The argument type 'HWFamily' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'ProviderListenable<dynamic>' - riverpod

I'm following the example in and I now have ...
class HW extends _$HW {
dynamic build(foo) => 'HelloWorld'; // without foo, I get build dynamic Function() is not a valid override of build (dynamic Function(dynamic)
return Consumer(builder: (context, ref, child) {
var s1 =; // gives The argument type 'HWFamily' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'ProviderListenable<dynamic>'.
var s2 =; // gives The getter 'notifier' isn't defined for the type 'HWFamily'.
var s3 ='foo'); // seems to work
I don't understand if I'm doing something wrong, or the example I'm following is somehow out of date? If the latter, is there a better example to follow?
What is the significance of foo?
flutter_riverpod: 2.1.3
riverpod_annotation: 1.1.1
riverpod_generator: 1.1.1
I suspect this might be a problem with the build process. I killed the watch process, deleted main.g.dart, removed "foo", restarted the watch, and now everything works as it should. Somehow the "foo" (which I added to get past the override error) was creating a Family.

The build method of your provider has parameters. As such, when listening to your provider you need to pass those providers:;
If you don't need that parameter, remove it from your build method. Then you will be able to listen to the provider without passing any value.


Type safety in Dart using Container

I found something strange in dart. If there is a list that contains instances of a base class (in this example Super), the list can be set with a list of inherited instances. It seems that this changes the list type at runtime.
Is this intended behavior or is this a bug in Dart?
abstract class Super {}
class A extends Super {}
class B extends Super {}
class Container {
List<Super> mylist = [];
void main() {
// 1. dont't works
final container = Container(<A>[A(), A()]);
// 2. works
final container = Container([A(), A()]);
If case 1 is used in the code above I get the following error:
Uncaught Error: TypeError: Instance of 'B': type 'B' is not a subtype of type 'A'
The error is at the line where I try to add an instance of B:
Dart has a system called type promotion, where it can promote the type of a variable, similar to type inference.
It works as a cast. On the first example you've explicit promoted the type of your list to be of type A, so there's nothing strange about this.
Take a look at the first article that explains this mechanism.
When you do:
final container = Container(<A>[A(), A()]);
you explicitly create a List<A> object. Although Container's constructor expects a List<Super>, it accepts a List<A> argument because Dart considers Generic<Derived> to be a subtype of Generic<Base> if Derived is a subtype of Base. Your later attempt to do container.mylist.add(B()); will fail because container.mylist is actually a List<A> and therefore cannot legally store any B elements.
When you instead do:
final container = Container([A(), A()]);
then, because the List literal is not given an explicit type, its type is inferred to be List<Super> from Container's expected construction parameter. container.mylist.add(B()); will succeed since container.mylist is actually a List<Super> and therefore can legally store B elements.

I passed a class to my front-end project through electron's preload, but I couldn't create an instance?

the error displayed:
Can't the class constructor ABC be called without "new"
"vite": "^2.1.2",
"vite-plugin-html": "^2.1.0",
"vite-plugin-vue2": "^1.4.2"
electron 14
I create a class and use preload like this:
const { contextBridge } = require('electron')
class ABC {
constructor() {
this.item = {}
update() {
console.log(`<<<<2021年09月16日 13:56:33>>>>`, this)
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('$electron', {
and I get ABC in my frontend:
const {ABC } = window.$electron
const abc = new ABC()
But console throw an error that Class constructor ABC cannot be invoked without 'new'
You cannot expose complex types like Object via the contextBridge.
Only object properties that are considered 'simple' or a function are made available. The documentation states:
The api provided to exposeInMainWorld must be a Function, string, number, Array, boolean, or an object whose keys are strings and values are a Function, string, number, Array, boolean.
The contextBridge will gut your class of methods and only retain properties. The documentation also states:
Function values are proxied to the other context and all other values are copied and frozen. Any data / primitives sent in the API become immutable and updates on either side of the bridge do not result in an update on the other side.
This is another reason why classes will not work, they're typically passed by reference.
See the table of supported parameters, errors and return types.

