When simulating RPL Attack in Cooja, modifications made to core files affect normal motes behavior during experiment? - contiki

I wanted to seek your help to answer the following question:
I want to implement RPL attack in cooja, so I built the scenario with sink and normal nodes and the run the network.
Afterward, including the attack node requires some modifications to core files such as rpl-private.h, rpl-timers.c, rpl-mrhof.c. As known these files will be used by the normal motes during the simulation run.
The question is modifying these files shall affect normal motes behavior when running the scenario after modifications and adding the malicious mote?
If yes What are the possible solutions?
I have done the normal scenario and trying to figure out how to get my simulations done correctly as i'm measing the impact of RPL rank attack on network topology.


When to write a Custom Kernel Module

Problem Statement:
I have a very high bandwidth data link that is UDP based. The source of this data is not configurable, and sends on UDP a stream of datagrams. We have code that uses the standard methods for receiving data on the UDP socket that works adequately. I wanted to know if
Does there exist a command interface to extract multiple UDP datagrams at a time? to improve efficiency?
If one doesn't exist, does it make sense to create a kernel module to provide the capability?
I am a novice, and i wanted to understand what thought process has to happen when writing your own kernel module seems appropriate. I know that such a surgical procedure isn't meant to done lightly, but there must be a set of criteria where that action is prudent. Maybe not in my case, but in general.
HW / Kernel Module Perspective
A typical network adapter these days would be capable of distributing received packets across multiple hardware Rx queues thus letting the host run multiple software Rx queues bound to different CPU cores reading out packets in parallel. From a single HW/SW queue perspective, the host may poll it for new packets (see Linux NAPI), with each poll ideally yielding a batch of packets, and, alternatively, the host may still use interrupt-driven approach for Rx signalling with interrupt coalescing turned on for improved efficiency.
Existing NIC drivers in Linux kernel strive to stick with the most performant techniques, and the kernel itself should be able to leverage all of that properly.
Userland / Application Perspective
There's PACKET_MMAP interface provided by Linux kernel for improved Rx/Tx efficiency on the application side. Long story short, an application can set up a memory buffer shared between the kernel- and userspace and read out incoming packets from it, ideally in batches, or blocks, thus avoiding costly kernel-to-userspace copies and context switches so customary when using regular methods.
For added efficiency, the application may have multiple sockets bound to the NIC in separate threads / processes and demand that packet reception be load balanced across these sockets (see AF_PACKET fanout mode description).
DPDK Perspective
Kernel bypass framework that allows an application to seize full control of a network adapter by means of a vendor-specific poll-mode driver, or PMD, effectively running in userspace as part of the application and by its very nature not needing any kernel-to-userspace copies, context switches and, most likely, locking. Multi-queue receive operation, load balancing (round robin, RSS, you name it) and more cutting edge offloads are likely to be available, too (it's vendor specific).
The short of it, given the fact that multiple network acceleration techniques already exist, one need never write their own kernel module to solve the problem in question. By the looks of it, your application, which, as you say, uses standard methods, is not aware of PACKET_MMAP technique. So I'd be tempted to suggest looking at this one closely. DPDK approach might require that the application be effectively re-implemented from scratch, so I would first go for PACKET_MMAP approach as a low-hanging fruit.

Can I write a file to a specific cluster location?

