Create grails war without version number - grails

How do I create a grails war file so that it doesn't have the version number
(e.g. foo-0.1.war)
attached to the end when I execute the 'grails war' command?

In case anybody comes upon this article and is using Grails 1.3.x, the configuration option has changed from grails.war.destFile in Config.groovy to being grails.project.war.file in BuildConfig.groovy.
Also the file name is relative to the project workspace, so it should have a value like:
grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}.war"
This is according to the latest Grails documentation.

I think you can specify the war name in the war command.
grails war foo.war
Also check the latest Grails documentation for where to set this as a configuration option. See the other answers for details.

From the Grails Documentation, Chapter 17, Deployment
There are also many ways in which you can customise the WAR file that is
created. For example, you can specify
a path (either absolute or relative)
to the command that instructs it where
to place the file and what name to
give it:
grails war /opt/java/tomcat-5.5.24/foobar.war
Alternatively, you can add a line to
Config.groovy that changes the default
location and filename:
grails.war.destFile = "foobar-prod.war"
Of course, any command line argument
that you provide overrides this

Rolling up the other excellent answers. There are several options:
Explicitly set it on the command line: grails war foo.war
Set the app.version property to empty in will cause the war to be named foo.war.
Explicitly set the name of the war using the grails.war.destFile property in Config.groovy

Grails 3.x has switched to gradle and uses the war plugin. You can just specify name like this in the build.gradle file:
war {
archiveName 'foo.war'

Another way to generate war files without version number is to keep the property, app.version, empty in the

I am kind of late to the party... but anyway:
I think the reason behind removing the version number is to eliminate the need to rename the war file so it deploys on "correct" context path /appName. If that's the case then a better option is to use a versioned war filename so you can deploy multiple versions at the same time on tomcat using the following naming pattern in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:
grails.project.war.file = "target/${appName}##${appVersion}.war"
As explained in
This method applies to wars in general, not only grails' wars.


How to exclude grails plugin jar from war file

Grails 3.2.5. Build.gradle has mail plugin:
compile "org.grails.plugins:mail:2.0.0.RC6"
In deploying a war to production I need to remove javax.mail-1.5.6.jar from WEB-INF/lib since that jar must be in the Tomcat lib when using a JNDI mail resource. So how do I keep the mail plugin but remove the offending jar file from the war? I knew how to do this in Grails 2.x. Via the gradle war task in build.gradle I have tried to exclude the file (doesn't work - the jar drifts in from a plugin somehow), and have tried to filter the file out. When I build the war I get two files - "app-0.1.war" and "app-0.1.war.original". The "original" file has the WEB-INF/lib/javax.mail jar filtered out, but the real, complete war still has it.
So how do I prevent that plugin jar from getting into the war file? Thanks.
One way to do it is with something like this:
war {
rootSpec.exclude '**/javax.mail*.jar'
(you may need to adjust depending on whether or not you want to also exclude the javax.mail-api jar file along with the javax.mail jar)

How to build a custom environment in Grails

I'm trying to add a new environment to our Grails WAR (let's call it "staging"). I can manage the configuration in Config.groovy and DataSource.groovy and access the right configuration at run-time with -Dgrails.env, but how do I build this WAR?
The Grails documentation does not cover this case and the links on the page seem to be outdated.
You are so very close to having the right combination in your question, this should work:
grails -Dgrails.env=staging war
Actually, the documentation for the war command even uses 'staging' as the environment used.
The same goes for any environment-specific command:
grails -Dgrails.env=<environment name> <command>

How to run a local plugin in Grails 2.0?

