this problem and would like some advise on how to handle it:
Is there a way to know what is contained in that memory and where it has been allocated ?
Is there some tool to track down memory usage by line/procedure in a Delphi application ?
Any general advise on how to handle such a problem ?
EDIT 1 : Here are two screenshots of FastMMUsageTracker indicating that memory has been allocate by the system.
Before process starts:
After process ends:
Legend: Light red is FastMM allocated and dark gray is system allocated.
I'd like to understand what is causing the system to use that much memory. Probably by understanding what is contained in that memory or what line of code or procedure did cause that allocation.
EDIT 2 : I'd rather not use the full version of AQTime for multiple reasons:
I'm using multiple virtual machines for development and their licensing system is a PITA (I'm already a registered user of TestComplete)
LITE version doesn't provide enough information and I won't waste money without making certain the FULL version will give me valuable information
Any other suggestions ?
Another problem might be heap fragmentation. This means you have enough memory free, but all the free blocks are to small. You might see it visually by using the source version of FastMM and use the FastMMUsageTracker.pas as suggested here.
You need a profiler, but even that won't be enough in lots of places and cases. Also, in your case, you would need the full featured AQTime, not the lite version that comes with Delphi XE and XE2. (AQTIME is extremely expensive, and annoyingly node-locked, so don't think I'm a shill for SmartBear software.)
The thing is that people often mistake AQTime Allocation Profiler as only a way to find leaks. It can also tell you where your memory goes, at least within the limits of the tool. While running, and consuming lots of memory, I click Run -> Get Results.
Here is one of my applications being profile in AQTime with its Allocation Profiler showing exactly what class is allocating how many instances on the heap and how much memory those use. Since you report low Delphi heap usage with FastMM, that tells me that most of AQTime's ability to analyze by delphi class name will also be useless to you. However by using AQTime's events and triggers, you might be able to figure out what areas of your application are causing you a "memory usage expense" and when those occur, what the expense is. AQTime's real-time instrumentation may be sufficient to help you narrow down the cause even though it might not find for you what function call is causing the most memory usage automatically.
The column names include "Object Name" which includes things like this:
* All delphi classes, and their instance count and heap usage.
* Virtual Memory blocks allocated via Win32 calls.
It can detect Delphi and C/C++ library allocations on the heap, and can see certain Windows-API level memory allocations.
Note the live count of objects, the amount of memory from the heap that is used.
I usually try to figure out the memory cost of a particular operation by measuring heap memory use before, and just after, some expensive operation, but before the cleanup (freeing) of the memory from that expensive operation. I can set event points inside AQTime and when a particular method gets hit or a flag gets turned on by me, I can measure before, and after values, and then compare them.
FastMM alone can not even detect a non-delphi allocation or an allocation from a heap that is not being managed by FastMM. AQTime is not limited in that way.

Inside Dynamics memory management

i am student and want to know more about the dynamics memory management. For C++, calling operator new() can allocate a memory block under the Heap(Free Store ). In fact, I have not a full picture how to achieve it.
There are a few questions:
1) What is the mechanism that the OS can allocate a memory block?? As I know, there are some basic memory allocation schemes like first-fit, best-fit and worst-fit. Does OS use one of them to allocate memory dynamically under the heap?
2) For different platform like Android, IOS, Window and so on, are they used different memory allocation algorithms to allocate a memory block?
3) For C++, when i call operator new() or malloc(), Does the memory allocator allocate a memory block randomly in the heap?
Hope anyone can help me.
malloc is not a system call, it is library (libc) routine which goes through some of its internal structures to give you address of a free piece of memory of the required size. It only does a system call if the process' data segment (i.e. virtual memory it can use) is not "big enough" according to the logic of malloc in question. (On Linux, the system call to enlarge data segment is brk)
Simply said, malloc provides fine-grained memory management, while OS manages coarser, big chunks of memory made available to that process.
Not only different platforms, but also different libraries use different malloc; some programs (e.g. python) use its internal allocator instead as they know its own usage patterns and can increase performance that way.
There is a longthy article about malloc at wikipedia.

How do programs allocate large amounts of memory?

I have 3 questions concerning memory allocation that I thought better to put into one question than 3.
When memory is allocated as I understand, it is allocated on the heap, which is just 16mb. How hen do programs such as video games or modern browsers manage to use over 1GB?
Since it is obviously possible for this much memory to be used, why can it not be allocated at the start? I have found the most I can allocate in High Level Assembly language is around 100MB. This is a lot more than 16MB, and far less than I have 3, so where does this limitation come from?
Why allocate memory in the first place, rather than allocating variables and letting the compiler/system handle it?
When memory is allocated as I understand, it is allocated on the heap,
which is just 16mb. How hen do programs such as video games or modern
browsers manage to use over 1GB?
The heap can grow. It isn't limited to any value and certainly not 16MB. You can easily allocate 1GB of heap, just make a program test and you'll see.
Since it is obviously possible for this much memory to be used, why
can it not be allocated at the start? I have found the most I can
allocate in High Level Assembly language is around 100MB. This is a
lot more than 16MB, and far less than I have 3, so where does this
limitation come from?
I'm not sure why your OS isn't filling larger allocation requests. Perhaps due to memory fragmentation? It's going to be a problem specific to your setup, which you didn't share. I can allocation much more memory than that without an issue.
You can try to use the mmap system call if malloc (which uses the brk system call) is having some sort of issue. Note that for GNU libc, malloc actually uses mmap instead of brk when the allocation is large enough (over 128k I think).
Why allocate memory in the first place, rather than allocating
variables and letting the compiler/system handle it?
Variable must live in memory somewhere. What you are saying is "why manually manage memory? Why can't some algorithm do that for me?". It is actually very common for the compiler and a runtime component to handle allocation/freeing - it's called garbage collection.