Unapprovable RejectedAccessException when using Tuple in Jenkinsfile

I tried to use Tuple in a Jenkinsfile.
The line I wrote is def tupleTest = new Tuple('test', 'test2').
However, Jenkins did not accept this line and keep writing the following error to the console output:
No such constructor found: new groovy.lang.Tuple java.lang.String java.lang.String. Administrators can decide whether to approve or reject this signature.
org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: No such constructor found: new groovy.lang.Tuple java.lang.Integer java.lang.String
When I visited the "Script Approval" configuration I could not see any scripts that pend approval.
Following this link, I tried to install and enable the "Permissive Security" plugin, but it did not help either - The error was the same.
I even tried to manually add the problematic signature to the scriptApproval.xml file. After I added it, I was able to see it in the list of approved signatures, but the error still remained.
Is there something I am doing wrong?
I had the same issue trying to use tuple on jenkins so I found out that I can simply use a list literal instead:
def tuple = ["test1", "test2"]
which is equivalent to
def (a, b) = ["test1", "test2"]
So now, instead of returning a tuple, I am returning a list in my method
def myMethod(...) {
return ["test 1", "test 2"]
def (a, b) = myMethod(...)
This is more or less a problem caused by groovy.lang.Tuple constructor + Jenkins sandbox Groovy mode. If you take a look at the constructor of this class you will see something like this:
package groovy.lang;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.List;
public class Tuple extends AbstractList {
private final Object[] contents;
private int hashCode;
public Tuple(Object[] contents) {
if (contents == null) throw new NullPointerException();
this.contents = contents;
Groovy sandbox mode (enabled by default for all Jenkins pipelines) ensures that every invocation passes script approval check. It's not foolproof, and when it sees new Tuple('a','b') it thinks that the user is looking for a constructor that matches exactly two parameters of type String. And because such constructor does not exists, it throws this exception. However, there are two simple workarounds to this problem.
Use groovy.lang.Tuple2 instead
If your tuple is a pair, then use groovy.lang.Tuple2 instead. The good news about this class is that it provides a constructor that supports two generic types, so it will work in your case.
Use exact Object[] constructor
Alternatively, you can use the exact constructor, e.g
def tuple = new Tuple(["test","test2"] as Object[])
Both options require script approval before you can use them (however, in this case both constructors appear in the in-process script approval page).

No default instance or named instance 'Default' for requested plugin type

I'm trying to avoid referencing the concrete type library in my main project, but I'm getting this error:
No default instance or named instance 'Default' for requested plugin type StackExchangeChatInterfaces.IClient
1.) Container.GetInstance(StackExchangeChatInterfaces.IClient ,{username=; password=; defaultRoomUrl=; System.Action`2[System.Object,System.Object]=System.Action`2[System.Object,System.Object]})
I've setup my container to scan for assemblies, like so:
var container = new Container(x =>
x.Scan(scan =>
//x.For<IClient>().Use<Client>(); //GetInstance will work if this line is not commented out.
When I try to get an instance, I get the error, my code for getting an instance is here:
chatInterface = container
.With<Action<object, object>>(delegate(object sender, object messageWrapper)
string message = ((dynamic)messageWrapper).Message;
foreach (var item in messageHandlers)
item.MessageHandler.Invoke(message, chatInterface);
If I explicitly map the concrete class to the interface, everything works hunky dory, but that means I need to reference the project that Client is in, which I don't want to do.
This is really interesting. Looks like default conventions are not able to register types with such constructor (tried on both versions 2.6.3 and 3+). I was only registered when only parameterless constructor was specified. Looking at sources of both versions it is really suspicious as it should be registered. Deeper dive into the code would be needed...
Anyway try using custom registration convention:
public class ClientConvention : IRegistrationConvention
public void Process(Type type, Registry registry)
if (type.IsClass && !type.IsAbstract && !type.IsGenericType &&
Configure it like this:
var container = new Container(
c => c.Scan(
s =>
and this should work just fine.
The default type scanning will not pick up concrete types whose constructor functions contain primitive arguments like strings, numbers, or dates. The thinking is that you'd effectively have to explicitly configure those inline dependencies anyway.
"but that means I need to reference the project that Client is in, which I don't want to do."
Does that actually matter? I think you're making things harder than they have to be by trying to eliminate the assembly reference.

