Anyone got --standalone option to work in F# CTP? - f#

I may have this completely wrong, but my understanding is that the --standalone compiler option tells the compiler to include the F# core and other dependencies in the exe, so that you can run it on another machine without installing any 'runtime'.
However, I can't get this to work in the CTP - it doesn't even seem to change the size of the output file (docs I've read say about 1M extra).
"Google may know, but if it does, it ain't telling, or I'm not looking in the right place"
It seems to work with latest CTP update
I have since experienced another error:
FSC(0,0): error FS0191: could not resolve assembly Microsoft.Build.Utilities.
If you get errors like this when trying to compile --standalone, you need to explicitly include them as references in your project.

Answer from MS:
There is a CTP update that fixed some --standalone bugs.
I'm reinstalling now...
Works for me - so the my accepted answer is download CTP update

F# manual: Statically linking the F# library using "--standalone"
Did you try to run peverify.exe utility?

This has been a pet hatred of mine for a long time (it has been broken in every CTP release ever including the latest May 2009 release). The "solution" is essentially to write your own build system that is not broken.
This is a real problem for me because I have accumulated hundreds of great F# programs that I would like to put on our site but it takes hours to build each one into a standalone executable.


VS2019+WDK10, missing Spectre-mitigated MSVC library for 16.11, why?

Some weird stuff here. I'm trying to build a KMDF sample driver with VS2019 16.11.5 and WDK 10.0.19041.685 (also called version 2004 Dec 2020 update).
First, I got compilation error saying that I need to download Spectre-mitigated MSVC library.
Well, I try it, but got a new problem. The VS2019(16.11.5) installer does not show MSVC Spectre-mitigated MSVC library version for exact 16.11. Looks like the latest one it provides is 16.10 (🙁).
Download the 16.10 one and resume trying, still compilation error.
I peek into my D:\VSIDE\VS2019\VC\Tools\MSVC folder, and see two versions of MSVC libs listed, 14.29.30133 and 14.29.30037 . The later is the one with spectre libs(so it's 600MB+ larger).
However, the KMDF build tool insists to find MSVC libs in the newer 14.29.30133 folder, so Spectre-mitigated libs still CANNOT be found.
I know I can manually copy the required files from 14.29.30037 to 14.29.30133 to make things go on. BUT is it the decent way to do so, or is it a Microsoft toolset bug?
I'd like to ask how other kernel driver developers solve this issue. Thank you.
Well, several days later, I find out two workarounds for this issue.
First, as Hans Passant stated, disable the Spectre lib in .vcxproj. This can be configured from UI.
Second, explicitly select a MSVC library version for current project. This can also be configured in project settings UI.
==== 2022.02.11 UPDATE ====
Finally got it,the Spectre-lib with version number 14.29.30133 is called "(Latest)", so it is listed above the oldest version, and this defeats the novice. Use this and problem solved.
Sure, it is stupid enough to mark it as merely "(Lastest)". He should have named it MSVC v142 - VS2019 C++ x64/x86 Spectre-mitigated libs (v14.29-16.11)(Latest)" .

Qt generic error message

This is the error messsage I get.
I know it's kind of an eye roller, that it's difficult nigh impossible to tell what I may need without the source, but it seems like a deployment problem as people that installed the Qt SDK can run it. Plus, I figured I'd have better luck asking here than with a chinese developer that speaks google-english.
So here's what I've done:
I installed the MSVC2012.
I used a program called cffexplorer to see what the exe was looking for. I have the 7 or so .dlls that are at the top of the tree.
I found a recent (jun 2013) qwindows.dll from elsewhere on my system and put it in ./plugins (I've tried this file in ./, ./plugins, and ./plugins/platforms
I created a qt.conf with the following data (I determined the format from an existing Qt based app that works)
Plugins = plugins
Yet, I continue to get this message. Any suggestions on what I might look for to clear this up?
Ask the developer what compiler was used to build the application. Then you will need the right dll (that was built with the same compiler as the application). Also notice that (by default) the documentation says that qwindows.dll should be in the platforms folder in the same path as your executable, read more here. Depending on whether the developer used a Qt built with angle, you may also need: libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll. Dependency walker might help you find dependencies that are not there.

