Inspecting port data in real time - drake

Is there any recommended way to inspect/plot the numeric values that are being sent through the ports between drake systems in real-time?. (something similar to rqt_plot in ROS). Apart from the SignalLogger or writing and wiring custom individual plotting Systems, is there any method to access the port values internally?

There's nothing as nice as rqt_plot as far as I know.
If you are able to alter your Diagram before calling DiagramBuilder::Build, you could add an LcmScopeSystem onto any vector-valued output port and then the port's contents will be transmitted on an LCM channel. You can add multiple scopes, but you currently have to add them one by one, ahead of time.
Once the data is onto an LCM channel, then you could use the provided drake-lcm-spy program which has the ability to show (very rudimentary) live plots:
cd drake
bazel build //lcmtypes:drake-lcm-spy
bazel-bin/lcmtypes/drake-lcm-spy &
Also tangentially related would be, though that is not on any near-term roadmap.


Can I write a file to a specific cluster location?

You know, when an application opens a file and write to it, the system chooses in which cluster will be stored. I want to choose myself ! Let me tell you what I really want to do... In fact, I don't necessarily want to write anything. I have a HDD with a BAD range of clusters in the middle and I want to mark that space as it is occupied by a file, and eventually set it as a hidden-unmoveable-system one (like page file in windows) so that it won't be accessed anymore. Any ideas on how to do that ?
Later Edit:
I think THIS is my last hope. I just found it, but I need to investigate... Maybe a file could be created anywhere and then relocated to the desired cluster. But that requires writing, and the function may fail if that cluster is bad.
I believe the answer to your specific question: "Can I write a file to a specific cluster location" is, in general, "No".
The reason for that is that the architecture of modern operating systems is layered so that the underlying disk store is accessed at a lower level than you can access, and of course disks can be formatted in different ways so there will be different kernel mode drivers that support different formats. Even so, an intelligent disk controller can remap the addresses used by the kernel mode driver anyway. In short there are too many levels of possible redirection for you to be sure that your intervention is happening at the correct level.
If you are talking about Windows - which you haven't stated but which appears to assumed - then you need to be looking at storage drivers in the kernel (see I think the closest you could reasonably come would be to write your own Installable File System driver (see This is really a 'filter' as it sits in the IO request chain and can intercept and change IO Request Packets (IRPs). Of course this would run in the kernel, not in userspace, and normally this would be written in C and I note your question is tagged for Delphi.
Your IFS Driver can sit at differnt levels in the request chain. I have used this technique to intercept calls to specific file system locations (paths / file names) and alter the IRP so as to virtualise the request - even calling back to user space from the kernel to resolve how the request should be handled. Using the provided examples implementing basic functionality with an IFS driver is not too involved because it's a filter and not a complete storgae system.
However the very nature of this approach means that another filter can also alter what you are doing in your driver.
You could look at replacing the file system driver that interfaces to the hardware, but I think that's likely to be an excessive task under the circumstances ... and as pointed out already by #fpiette the disk controller hardware can remap your request anyway.
In the days of MSDOS the access to the hardware was simpler and provided by the BIOS which could be hooked to allow the requests to be intercepted. Modern environments aren't that simple anymore. The IFS approach does allow IO to be hooked, but it does not provide the level of control you need.
EDIT regarding suggestion by the OP of using FSCTL_MOVE_FILE
For simple environment this may well do what you want, it is designed to support a defragmentation process.
However I still think there's no guarantee that this actually will do what you want.
You will note from the page you have linked to it states that it is moving one or more virtual clusters of a file from one logical cluster to another within the same volume
This is a code that's passed to the underlying storage drivers which I have referred to above. What the storage layer does is up to the storage layer and will depend on the underlying technology. With more advanced storage there's no guarantee this actually addresses the physical locations which I believe your question is asking about.
However that's entirely dependent on the underlying storage system. For some types of storage relocation by the OS may not be honoured in the same way. As an example consider an enterprise storage array that has a built in data-tiering function. Without the awareness of the OS data will be relocated within the storage based on the tiering algorithms. Also consider that there are technologies which allow data to be directly accessed (like NVMe) and that you are working with 'virtual' and 'logical' clusters, not physical locations.
However, you may well find that in a simple case, with support in the underlying drivers and no remapping done outside the OS and kernel, this does what you need.
Since you problem is to mark bad cluster, you don't need to write any program. Use the command line utility CHKDSK that Windows provides.
I an elevated command prompt (Run as administrator), run the command:
chkdsk /r c:
The check will be done on the next reboot.
Don't forget to read the documentation.

