Having issues with MVC Routing - asp.net-mvc

I'm trying to implement routing such as the following:
// Matches {controller}/{action}/{id} - Default
// Displays all posts with the specified tags
// uses PostsController : ActionTagged(string tags)
// Matches {controller}/{action}/{id} - Default
// Displays all posts
// uses PostsController : Index(int? pageSize, int? pageIndex)
Here's the problem I want to do this:
// Typically this is implemented using an action like 'Details'
// and would normally look like : posts/details/5
I can't seem to get the routing working right. I tried something like this:
and set the default action to be "Display" which works, but then won't allow me to navigate to other named actions like "Tagged".
What am I missing?

Two things:
First, you should always order your routes in decreasing specificity (e.g. most specific case first, least specific case last) so that routes will "fall through", if one doesn't match it will try the next.
So we want to define {controller}/{postid}/... (must be a postid) before we define {controller}/{action}/... (could be anything else)
Next, we want to be able to specify that if the provided value for postid does not look like a Post ID, the route should fail and fall through to the next one. We can do this by creating an IRouteConstraint class:
public class PostIDConstraint : IRouteConstraint
public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext,
Route route,
string parameterName,
RouteValueDictionary values,
RouteDirection routeDirection)
//if input looks like a post id, return true.
//otherwise, false
We can add it to the route definition like so:
new { controller = "Posts", action = "Display", id = 0 },
new { postid = new PostIDConstraint() }

I'm not 100% I understand your question, but it sounds like you can just define a couple different routes.
routes.MapRoute("PostId", "posts/{id}/{title}",
new { Controller = "Posts", Action = "DisplayPost", id = 0, title = "" },
new { id = #"\d+" });
routes.MapRoute("TaggedPosts", "posts/tagged/{tags}",
new { Controller = "Posts", Action = "DisplayTagged", tags = "" });
routes.MapRoute("Default", "posts",
new { Controller = "Posts", Action = "Index" });
You can use regular expressions to validate parameters like I used for id in the first route, or if you want some better validation do something like Rex M posted. The querystring parameters pageSize and pageIndex don't need to be included in your route; they will just be passed in to your Index method as long as the parameter names match.

The part of the url that's the "description" actually isn't used.
For example, this post is 519222 and I can still get to it using the url: Having issues with MVC Routing


How can map an asp.net MVC route with more than 3 components?

I'm trying to learn asp.net mvc, and almost everywhere I see route description with three components like /Controller/Action/{anyParams}
I'd like to know if I can map a route similar to,
/Folder(or namespace)/Controller/Action/params...
or in general,
Yep the second parameter in the MapRoutes function (usually in Global.asax.cs is Url and this can be any pattern you want. something like
routes.MapRoute("MyRoute", "XYZ/Controller1/Action/{param}",
new {controller = "Controller1", action = "Action"}});
should do the trick.
You can make your routes as complex as you want.
F.e. the following route:
routes.MapRoute("some-route", "products/detail/order/{id}/{name}/",
new { controller = "Products", action = "Order" },
new { id = "^\d+" });
will route to the following function:
public class ProductsController : Controller {
public ActionResult Order (int id, string name) {
So you can specify as many parameters as you want, and they will be passed into your action as function parameters.