Checking the amount of available RAM within a running program

A friend of mine was asked, during a job interview, to write a program that measures the amount of available RAM. The expected answer was using malloc() in a binary-search manner: allocating larger and larger portions of memory until getting a failure message, reducing the portion size, and summing the amount of allocated memory.
I believe that this method will measure the amount of virtual, not physical, memory. But I got curious about the matter.
Is there a way to tell the amount of available RAM from within the program, without using exec(dmesg |grep -i memory) ?
You are correct: malloc() makes no distinction between physical or virtual memory. In fact, that's the whole point of virtual memory: to make such details irrelevant to programs.
You can find out but it is OS-specific. For example, Linux.
The only way to do this is to use some OS-specific functionality. Using malloc() is useless for a number of reasons:
it measures virtual memory
the OS may well have per-process cap on memory allocations
allocating much more memory than is physically available often degrades the platforms stability to the point where "go back one" algorithm suggested in the question probably won't work
this is OS specific and you should collect such information from the OS services unless you want to make your own memory management layer
Using malloc() will only tell you how much memory can be allocated to a single process. There may be reasons why this is lower than the total amount of virtual memory. For instance, you might have OS quota or a per-process 32-bit-limited address space.
(And, of course, virtual memory >= RAM)
Very OS specific but for Linux the information about system memory is in /proc/meminfo. You can also probably use the sysctl interface (http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/2365) to get this data in a C program.

Coping with, and minimizing, memory usage in Common Lisp (SBCL)

I have a VPS with not very much memory (256Mb) which I am trying to use for Common Lisp development with SBCL+Hunchentoot to write some simple web-apps. A large amount of memory appears to be getting used without doing anything particularly complex, and after a while of serving pages it runs out of memory and either goes crazy using all swap or (if there is no swap) just dies.
So I need help to:
Find out what is using all the memory (if it's libraries or me, especially)
Limit the amount of memory which SBCL is allowed to use, to avoid massive quantities of swapping
Handle things cleanly when memory runs out, rather than crashing (since it's a web-app I want it to carry on and try to clean up).
I assume the first two are reasonably straightforward, but is the third even possible?
How do people handle out-of-memory or constrained memory conditions in Lisp?
(Also, I note that a 64-bit SBCL appears to use literally twice as much memory as 32-bit. Is this expected? I can run a 32-bit version if it will save a lot of memory)
To limit the memory usage of SBCL, use --dynamic-space-size option (e.g.,sbcl --dynamic-space-size 128 will limit memory usage to 128M).
To find out who is using memory, you may call (room) (the function that tells how much memory is being used) at different times: at startup, after all libraries are loaded and then during work (of cource, call (sb-ext:gc :full t) before room not to measure the garbage that has not yet been collected).
Also, it is possible to use SBCL Profiler to measure memory allocation.
Find out what is using all the memory
(if it's libraries or me, especially)
Attila Lendvai has some SBCL-specific code to find out where an allocated objects comes from. Refer to http://article.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.steel-bank.devel/12903 and write him a private mail if needed.
Be sure to try another implementation, preferably with a precise GC (like Clozure CL) to ensure it's not an implementation-specific leak.
Limit the amount of memory which SBCL
is allowed to use, to avoid massive
quantities of swapping
Already answered by others.
Handle things cleanly when memory runs
out, rather than crashing (since it's
a web-app I want it to carry on and
try to clean up).
256MB is tight, but anyway: schedule a recurring (maybe 1s) timed thread that checks the remaining free space. If the free space is less than X then use exec() to replace the current SBCL process image with a new one.
If you don't have any type declarations, I would expect 64-bit Lisp to take twice the space of a 32-bit one. Even a plain (small) int will use a 64-bit chunk of memory. I don't think it'll use less than a machine word, unless you declare it.
I can't help with #2 and #3, but if you figure out #1, I suspect it won't be a problem. I've seen SBCL/Hunchentoot instances running for ages. If I'm using an outrageous amount of memory, it's usually my own fault. :-)
I would not be surprised by a 64-bit SBCL using twice the meory, as it will probably use a 64-bit cell rather than a 32-bit one, but couldn't say for sure without actually checking.
Typical things that keep memory hanging around for longer than expected are no-longer-useful references that still have a path to the root allocation set (hash tables are, I find, a good way of letting these things linger). You could try interspersing explicit calls to GC in your code and make sure to (as far as possible) not store things in global variables.