See events from my application together with dissected communication in Wireshark

I sometimes need to use Wireshark to analyze communication issues with a particular protocol that my application uses. Wireshark already comes with a dissector for the protocol, and displays the communication in the best possible way I can imagine.
But I also need to view the actual communication together with events happening inside my application. The application is capable of generating various logs and traces. The information in them is actually more structured, but for the simplicity, let's say it is just a sequence of entries where each entry has a timestamp and a textual message.
Currently, I have to place the Wireshark and the logs alongside on the screen, and painfully correlate the timestamps in order to figure out how they belong together. In order to make my analysis much easier, I would like to view the information from my logs merged together with the communication protocol messages in Wireshark, properly sorted by their timestamps.
I found that Wireshark has a Merge capability, so this is where I am directing my investigation. I think that with some effort, I might be able to do the following:
1) Design my own "protocol", and generate PCAPNG file from my application, with the event timestamps and messages, and
2) Developer a Wireshark dissector for the above, so that I can view the events in Wireshark.
The first part of my question is whether my approach is the right one.
But I also wonder whether I cannot achieve what I want in some simpler way. Ideally, I would like to reuse something that already exists, and specifically, avoid developing a specialized dissector. Isn't there a protocol with identical features (just timestamps and textual messages), with a dissector that Wireshark already has, that I can use?
Maybe you could make use of syslog along with syslogd or rsyslogd?
One way to inject arbitrary messages into trace files without even having a syslog server is to make use of nc (netcat). For example:
echo -n "Hello World" | nc -w 0 -u 514
Wireshark will also dissect this message as syslog traffic. This can be useful when trying to insert "markers" into capture files near where an event of interest occurs.
In any case, making use of syslog facilities would save you from having to write your protocol.

Two TCL scripts that use the same conection

I am working with two tcl files. One is a program that connects to a thermal scanner to get information from it via ethernet. I have integrated the other tcl GUI that can reflash the scanner via ethernet. How do I use the connection from the first one to use the flash utility on the second GUI? At first, the two GUI's were separate but I had to combine them for customers.
-let me know if you need any code, the programs are about 4000 lines long so I didnt want to put them on here.
A single TCP connection can only really be used by one process (at each end) at a time; trying to do otherwise causes confusion. Can you just get each program to talk to the thermal scanner directly? At least theoretically, it ought be able to support multiple simultaneous connections, and that'd be a simple way to work.
But if the device won't work that way, the easiest way to multiplex the communications is to have a single process that actually talks to the device and for the other programs to talk to that multiplexer process (probably via a local socket). The multiplexer doesn't need to have a GUI, but would be told to do things like “flash this file to the scanner” or “stream values out of the scanner”. The details of how to do all this will depend very much on what's actually going on with the communications, but the fcopy command is highly likely to be useful in this, as it can be used to efficiently stream data from one Tcl channel to another.

Gnuradio streaming between two computers?

Is there a simple way to implement communication between two computers running GNUradio using the standard blocks set?
What I am have now is this:
On a Linux computer, GNUradio is running and receiving input from a Radio peripheral. On that computer I can see the received waveform on a WX scope. I can also use sliders and input boxes to change things like the receiver frequency.
What I'd like to do is this:
On a Windows computer, I have the WX scope and sliders. When I move the a slider or change an input box, that data gets sent to the Linux, which is still running the radio receiver on Gnuradio. The received signal goes through a stream back to the windows, and gets displayed on the WX scope on Windows.
Someone elsewhere suggested using the ZMQ blocks, however, when I tried setting up a PUSH/PULL to transmit a sine wave from the Linux to the Windows, nothing went through. The guy who recommended that approach tried the same and also could not get it working, so I think that block might be broken?
So is there any alternative blocks that can do what I'm trying to do? Preferably something well documented, and available on GNUradio-companion.
Depending on the data rate from the receiver, it's possible to encounter performance issues attempting to send raw waveform data using e.g. the UDP blocks, where the sender may print an error similar to the following:
gr::log :WARN: udp_source0 - Too much data; dropping packet.
Because the scope widgets usually only display a portion of the input data, a more ideal way of remotely visualizing the waveform might be to only send the rendered scope widget (e.g. using a remote desktop such as VNC or X2Go). Although this solution reaches beyond your original problem, it is probably easier to use in the long run for cases involving two-way GUI interaction.
For the scope widget data, the UDP sink and source blocks seem to be native to GNU Radio, and are either sufficiently documented solution or simple enough for this problem, again taking firewall configuration into consideration as #Zephyr mentioned.
From GRC, specify in the UDP blocks:
the hostname or IP address of the display computer, and
a choose port number that isn't already in use (and were you using Linux, OS X, or anything UNIX-like, not any port below 1024).
For setting variables over the network, you might try the XMLRPC blocks, as described in another answer. These were recently deprecated, however.
See my other answer for discussion of alternative if performance issues arise.
Both Linux and Windows should have firewalls which might be blocking the connections.
You need to post the error messages displayed in gnuradio-companion.

