AirPlay, Chromecast, Miracast SDK - sdk

I would like to realize an Android application that would be able to display an AirPlay, Miracast or Chromecast stream.
This application will be a basic Viewer of these 3 technologies.
I would like that when you launch it, you can see it on your iPhone, Android or Windows Phone or even from computers (PC or Mac). So you can project your screen on an Android.
I've seen some apps on the Play Store that were able to show AirPlay or Google Cast streams but I have not found them for Miracast.
Do you have links to send me SDK of these 3 technologies ?
Thank you all !


WebRTC video chat not working on iOS Safari or iOS Chrome - Is it possible?

I am not technical but have my engineer working on putting together a web-based video chat application with the goal of using it on the iOS web browser(s). The service appears to be functioning correctly on a desktop browser. However, we cannot get it to work on iOS browsers.
on Safari (using iPhone 11 - iOS 13) the video freezes immediately and shows still frame. On Chrome there is never a connection made, nor does Chrome prompt to access camera/mic.
I've read conflicting work that says WebRTC is supported in iOS Safari/Chrome and other work that says it is not.
Would appreciate anyone's help here! Is it possible to create a URL-based video conferencing platform that can correctly function on iPhone?
Try adding 'muted', 'autoplay', 'playsinline' attributes to the Video Element as shown below.
<video muted autoplay playsinline></video>
If you can play it back, it's ok.
From the perspective of the user experience, the browser can autoplay audio or video with audio only on some sites such as Youtube and sites that the user has allowed. It cannot be done on other sites.
To play on sites that can't autoplay, modify it to play with user gestures such as clicks.
video.onclick = _ =>;
Here's an example that works from Raspberry Pi to iPhone iOS 13.4
Haven't been able to make it work from Chrome on windows to iPhone
source code:
GetUserMedia is not supported in Chrome for iPhone
It is supported in Safari for iPhone
It is supported in Chrome for Windows

DLNA support for iOS video app

I am developing an video player app on iOS and I am now thinking about how to support DLNA so that my app can mirror its online video to the TV with some DLNA-supported device.
Notice that the online video is playing on my app via WIFI or cellular network and I could switch it to be played on TV and my app becomes a remote control and a server to the TV.
Which framework should I use?
I already know Cyberlink and PlatinumKit.
I have worked on DLNA with iOS and Android device. I did not used the Cyberlink or PlatinumKit. I learned how it works and write with swift and java.
Here is my blog about the subject, if you only want the part of DLNA to find DLNA device and stream the video to the device, then control events like play, pause and seek. You could find all the material you need here.

Capturing Video on Mobile device using Adobe AIR

I am tasked with creating a video recording app for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android) where the users are asked to record a short clip using their phones/tablets.
The video is then uploded to a server (either within the same app or a secondary app/site or via email)
Is it possible for an AIR app to record and save quality video and audio to the camera roll/gallery, or alternatively open the built-in video recorder app from the AIR app?
I am stuck between attempting this using Flash CS5.5 and deploy to iOS and Android using one code base, or building native apps and possibly duplicating my workload.
If I attempt the AIR route, will I hit problems with quality/resolution/usability etc? Or should I stick to building a native app? Time is of the essence too :)
I've done lots of research and not really found anything to swing my decision.
Thank in advance.

getEnhancedMicrophone() doesn't work (reduce echo) on air mobile for IOS

I have a problem with my flex mobile application on iOS. It is a video chat application with a red5 server.
The video works fine but the voice has a big echo! I tried using getEnhancedMicrophone() but it didn't help.
How can I have Acoustic Echo cancellation or suppression on IOS?
I work on Flash Builder 4.6 with Air 3.5
There no known solutions.
Adobe been promising a fix for years but the solution requires access to Android source code from Google that is not open source. I had the same issues with a videChat app on Android using Adobe Air. I tried as workaround:
Switching mic.setLoopback(false/true) in a timer to break up the audio
Trying to detect sound coming over NetStream and set the local device mic gain to 0
Problem is I cannot detect if someone is talking over NetStream.
Use NetStreamInfo audio properties like audioBytesPerSecond but these do not jump when someone is talking over NetStream.
The problem is solved if the user wears headphones on the mobile side but this is not acceptable.

Does Windows Phone 7 have a YouTube player similar to iPhone?

I want to allow my phone app users to be able to click a YouTube video and be sent to the phone's YouTube player. Does Windows Phone 7 have that option?
Nothing has yet been announced but I know someone at Google who was talking with Microsoft about developing a YouTube app for Windows Phone 7.
Even if such an app did exist, based on the sandboxed nature of apps and their inability to launch other apps, your only options is likely to be to open the video in the browser.
First of all, I'm quite sure that there will be a Youtube App for Windows Phone. Beside that, since Youtube is going HTML5 anyway, I think it is trivial to include a playback of a Youtube video directly in your app:
The current version of IE mobile that runs on the Windows Phone 7 device emulator CANNOT play YouTube videos. So far from all the evidence that I've seen, you cannot use the Silverlight "MediaElement" control to play YouTube videos, nor can you use the iPhone "trick" of embedding a YouTube video in a bunch of HTML and have Safari handle it for you because IE mobile won't play YouTube videos.
This isn't to say that they won't be adding this feature in the future, but I'm pretty disappointed that as of Beta 1, it doesn't appear that WP7 has any YouTube support.
