How do I get javadoc to link to the Java API using an Ant task? - ant

Right now my ant task looks like.
<javadoc sourcepath="${source}" destdir="${doc}">
<link href="" />
And I'm getting this warning:
javadoc: warning - Error fetching URL:
How do I get the javadoc to properly link to the API? I am behind a proxy.

You can also pass the arguments inside the ant task
<arg value=""/>
<arg value="-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=##"/>
If going the offline link route. Download the package list by going to the URL of the Java API ( and saving it as a text file and then using this Ant task.
<javadoc sourcepath="${source}" destdir="${doc}">
<link offline="true" href="" packagelistloc="path-containing-package-list"/>

You probably need the http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort system properties set. For example, ANT_OPTS="" ant doc
Alternatively, you could set the "offline" flag and provide a package list, but that could be a pain for the Java core.

You can also use the "offline" mode that allows you to build (faster!) without accessing the internet. Please see this answer:


In FitNesse - is there a way to see programmatically if a test failed/passed

In my CI server, I'm implementing some logging/audit functionality - after every Fit test runs, in the TearDown page I'm logging some stuff to DB - Test Name, TimeStamp, some variables; I would also like to log if the test failed or passed - don't seem to find any global variable readily available in FitNess that would help. Could anyone give me some ideas how to do that?
TearDown doesn't know if a test passed or failed. That is only known by FitNesse after the test is complete. What you can do is run fetch the last execution as XML and then parse that. Here is a snipped from ANT that will do something like that.
<!--Then run the page history responder to get the latest run of fitnesse in xml format-->
<java classpath="${toString:compile.classpath};build\classes" fork="true" jar="javalib/fitnesse.jar" maxmemory="256m" output="${fitnesse.output.file}.temp">
<arg value="-c" />
<arg value="${fitnesseSuite}?pageHistory&resultDate=latest&format=xml" />
<arg value="-p" />
<arg value="${fitnesse_port}" />
The one catch is that after you fetch it, you have to strip the http headers from the temp file that is created. But once you do that, you can use the test result data for your database. You can also create junit style results. Check out this example on transforming to junit: (shameless self promotion).

how to extract the value of a parameter within a parameter and then print in ant

I want to write a code in such a way that I will remove platform from first 3 lines and then take only the platform name and I will suffix that with installer-zip.${platform_name}.
Now if the selected item is win-x86 then printing installer-zip.${platform_name} should give me E:\abc.jar. I tried ${installer-zip.${platform_name}} and many other things but they are not working
You cannot do this with regular ant, but you can do this with ant-contrib.
In particular, there is a contrib task property-regex.
So something like:
<propertyregex property="$newProperty"
casesensitive="false" />
EDIT: and then...
<property name=desiredProperty value="installer-zip.${newProperty}" />
That should give you enough to work out the exact solution you're looking for...

Ant: How to test if a target exist (and call it not if it doesn't)?