Unexpected Validate behavior with Moq

Moq has been driving me a bit crazy on my latest project. I recently upgraded to version 4.0.10827, and I'm noticing what seems to me to be a new behavior.
Basically, when I call my mocked function (MakeCall, in this example) in the code I am testing, I am passing in an object (TestClass). The code I am testing makes changes to the TestClass object before and after the call to MakeCall. Once the code has completed, I then call Moq's Verify function. My expectation is that Moq will have recorded the complete object that I passed into MakeCall, perhaps via a mechanism like deep cloning. This way, I will be able to verify that MakeCall was called with the exact object I am expecting it to be called with. Unfortunately, this is not what I'm seeing.
I attempt to illustrate this in the code below (hopefully, clarifying it a bit in the process).
I first create a new TestClass object. Its Var property is set to "one".
I then create the mocked object, mockedObject, which is my test subject.
I then call the MakeCall method of mockedObject (by the way, the Machine.Specifications framework used in the example allows the code in the When_Testing class to be read from top to bottom).
I then test the mocked object to ensure that it was indeed called with a TestClass with a Var value of "one". This succeeds, as I expected it to.
I then make a change to the original TestClass object by re-assigning the Var property to "two".
I then proceed to attempt to verify if Moq still thinks that MakeCall was called with a TestClass with a value of "one". This fails, although I am expecting it to be true.
Finally, I test to see if Moq thinks MakeCall was in fact called by a TestClass object with a value of "two". This succeeds, although I would initially have expected it to fail.
It seems pretty clear to me that Moq is only holding onto a reference to the original TestClass object, allowing me to change its value with impunity, adversely affecting the results of my testing.
A few notes on the test code. IMyMockedInterface is the interface I am mocking. TestClass is the class I am passing into the MakeCall method and therefore using to demonstrate the issue I am having. Finally, When_Testing is the actual test class that contains the test code. It is using the Machine.Specifications framework, which is why there are a few odd items ('Because of', 'It should...'). These are simply delegates that are called by the framework to execute the tests. They should be easily removed and the contained code placed into a standard function if that is desired. I left it in this format because it allows all Validate calls to complete (as compared to the 'Arrange, Act Assert' paradigm). Just to clarify, the below code is not the actual code I am having problems with. It is simply intended to illustrate the problem, as I have seen this same behavior in multiple places.
using Machine.Specifications;
// Moq has a conflict with MSpec as they both have an 'It' object.
using moq = Moq;
public interface IMyMockedInterface
int MakeCall(TestClass obj);
public class TestClass
public string Var { get; set; }
// Must override Equals so Moq treats two objects with the
// same value as equal (instead of comparing references).
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if ((obj != null) && (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()))
return false;
TestClass t = obj as TestClass;
if (t.Var != this.Var)
return false;
return true;
public override int GetHashCode()
int hash = 41;
int factor = 23;
hash = (hash ^ factor) * Var.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public override string ToString()
return MvcTemplateApp.Utilities.ClassEnhancementUtilities.ObjectToString(this);
public class When_Testing
// TestClass is set up to contain a value of 'one'
protected static TestClass t = new TestClass() { Var = "one" };
protected static moq.Mock<IMyMockedInterface> mockedObject = new moq.Mock<IMyMockedInterface>();
Because of = () =>
// Test One
// Expected: Moq should verify that MakeCall was called with a TestClass with a value of 'one'.
// Actual: Moq does verify that MakeCall was called with a TestClass with a value of 'one'.
// Result: This is correct.
It should_verify_that_make_call_was_called_with_a_value_of_one = () =>
mockedObject.Verify(o => o.MakeCall(new TestClass() { Var = "one" }), moq.Times.Once());
// Update the original object to contain a new value.
It should_update_the_test_class_value_to_two = () =>