MVC routing question

I want to setup routing as follows:
/Profile/Edit -> routes to Edit action
/Profile/Add -> routes to Add action
/Profile/username -> routes to Index action with parameter username, because action username doesn't exist.
So I want the second parameter to be parsed as the controller action, except when no controller with that name exists; then it should route to the default index page and use the url part as id.
You can use regex in your route constraints like so
new { controller = "Profile", action = "Index" },
new { username = "(?i)(?!edit$|add$)(.*)" });
this will match urls like /profile/addendum /profile/someusername and will ignore /profile/edit and /profile/add
Matt's solution gets you 90% of the way. However, instead of using a route constraint to exclude action names, use a route constraint to include only valid usernames, like so:
public class MustMatchUserName : IRouteConstraint
private Users _db = new UserEntities();
public MustMatchUserName()
{ }
public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
return _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserName.ToLower() == values[parameterName].ToString().ToLower()) != null;
Then, as Matt points out, in the user creation process, you must enforce a rule that your ActionNames are not valid for user names.
Here is one way to accomplish this:
Make these your routes in Global.asax.cs:
routes.MapRoute("UserProfileRoute", "Profile/{username}",
new { controller = "Profile", action = "Index" });
routes.MapRoute("DefaultProfileRoute", "Profile/{action}",
new { controller = "Profile", action = "SomeDefaultAction" });
This will match /Profile/someUsername as expected. But it will fail for all other actions. All action names are assumed to be usernames now. A quick fix to this is to add an IRouteConstraint to the first route:
routes.MapRoute("UserProfileRoute", "Profile/{username}",
new { controller = "Profile", action = "Index" },
new { username = new NotAnActionRouteConstraint() });
routes.MapRoute("DefaultProfileRoute", "Profile/{action}",
new { controller = "Profile", action = "SomeDefaultAction" });
public class NotAnActionRouteConstraint : IRouteConstraint
public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
string value = values[parameterName].ToString();
// it is likely parameterName is not cased correctly,
// something that would need to be
// addressed in a real implementation
return typeof(ProfileController).GetMethod(parameterName,
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) == null;
However, this is a bit ugly. Hopefully someone knows of a better solution.
You also have problems when one of your users picks a name that is the same as an action :)
Anything is possible. However, why not just make /profile your root?
If that isn't possible, you may need to hardcode your action's routes.

ASP.NET routing - avoiding clashes between controller/action and vanity/slug urls

I'm looking for a good solution to having a URL scheme that works for both standard ASP.NET MVC controller/action urls eg:
/Home/About --> Controller "Home", Action "About"
and vanity/slug urls eg:
/fred/post --> Controller "Posts", Action "View", User "fred", Post "post"
Importantly, I want the outbound url generation to work so that
Html.ActionLink("View", "Posts", new { User="fred", Post="post" }, null }
gives /fred/post - not /Posts/View/fred/post
It seems, I can get it to work for either inbound or outbound routing but not both. Or I can get it sort of working but it's messy and prone to breaking. What approaches, tips and tricks are there to getting something like this working cleanly?
I finally came up with the solution of using a routing constraint that can check if a parameter matches (or doesn't match) the name of a controller:
public class ControllerConstraint : IRouteConstraint
static List<string> ControllerNames = (from t in System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
where typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.Name.EndsWith("Controller")
select t.Name.Substring(0, t.Name.Length - 10).ToLower()).ToList();
bool m_bIsController;
public ControllerConstraint(bool IsController)
m_bIsController = IsController;
public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
if (m_bIsController)
return ControllerNames.Contains(values[parameterName].ToString().ToLower());
return !ControllerNames.Contains(values[parameterName].ToString().ToLower());
Use like this:
// eg: /myusername
new { controller = "Members", action = "View" },
new { action="View", member_urlid = new ControllerConstraint(false) }
// eg: /myusername/mypagename
new { controller = "Items", action = "View" },
new { action="View", member_urlid = new ControllerConstraint(false) }
// Normal controller/action routes follow
The constraint new ControllerConstraint(false) means don't match this routing rule if the parameter matches the name of a controller. Pass true to make the constraint check that the parameter does match a controller name.

