How do you increase the maximum heap size for the javac process in Borland JBuilder 2005/2006 - javac

In most modern IDEs there is a parameter that you can set to ensure javac gets enough heap memory to do its compilation. For reasons that are not worth going into here, we are tied for the time being to JBuilder 2005/2006, and it appears the amount of source code has exceeded what can be handled by javac.
Please keep the answer specific to JBuilder 2005/2006 javac (we cannot migrate away right now, and the Borland Make compiler does not correctly support Java 1.6)
I realize how and what parameters should be passed to javac, the problem is the IDE doesn't seem to allow these to be set anywhere. A lot of configuration is hidden down in the Jbuilder Install\bin*.config files, I feel the answer may be in there somewhere, but have not found it.

did you find a good solution for that problem?
I have the same problem and the only solution I found is the following:
The environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS can be used to provide parameters for the JVM.
I have created a batch file "JBuilderw.bat" with the following content:
Each time I start JBuilder using this batch file the env.var. JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS will be set and javac.exe will receive the setting.
The JVM displays at the end the following message: "Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx256m"
Drawback: all virtual machines started by JBuilder will get that setting. :(

Have a look at
The arguments that you need to pass to JBuilder's javac is "-J-Xms256m -J-Xmx256m". Replace the 256m with whatever is appropriate in your case. Also, remove the quotes.
This should work for java 1.4, java 1.5 and forward.

"I realize how and what parameters should be passed to javac, the problem is the IDE doesn't seem to allow these to be set anywhere."
I realized now that you know how to pass the right arguments ONLY not where/how to pass those arguments :-(
How about this : Can you locate where is the JAVA_HOME/bin directory that borland uses ? If yes, then you can rename the javac.exe(to say javacnew.exe) with a javac.bat which in turn will call the javacnew.exe (as well as pass the required arguments) ?

I don't know if this will help since I don't use Borland but in Eclipse, this is a setting that you attach to the program you're going to run. Each program you run in the IDE has configuration specific to it, including arguments to the VM. Is there something like that?

Do you have a jdk.config file located in JBuilder2005/bin/?
You should be able to modify vm parameters in that file like:
vmparam -Xms256m
vmparam -Xmx256m
Let me know if this works, I found it on a page talking about editing related settings in JBuilder 2005.

Edit the jbuilder.config file.
Put in comment those two lines:
vmmemmax 75%
vmmemmin 32m
has they ought to be <1Gb and with a > 1Gb PC , 75% is too big?


Why do I get different runtimepaths depending on which API I use?

I'm trying to run Neovim 0.8.1. on a Windows 11 environment.
My setup is really minimal:
I downloaded (of version 0.8.1) from Neovim's releases page on Github.
Extracted it and moved it to a folder at C:\test\nvim-win64
Started up Neovim by executing C:\test\nvim-win64\bin\nvim.exe
Not using any custom config.
When inspecting my runtimepath, there are 2 ways of doing this:
Using :set runtimepath? (the Vimscript way). This gives me:
Using :lua print(vim.inspect(vim.api.nvim_list_runtime_paths())) (the Lua way). this gives me:
{ "C:\\test\\nvim-win64\\share\\nvim\\runtime", "C:\\test\\nvim-win64\\share\\nvim\\runtime\\pack\\dist\\opt\\matchit", "C:\\test\\nvim-win64\\lib\\nvim" }
As you can see, it seems like using the Lua way I'm missing the local config directories in my runtimepath (the ~\AppData\Local\* paths).
Why am I seeing this difference? This is blocking me from using XDG_CONFIG_HOME to use my own config that I typically use, because it seems like it does not get included in the nvim_list_runtime_paths list, but it does appear in :set runtimepath?.
Nvim api function filters out non-existent directories. So there's a difference.
My issue was that my employer had decided to put ( and ) characters in my %USERPROFILE% environment variable, which ended up breaking a bunch of stuff (including the list I got from nvim_list_runtime_paths).
Putting those characters in %USERPROFILE% is a bad idea for many reasons, so I moved all of my files and folders out of any (sub)directory in %USERPROFILE% and right in C:\.
I also had to define XDG_CONFIG_HOME, XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_STATE_HOME to point to a different location than the default location (which default within %USERPROFILE%).
This made all of my troubles go away!

How can you tell if your Java program is running in a GraalVM AOT context?