I have a set of build files, some of them calling others -- importing them first. End of line builds may have or may not have a specific target (e.g. "copyother"). I want to call it from my main build file if that target is defined within the end-of-line build script. How can I do it?
Part of the calling script:
<!-- Import project-specific libraries and classpath -->
<property name="build.dir" value="${projectDir}/build"/>
<import file="${build.dir}/build_libs.xml"/>
<!-- "copyother" is a foreign target, imported in build_libs.xml per project -->
<target name="pre-package" depends=" clean,
I do not want every project to define "copyother" target. How can I do a conditional ant call?
I'm guessing you aren't importing the "other" build scripts into your main build.xml. (Because that wouldn't work. Ant treats imports as local.)
At the same time, you are using depends and not ant/ant call so maybe you are importing them, but one at a time.
You can't do what you want in native Ant. As you noted testing for a file is easy but a target is not. Especially if that other project isn't loaded yet. You definitely have to write a custom Ant task to accomplish what you want. Two avenues:
1) Call project.getTargets() and see if your target is there. This involves refactoring your script to use ant/antcall instead of pure depends, but doesn't feel like a hack. Writing a custom Java condition isn't hard and there is an example in the Ant manual.
2) Add a target to the current project if not already there. The new target would be a no-op. [not sure if this approach works]
For the same of completeness. Another approach is to have some target for checking the target.
The approach is discussed here: (vimil's post). Check is done using scriptdef. So it is not that different from other answer(Jeanne Boyarsky), but script is easy to add.
<scriptdef name="hastarget" language="javascript">
<attribute name="targetname"/>
<attribute name="property"/>
var targetname = attributes.get("property");
if(project.getTargets().containsKey(targetname)) {
project.setProperty(attributes.get("property"), "true");
<target name="check-and-call-exports">
<hastarget targetname="exports" property="is-export-defined"/>
<isset property="is-export-defined"/>
<antcall target="exports" if="is-export-defined"/>
<target name="target-that-may-run-exports-if-available" depends="check-and-call-exports">
You should explore use of the typefound condition, added to ANT in 1.7. You can use it, for example, with the if task from antcontrib like this, but you have to check for a macrodef and not a taskdef due to how it works:
<typefound name="some-macrodef"/>
With this, ant files that have a macrodef named "some-macro-or-taskdef" will get it invoked and other ant files without it will not get an error.

getting error message: "unknown resolver XYZ"

while resolving my ivy.xml, I get a long list of errors, all stating "unknown resolver XYZ". I know the resolver, it is used in the same project but different task.
As far as I understand, the resolver used to create the cache entry is stored and than cannot be determined by the follow-up resolver.
Question is: how can I avoid this? Seeams like this is not really an error, more like a warning since I am able to resolve all dependencies and continue compiling.
Within the same project, the build resolver will not change because it's defined in your ivysettings.xml file.
This is more likely to be a problem with a stale ivy cache. I'd suggest adding an extra target that purges your cache. Useful when encountering this type of problem:
<target name="clean-all" depends="clean" description="Purge ivy cache">
Run your ant build with the verbose flag (-v). This will give you clear insight into which settings files are being used throughout the resolve process. My wager is you will find your problem fairly easily and it will be along the lines of the settings file you thought you were using is actually not being used.
In my projects, I find this type of thing often happens when a post-resolve task (such as retrieve) triggers a resolve "automatically" and uses the default ivy settings instead of the one I want it to use at the moment. Chances are, your default settings file does not contain the resolvers you're expecting.
To solve these issues, I make a ivysettings-common.xml containing only resolvers. Then, in each of my settings files, I import the common settings and reference the resolvers in the main chain. That looks like:
<settings defaultResolver="all-repositories" />
<include file="ivysettings-common.xml" />
<chain name="all-repositories" returnFirst="true" >
<resolver ref="project" />
<resolver ref="local" />
<resolver ref="hibernate" />
<resolver ref="ibibilo" />
From there, I make the common file my default settings, just "in case of emergency" I know all my resolvers can be found (by adding the following to
ivy.settings.file = ${basedir}/path/to/ivysettings-common.xml
but I explicitly point all my ivy calls to the appropriate settings file, trying to never rely on the default because the whole reason I use ivy+ant is that I prefer precise control over my build process:
I hope all that helps you or someone else.

Problem getting JavaDoc to resolve Java 6

I'm having problems getting Ant to relatively refer to Java 6 API in my javaDoc task. Instead of having, say "File", I am getitng the whole package reference first. It is very annoying!
Here is my code. Could anyone advise?
<javadoc sourcepath="${src.dir}"
doctitle="my API Documentation"
bottom="my API Documentation - Copyright 2010 to me. All Rights Reserved."
I would also like to add link information for log4j and also hibernate. Is it a simple case of adding more link rows?
Thanks. Ben.
To process multiple external links, use nested link elements of the Ant javadoc task. Something like:
<javadoc sourcepath="${src.dir}"
doctitle="my API Docs"
bottom="my API Docs - Copyright 2010 to me. All Rights Reserved.">
<link href="" />
<link href="" />
<link href=""/>