You know, when an application opens a file and write to it, the system chooses in which cluster will be stored. I want to choose myself ! Let me tell you what I really want to do... In fact, I don't necessarily want to write anything. I have a HDD with a BAD range of clusters in the middle and I want to mark that space as it is occupied by a file, and eventually set it as a hidden-unmoveable-system one (like page file in windows) so that it won't be accessed anymore. Any ideas on how to do that ?
Later Edit:
I think THIS is my last hope. I just found it, but I need to investigate... Maybe a file could be created anywhere and then relocated to the desired cluster. But that requires writing, and the function may fail if that cluster is bad.
I believe the answer to your specific question: "Can I write a file to a specific cluster location" is, in general, "No".
The reason for that is that the architecture of modern operating systems is layered so that the underlying disk store is accessed at a lower level than you can access, and of course disks can be formatted in different ways so there will be different kernel mode drivers that support different formats. Even so, an intelligent disk controller can remap the addresses used by the kernel mode driver anyway. In short there are too many levels of possible redirection for you to be sure that your intervention is happening at the correct level.
If you are talking about Windows - which you haven't stated but which appears to assumed - then you need to be looking at storage drivers in the kernel (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/storage/). I think the closest you could reasonably come would be to write your own Installable File System driver (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/_ifsk/). This is really a 'filter' as it sits in the IO request chain and can intercept and change IO Request Packets (IRPs). Of course this would run in the kernel, not in userspace, and normally this would be written in C and I note your question is tagged for Delphi.
Your IFS Driver can sit at differnt levels in the request chain. I have used this technique to intercept calls to specific file system locations (paths / file names) and alter the IRP so as to virtualise the request - even calling back to user space from the kernel to resolve how the request should be handled. Using the provided examples implementing basic functionality with an IFS driver is not too involved because it's a filter and not a complete storgae system.
However the very nature of this approach means that another filter can also alter what you are doing in your driver.
You could look at replacing the file system driver that interfaces to the hardware, but I think that's likely to be an excessive task under the circumstances ... and as pointed out already by #fpiette the disk controller hardware can remap your request anyway.
In the days of MSDOS the access to the hardware was simpler and provided by the BIOS which could be hooked to allow the requests to be intercepted. Modern environments aren't that simple anymore. The IFS approach does allow IO to be hooked, but it does not provide the level of control you need.
EDIT regarding suggestion by the OP of using FSCTL_MOVE_FILE
For simple environment this may well do what you want, it is designed to support a defragmentation process.
However I still think there's no guarantee that this actually will do what you want.
You will note from the page you have linked to it states that it is moving one or more virtual clusters of a file from one logical cluster to another within the same volume
This is a code that's passed to the underlying storage drivers which I have referred to above. What the storage layer does is up to the storage layer and will depend on the underlying technology. With more advanced storage there's no guarantee this actually addresses the physical locations which I believe your question is asking about.
However that's entirely dependent on the underlying storage system. For some types of storage relocation by the OS may not be honoured in the same way. As an example consider an enterprise storage array that has a built in data-tiering function. Without the awareness of the OS data will be relocated within the storage based on the tiering algorithms. Also consider that there are technologies which allow data to be directly accessed (like NVMe) and that you are working with 'virtual' and 'logical' clusters, not physical locations.
However, you may well find that in a simple case, with support in the underlying drivers and no remapping done outside the OS and kernel, this does what you need.
Since you problem is to mark bad cluster, you don't need to write any program. Use the command line utility CHKDSK that Windows provides.
I an elevated command prompt (Run as administrator), run the command:
chkdsk /r c:
The check will be done on the next reboot.
Don't forget to read the documentation.

Inspecting port data in real time

Is there any recommended way to inspect/plot the numeric values that are being sent through the ports between drake systems in real-time?. (something similar to rqt_plot in ROS). Apart from the SignalLogger or writing and wiring custom individual plotting Systems, is there any method to access the port values internally?
There's nothing as nice as rqt_plot as far as I know.
If you are able to alter your Diagram before calling DiagramBuilder::Build, you could add an LcmScopeSystem onto any vector-valued output port and then the port's contents will be transmitted on an LCM channel. You can add multiple scopes, but you currently have to add them one by one, ahead of time.
Once the data is onto an LCM channel, then you could use the provided drake-lcm-spy program which has the ability to show (very rudimentary) live plots:
cd drake
bazel build //lcmtypes:drake-lcm-spy
bazel-bin/lcmtypes/drake-lcm-spy &
Also tangentially related would be https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake/issues/5857, though that is not on any near-term roadmap.

Docker design: exchange data between containers or put multiple processes in one container?

