List Comprehension in an Open Office Spreadsheet -

List Comprehension is a very useful code mechanism that is found in several languages, such as Haskell, Python, and Ruby (just to name a few off the top of my head). I'm familiar with the construct.
I find myself working on an Open Office Spreadsheet and I need to do something fairly common: I want to count all of the values in a range of cells that fall between a high and low bounds. I instantly thought that list comprehension would do the trick, but I can't find anything analogous in Open Office. There is a function called "COUNTIF", and it something similar, but not quite what I need.
Is there a construct in Open Office that could be used for list comprehension?

CountIf can count values equal to one chosen. Unfortunately it seems that there is no good candidate for such function. Alternatively you can use additional column with If to display 1 or 0 if the value fits in range or not accordingly:
=If(AND({list_cell}>=MinVal; {list_cell}<=MaxVal); 1; 0)
Then only thing left is to sum up this additional column.

your range is A1:A10
your lower bound is at B1
your upper bound is at B2
then what you want can be achieved by:
=COUNTIFS(A1:A10, ">" & B1, A1:A10, "<" & B2)
(you might need to change commas into semicolons, depending on your language preference for decimal point)
Quoting from the installed OpenOffice documentation:
The logical relation between criteria can be defined as logical AND (conjunction). In other words, if and only if all given criteria are met, a value from the corresponding cell of the given Func_Range is taken into calculation.
This function is part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) standard Version 1.2. (ISO/IEC 26300:2-2015)


What does it mean for a fact used in Isabelle to have a number after the name?

Most of the proofs suggested by Sledgehammer use this notation of number inside of parentheses:
by (smt (z3) ApplyAllResult.distinct(1)
What does it mean for the fact to have such number?
Isabelle permits the use of fact lists indexed by a natural number starting with 1. Given a fact list fs and an index i, you can access an individual fact from the list by using the syntax fs(i). You can also select multiple facts from the list using multiple indexes (e.g., fs(1,3)), ranges (e.g. fs(2-5), fs(3-)) or a combination of both (e.g., fs(2,4-6)).
Examples of predefined fact lists are assms (which contains the assumptions of a theorem) and f.simps (which contains the equations defining function f).

Why are hyphens screwing up my duplicate finding conditional formatting?

I have a sheet I use as a database of scientific papers. I copy journal article titles from different sources (some could be from an email, others are links on a web page, or just the title from the article page). I have conditional formatting set to let me know if I'm adding a title that is already in the list. I've noticed that there are some titles that are "ignoring" the conditional formatting, and it looks like there are hyphens in all of the offenders. If I remove the hyphens, the conditional formatting works. So there is some 'difference' in the hyphens originating from the same title that is preventing the conditional formatting from viewing them as identical.
Shared sheet
Examples of offending titles:
End-to-end continuous bioprocessing: impact on facility design, cost of goods and cost of development for monoclonal antibodies
End‐to‐end continuous bioprocessing: impact on facility design, cost of goods and cost of development for monoclonal antibodies
End‐to‐end continuous bioprocessing: Impact on facility design, cost of goods, and cost of development for monoclonal antibodies
What is this difference, and is there a way to fix it? Do I need to write a script to find/replace the hyphens to get this to work?
Just because characters appear identical, it does not mean that they are identical. You have fallen foul of the similarity between the hyphen and dashes. Visually, they are almost identical - dashes are slightly widest than the hyphen.
Dashes are regarded as "special characters" (i.e. they aren't keys on the keyboard) but they are used widely in html. So if, for instance, you copied an item from a website then you might unwittingly have copied dashes rather than hyphens.
You can identify the exact nature of a character by using the CODE function.
You ask "What is this difference, and is there a way to fix it? Do I need to write a script to find/replace the hyphens to get this to work?"
It's important to recognise that though these examples appear identical, there are other differences that are more than just hyphens vs dashes.
Example#1 - Hyphen - CODE returns "45"
Example#2 - Dash - CODE returns "8208"
Example#3 - Dash - CODE returns "8208".
But there are other factors that contribute to fail to trigger the conditional formatting rule:
Length = 128 (vs 127 for the other examples). There is an additional comma (after "cost of sales")
the word "Impact" is spelled with an upper case "I" (lower case for the other examples)
Do you need a script? No (IMHO)
Is there a way to fix it? As outlined above, there are more differences that just hyphens and dashes. And, as time goes by, the number & type of difference might increase. However, there is a solution to the "Hyphen Vs Dash" problem which is the focus of this question.
Your data is currently in Column A and Column A is also subject to conditional formatting.
Remove the conditional formatting rules from Column A
Insert this formula in cell B2
=arrayformula(if(LEN($A2:A)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE($A2:A, char(8208), ""))=0,A2:A,arrayformula(substitute(A2:A,char(8208),char(45)))))
Conditional Formatting for Column B
select the range in Column B
select, Format, Conditional Formatting.
Select "Custom Formula is" and enter this formula: =countif($B$2:$B2,B2)>1
Select a preferred Formatting Style and then click Done.
arrayformula enables the formula to automatically populate all the relevant cell in the column.
LEN($A2:A)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE($A2:A, char(8208), ""))=0
a test for dashes in a string. It substitutes a nil value for any/all instances of a dash (char(8208)), then compares the length to the adjusted length. If the value is zero, then there are no dashes in the string.
IF: Test for any dashes,
if the string doesn't contain any dashes then use that value
else, the string must contains dashes so substitute any dashes for hyphens, and use the substituted value
The conditional formatting rule then looks for duplicate values in the column, and formats any/all duplicate values.
You'll note that Example#3 is not flagged as a duplicate despite containing dashes. This is because of the spelling of "Impact" and the extra comma after "cost of sales".