t.Var = "two";
// Test Two
// Expected: Moq should verify that MakeCall was called with a TestClass with a value of 'one'.
// Actual: The Verify call fails, claiming that MakeCall was never called with a TestClass instance with a value of 'one'.
// Result: This is incorrect.
It should_verify_that_make_call_was_called_with_a_class_containing_a_value_of_one = () =>
mockedObject.Verify(o => o.MakeCall(new TestClass() { Var = "one" }), moq.Times.Once());
// Test Three
// Expected: Moq should fail to verify that MakeCall was called with a TestClass with a value of 'two'.
// Actual: Moq actually does verify that MakeCall was called with a TestClass with a value of 'two'.
// Result: This is incorrect.
It should_fail_to_verify_that_make_call_was_called_with_a_class_containing_a_value_of_two = () =>
mockedObject.Verify(o => o.MakeCall(new TestClass() { Var = "two" }), moq.Times.Once());
I have a few questions regarding this:
Is this expected behavior?
Is this new behavior?
Is there a workaround that I am unaware of?
Am I using Verify incorrectly?
Is there a better way of using Moq to avoid this situation?
I thank you humbly for any assistance you can provide.
Here is one of the actual tests and SUT code that I experienced this problem with. Hopefully it will act as clarification.
// This is the MVC Controller Action that I am testing. Note that it
// makes changes to the 'searchProjects' object before and after
// calling 'repository.SearchProjects'.
public ActionResult List(int? page, [Bind(Include = "Page, SearchType, SearchText, BeginDate, EndDate")]
SearchProjects searchProjects)
int itemCount;
searchProjects.ItemsPerPage = profile.ItemsPerPage;
searchProjects.Projects = repository.SearchProjects(searchProjects,
profile.UserKey, out itemCount);
searchProjects.TotalItems = itemCount;
return View(searchProjects);
// This is my test class for the controller's List action. The controller
// is instantiated in an Establish delegate in the 'with_project_controller'
// class, along with the SearchProjectsRequest, SearchProjectsRepositoryGet,
// and SearchProjectsResultGet objects which are defined below.
public class When_the_project_list_method_is_called_via_a_get_request
: with_project_controller
protected static int itemCount;
protected static ViewResult result;
Because of = () =>
result = controller.List(s.Page, s.SearchProjectsRequest) as ViewResult;
// This test fails, as it is expecting the 'SearchProjects' object
// to contain:
// Page, SearchType, SearchText, BeginDate, EndDate and ItemsPerPage
It should_call_the_search_projects_repository_method = () =>
s.Repository.Verify(r => r.SearchProjects(s.SearchProjectsRepositoryGet,
s.UserKey, out itemCount), moq.Times.Once());
// This test succeeds, as it is expecting the 'SearchProjects' object
// to contain:
// Page, SearchType, SearchText, BeginDate, EndDate, ItemsPerPage,
// Projects and TotalItems
It should_call_the_search_projects_repository_method = () =>
s.Repository.Verify(r => r.SearchProjects(s.SearchProjectsResultGet,
s.UserKey, out itemCount), moq.Times.Once());
It should_return_the_correct_view_name = () =>
It should_return_the_correct_view_model = () =>
// Here are the values of the three test objects
// This is the object that is returned by the client.
SearchProjects SearchProjectsRequest = new SearchProjects()
SearchType = SearchTypes.ProjectName,
SearchText = GetProjectRequest().Name,
Page = Page
// This is the object I am expecting the repository method to be called with.
SearchProjects SearchProjectsRepositoryGet = new SearchProjects()
SearchType = SearchTypes.ProjectName,
SearchText = GetProjectRequest().Name,
Page = Page,
ItemsPerPage = ItemsPerPage
// This is the complete object I expect to be returned to the view.
SearchProjects SearchProjectsResultGet = new SearchProjects()
SearchType = SearchTypes.ProjectName,
SearchText = GetProjectRequest().Name,
Page = Page,
ItemsPerPage = ItemsPerPage,
Projects = new List<Project>() { GetProjectRequest() },
TotalItems = TotalItems
Ultimately, your question is whether a mocking framework should take snapshots of the parameters you use when interacting with the mocks so that it can accurately record the state the system was in at the point of interaction rather than the state the parameters might be in at the point of verification.
I would say this is a reasonable expectation from a logical point of view. You are performing action X with value Y. If you ask the mock "Did I perform action X with value Y", you expect it to say "Yes" regardless of the current state of the system.