Zeos 7 Failing to install

I have installed the Zeos 7 Beta on my own machine but it fails on my client's laptop. We're both running Delphi xe2, his is Entreprise, mine is Pro. His machine is running 64-bit windows 7, mine is running Window 7 32-bit.
When I do Compile all on ZeosDbo or ProjectGoup16 it seems to get through ZCore.dpk but then shows 2 fatal errors:
ZCore.dpk(1) E2225 Never-build package 'ZCore' must be recompiled
ZParseSQL.dpk(33) E2202 Required package 'ZCore' not found
This is production code we are working on, so I hope we can find a solution and get back to working on this
Zeos forum thread:
That is one error, the 1st one. The second is merely post-effect.
Perhaps you can do better than downloading beta ZIPs: until they have mature release you just can download each day "nightly" changes by version-control tools, like Git or SVN or whatever Zeos team is using.
Such errors are usually quickly fixed (they are simple) but long released(they are so moot that no one would bother making release for them).
Just open and read where to get most instant updates and how to report problems.
Actually - there it is,
Install TortoiseSVN and be on the edge until 7.0.1 or 7.0.2 final release
The page also says: Please report bugs for this version to our brand new bugtracker on sourceforge
Please do. Open Source is about participating. At least participate by registering bugs.
About the essence of problem read official documentation and "See Also" section.
Someone should decide about package binary update strategy. And the decision should be kept for all packages (okay, you can mix it in some conditions, but that is not to be suggested). So basically you have three choices:
Make your own decision and put all Zeos packages into the strategy of your choice. That puts the responsibility upon yourself to maintain this fork for a while until you come back to vanilla ZeosDB.
Report the bug to ZeosDB team and ask their suggestion, then change those settings for all the packages as suggested by them.
Report the bug to ZeosDB team and wait until they'd fix it in their SVN and then do SVN Update.
Personally i'd go with 1 option, but i am ready to be FLOSS libraries co-developer.
Option 3 would be the most slow yet the most easy for you.
Option 2... well... i can not see why you should choose that, except for trying to avoid version controls at any cost, which is bad idea per se.
I also suggest you to read
That would help you effectively communicate at ZeosDB forums - and you'd have to if you want to be "on the edge" (and if you do not - then wait for public release like 7.0.2).

z3 MaxSAT example error

I'm interested in playing around with the MaxSAT/MaxSMT c example (specifically, maxsat.c) provided on the z3 (Microsoft Research) website. Using Visual Studio 2010, I eventually got the example to compile (using a fresh install of z3 4.0). However, I can't get any of my (SMT 2.0) models to run using them. Further, I cannot get the example posted in this question to work either.
In the first case, my compiled program crashes when it tries to call Z3_get_smtlib_num_formulas in get_hard_constraints of the file. I don't know why, instead, I get the standard windows 7 "this program has stopped working" popup.
In the second case, it reports unsupported ;benchmark.
In order to help me to get this work, I was wondering if
(a) Has anyone had similar issues when compiling this code, and if so, how did you resolve them?
(b) How can I debug either compilation of the file (assuming it is correct)? Namely, can someone enumerate the correct libraries (and library versions - e.g., z3 4.0?) to include in the compiler options to get this example working?
In either case, information on the error reported in the second case would also be appreciated: what does it mean exactly? The keyword was not valid? That the SMT input is the wrong version? Or something else?
The MaxSAT example has not been updated to SMTLIB 2.0 yet. It uses the function Z3_parse_smtlib_file to parse the input, which means that it supports only SMTLIB 1.0 at the moment.
This example is distributed alongside Z3, i.e., you should have received a copy in Z3-4.0/examples/maxsat/, which also contains compilation and execution scripts.
Compilation should be straight-forward by running build.cmd in a Visual Studio Command Prompt, or on Linux.

How can I load a package and keep the debugger working?

I'm using TJvPluginManager in the JVCL to create and load BPL-based plugins for my program. Problem is, one of the plugins isn't loading properly, and I can't debug it. Every time I try to trace into the loading sequence, it gets as far as the LoadLibrary API call, and then the debugger seems to forget what it's there for. It completely loses the ability to associate program code with source lines, give meaningful data in a call stack, or display local variables. It will still stop at breakpoints, but it breaks to the CPU window, with all the inline source code stripped out.
This happens on Delphi 2007 and 2009, and it's driving me nuts. Does anyone know how to load a plugin without it breaking the debugger? Does anyone even know why it's breaking it in the first place?
NOTE: I'm not looking for alternative methods of debugging. I know all about tracing and logging and all the rest. What I want is to understand what's going wrong and how to fix it. Surely I'm not the only person who's ever used TJvPluginManager?
Not quite the answer to your question: Have you tried to debug the package project, by setting the host application and putting a breakpoint into the package's startup code?
I've found Ray Kanopka's (Raize) CodeSite to be invaluable for debugging in situations where the integrated debugger is acting up. Thinking about the things I want to monitor using CodeSite actually helps me focus on what's important - it enforces good habits.
Another alternative to Codesite is Overseer which is part of the nexus project, but stands alone so does not require you to use their framework. Codesite is by far the better option, but in a pinch Overseer would work just as well.
I found that using packages for plugins can be problematic and many years ago switched to a completely COM based implementation for plugins and never had any problems. The other advantage to COM based plugins, they don't require Delphi to write, do not need to be recompiled when the main app switches to a new version of the compiler (my plugins compiled with Delphi 5 still run fine against the main application compiled in Delphi 2009!) and they are easier to write test applications to assist in debugging.
The only side effect I notice, is that shared code ends up in both executables and the plugins require registration into the registry.
Hmmmm... This is a stupid question, but I have to ask: the initialization function have the EXACT declaration syntax like the other plugins that work ?(from your question, I deducted you made some others that work)
Check your dependencies. Make sure each unit is compiled into one package only. Whenever a package needs to reference a unit from another package, use the requires clause to do so. Watch for compiler warnings about implicitly linked units.