Sharing data system wide

Good evening.
I'm looking for a method to share data from my application system-wide, so that other applications could read that data and then do whatever they want with it (e.g. format it for display, use it for logging, etc). The data needs to be updated dynamically in the method itself.
WMI came to mind first, but then you've got the issue of applications pausing while reading from WMI. Additionally, i've no real idea how to setup my own namespace or classes if that's even possible in Delphi.
Using files is another idea, but that could get disk heavy, and it's a real awful method to use for realtime data.
Using a driver would probably be the best option, but that's a little too intrusive on the users end for my liking, and i've no idea on where to even start with it.
WM_COPYDATA would be great, but i'm not sure if that's dynamic enough, and whether it'll be heavy on resources or not.
Using TCP/IP would be the best choice for over the network, but obviously is of little use when run on a single system with no networking requirement.
As you can see, i'm struggling to figure out where to go with this. I don't want to go into one method only to find that it's not gonna work out in the end. Essentially, something like a service, or background process, to record data and then allow other applications to read that data. I'm just unsure on methods. I'd prefer to NOT need elevation/UAC to do this, but if needs be, i'll settle for it.
I'm running in Delphi 2010 for this exercise.
Any ideas?
You want to create some Client-Server architecture, which is also called IPC.
Using WM_COPYDATA is a very good idea. I found out it is very fast, lightweight, and efficient on a local machine. And it can be broadcasted over the system, to all applications at once (to be used with care if some application does not handle it correctly).
You can also share some memory, using memory mapped files. This is may be the fastest IPC option around for huge amount of data, but synchronization is a bit complex (if you want to share more than one buffer at once).
Named pipes are a good candidates for local. They tend to be difficult to implement/configure over a network, due to security issues on modern Windows versions (and are using TCP/IP for network communication - so you should better use directly TCP/IP instead).
My personal advice is that you shall implement your data sharing with abstract classes, able to provide several implementations. You may use WM_COPYDATA first, then switch to named pipes, TCP/IP or HTTP in order to spread your application over a network.
For our Open Source Client-Server ORM, we implemented several protocols, including WM_COPY_DATA, named pipe, HTTP, or direct in-process access. You can take a look at the source code provided for implementation patterns. Here are some benchmarks, to give you data from real implementations:
Client server access:
- Http client keep alive: 3001 assertions passed
first in 7.87ms, done in 153.37ms i.e. 6520/s, average 153us
- Http client multi connect: 3001 assertions passed
first in 151us, done in 305.98ms i.e. 3268/s, average 305us
- Named pipe access: 3003 assertions passed
first in 78.67ms, done in 187.15ms i.e. 5343/s, average 187us
- Local window messages: 3002 assertions passed
first in 148us, done in 112.90ms i.e. 8857/s, average 112us
- Direct in process access: 3001 assertions passed
first in 44us, done in 41.69ms i.e. 23981/s, average 41us
Total failed: 0 / 15014 - Client server access PASSED
As you can see, fastest is direct access, then WM_COPY_DATA, then named pipes, then HTTP (i.e. TCP/IP). Message was around 5 KB of JSON data containing 113 rows, retrieved from server, then parsed on the client 100 times (yes, our framework is fast :) ). For huge blocks of data (like 4 MB), WM_COPY_DATA is slower than named pipes or HTTP-TCP/IP.
Where are several IPC (inter-process communication) methods in Windows. Your question is rather general, I can suggest memory-mapped files to store your shared data and message broadcasting via PostMessage to inform other application that the shared data changed.
If you don't mind running another process, you could use one of the NoSQL databases.
I'm pretty sure that a lot of them won't have Delphi drivers, but some of them have REST drivers and hence can be driven from pretty much anything.
Memcached is an easy way to share data between applications. Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects).
A Delphi 2010 client for Memcached can be found on google code:
related question:
Are there any Caching Frameworks for Delphi?
Googling for 'delphi interprocess communication' will give you lots of pointers.
I suggest you take a look at, especially MadCodeHook (
I have good experience with the product.
