How to get chat photos PYROGRAM - pyrogram

I want to know, how to get chat photos and send them by bot (pyrogram)
Im tried to Client.get_chat_photos but it get only PROFILE photos.


How do i get confirmation when a user posts on instagram from my app in ios Swift

I want to know if a user posts something on Instagram from my app, that he did successfully post on his wall. The reason for this is we have rewards for users who post on social media from our app. So, we want to keep track of whether the user did actually post something and not only open and closed the app

Is it possible to get notified on every 'Photos' access?

I'm trying to restrict access to iOS photo album from anywhere, or at least get notified when an app tries to access the photo album.
can it be done?
(private api is also accepted)

Invite Facebook friends to my iOS app that is not a game with custom UI

I want to invite Facebook friends the way Rounds iOS app work (i.e. show the list of Facebook friends in native UI and once the user taps 'Send Invites', i show the Request Dialog with the select friends and the user only press send to send the invites). This can be done using
parameters:["app_id" : APP_ID, "to" : FRIENDS_IDs]) {
result, url, error in
//Do whatever
The problem here is that the only two ways i can use to get the friend ids is:
1- making a graph request using /me/invitable_friends which is avaiable only for games.
2- the other is to use /me/friends BUT it returns only the friends that have authorized your app not the complete list of friends.
What i want to do is already done in another app called Rounds and also it is not categorized as game.
You are supposed to use the Message Dialog on iOS to invite friends. There is no need to get the whole friendlist for that, the user can just select his friends in the Dialog. You can´t get the whole friendlist anyway if your App does not have a Canvas implementation and if your App is not a game. Of course there´s also taggable_friends, but that one is for tagging only.
Btw, those other Apps where this works are most likely old v1.0 Apps. It will stop working for them after April 2015.

Posting to Facebook using SLComposeViewController posts to album

I have added the ability for our users to post to Facebook from within our app. However,
when users make a post it goes to a selected album. I do not want to upload an image to the album, I just want to post it as a status update so it appears as a newsfeed.
I do not really know much about posting to Facebook from an App so excuse me if the terminology is wrong.
My Question: How do I post a status update (with an image if possible) rather than having the image appear in the album?
Thanks for the help

Sending photo in Facebook chat

I have an app in which I can chat with my Facebook friends.
Now I want to send a photo to my friend in chat just like the Facebook iOS app
How can I do this??
Right now public Facebook Chat API doesn't support files attachments.
But, you can implement it yourself, for example follow this way:
Upload image you want to send to any public server. For example look at QuickBlox Content code sample . You can upload image to it server and get public url. It's free.
Send to opponent link to this image
Opponent just show this image using link
thats all, hope this help
