Structuremap 2.0 documentation - dependency-injection

I'm just starting to learn DI/IOC methods and like what I see so far from Structuremap. The problem is that my current project is limited to .NET 2.0 so I cannot use the new version (2.5) of Structuremap. That being said, can someone point me towards some documentation for v2.0? Most articles and tutorials use v2.5 and only a small few use previous versions. The ones I can find are VERY basic in nature and I'd like to see all the features Structuremap has to offer. Thanks

Your best bet would be to download the Docs folder from the Release_2.0 tag of StructureMap's subversion repository:
If you do not have subversion installed, there is a link at the bottom to download a GNU tarball, which you should be able to open with 7zip.


How do I create my own package in Umbraco?

I want to develop a Umbraco package. Where do I have to start and Where do I have to end?
I have knowledge on MVC 4 and using the Umbraco cms as a user
A package is quite a broad definition. A package can for example be an extension to Umbracos back office, but can also simply consist of nodes.
There is plenty of guides and documentation on Umbracos website.
Read more here, for example
This should definitely be where you have to start. Where you have to end is hard to say, because it depends on the package you want to create.

Is there an official page for ASP.NET MVC Futures?

I am planning to integrate Mvc.Futures in my project, but am unable to find any official documentation for this library.
Official project page on points to old project page on codeplex and even there is not so clear where information about Futures can be found.
I might be missing something, but would appreciate if anyone can give me pointers to the right place.
This is follow up on my own question:
I haven't found anything else related to Mvc.Futures after i posted this question, so i ended up using T4MVC which seem to get more love from MSFT than the Futures itself (lead developer of this template is MSFT employee David Ebbo).
We are using it quite successfully so far (more than 8 months) and i am pleased with the results.
For better integration with Visual Studio i am using AutoT4MVC extensions which runs the T4 templates on each change in the sections of the MVC app that require rebuild (such as Controllers, Content*, Views etc..)
To sum up - i would suggest that you stay out of Mvc.Futures for now and use T4MVC instead.

Alternative to DevExpress to use Entity Framework?

Recently I have been working on a website using a trial version of DevExpress with the latest version of Entity Framework, but my trial has run out. Is there a free alternative anyone knows of that I could use in it's place? I'd like to keep the whole MVC flow going.
DevExpress only provides extensions for (and not the root of) MVC. As long as you can go without the extended versions of the charts, tables and other controls you'll be fine. Otherwise, if you're that dead-set on their controls or have a lot invested you may look at just purchasing the package.
Also, to be clear, EF is a freely-available library (if you have NuGet it's very easy to obtain) so anything relying on that is safe:
Install-Package Entity-Framework -Version 5.0.0
That would install the latest solid build to your project.

Need complete DI sample for WCF

Does anyone have a complete and working DI sample for WCF?
Every sample I find just gets me more confused. Does anyone know of a complete and working standalone simple sample that works with the built in stuff?
Maybe once I get a handle of the built in stuff, I can move on to different DI frameworks such as StructureMap or Unity with WCF.
My MVC project is currently using Unity for all its DI.
I recommend this one. I have already used it and it is fully working.
The code download for my book Dependency Injection in .NET contains a full, working example.
However, most of what you'll need to know is explained in this answer: Injecting data to a WCF service
This one is the most straightforward one I've found.
DI with Castle Windsor
Official Site
Blog article
Blog article with sample
There is a fully working downloadable sample here on Codeplex. It uses the Unity.WCF NuGet package, so it's really the kind of slam dunk example you are looking for.

Shaml with NHibernate Contrib

Shaml looks awesome for project kick-start.
Would be great if it could be configured to also include NHibernate Search and other Contrib projects. Any plans for this?
Although the 1.x versions of NHibernate were very stable under mono, the recent version 2.0.1 and 2.1beta have many issues (like the lazy loading not working). I hope the 2.1 final will be much more stable under mono, and all the other projects (I'm mostly interested in NHibernate.Linq) will work without major problems too. Until that point I try to minimize the dependencies on external stuff and/or send patches to the maintnainers of the different projects (like DNOA). If you happen to succesfully integrate NHibernate 2.1 and/or NHibernate Search feel free to fork the github project.
