Report templates for Team Foundation Server 2008 - tfs

Does anybody have links to site or pre built report running on the SQL Analysis Service provided by TFS2008?
Creating a meaningful Excel report or a new report sometime is a very boring and difficult taks, maybe finding a way to share reports could be a good idea?

Try this download: Creating and Customizing TFS Reports, it includes a few samples and some guidance. More here.
Also try the TFS Reporting linked from this site.
This site links to a large number of TFS reporting resources:

If you are using SCRUM, this has Sprint reports and Product Burndown reports:


TFS Reporting Service Configured, but unable to see required reports in Team Explorer - Reports window

Can any one please suggest how do I enable below standard reports in TFS Reports (Scrum):
1) Status on all iteration (Scrum Template)
2) Burndown and Burnrate (Scrum Template)
TFS Reporting service is configured following below guideline and Scrum Template has been imported.
But what I am able to see is only below four reports and not others:
1) Backlog Overview 2) Release Burndown 3) Sprint Burndown 4) Velocity
How do I get other reports over here that are listed in ? which appears to be standard, out-of-box reports which can be used directly.
This is very well-documented if you simply looked on MSDN. I found all of this information by following a few links from the URL you initially provided.
Basically, you use the Team Foundation Power Tools to upload the reports.
If the reports are created for another Work Item Template than the one you use in your project then, you might not be able to use the report directly. You might however be able to get it to work with a little editing if it is just a matter of some fields that have other names.
Through the Team Explorer -> Reports click the Go To Site text link to get to the Reporting Services web page. Here you can click the little triangle for one of the existing reports and choose Edit in Report Builder or create a new one by clicking the Report Builder link in the toolbar. I have found that it is far easier to edit an existing report to accommodate your needs than starting from scratch. Over time you might get the hang of it and be able to create your own reports from scratch.

Reports for TFS in Agile Environment

I've just set up reporting capabilities on my TFS 2012, and would like to add reports to it, preferably related to our agile processes.
I remember that back in the days of TFS2008 there were some reports out-of-the-box, provided by Microsoft. But for 2012 version, nothing was installed by default nor I cannot find any reports pack on the web, available for download.
Isn't there any reports available for download anywhere (other than the administrative ones)?
I guess you are using Scrum Process Template, I guess also you talk about the SharePoint Dashboard reports, any you are not talking about reports that exist on the reporting server, if this true.....
Scrum Process Template for SharePoint Dashboard doesn't contain reports, but if you create team project using MSF-For-Agile or MSF-For-CMMI you will find a lot of reports.
I work with the Urban Turtle team and we're currently developing an agile dashboard that embed directly in TFS. We'll release the first version of our Dashboard at the end of this month (february).
It will contain a lot of useful reports to follow your Agile project. If you want to have more information:
Hope this helps!
try alternative i am not sure that it will work or not.
for manual reporting..

TFS setup related issues

Is there any focused documentation on achieving the following with TFS. I find myself having to read through tonnes of documentation on MSDN and I find nothing is listed under topics as such or maybe I don't know what to look for. I have no experience in TFS other than checking files in and out and I am still trying to understand what each of these mean and how to find it in the docs, without much luck.
Gated check-in + continuous build for select projects.
Gated check-in + scheduled builds for other select projects.
Dashboards and reporting to select individuals or groups
Access for testing team members to only selective work item creation of the TFS project they are assigned to. They
should be able to get the latest version of the code and be able to log a workitem-bug, workitem-issue, workitem-testcase but they should not be able to create for eg. workitem:use case.
Testers should not be able to modify code.
Sending mails to persons who have a work item assigned to them, with
select persons in copy.
Sending of emails to anyone against whom a bug is assigned. When bug
is closed the person who raised the bug should get notified via
Sending mails to key persons of a project defined somewhere in TFS,
on build failure of that project.
If anyone has already done something like any of the points listed above then can you please let me know the steps? Somehow the documentation jumping too many links and going in various tangents.
Thanks for your time and patience..
In order:
Go to the Microsoft TFS site at Look for the training videos. Most of the stuff you want is covered.
The Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Branching and Merging Guide at is an excellent guide.
The Introduction to Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 Training Kit at is helpful.

Is there a web-based tool to allow users to submit work items?

I'm aware of the stand-alone Work Item Manager from Telerik, and an outdated project on Codeplex that doesn't work with TFS 2010.
Are there any other tools that end-users to easily enter bug-reports and have them submitted to TFS as work items? Something web-based would be preferrable, but i'd be ok with stand-alone.
WIM looks nice, but it's a little too much for end users to simply submit bugs. And they're not in TFS and don't have Team Explorer. So what other options are there?
Like John said in his comments, there is Web Access (http://mytfsserver:8080/tfs/web) which you can use to report bugs. It is even possible to let external users to create new bugs and track them without needing a CAL (license):
You can give users a url that opens a new bug form and prepopulates some values for them:
Usersnap for TFS is exactly what you need.
Add Usersnap to your web project and connect Usersnap with TFS - you will get bug screenshots directly added to your TFS tickets as attachment:
Your users don't need to login and you don't need any CALs for them.
Full disclosure: I'm CTO and Co-Founder of Usersnap.
If you have a Team Project SharePoint site associated with your TFS project, you can even use the shipped and ready to use SharePoint Product Backlog webpart that comes with the Agile process template to enter new Bugs. Very low threshold and little pre-requisites for users.

Project Management With Team Foundation Server

At my new company I have been tasked with setting up and presenting TFS as a full life cycle solution. I have plenty of experience working with TFS as a developer but I can't seem to find any good resources regarding setting up process via templates, things like modifying work items templates, creating sprints (We are using scrum) , bugs templates and so on. Any material either on the web or in book form would be greatly appreciated. We will be using TFS 2010 but anything from 2008 or 2005 would be a great help.
MSDN Magazine has an article about "Agile planning with TFS 2010" here:
Also check out these fresh virtual harddrives pre-installed with TFS and Visual Studio. They come with labs that you can follow, one of them titled "Planning your Projects with Team Foundation Server 2010":