In a current project I have to perform the following tasks (among others):
capture video frames from five IP cameras and stitch a panorama
run machine learning based object detection on the panorama
stream the panorama so it can be displayed in a UI
Currently, the stitching and the streaming runs in one docker container, and the object detection runs in another, reading the panorama stream as input.
Since I need to increase the input resolution for the the object detector while maintaining the stream resolution for the UI, I have to look for alternative ways of getting the stitched (full resolution) panorama (~10 MB per frame) from the stitcher container to the detector container.
My thoughts regarding potential solutions:
shared volume. Potential downside: One extra write and read per frame might be too slow?
Using a message queue or e.g. redis. Potential downside: yet another component in the architecture.
merging the two containers. Potential downside(s): Not only does it not feel right, but the two containers have completely different base images and dependencies. Plus I'd have to worry about parallelization.
Since I'm not the sharpest knife in the docker drawer, what I'm asking for are tips, experiences and best practices regarding fast data exchange between docker containers.
Usually most communication between Docker containers is over network sockets. This is fine when you're talking to something like a relational database or an HTTP server. It sounds like your application is a little more about sharing files, though, and that's something Docker is a little less good at.
If you only want one copy of each component, or are still actively developing the pipeline: I'd probably not use Docker for this. Since each container has an isolated filesystem and its own user ID space, sharing files can be unexpectedly tricky (every container must agree on numeric user IDs). But if you just run everything on the host, as the same user, pointing at the same directory, this isn't a problem.
If you're trying to scale this in production: I'd add some sort of shared filesystem and a message queueing system like RabbitMQ. For local work this could be a Docker named volume or bind-mounted host directory; cloud storage like Amazon S3 will work fine too. The setup is like this:
Each component knows about the shared storage and connects to RabbitMQ, but is unaware of the other components.
Each component reads a message from a RabbitMQ queue that names a file to process.
The component reads the file and does its work.
When it finishes, the component writes the result file back to the shared storage, and writes its location to a RabbitMQ exchange.
In this setup each component is totally stateless. If you discover that, for example, the machine-learning component of this is slowest, you can run duplicate copies of it. If something breaks, RabbitMQ will remember that a given message hasn't been fully processed (acknowledged); and again because of the isolation you can run that specific component locally to reproduce and fix the issue.
This model also translates well to larger-scale Docker-based cluster-computing systems like Kubernetes.
Running this locally, I would absolutely keep separate concerns in separate containers (especially if individual image-processing and ML tasks are expensive). The setup I propose needs both a message queue (to keep track of the work) and a shared filesystem (because message queues tend to not be optimized for 10+ MB individual messages). You get a choice between Docker named volumes and host bind-mounts as readily available shared storage. Bind mounts are easier to inspect and administer, but on some platforms are legendarily slow. Named volumes I think are reasonably fast, but you can only access them from Docker containers, which means needing to launch more containers to do basic things like backup and pruning.
Alright, Let's unpack this:
IMHO Shared Volume works just fine, but gets way too messy over time. Especially if you're handling Stateful services.
MQ: This seems like a best option in my opinion. Yes, it's another component in your architecture, but it makes sense to have it rather than maintaining messy shared Volumes or handling massive container images (if you manage to combine 2 container images)
Yes, You could potentially do this, but not a good idea. Considering your use case, I'm going to go ahead and make an assumption that you have a massive list of dependencies which could potentially lead to a conflict. Also, lot of dependencies = larger image = Larger attack surface - which from a security perspective is not a good thing.
If you really want to run multiple processes in one container, it's possible. There are multiple ways to achieve that, however I prefer supervisord.

