Delphi 2009 and copying memory - delphi

I'm testing DelphiModbus library on Delphi 2009 and don't get quite the results I want. I think the problem lies with the following line on IdModbusClient.pas:
Move(Buffer, ReceiveBuffer, iSize);
It looks like ReceiveBuffer is set to some garbage.
Buffer is defined as TIdBytes (from Indy components)
ReceiveBuffer is defined as TCommsBuffer:
TModBusFunction = Byte;
TModBusDataBuffer = array[0..256] of Byte;
TCommsBuffer = packed record
TransactionID: Word;
ProtocolID: Word;
RecLength: Word;
UnitID: Byte;
FunctionCode: TModBusFunction;
MBPData: TModBusDataBuffer;
Spare: Byte;
end; { TCommsBuffer }
And iSize is of course the size of the Buffer in bytes.
I wonder if this has anything to do with unicode conversion?

Indy's TIdBytes type is a dynamic array, defined in IdGlobal.pas:
TIdBytes = array of Byte;
You can't pass a variable of that type directly to Move and expect it to work because it will only copy the four-byte reference stored in that variable. (And if you told it to copy more than four bytes, then it will proceed to copy whatever else resides in memory after that variable — who knows what.) Given these declarations:
Buffer: TIdBytes;
ReceiveBuffer: TCommsBuffer;
The way to call Move on those variables is like this:
if Length(Buffer) > 0 then
Move(Buffer[0], ReceiveBuffer, iSize);
It works like that because Move's parameters are untyped, so you need to pass the value that you want to copy, not a pointer or reference to the value. The compiler handles the referencing by itself.
The code is a little weird because it looks like you're just copying one byte out of Buffer, but don't let it bother you too much. It's a Delphi idiom; it's just the way it works.
Also, this has nothing to do with Delphi 2009; it's worked this way ever since Delphi 4, when dynamic arrays were introduced. And Move has been this way forever.

It looks to me like you're missing a couple of pointer dereferences, and therefore corrupting memory addresses.
If I'm not mistaken, the Move() call should be:
Move(Buffer^, ReceiveBuffer^, iSize);
I've removed my totally worthless post content (leaving it for posterity and to give someone a good laugh).
I don't see anything that would be affected by Unicode at all. I'm going to edit the tags to include Delphi (without the 2009), as some of the CodeGear Delphi developers are currently posting there. Perhaps one of them can see what's happening.
I made up a contrived example (actually a pretty useless one):
TModBusFunction = Byte;
TModBusDataBuffer = array[0..256] of Byte;
TCommsBuffer=packed record
TransactionID: Word;
ProtocolID: Word;
RecLength: Word;
UnitID: Byte;
FunctionCode: TModBusFunction;
MBPData: TModBusDataBuffer;
Spare: Byte;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
Buffer: TIdBytes;
ReceiveBuffer: TCommsBuffer;
//iSize: Word;
FillChar(ReceiveBuffer, SizeOf(ReceiveBuffer), 0);
ReceiveBuffer.TransactionID := 1;
ReceiveBuffer.ProtocolID := 2;
ReceiveBuffer.RecLength := 3;
ReceiveBuffer.UnitID := 4;
ReceiveBuffer.FunctionCode := 5;
FillChar(ReceiveBuffer.MBPData[0], SizeOf(ReceiveBuffer.MBPData), 6);
ReceiveBuffer.Spare := 7;
SetLength(Buffer, SizeOf(ReceiveBuffer));
Move(ReceiveBuffer, Buffer, SizeOf(ReceiveBuffer));
Move(Buffer, ReceiveBuffer, SizeOf(ReceiveBuffer));
ReceiveBuffer.UnitID := 8;
I then set a breakpoint on the last line before the end, and ran it. When the breakpoint was hit, I looked at the contents of ReceiveBuffer using ToolTip Evaluation, and everything looked perfectly fine. I could see all of the proper values, including the ReceiveBuffer.Spare being 7. I then single stepped, and looked at ReceiveBuffer.UnitID; it in fact had a value of 8.
However, pressing F9 to continue running (expecting to be able to just close the form and end the application), I ended up in the CPU window and got a message from Vista that the application wasn't responding. I was just outside ntdll.DebugBreakPoint, IIRC, and single stepping brought me into ntdll.RtlReportException. I'm not quite sure what's happening, but it ain't good. Still looking.
Edit2: I ran it again, with the same results. However, this time I noticed before I used Ctrl+F2 to terminate the app that Vista was giving me a popup tooltray window indicating that "Project1.exe has been closed" and mentioning DEP (which I have enabled in hardware on this machine).


How writing to MemoryStream has changed in Delphi 10.2?

