Extract A Solution File From WSS - sharepoint-2007

I'm trying to figure out how to extract a solution file .wsp file from a SharePoint server. Is this possible and if so how?

You can make a small console application and access the solutions using the SPFarm.Local.Solutions property. Include the Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespace and use the following code snippet to download the solution file:
SPSolutionCollection solutions = SPFarm.Local.Solutions;
foreach (SPSolution solution in solutions)
SPPersistedFile wspFile = solution.SolutionFile;
wspFile.SaveAs("c:\\Temp\\Solutions\\" + solution.Name);
You need to make sure that your output directory exists before calling the SaveAs() method. If it does not exists an exception is thrown.

You can access the Solutions on a farm by using the SPFarm.Local.Solutions property. I'm not sure if you can retrieve the underlying file though. That's where I'd start.


Where should the erlang_ls.config go

I want to use coc.nvim and elrang_ls in vim8.2. There are some problems. It report missing an erlang_ls.config when I open a erlang file. But i have erlang_ls.config in project root.
the result of CocCommand workspace.showOutput show it read config from unexpected place
Where is correct position for erlang_ls.config?
Sorry for my poor English. Thanks.
It is possible to customize the behaviour of the erlang_ls server via
a configuration file, named erlang_ls.config. The erlang_ls.config
file should be placed in the root directory of a given project to
store the configuration for that project.
According to the picture, the clue has already been given to you. In the els_config.erl file consult_config function, line 126. error type = 2.
I think the information is enough, you can find source code file and read it and find why?
It is need create erlang_ls.config in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\erlang_ls and erlang_ls.config erlang_ls.yaml in the project root path. But I don't know why.

Issue with createM3FromEclipseFile

I'm using a simple method that reads a location and does some stuff;
public void readMyFile(loc file) {
M3 model = createM3FromEclipseFile(file);
// do some stuff;
The method fails to read a specific location file;
|plugin://rascal_eclipse/src/org/rascalmpl/eclipse/library/lang/java/jdt/m3/Core.rsc|(1019,261,<33,0>,<38,77>): IO("Could not find|project://hsqldb/doc/verbatim/src/org/hsqldb/server/WebServer.java|")
However, this file is present on my disk. All other locations from the hsqldb project or other projects I've used it with, work without any issue. Only this specific file throws an exception.
I can also use createM3FromEclipseProject to read all files in a project. This works without any issues for the hsqldb project. However, in my workflow I prefer to read an individual file via createM3FromEclipseFile.
Is there a difference between createM3FromEclipseFile and createM3FromEclipseProject concerning the info it reads of an individual file?
I can confirm the behavior of createM3FromEclipseFile of the original question; however createM3FromFile works as expected.

Create second property file from first property file using Maven

I have s1.properties file in src/main/resources folder in project. It contents are
I have to create new file called t1.properties which shall have below mentioned contents
As you can see , my t1.properties file contents have been derived from s1.properties's keys. so, for all keys in s1.properties, I want to create t1.properties which above mentioned contents.
I hope I am able to understand my requirement.
I searched over internet but could not find a way to do through Maven.
Please let me know if it is possible to do it through Maven.
Thanks in advance
I achieved this requirement through custom java code and maven exec plugin

How to get the "Created by <name> on <date>" text

So the question is actually simple, but I have no idea how to approach this issue. I know this code is generated by template based on this question:
XCode automatically generated comments?
I want to use the <name> that xcode provides on each mac machine which is unique for it's user, for some types of logs.
This is how the swift template file looks before it's used by Xcode to create my work file:
// ___FILENAME___
// Created by ___FULLUSERNAME___ on ___DATE___.
Surely, there is no point in parsing it.
The question is: Does anyone knows how I can get this name using swift in my application?
I searched for an answer here/Google but so far no luck.
I don't know how to read the header. But you can do it otherwise.
First if you need the creation-date of a file, you can use the NSFileManager:
var path = "path/to/your/file/"
var fileAttribs:NSDictionary = NSFileManager.defaultManager().attributesOfFileSystemForPath(path, error: nil)!
var creationDate = fileAttribs.objectForKey(NSFileCreationDate)
Also if you need the full username, you can use the function NSFullUserName() or NSUserName(). It should return the same string as __FULLUSERNAME__
var fullUsername = NSFullUserName()
var username = NSUserName()
Sometimes in the iOS Simulator, this username is empty, but in a real app, it should work properly.
That text written at template instantiation time — that is, when you create a new Xcode project (or a new file in an existing project using the File > New > File... templates). You can't read the contents of the source file your code was compiled from. (Well, unless you ship that file along with your compiled binary, and read it in like any other text file.)
But that's just text substitution — it can be done anywhere in the file, not just in the comment headers. So you could create your own file or project templates, and in the template files, put those substitution macros in code instead of in comments:
let schmoeWhoCreatedThisFile = "___FULLUSERNAME___"
Here's a tutorial found in a couple seconds of web searching that has the full details on creating templates and the substitution macros you can use in them.
Remember, substitution happens when you create a new file or project — if you're looking for who made the latest change to your source file or who built the app that shipped to your customers, you're barking up the wrong tree. Some of those sorts of things you can do with source control; others are more a matter of (human-defined, human-executed) policy for you or or your organization.

cakephp Router::parseExtensions('ics') doesn't work properly

I'm trying to create an ical-file.
So I set Router::parseExtensions('ics') in router.php.
I created a folder ics in app/views/layouts and a default.ctp with this content
header('Content-Type: text/calendar');
echo $content_for_layout;
In my reservationsController I created a ical() action and created a ical.ctp in /app/views/reservations/ics/.
So, if I'm trying to access http://localhost/reservations/ical/1.ics I get an error:
Error: The view for ReservationsController::ical() was not found.
Error: Confirm you have created the file: C:\xampp\htdocs\ers\app\views\reservations\ical.ctp
So I'm a bit confused about the error-message. Why does it search the ical.ctp in app\views\reservations\ and not in app\views\reservations\ics\?
When I'm using another extension like .xml the error message looks like this:
Error: Confirm you have created the file: C:\xampp\htdocs\ers\app\views\reservations\xml\ical.ctp
Why does xml work and ics don't? What went wrong?
I've just finished dealing with this situation myself. I'd been trying to get a csv extension to display, and I was also getting the "missing view" error.
Everything was in place; I had my /app/views/layouts/csv/default.ctp and /app/views/users/csv/export.ctp view files set up. I had Router::parseExtensions('csv'); at the top of my /app/config/routes.php file.
Turns out, what I had forgotten was to add the RequestHandler component to my controller's components array: var $components = array('RequestHandler');.
Once I did that everything worked perfectly.
So if you've stumbled upon this question because you're having the same issue, check to be sure you're loading the RequestHandler component fixes things for you...
I just had the same trouble creating the ics example # http://www.dereuromark.de/2011/11/21/serving-views-as-files-in-cake2
Needed quite a while to figur out that this seems to be a cake bug and opend a ticket for it :)
Hopefully this will be resolved soon.
PS: I also posted a workaround / quickfix for this until it is fixed in the core.