Erlang clusters

I'm trying to implement a cluster using Erlang as the glue that holds it all together. I like the idea that it creates a fully connected graph of nodes, but upon reading different articles online, it seems as though this doesn't scale well (having a max of 50 - 100 nodes). Did the developers of OTP impose this limitation on purpose? I do know that you can setup nodes to have explicit connections only as well as have hidden nodes, etc. But, it seems as though the default out-of-the-box setup isn't very scalable.
So to the questions:
If you had 5 nodes (A, B, C, D, E) that all had explicit connections such that A-B-C-D-E. Does Erlang/OTP allow A to talk directly to E or does A have to pass messages from B through D to get to E, and thus that's the reason for the fully connected graph? Again, it makes sense but it doesn't scale well from what I've seen.
If one was to try and go for a scalable and fault-tolerant system, what are your options? It seems as though, if you can't create a fully connected graph because you have too many nodes, the next best thing would be to create a tree of some kind. But, this doesn't seem very fault-tolerant because if the root or any parent of children nodes dies, you would lose a significant portion of your cluster.
In looking into supervisors and workers, all of the examples I've seen apply this to processes on a single node. Could it be applied to a cluster of nodes to help implement fault-tolerance?
Can nodes be part of several clusters?
Thanks for your help, if there is a semi-recent website or blogpost (roughly 1-year old) that I've missed, I'd be happy to look at those. But, I've scoured the internet pretty well.
Yes, you can send messages to a process on any remote node in a cluster, for example, by using its process identifier (pid). This is called location transparency. And yes, it scales well (see Riak, CouchDB, RabbitMQ, etc).
Note that one node can run hundred thousands of processes. Erlang has proven to be very scalable and was built for fault tolerance. There are other approaches to build bigger, e.g. SOA approach of CloudI (see comments). You also could build clusters that use hidden nodes if you really really need to.
At the node level you would take a different approach, for example, build identical nodes that are easy to replace if they fail and the work is taken over by the remaining nodes. Check out how Riak handles this (look into riak_core and check the blog post Introducing Riak Core).
Nodes can leave and enter a cluster but cannot be part of multiple clusters at the same time. Connected nodes share one cluster cookie which is used to identify connected nodes. You can set the cookie while the VM is running (see Distributed Erlang).
Read http://learnyousomeerlang.com/ for greater good.
The distribution protocol is about providing robustness, not scalability. What you want to do is to group your cluster into smaller areas and then use connections, which are not distribution in Erlang but in, say, TCP sessions. You could run 5 groups of 10 machines each. This means the 10 machines have seamless Pid distribution: you can call a pid on another machine. But distributing to another group means you can't seamlessly address the group like that.
You generally want some kind of "route reflection" as in BGP.
1) I think you need a direct connection between nodes to communicate between processes. This does, however, mean that you don't need persistent connections between all the nodes if two will never communicate (say if they're only workers, not coordinators).
2) You can create a not-fully-connected graph of erlang nodes. The documentation is hard to find, and comes with problems - you disable the global system which handles global names in the cluster, so you have to do everything by locally registered names, or locally registered names on remote nodes. Or just use Pids, as they work too. To start an erlang node like this, use erl ... -connect_all false .... I hope you know what you're up to, as I couldn't trust myself to do that.
It also turns out that a not-fully-connected graph of erlang nodes is a current research topic. The RELEASE Project is currently working on exactly that, and have come up with a concept of S-groups, which are essentially fully-connected groups. However, nodes can be members of more than one S-group and nodes in separate s-groups don't have to be fully connected but can establish the connections they need on demand to do direct node-to-node communication. It's worth finding presentations of theirs because the research is really interesting.
Another thing worth pointing out is that several people have found that you can get up to 150-200 nodes in a fully-connected cluster. Do you really have a use-case for more nodes than that? Surely 150-200 incredibly beefy computers would do most things you could throw at them, unless you have a ridiculous project to do.
3) While you can't start processes on a different node using gen_server:start_link/3,4, you can certainly call servers on a foreign node very easily. It seems that they've overlooked being able to start servers on foreign nodes, but there's probably good reason for it - such as a ridiculous number of error cases.
4) Try looking at hidden nodes, and at having a not-fully-connected cluster. They should allow you to group nodes as you see fit.
TL;DR: Scaling is hard, let's go shopping.
There are some good answers already, so I'm trying to be simple.
1) No, if A and E are not connected directly, A cannot talk to E. The distribution protocol runs on direct TCP connection - no routing included.
2) I think a tree structure is good enough - trade-offs always exist.
3) There's no 'supervisor for nodes', but erlang:monitor_node is your friend.
4) Yes. A node can talk to nodes from different 'clusters'. In the local node, use erlang:set_cookie(OtherNode, OtherCookie) to access a remote node with a different cookie.
yes. they talk to each other
2) 3) and 4)
Generally speaking, when building a scalable and fault tolerant system, you would want, or more over, need to divide the work load to different "regions" or "clusters". Supervisor/Worker model has this envisioned thus the topology. What you need is a few processes coordinating work between clusters and all workers within one single cluster will talk to each other to balance out within group.
As you can see, with this topology, the "limitation" is not really a limitation as long as you divide your tasks carefully and in a balanced fashion. Personally, I believe a tree like structure for supervisor processes is not avoidable in large scale systems, and this is the practice I'm following. Reasons are vary but boils down to scalability, fault tolerance as fall back policy implementation, maintenance need and portability of the clusters.
So in conclusion,
2) use a tree-like topology for your supervisors. let workers explicitly connect to each other and talk within their own domain with the supervisors.
3) while this is the native designed environment, as I presume, I'm pretty sure a supervisor can talk to a worker on a different machine. I would not suggest this as fault tolerance can be hell in remote worker scenario.
4) you should never let a node be part of two different cluster at the same moment. You can switch it from one cluster to another though.