Google Sheets - Split Data

I have these data in Google Sheets
I want them to be split into different columns.
However, when I do so using Data > Split Data into Different Columns, it separates $71 and 675_x000d_ but I need the $71,275 and remove the xoood
Please note that the last number doesn't have those extra characters.
Please help.
Your post says you want to "remove the x000d (that is, extract only the dollar amounts). That said, let's say your raw data starts in A2 (i.e., the data is in A2:A). Place the following formula into the first cell of another otherwise empty column (e.g., B1):
How It Works:
ArrayFormula(...) signifies that we'll be processing an entire range and not just one cell.
The outer curly brackets {...} signify that a virtual array will be formed from non-like or non-contiguous pieces.
The first piece of the virtual array is the header. Here, that is "Extracted"; but you can change it as you like.
The semicolon means "place the next information below the previous part."
IF(A2:A="",, ...) is a standard check that basically says "Don't try to process any blank cells in Column A"; or alternatively worded, "If any cell in A2:A is blank/null, do nothing."
Skipping the REGEXEXTRACT for now, A2:A&"_" appends an underscore to every entry in A2:A. This allows entries in A2:A that are just a dollar amount (e.g., from the post, $116,878) to have a consistent symbol following them if not already there. (And adding the underscore to anything that already has an underscore won't matter, because we won't be extracting that far out.)
Now that we've got the new strings, we SUBSTITUTE every comma for a null (i.e., delete all commas).
Finally, REGEXEXTRACT will take all of the virtually modified strings and extract \d+, which means only digits (\d) in an unbroken sequence of any length greater than 0 (+). Note that REGEXEXTRACT will only return the first such match it encounters as written, so 000 will not be extracted.
An IFERROR wrap is placed around the REGEXEXTRACT, just in case you have any situations in real life that don't have any sequence of numbers at all. In these cases, nothing will be returned (whereas, without the IFERROR, an error would have been returned).
Once the extraction is done, you can apply Format > Number > Currency (rounded) to the entire column.
After an additional comment (below), it appears that the raw data is in Column T, that all five entries are in one cell and that the OP would like all five amounts extracted across each row. That being the case, assuming that Columns U:Y are empty to start, place the following in cell U1 (not U2):
This works much the same way as the previous formula. The differences:
There are five headers now.
You'll see REPT(...,5) here. This is an easy way to repeat the same extraction five times.
That repeated extraction is now the following:
The backslash in front of the dollar signs means to treat those symbols as literals instead of as their usual meaning (i.e., end-of-string). So the extraction reads as follows:
\$ anything that starts with a dollar sign
(\d+) extract what is between the ( ), which is any group of digits [^$]*` followed by any number (including 0) characters that are not dollar signs
As I said, the REPT will repeat this five times; so five groups matching this pattern will be extracted.
Understand that if you have any groups that don't follow the pattern exactly, resulting in five matching extractions, nothing will be returned.
Be sure to format U:Y as currency rounded, or you will wind up with some of those numbers translating as raw dates and therefore being completely off.
Please use the following formula and format cells to your needs.
The big advantage of the above formula compared to others is that it works for any number of lines included within a single cell (as shown in the image below).
Functions used:
You can use SPLIT function:

Create custom formula from Mathematical numbers and operators

I need to create a customized formula generated from Numbers (1-100) & Operators (+,-,*,/). The precedence of operation has to be dynamic. User can choose the numbers/operators one-by-one. But how to arrange the precedence for where to put the Brackets and all to make it a valid expression. For Example :
We need to take numbers/operators as inputs but the order/type can be dynamic & random. The only limitation is in an expression the total numbers used is fixed (here in 1. 8 numbers & 2. 10 numbers).
Please suggest a feasible solution to this.

How can I detect inconsistent formulas?

Is there a way to automatically highlight inconsistent formulae, just like Excel does?
What I mean is if I have a range of cells with the same formula (structure) but one of those have a different formula, Excel will mark that cell as this is a potential error.
Is this function available in OOo Calc? I've looked at the Detective functions but none of those seem to do the job.
Excel dispenses the inconsistent formula error largely through comparing the R1C1 formula equivalents to adjacent cells since the R1C1 version does not change. If you have numbers in A1:C9 and you total the numbers for each column in A10:C10, the formulas as xlA1 are =SUM(A1:A9), =SUM(B1:B9) and =SUM(C1:C9) but as xlR1C1 they are all =SUM(R[-9]C:R[-1]C) (or =SUM(R1C:R9C) if absolute references are preferred). This makes it very easy for Excel to compare one formula against another to see if they are identical or not as viewed from the R1C1 perspective. So easy, in fact, that the operation can be performed as an on-the-fly background operation.
Unfortunately, OpenOffice Calc does not support R1C1 addressing outside of the INDIRECT and ADDRESS functions. This makes it much more difficult to compare the formulas in adjacent cells as each formula has to be have each internal cell/range address parsed as referenced by the cell where the formula resides. While this is possible through programming, it is not a native OpenOffice Calc capability. There may be some work done in this area (Google should know) but it would almost assuredly be an on-demand macro and not a background operation.
