What is the "best" Open Source lolcode interpreter? [closed] - lolcode

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm interested in studying how an interpreter works, and LOLCODE makes me laugh, so: What's the best OpenSource LOLCODE interpeter? Bonus points for providing a decent REPL.

Depends on your favorite/"best-to-understand" language - for example, here's a Java and a Perl open source interpreter.

My favorite implementation is LOLPython
So, great plus if you're a python fan. :)
And if you wanted to make changes to what's already defined, it's pretty simple. :D

While maybe not the "best" one, I think it's pretty cool that someone from DLR team actually created a LOLCode interpreter based on the DLR, with full access to the .NET Framework.
Added Link from Wayback Machine

Certainly without a definition of "best", there's little way to answer this question with any certainty. I'm writing an LOLCODE interpreter (http://pgfoundry.org/projects/pllolcode/) to support LOLCODE as a language for writing stored procedures in the PostgreSQL database. (Why, you ask? Because I wanted to learn how.) This interpreter is written in C, and uses Bison and Flex for parsing. These seem to be "best" choices in this case because that's what PostgreSQL itself uses. If you're more familiar with, say, Perl, the Perl-based interpreter is probably better.

I know it's not an interpreter, but I've used the Lolcode.net implementation, and it worked rather well for me. It follows the specifications relatively well, except for a few things (like arrays).
Also, I got it to run in Linux using Mono, if Linux compatibility is important to you.


Which web development framework is the right one for me? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm a college student trying to make a web community with friends. Although we are not experienced developers by any means, we have taken courses on JAVA and some web programming languages (PHP, JAVASCRIPT, CSS, HTML).
At this point, we need to decide on a web framework and begin learning. I have narrowed down my list to Ruby on Rails and Codeigniter, but I am really not sure why I should pick one over the other.
Thanks in advance.
Pick the one you want to learn and go with it.
I will personally recommend Rails because:
it teaches you a lot of best practices if you do things the Rails Way™
Ruby is a fun, easy-to-learn, expressive language
the community is really big, enthusiastic, and very helpful
there's great books and tutorials available all over the internet
There is nothing like the good framework. It highly depends on, in no particular order :
your skills
your tastes (Yes, it does matter a lot)
your willingness to learn
technical constraints. Your hosting company may support only Ruby or only PHP
I personally had the occasion to develop with CodeIgniter and I pretty much enjoyed it. It is light, well documented and leaves you with a lot of freedom.
I also have a good friend for whom Ruby On Rails is the only framework deserving the name of "framework".
If your project is ambitious, a good idea to make your point could be to make a trivial application like a TODO list with both framework and then pick the one that fits your need.
Hope this helps.
If there is no time constraint (as you need to learn both ruby lang and rails framework) and want to know the best practices, i would recommend RubyonRails.
If you have time constraint, then go ahead with Codeigniter. It is easy to learn and well documented.

Why TextMate and not Netbeans or other IDEs on the Mac? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Netbeans was my choice for Rails development in Windows and Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora). Now I am using a Mac. I had heard good things about TextMate, but now that I have got a change to use it I don't think it is a better alternative to what I was using. Or am I missing something here?
TextMate has traditionally been preferred on the Mac because it's what the Rails core team themselves used and DHH even helped Allan Odgaard with some of the early TextMate development work. In the early days of Rails there was an argument to be made that pure text editors such as TextMate were preferred over heavyweight full-blown IDEs, because the dynamic nature of Ruby meant that IDEs weren't able to offer the full range of benefits (such as code completion) as they can for languages such as Java. Several years later and with advancements in IDE technology for dynamic languages, that's not really the case any more.
The bottom line is that you don't have to use TextMate for Rails development on a Mac. It doesn't even have a monopoly amongst the Rails core team any more, as some of them use Vim (for example). You should use what works for you.
I too had been using Netbeans for my rails development - nothing stopping you from continuing using it though. Netbeans support is still good on OSX (although Oracle stopping support for the rails development plugin will eventually cause you a bit of a problem).
I wouldn't say TextMate is the only option though, after asking around with my local rails developers - I found that rubymine was actually pretty popular. I tried it out, and have been really happy with it so far, and I had no problems switching over from Netbeans... Although I still am learning all the shortcuts.
As John Topley already mentioned - use what works for you.

What are the main advantages, or otherwise, of developing with Vala? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I read its documentation and it seems quite awesome. But I never heard of any application developed using it.
What are the main advantages and disadvantage of Vala?
No garbage collector!
generated programs are written in C which should boost performance and require less resources than other scripting languages (python) or managed code (Mono).
Provide easy to use API to a huge variety of useful libraries available in Linux written mostly in C.
Provide a C#-like syntax which is very popular and by doing so attract new developers to OSS programming.
Bring (some level of) OOP syntactic sugar into the world of C but easier to use than C++.
No garbage collector!
Generated program should be recompiled for each architecture.
It's a young language. Language specifications and API change constantly. Maintaining a big project might require extra attention.
Debugging is possible but a bit tricky.
No stable IDE and tools yet. Valide crashes a lot and vtg too.
Language object model is based on glib/gobject which seem to be limited. Dova is being developed to explore an alternative path but will not be compatible with gobjects.

Are there any good Pascal Script resources/documentation? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I started playing around with Pascal Script today and I cannot find any good documentation. I found these (one, two) articles. The are helpful but they are just examples.
edit: Separated this into two questions. New question is here.
I don't know if this will help but last week, I started working with FastScript. The first kinds of errors I ran into were the same as what you are seeing. After studying the slightly helpful documentation and the much more helpful code, I saw that I needed to add a constructor for a class by using an AddConstructor call and any other methods of a class with a call to AddMethod. I'm getting a better idea of just how their parsing works and it looks like I can assemble a reference to an arbitrarily complex class just by mirroring it with a series of calls to AddMethod, AddProperty, AddIndexProperty and so on. Just like in Pascal, you start first by defining the simpler class and then use that simpler class in your more complex class.
Thinking about it over the weekend, it seems like this is one very practical way to build a scripter. It could be that PascalScript has the same arrangement although undoubtedly, the names will be different.
I decided to add some documentation of my own. Its not very thorough but it should help out anyone who is new to Pascal Script.
Heres the link.
Some of us are using PascalScript here but docs are a little thin. You can take a look at the source of Innosetup (the installer) since this uses an editor and script engine from PascalScript to provide its own pascal scripting.
The samples folder that comes with PascalScript is very useful, and performs reasonably well as a form of applied documentation.

What is the best "turnkey" stemming algorithm? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I need a good stemming algorithm for a project I'm working on. It was suggested that I look at the Porter Stemmer. When I checked out the page on the Porter stemmer I found that it is deprecated now in favor of the "Snowball" stemmer.
I need a good stemmer, but I can't really spend significant time implementing (or optimizing) my own. What is the best "off the shelf", freely available stemmer? Are there any non-free stemmers available for a reasonable price? Or, is the Snowball stemmer my best bet?
The Porter2 stemmer is the one I've decided to go with. It seemed the porter stemmer was the standard, but when I found the page by the author he recommended the "Snowball (Porter2)" stemmer. There is a C port link on this page.
It really depends on how you're planning to apply it. The Natural Language Toolkit (http://nltk.sourceforge.net) has a number of stemmers implemented in it that should be able to handle most applications. I prefer the Morphy stemmer.
Of course, it's available in Python, so if you're working with another language, you can always look through the code to glean the algorithm and transfer it to your language of choice. Python is highly readable.