I am porting my code from 10.1 to 10.2 and this gives me error:
procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
CFourBytes: array[0..3] of Byte = (1, 2, 3, 4);
LStream: TMemoryStream;
LBuffer: array of Byte;
SetLength(LBuffer, 4);
LStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
LStream.Write(#CFourBytes[0], 4); // E2036 Variable required
LStream.Position := 0;
LStream.ReadData(#LBuffer[0], 4);
I had to change offending line to LStream.Write(CFourBytes[0], 4);
What has changed? Have I been doing it wrong for the whole time?
The code in your question did compile in older versions, but it should not have done. The behaviour seen in 10.2 is correct.
What happens in old versions is very strange. The compiler selects this overload in TStream:
function Write(const Buffer: TBytes; Count: Longint): Longint; overload;
That is especially egregious because what has been passed to this method is the address of the static array CFourBytes. Which is categorically not a TBytes object.
Now it just so happens that a TBytes variable is the address of the first element of the array. And nothing in the TBytes override for TMemoryStream.Write refers to Length() of that bogus TBytes object. So your code happens to work as intended. This is very clearly a compiler error that has been fixed.
Your code has always been broken, you have just, up until now, been getting away with it by fortune. You should fix your code. Like this:
LStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
LStream.WriteBuffer(CFourBytes, SizeOf(CFourBytes));
SetLength(LBuffer, LStream.Size);
LStream.Position := 0;
LStream.ReadBuffer(LBuffer[0], LStream.Size);
Note that I am using WriteBuffer and ReadBuffer instead of Write and Read. These are the preferred methods to use with TStream. The reason being that they perform error checking and raise exceptions in case of errors, unlike Write and Read.
Perhaps nothing has been changed.
TStream.Write/Read methods always used untyped const/var parameter const Buffer (help) and using address of variable is wrong (because method (to be exact - compiler) finds address of variable itself).
Probably you accidentally confuse these methods with Read/WriteData ones that use typed parameter and one of overloaded versions gets Pointer type argument.
Here ReadData implementation dereferences this pointer and uses Read internally (Read in its turn calls Move and the last routine gets address of buffer again :) )

Access Violation - how do I track down the cause?

I'm getting an access violation when I close a form in my application. It seems to happen only after I have access a database a couple of times, but that doesn't seem to make sense.
I have traced through and put outputdebugstring messages in all the related OnDestroy() methods, but the AV appears to be outside of my code.
This is the text of the message:
Access violation at address 00405F7C in module
'MySoopaApplication.exe'. Read of address 00000008.
How do I find where in the application 00405F7C is?
What tools are available in Delphi 10.1 Berlin to help me with this?
Edit: added a bit more info ... when clicking "Break" the IDE always takes me to this piece of code in GETMEM.INC:
{Insert this as the first partially free pool for the block size}
mov ecx, TSmallBlockType[ebx].NextPartiallyFreePool
Further edit: well, I found the culprit, though I can't honestly say that the debug tools got me there - they just seemed to indicate it wasn't in my code.
I had used code from the net that I used to find the Windows logged in user - this is it:
function GetThisComputerName: string;
CompName: PChar;
maxlen: cardinal;
GetMem(CompName, maxlen);
GetComputerName(CompName, maxlen);
Result := CompName;
once I had replaced the code with a simple result := '12345' the AVs stopped. I have no changed it to this code:
function GetThisComputerName: string;
nSize: DWord;
CompName: PChar;
nSize := 1024;
GetMem(CompName, nSize);
GetComputerName(CompName, nSize);
Result := CompName;
which seems to work and, as a bonus, doesn't cause AVs.
Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
Under Tools|Options in the IDE go to Embarcadero Debuggers | Language Exceptions and make sure Notify on Language Exceptions is checked. Also under Project Options | Compiling, make sure Debugging | Use debug DCUs is checked.
Allow the exception to happen, then go to View | Debug Windows | Call stack and you should be able to see exactly where it occurred. The fact that it occurs after db access is probably because that causes some object to be created which generates the AV when it is destroyed. Possibly because it is being Free()ed twice.
If that doesn't solve it, you may may need an exception-logging tool like madExcept mentioned by DavidH.
Read of address 00000008.
The fact that this address is a low number is suggestive of it being the address of a member of an object (because they are typically at low offsets from the base address of the object).
How do I find where in the application 00405F7C is?
With your app running, in the IDE go to Search | Go to Address. This should find it if the exception is in your application and not in some related module like a .DLL it is using. The menu item is enabled once the application is running in the IDE and stopped at a breakpoint. Also there is a compiler command line switch to find an error by address.
Others have explained how to diagnose an AV.
Regarding the code itself, there are issues with it:
Most importantly, you are not allocating enough memory for the buffer. GetMem() operates on bytes but GetComputetName() operates on characters, and in this case SizeOf (Char) is 2 bytes. So you are actually allocating half the number of bytes that you are reporting to GetComputerName(), so if it writes more than you allocate then it will corrupt heap memory. The corruption went away when you over-allocated the buffer. So take SizeOf(Char) into account when allocating:
function GetThisComputerName: string;
CompName: PChar;
maxlen: cardinal;
GetMem(CompName, maxlen * SizeOf(Char)); // <-- here
GetComputerName(CompName, maxlen);
Result := CompName;
In addition to that:
you are ignoring errors from GetComputerName(), so you are not guaranteeing that CompName is even valid to pass to Result in the first place.
You should use SetString(Result, CompName, nSize) instead of Result := CompName, since GetComputerName() outputs the actual CompName length. There is no need to waste processing time having the RTL calculate the length to copy when you already know the length. And since you don't check for errors, you can't rely on CompName being null terminated anyway if GetComputerName() fails.
You should get rid of GetMem() altogether and just use a static array on the stack instead:
function GetThisComputerName: string;
CompName: array[0..MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH] of Char;
nSize: DWORD;
nSize := Length(CompName);
if GetComputerName(CompName, nSize) then
SetString(Result, CompName, nSize)
Result := '';