In Grails, there is a variant how to include local plugin from sources. According to docs, one may type in BuildConfig.groovy:
// Useful to test plugins you are developing.
grails.plugin.location.shiro =
// Useful for modular applications where all plugins and
// applications are in the same directory.
grails.plugin.location.'grails-ui' = "../grails-grails-ui"
The problem is that it doesn't work in Grails 2.0.RC1. I've tried to do grails clean, to install plugin with grails install-plugin and to place it to BuildConfig.groovy. Still unable to resolve.
This works for me
grails.plugin.location.shiro = "/home/dilbert/dev/plugins/grails-shiro"
Where shiro is the name of the plugin (not the name of the directory it's in). Make sure the path to the plugin is either an absolute path or the relative path to the plugin from the application.
I've found that this sometimes doesn't work if the plugin is listed in or BuildConfig.groovy, so if it is, remove it, then execute grails clean and restart the app.
You can also install the plugin into your local maven cache.
The documentation speaks about this:
3.7.10 Deploying to a Maven Repository
The maven-install command will install the Grails project or plugin artifact into your local Maven cache:
grails maven-install
This has the advantage of allowing you to include the plugin in your parent application using the more common ":plugin-name:version" syntax
Which allows your application to determine the best place to retrieve the plugin when in production. From an internal maven-repo or equivalent.
With Grails 3.x there is another way to do this. Suppose you've a grails app and plugin (source code) inside the same project directory:
To run your local plugin, you must create a settings.gradle file in the my-projectdirectory specifying the location of your application and plugin:
include 'my-app', 'grails-shiro'
Then add the dependency in your application's build.gradle:
compile project(':grails-shiro')
You've done.
Look at the plugins documentation for more information.
Surround the plugin name with quotes in case it contains dashes:
grails.plugin.location.'plugin-name-with-dashes' = "<path>"
You can add the .zip file for the plugin in your /lib and it will be installed.
compile ":myPlugin:1.0"
Note: You have to zip the content of the plugin folder.

Change Configurations after War Build

I have two configurations I need to change after building a prod war with grails 1.3.2. I know the project can be setup in ways to do this externally in the first place, but that's not an option at this moment.
1) Need to change environments.production.hibernate.default_schema defined in DataSource.groovy
2) Need to change environments.production.grails.serverURL defined in Config.groovy
Is there any way to edit the war or pass overriding arguments when running the war in JBoss?
If you want to change these properties in a production application with out redeployment your out of luck. Your only option is using external properties files which will require a rebuild and redeployment of the app. See the following link.

Convert grails app to plugin

I started a grails application by grails create-app. For modularity, I feel like it would be better that component be a plugin. Can I convert this application into a grails plugin?
I never created a plugin based on an application written before but looking at the documentation for grails plugins you can read the following statement:
The structure of a Grails plugin is exactly the same as a regular Grails project's directory structure, except that in the root of the plugin directory you will find a plugin Groovy file called the "plugin descriptor".
So I would suggest to create a new plugin with grails create-plugin *your-plugin-name* and copy all files from your application into the plugin.
In case anyone else is looking, this should be exactly what you need:
So to convert an application to a plugin, the general workflow would
be something like
Create the plugin descriptor, FooGrailsPlugin.groovy. The easiest way to do this is to rungrails create-plugin pluginname and copy the
generated file from there
delete everything from except the app.grails.version property
if you have jars in the lib directory that are available in a Maven repo, delete them and replace with BuildConfig.groovy dependencies
change any plugin and jar dependencies that are needed for development and testing but not when the plugin is installed to not be
exported, by adding export = false
If you need the _Install.groovy, _Uninstall.groovy, or _Upgrade.groovy scripts (you probably don’t) grab those from the dummy plugin from step 1 (but delete any you don’t need, they’re all
delete ApplicationResources.groovy if you aren’t using it and don’t depend on resources plugin
move code from BootStrap.groovy init() toFooGrailsPlugin.doWithApplicationContext
and/orFooGrailsPlugin.doWithDynamicMethods and destroy() to
FooGrailsPlugin.onShutdown, and delete BootStrap.groovy
add a dependency for the release plugin in BuildConfig.groovy
delete everything but the log4j configuration from Config.groovy
delete UrlMappings.groovy unless you have exported mappings; only keep the added ones
move bean definitions from resources.groovy to FooGrailsPlugin.doWithSpring and delete resources.groovy
delete grails-app/i18n message bundle files unless you added messages; only keep the added ones
delete everything from grails-app/views that you don’t use (in particular error.gsp,index.gsp, and layouts/main.gsp)
delete everything from web-app that you don’t use (including WEB-INF xml and tld files)
now would be a great time to write those tests you’ve been meaning to get to
create one or more test applications to install the plugin into to ensure that it works as a plugin; consider scripting this
write documentation for how to use the plugin; at a minimum a README file, but Grails gdoc files would be much better (run grails doc
--init to get started)
