Video is not supported in iOS version - ios

I made applications in react native, Application like Tik-Tok (Users can upload short videos and other users can view these videos all functionality is working well in the android version)
The video is not showing in the iOS version only audio is available,
I notice this video is open in chrome and other browsers except safari browsers,
When I try to play video in the default player of the Mac OS it's not working and when I try with VLC it's working well


Flutter Web playing audio not working on iOS 14.6 on both Chrome and Safari

I tried to use both audioplayers and just_audio to play audio from URL and it works on Windows browsers, Android browsers, and iOS 15+ browsers, but not working on iPhone of iOS 14.6.
The used code to play audios with audioplayers:
await audioPlayer.release();;
audioPlayer.onPlayerComplete.listen((event) {
Apparently I have read that iPhones used to prevent automatic audio playing and it works only with user interaction but doesn't work if I played the audios automatically without user interaction, I have tried this and this seems to be correct, but I want to play it without user interaction.
so is there a way to prevent this problem in Flutter?

WebRTC video chat not working on iOS Safari or iOS Chrome - Is it possible?

I am not technical but have my engineer working on putting together a web-based video chat application with the goal of using it on the iOS web browser(s). The service appears to be functioning correctly on a desktop browser. However, we cannot get it to work on iOS browsers.
on Safari (using iPhone 11 - iOS 13) the video freezes immediately and shows still frame. On Chrome there is never a connection made, nor does Chrome prompt to access camera/mic.
I've read conflicting work that says WebRTC is supported in iOS Safari/Chrome and other work that says it is not.
Would appreciate anyone's help here! Is it possible to create a URL-based video conferencing platform that can correctly function on iPhone?
Try adding 'muted', 'autoplay', 'playsinline' attributes to the Video Element as shown below.
<video muted autoplay playsinline></video>
If you can play it back, it's ok.
From the perspective of the user experience, the browser can autoplay audio or video with audio only on some sites such as Youtube and sites that the user has allowed. It cannot be done on other sites.
To play on sites that can't autoplay, modify it to play with user gestures such as clicks.
video.onclick = _ =>;
Here's an example that works from Raspberry Pi to iPhone iOS 13.4
Haven't been able to make it work from Chrome on windows to iPhone
source code:
GetUserMedia is not supported in Chrome for iPhone
It is supported in Safari for iPhone
It is supported in Chrome for Windows

AirPlay, Chromecast, Miracast SDK

I would like to realize an Android application that would be able to display an AirPlay, Miracast or Chromecast stream.
This application will be a basic Viewer of these 3 technologies.
I would like that when you launch it, you can see it on your iPhone, Android or Windows Phone or even from computers (PC or Mac). So you can project your screen on an Android.
I've seen some apps on the Play Store that were able to show AirPlay or Google Cast streams but I have not found them for Miracast.
Do you have links to send me SDK of these 3 technologies ?
Thank you all !

Embed Puffin/Photon/Skyfire Browser in own app (iOS and Android)

My goal is to play Flash Movies in my app, which has to run on Android and iOS devices. (i.e. two versions)
I tried using Adobe Air - it works, but is very slow. Now I discovered some Web browsers like Puffin, which can 'play' Flash movies even on iOS-devices. I can call and open them from my app, but now my question: is there a way to embed one of these browsers in my app?

How can I use HTML5 download attr in iPhone using PhoneGap

I have a PhoneGap application that is working on Android. The app accesses mp3 audios from a server and plays for the user. It also uses HTML5 download feature to download any audio.
I am now compiling this for iPhone and I have been told that one cannot download stuff like MP3 audios on iPhone hence this HTML5 download won't work.
I am seeking confirmation if and how the download facility works on iPhone? I am totally new to iPhone.