Adding large resources with UpdateResource

Nowhere in the Windows documentation do I see a reference to a size limit to the resources one can add using UpdateResource, but it seems I have stumbled upon one - and it's tiny!
I was developing a Windows Ribbon app and wanted to programmatically build and attach the resource. Linking the resource using a $R directive worked just dandy, but I kept getting memory junk when attaching the very same thing from code.
I have managed to reduce it to a simple example using a string resource:
Handle := BeginUpdateResource(PChar(DestFileName), True);
AddResource(Handle, 'STRING', 'ManyXs', StrUtils.DupeString('X', 1000));
EndUpdateResource(Handle, False);
And AddResource is defined as:
procedure TForm2.AddResource(Handle: NativeUInt; ResType, ResName, Value: string);
if not UpdateResource(Handle, PChar(ResType), PChar(ResName), 1033,
PChar(Value), Value.Length * SizeOf(Char)) then
Please ignore my hard-coded language for the moment.
When I inspect the resource subsequent to calling this, I see a thousand Xs. Fabulous.
I can change the resource to 1990 Xs and it's fine. The moment it goes to 1991, I get nonsense written to the DLL. The size of the resource is correctly indicated as 3982 (1991 * 2 because it's Unicode), but the contents is just a dump of stuff from memory.
I can view larger resources with my resource editor, and the IDE routinely inserts larger resources (Delphi forms, for example), so I'm definitely missing something.
I've tried the following, despite not thinking any of them would make a difference (they didn't):
Using just large memory buffers instead of strings
Using the Ansi version of the UpdateResource function
Many different resource types - what I really need to get working, is UIFILE
Looking for other functions in the API (I found none)
Combinations of 1, 2 and 3
Any ideas?
Inspired by the comments and Jolyon's answer, tried a few more things.
First, I tried in Delphi XE7 and XE5 as well (original was in XE6). I don't have XE2 installed anymore, so i cannot confirm what Sertak has said. I'll find out if someone else in my office still has it installed.
Second, here is the memory buffer version:
procedure TForm2.AddResource(Handle: NativeUInt; const ResType, ResName, Value: string);
Buffer: Pointer;
BuffLen: Integer;
BuffLen := Value.Length * SizeOf(Char);
GetMem(Buffer, BuffLen);
StrPCopy(PChar(Buffer), Value);
if not UpdateResource(Handle, PChar(ResType), PChar(ResName), 1033,
Buffer, BuffLen) then
I actually had a previous version of this code where I dumped the contents of that pointer into a file before the call to UpdateResource and the file saved correctly but the resource still saved junk. Then I did this version, which doesn't involve strings at all:
procedure TForm2.AddResource(Handle: NativeUInt; const ResType, ResName: string;
C: AnsiChar; Len: Integer );
Buffer: Pointer;
BuffLen: Integer;
BuffLen := Len;
GetMem(Buffer, BuffLen);
FillMemory(Buffer, Len, Byte(C));
if not UpdateResource(Handle, PChar(ResType), PChar(ResName), 1033,
Buffer, BuffLen) then
With this version I still have the same problem when I use 3882 Xs. Of course, I'm now using single-byte characters, that's why it's double. But I have the exact same issue.
I did notice a difference between the versions in the output of TDUMP though. For versions 1 (strings) and 2 (string copied to buffer), my resource size is suddenly indicated as FFFFFF90 when I use 1991 characters. With version 3 (no strings), the size is the actual hex value of whatever size I used.
The fact that you are getting "junk" data but data of the right size leads me to suspect the PChar() casting of the string value yielding an incorrect address. This normally should not be a problem, but I wonder if the issue is some strange behaviour as the result of passing the result of a function directly into a parameter of a method ? A behaviour which for some strange reason is only triggered when the string involved reaches a certain size, perhaps indicating some edge-case optimization behaviour.
This might also explain difficulties in reproducing the problem if it is some combination of optimization (and/or other compiler settings) in some specific version of Delphi.
I would suggest to try eliminating this possibility by creating your new resource string in an explicit variable and passing that to the AddResource() method. I would also suggest that you be explicit in your parameter semantics and since the string involved is not modified, nor intended to be modified, in the AddResource() method, declare it as a formally const parameter.
You do mention having tried an alternative approach using "memory buffers". If the above suggestions do not resolve the problem, perhaps it would be helpful to post a minimal example that reproduces the problem using those, to eliminate any possible influence on things by the rather more exotic "string" type.

