How can I use HTML5 download attr in iPhone using PhoneGap - ios

I have a PhoneGap application that is working on Android. The app accesses mp3 audios from a server and plays for the user. It also uses HTML5 download feature to download any audio.
I am now compiling this for iPhone and I have been told that one cannot download stuff like MP3 audios on iPhone hence this HTML5 download won't work.
I am seeking confirmation if and how the download facility works on iPhone? I am totally new to iPhone.


Video is not supported in iOS version

I made applications in react native, Application like Tik-Tok (Users can upload short videos and other users can view these videos all functionality is working well in the android version)
The video is not showing in the iOS version only audio is available,
I notice this video is open in chrome and other browsers except safari browsers,
When I try to play video in the default player of the Mac OS it's not working and when I try with VLC it's working well

DLNA support for iOS video app

I am developing an video player app on iOS and I am now thinking about how to support DLNA so that my app can mirror its online video to the TV with some DLNA-supported device.
Notice that the online video is playing on my app via WIFI or cellular network and I could switch it to be played on TV and my app becomes a remote control and a server to the TV.
Which framework should I use?
I already know Cyberlink and PlatinumKit.
I have worked on DLNA with iOS and Android device. I did not used the Cyberlink or PlatinumKit. I learned how it works and write with swift and java.
Here is my blog about the subject, if you only want the part of DLNA to find DLNA device and stream the video to the device, then control events like play, pause and seek. You could find all the material you need here.

Cannot Play Audio in a SCORM Package from Moodle in Safari

We are using Moodle 2.5.4 to launch a SCORM 1.2 package on the iPad 4th gen in Mobile Safari and a Mac to launch it in Safari 7.0.1 and 7.0.6. There is both a video file and an audio file playing at the same time in the course, but on the iPad only the video plays when we launch the course in Moodle. Upon inspection it appears the audio file is being played with an HTML5 audio tag.
We have verified that both the client's old LMS system and SCORM cloud are capable of running this content. We did not alter anything to do with SCORM module launches and the same course runs all audio and video just fine in other browsers.
Is there any way in which we could get this content to play in Moodle the same as it does everywhere else?
Turns out Safari and Mobile Safari don't like playing audio over HTTPS when the server is using a self-signed certificate. Upon testing in an environment with a valid SSL certificate everything worked fine. So in the end this was not a Moodle issue at all.

Capturing Video on Mobile device using Adobe AIR

I am tasked with creating a video recording app for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android) where the users are asked to record a short clip using their phones/tablets.
The video is then uploded to a server (either within the same app or a secondary app/site or via email)
Is it possible for an AIR app to record and save quality video and audio to the camera roll/gallery, or alternatively open the built-in video recorder app from the AIR app?
I am stuck between attempting this using Flash CS5.5 and deploy to iOS and Android using one code base, or building native apps and possibly duplicating my workload.
If I attempt the AIR route, will I hit problems with quality/resolution/usability etc? Or should I stick to building a native app? Time is of the essence too :)
I've done lots of research and not really found anything to swing my decision.
Thank in advance.

How to Make Adobe Air Extension for iOS native app

I searched over Internet but didn't find any answer.
Question 1# is it possible to use Adobe air application in a native iOS app.??
Let me explain I am going to develop an iOS application in which I have to play flv files. I created a application in adobe air which plays flv files in iOS but I want to play flv within my native app without leaving that native app.
I just want to inform you that if you play adobe AIR FLV file in IOS, it will not play, because IOS not supports FLV, i'm not sure about that if you put FLV in IOS native app and play it, but standalone it will not play, so first test it without native then try to implement it in native.
