I wanna to know about btn btn-brand - bootstrap-5

I want to know about btn btn-brand!
I am following a project to do. but that developer is using this class on the button. still, I can't find out what is it. I can't see any output after using it.
Right now I'm using the latest bootstrap.
I can't figure out it on google and youtube.
Explain It..
thank you


How to build app Twitter using Retrofit?

I need to help. I'm doing a project about Twitter, but I don't know how to build it by using Retrofit. I really need some documents or an available one to make a reference.
Thank you!!!
This is an example in a complete tutorial for retrofit, I suggest you read the whole tutorial before you start working on the Twitter example, good luck:

How to play Youtube videos using Video.js?

Is there a way to play Youtube videos using video.js? I followed the steps here
but can't seem to make it work. Please help! Thanks a lot!
You can try https://github.com/eXon/videojs-youtube . Before using, I recommend you to read trough the bug reports. In particular, do not follow the advice to use the provided video.js version with the script. It seems to contain a vulnerability. The new version of video.js works fine.
If anyone is still interested, it worked like a charm. Could hardly believe it. Just need to include the script vjs.youtube.js. You can style the player as you please.
Gee, this got downvoted as "not useful". What can I add? See here:
Look at the source. Video-js + vjs.youtube.js. It works.

New window from link WITH popup

Tried searching around but can't seem to find a straight forward answer to what I'm trying to do...
I need to create a link that opens a new page WITH a unique popup. I don't want to simply embed a popup plugin for that new page. The link is the only method that the popup should be seen on the new page.
Does this make sense and how can I achieve it?
Many thanks in advance...
have a look on this this is exactaly same...
this is simple java script that can open new window

Error: event.findElement is not a function while trying to create slider for my app

I m new at ROR.
In my app I need slider and I found this article.
But it is giving following error:
"event.findElement is not a function.
var element = event.findElement(this.selector); "
in prototype.js.
Can anybody tell me why this error is coming??
I think that article is based on the javascript framework MooTools, and maybe you have not downloaded Mootools or you dont have it inside your Rails app. Download it from http://mootools.net/
Maybe searching for "Rails mootools tutorial" will give you some basics on this also so you can understand better what's going on.

Application Menu Item

I am developing a photo-editor app in blackberry. For this I need to open the app through an application menuitem in bb albums; I tried this but it does not get invoked.
What might I be missing?
I am not sure if I understand your question. You failed to add menu item?
If this is the case you can check out this:
You can also find many examples in the sample apps which come from RIM. In eclipse you can easily import the samples from file->import->import blackberry samples.
have u tried of something like this:
Not sure whether it works for your case or not