Assigning a pointer of a record to an array of char in Delphi - come again?

I recently started working on a Delphi project and found very strange piece of code.
// Type declarations
TDataSet = record
VolumeLevel : char;
DeviceMasks : char;
DeviceList: array [1..MAX] of array [1..8] of char;
DisplayList: array [1..MAX] of array [1..8] of char;
TSerialPacket = record
Preamble: array[1..4] of byte;
PacketType: byte;
PacketLen: byte;
Data: array of char;
Checksum: byte;
// Private fields
Packet : TSerialPacket;
DataSet : TDataSet;
// Actual procedure
SetLength(Packet.Data, sizeof(DataSet));
Packet.Data := #DataSet;
I haven't used Delphi very much so this code seems incomprehensible to me. Compiler thinks this is alright and I can run the code. I ran it with debugger but the value of Packet.Data does not seem to change. Can anyone tell me what this does? It seems very strange to assign a pointer of a custom record to an array of chars.
Also, for some reason the SetLength triggers an error: "Project Foo.exe raised exception class EAccessViolation with message 'Access violation at address 00403860 in module 'Foo.exe'. Read of address 00000000.". During both the working and the crashing runs value of Packet.Data is () and sizeof DataSet is 260. I haven't been able to pinpoint what exactly changes. As far as I know, SetLength should not depend on any other variables than Packet.Data and DataSet.
(I use Delphi XE on Windows 7.)
I guess the last line (
Packet.Data := #DataSet;
) should rather be
Move(DataSet, Packet.Data[0], SizeOf(DataSet));
I think I know what is going wrong with your code...
Like already stated, this is pretty bad:
SetLength(Packet.Data, sizeof(DataSet));
Packet.Data := #DataSet;
I'D assume your code will crash on SetLength only the 2nd time you run through it.
What happens is
Packet.Data := #DataSet;
Here, the Array of Char pointer is replaced by the address of the Dataset variable. The Array of Char that was created by "Setlength" is then "freed".
When you get to SetLength for a second time, what the compiler thinks is a pointer to an Array of Char is in fact a pointer to a TDataset. It is similar to calling
SetLength(#Dataset, SizeOf(Dataset));
(Except that the compiler won't allow that one)
I hope that helps at finding any additional problems your are experiencing.

How do I stop this Variant memory leak?

I'm using an old script engine that's no longer supported by its creators, and having some trouble with memory leaks. It uses a function written in ASM to call from scripts into Delphi functions, and returns the result as an integer then passes that integer as an untyped parameter to another procedure that translates it into the correct type.
This works fine for most things, but when the return type of the Delphi function was Variant, it leaks memory because the variant is never getting disposed of. Does anyone know how I can take an untyped parameter containing a variant and ensure that it will be disposed of properly? This will probably involve some inline assembly.
procedure ConvertVariant(var input; var output: variant);
output := variant(input);
//what do I put here? Input is still held in EAX at this point.
EDIT: Responding to Rob Kennedy's question in comments:
AnsiString conversion works like this:
procedure VarFromString2(var s : AnsiString; var v : Variant);
v := s;
s := '';
procedure StringToVar(var p; var v : Variant);
call VarFromString2
That works fine and doesn't produce memory leaks. When I try to do the same thing with a variant as the input parameter, and assign the original Null on the second procedure, the memory leaks still happen.
The variants mostly contain strings--the script in question is used to generate XML--and they got there by assigning a Delphi string to a variant in the Delphi function that this script is calling. (Changing the return type of the function wouldn't work in this case.)
Have you tried the same trick as with the string, except that with a Variant, you should put UnAssigned instead of Null to free it, like you did s := ''; for the string.
And by the way, one of the only reasons I can think of that requires to explicitly free the strings, Variants, etc... is when using some ThreadVar.