path_prefix for asp.net mvc routes

I read this article about how you can prefix routes in ruby on rails. I want to be able to do the same thing with asp.net mvc
So I want to be able to define a route like :
/photographers/1/photos/2 //photo 2 of photographer with id 1
/photographers/1/photos //all of photographer with id 1
Any tips ?
"photographers/{id}/photos/{photoID}" - seems to do the job quite ok, BUT how can I support
RedirectToAction<PhotosController>(x => x.Add());
I would like to redirect to : /photographers/1/photos/add
Define your route like this:
new { controller = "Photographers", action = "Photo", photoID = null });
Then define your controller action like this:
public ActionResult Photo(int id, int? photoID)
// If photoID is not null, show just that photo.
// Otherwise, show all photographs.
You could use regex routing or use wildcards in your routing table so that the {id*} matches the /1/photos/2 for the photographers default controller, parse the string, and redirect to an appropriate action.
Also take a look at this post about nested resources.
new Route { Url = "events/[eventId]/tickets/[action]/[id]",
Defaults = new { controller = "Tickets",
action = "List", id = (string)null },
RouteHandler = typeof(MvcRouteHandler) });

ASP.Net MVC Route to Username

I am trying to create a route with a Username...
So the URL would be mydomain.com/abrudtkhul (abrudtkhul being the username)
My application will have public profiles based on usernames (Ex: http://delicious.com/abrudtkuhl). I want to replicate this URL scheme.
How can I structure this in ASP.Net MVC? I am using Membership/Roles Providers too.
Here's what you want to do, first define your route map:
new { controller = "User", action="index", username=""});
What this allows you to do is to setup the following convention:
Controller: User (the UserController type)
Action: Index (this is mapped to the Index method of UserController)
Username: This is the parameter for the Index method
So when you request the url http://mydomain.com/javier this will be translated to the call for UserController.Index(string username) where username is set to the value of javier.
Now since you're planning on using the MembershipProvider classes, you want to something more like this:
public ActionResult Index(MembershipUser usr)
ViewData["Welcome"] = "Viewing " + usr.UserName;
return View();
In order to do this, you will need to use a ModelBinder to do the work of, well, binding from a username to a MembershipUser type. To do this, you will need to create your own ModelBinder type and apply it to the user parameter of the Index method. Your class can look something like this:
public class UserBinder : IModelBinder
public ModelBinderResult BindModel(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var request = bindingContext.HttpContext.Request;
var username = request["username"];
MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(username);
return new ModelBinderResult(user);
This allows you to change the declaration of the Index method to be:
public ActionResult Index([ModelBinder(typeof(UserBinder))]
MembershipUser usr)
ViewData["Welcome"] = "Viewing " + usr.Username;
return View();
As you can see, we've applied the [ModelBinder(typeof(UserBinder))] attribute to the method's parameter. This means that before your method is called the logic of your UserBinder type will be called so by the time the method gets called you will have a valid instance of your MembershipUser type.
You might want to consider not allowing usernames of certain types if you want to have some other functional controllers like Account, Admin, Profile, Settings, etc. Also you might want your static content not to trigger the "username" route. In order to achieve that kind of functionality (similar to how twitter urls are processed) you could use the following Routes:
// do not route the following
// route the following based on the controller constraints
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" } // Parameter defaults
, new { controller = #"(admin|help|profile|settings)" } // Constraints
// this will catch the remaining allowed usernames
new { controller = "Users", action = "View", username = "" }
Then you will need to have a controller for each of the tokens in the constraint string (e.g. admin, help, profile, settings), as well as a controller named Users, and of course the default controller of Home in this example.
If you have a lot of usernames you don't want to allow, then you might consider a more dynamic approach by creating a custom route handler.
You could have a route that looks like:
with the defaults of
Controller = "Users"
For the finished product of:
new { controller = "Users" }
So that the Username is the only url parameter, the MVC assumes it passes it to the users controller.
Are you trying to pass it as a parameter to a Controller?
Theoretically you could do something like this:
routes.MapRoute("name", "{user}/{controller}/{action}", new { controller = "blah", action = "blah", user = "" })
I'm not too experienced with ASP.NET routing, but I figure that should work.
new { controller = "Users", action="ShowUser", username=""});
Ok, what this will do is default the username parameter to the value of {username}
so even though you've written username="" it'll know to pass the value of {username} .. by virtue of the strings match.
This would expect
for the url form
Users Contoller
ShowUser Action (method in controller)
username parameter on the ShowUser action (method)