I have a little Java program. I build a binary using Graal's native-image (i.e. GraalVM AOT aka SubstrateVM).
My program can be executed either with a Java runtime or from the native-image binary. What's the best way to tell which context I'm running in?
(This might be a bad practice in general but I believe it's inevitable/necessary in certain not-uncommon circumstances.)
Edit: There is now an API for that. See user7983712's answer.
The way it's done in the GraalVM is by capturing the system property: it is set to true while building AOT images. If you combine that with the fact that static initializers run during image generation, you can use
static final boolean IS_AOT = Boolean.getBoolean("")
This boolean will remain true when running the native image.
This is also useful to cut-off paths that you don't want in the final output: for example if you have some code that uses a feature that SVM doesn't support (e.g., dynamic class-loading) you can predicate it with !IS_AOT.
GraalVM now provides an API for checking the AOT context:
I'm leaning towards checking the presence/absence of some system properties. When I print out the system properties under Graal AOT I see:
{os.arch=x86_64, file.encoding=UTF-8, user.home=/Users/thom, path.separator=:, OS X, user.dir=/Users/thom, line.separator=
, sun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8, file.separator=/,,}
As you may notice it's fairly short and is missing all the usual java.* ones such as java.class.path. I'll omit listing the lengthy Java version and instead link to another SO listing the usual Java System properties:
What is the full list of standard keys recognized by the Java System.getProperty() method?
So one way to do it would seem to be to check whether one or more of the java.* properties are absent.
AFAIK there are no plans to set these in SubstrateVM. But System properties are mutable so one could possibly choose to fake them.
But anyway here's a way to do it:
def isGraalAOT ="java.class.path") == null

Changing properties in Grails 3 application yml file through gradle

There are some properties that I have in the default generated application.yml file in Grails 3. Take for example this property
path: '/home/cool/testing_data'
Now, the part that I want to do is change this property when I invoke the build script, so that it is different for the various OS that it might be executed on. I.e: On windows, that path should be 'E:/shared/testing_data', and on solaris, something different.
Using this post here, I can conclude that I can identify which OS I am currently on, so that I can potentially make some changes. Ex:
task checkWin() << {
if (Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS)) {
// it is windows, lets change the path to not be linux like
So my question is, using gradle or any other means as necessary, can I change the properties in application.yml file to accommodate the different OS systems that the application might be deployed on? I am considering reading the application.yml file line by line and doing a string replacement, but I will resort to this only if there are no cleaner solutions.
Maybe am I using the wrong tool to solve this problem as is, so a good question to ask is, is there an easier way that I am missing here, possibly a similar approach to different "environments" like :test, dev, prod, for operating systems, already built into the core functionality of grails that I can re-use?
Just create application.groovy file in the same folder as application.yml is. In groovy file you can use any script to set value of properties.
For example add this line to application.groovy file (also remove option from yml): = Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS) ? 'd:\something' : '/home/something'

Passing constants as arguments in INNO's Exec()

I have created an installer using Inno Setup in which I am executing an exe that I created to create a small service inside Windows XP. I need to pass two arguments to the exe - "-install" and the path of the installation directory. I have no way of expanding the constant {app} to pass the actual value inside of {app}. Is there some way of doing this?
I do not really understand what you want, but maybe you are seeking the ExpandConstant function?
This should work:
Filename: {app}\MyApp.exe; Parameters: "-install {app}";
I've done it before using InnoSetup and it puts the correct value for {app}.
If you are still having problems, please post your code.

Ant output to 2 different sources?

I'm running Ant with output fed to a log file:
ant -logfile file.txt target-name
I'd also like to print some simple progress information to the console though. The answer seems to be a BuildEvent listener that writes to the console every time a new target is hit, but the documentation explicitly states:
A listener must not access System.out and System.err directly since ouput on these streams is redirected by Ant's core to the build event system.
Did I miss something? Is there a way to do this?
Ant replaces the System.out & System.err streams to remap messages printed there through it's own logging system.
That said, you can still get access to the ACTUAL OS streams by using
Actually, the answer is Log4jListener.
There is a sample log4j configuration for logging into both console and file shown in the above link. You can then use an <echo> task with an appropriate level parameter to selectively decide what gets printed to console.
Thanks for the answers! I'm slow, but this is still something that I'd like to get right.
I've managed to get something working more or less like I want using carej's suggested approach with the stream and an Ant scriptdef like this:
<scriptdef name="progress-text" language="javascript" >
output = new
Now I'm just left wondering how wize is this approach? Is there inherit risk in using the underlying OS streams directly?
2 Points which might be useful to anyone else with a similar question:
This article has a very good description of the Ant I/O system:
java.lang.System does something very similar to set System.out and System.err in the first place.
All of this gave me a little more confidence in this approach.
