AM new to the GNURadio and I am trying to write a GNURadio out of tree module block which is open source but, the block is displayed on the GRC but not drag & drop and also not display the parameter.
my question is quite the same as this one :
How to Iterate over target objects of outgoing links in DXL, in Modules not previously loaded
but regarding incoming links.
I would like to use the source objects of incoming links but there are located in module that are not previsously loaded.
I don't want to open and close module each time because it would cost too much time. I would like to open them once and close them at the end.
Two solution for this :
be able to know if the module is already open or not so that I don't open it again (is there a "is_open" function in DXL + store the list of open module in a table and close them all at the end.
or better :
before start of loop, use a loop using the link module and the target module to find all module in the database that could be linked to the target module. And I load them all (even if there is no links between them. But my script would be simpler this way). How can I do this ? I tried something like :
ModName_ src_mod_linkset
for src_mod_linkset in "target_module"<-"linkmodulename" do
print "test"
but in this kind of loop, it doesn't work because "target_module" should be an object and not the complete module. has a lot of information on this. A query "Engineering Requirements Management DOORS" incoming links brings you some example scripts. I prefer this approach (load the ModuleVersion if its data is null):
About "is_open": there is a loop for module in database, which gives you a list of all open modules. You might want to store all open modules at the star of your script in a Skip list and when iterating over the incoming modules check to see whether you have to close the module at the end of your script.
I would not use your second approach if you plan to run your script on baselines, it might happen that the link set in the link module has been deleted in the meantime, so you will not get all possible in links. Anyway, the link modules could be anywhere in your database, not necessarily near your incoming module.
Is it possible to run two or more dependant templates in sequence using cloud function? My function triggers running of first template the moment any file gets dropped in a particular bucket.
What I need to achieve is to run the second template only after first template gets successfully executed.
I would like to keep the execution order like this :
Template-1 -> (If successfully executed) -> Template-2 ---likewise I can have 'n' number of templates to execute in sequence.
Any leads how to achieve the same using cloud function?
I have a problem about system call in minix3.I have to create a system call which is called "deneme" and when i execute this system call, it should print the content of top command (for example. PID,usernama,size ..).
Can anyone prepare a list for the steps.I made somethings but I get error in makefile files.
I am new to DOORs technology. It may be a very silly question but I don't find a way to get the dxl script which gets run for below scenario.
I have a module in DOORS. When a module is opened in exclusive edit mode, a dxl script runs and does some job.
How do I find out which dxl script run when a module is opened.
The keyword you are looking for is a trigger. Triggers are an event-based approach to customization. DOORS executes triggers on various occasions, including opening of a module (trigger level = module, event = open/read/edit). There is a chapter dedicated to triggers in the DXL manual which will surely provide the details you need.
According to the manual, you may use the simple iterator to check all triggers of a module and see if there is such an open-module trigger for your module:
Module mod = current Module
print "Listing triggers for module '" name(mod) "':\n"
Trigger t
for t in mod do {
print " Name : '" name(t) "'\n"
print " DXL code: '" dxl(t) "'\n\n"
If you still miss your trigger, maybe it's a project / database trigger. You will find those by using the iterators for t in current Project and for t in database respectively.
Be careful with using triggers. For some insight, see Hazel Woodcock's Tips on reducing module open times.
I am using the C Fuzzy API and I want to load function module contained in a file lets say mycalculator.lua. This seem to run fine however when I later try to run another file A.lua that requires 'mycalculator' it does not work unless the mycalculator.lua file is available on the file system to reload. I am trying to just load it into the system and then have it available without having the mycalculator.lua in the file system. It there any way to have lua system keep the definition without loading it again? Basically I convert the mycalculator.lua into a string and then run it. I don't want to put mycalculator.lua file into the file system, I just want to hand it over as a string and then be able to require it in the next string I pass to the stack Thanks
There is a difference between simply executing a Lua script and loading a Lua module. If you wish to load a Lua module, then you must actually load a Lua module exactly as a script would: by calling require.
Since you appear to be new to Lua, I should probably explain this. You've probably seen code like this in Lua scripts:
require 'mycalculator'
That is not some special statement to Lua. That is a function call. It is just some syntactic sugar for:
Functions in Lua can be called with NAME VALUE syntax instead of NAME(...) syntax, but it only allows you to send one parameter. And the parameter must be a literal (or table constructor).
In order to call the Lua require function from C, you must use the Lua stack. You must fetch the function from the global table by using lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "require"); Then, you push a string onto the stack containing the name of the module to load. Then, you use lua_pcall or whatever Lua function calling function to call it.