To summarize the problem you are running into:
You first invoke a method on a mock object with a reference type parameter.
Moq saves information about the invocation along with the reference type parameter passed in.
You then ask Moq if the method was called one time with an object equal to the reference you passed in.
Moq checks its history for a call to that method with a parameter that matches the supplied parameter and answers yes.
You then modify the object that you passed as the parameter to the method call on the mock.
The memory space of the reference Moq is holding in its history changes to the new value.
You then ask Moq if the method was called one time with an object that isn't equal to the reference its holding.
Mock checks its history for a call to that method with a parameter that matches the supplied parameter and reports no.
To attempt to answer your specific questions:
Is this expected behavior?
I would say no.
Is this new behavior?
I don't know, but it's doubtful the project would have at one time had behavior that facilitated this and was later modified to only allow the simple scenario of only verifying a single usage per mock.
Is there a workaround that I am unaware of?
I'll answer this two ways.
From a technical standpoint, a workaround would be to use a Test Spy rather than a Mock. By using a Test Spy, you can record the values passed and use your own strategy for remembering the state, such as doing a deep clone, serializing the object, or just storing the specific values you care about to be compared against later.
From a testing standpoint, I would recommend that you follow the principle "Use The Front Door First". I believe there is a time for state-based testing as well as interaction-based testing, but you should try to avoid coupling yourself to the implementation details unless the interaction is an important part of the scenario. In some cases, the scenario you are interested in will be primarily about interaction ("Transfer funds between accounts"), but in other cases all you really care about is getting the correct result ("Withdraw $10"). In the case of the specification for your controller, this seems to fall into the query category, not the command category. You don't really care how it gets the results you want as long as they are correct. Therefore, I would recommend using state-based testing in this case. If another specification concerns issuing a command against the system, there may still end up being a front door solution which you should consider using first, but it may be necessary or important to do interaction based testing. Just my thoughts though.
Am I using Verify incorrectly?
You are using the Verify() method correctly, it just doesn't support the scenario you are using it for.
Is there a better way of using Moq to avoid this situation?
I don't think Moq is currently implemented to handle this scenario.
Hope this helps,
Derek Greer
First, you can avoid the conflict between Moq and MSpec by declaring
using Machine.Specifications;
using Moq;
using It = Machine.Specifications.It;
Then you'll only need to prefix with Moq. when you want to use Moq's It, for example Moq.It.IsAny<>().
Onto your question.
Note: This is not the original answer but an edited one after the OP added some real example code to the question
I've been trying out your sample code and I think it's got more to do with MSpec than Moq. Apparently (and I didn't know this either), when you modify the state of your SUT (System Under Test) inside an It delegate the changes gets remembered. What is happening now is:
Because delegate is run
It delegates are run, one after the other. If one changes the state, the following It will never see the set up in the Because. Hence your failed test.
I've tried marking your spec with the SetupForEachSpecificationAttribute:
[Subject(typeof(object)), SetupForEachSpecification]
public class When_Testing
// Something, Something, something...
The attribute does as its name says: It will run your Establish and Because before every It. Adding the attribute made the spec behave as expected: 3 Successes, one fail (the verification that with Var = "two").
Would the SetupForEachSpecificationAttribute solve your problem or is resetting after every It not acceptable for your tests?
FYI: I'm using Moq v4.0.10827.0 and MSpec v0.4.9.0
Free tip #2: If you're testing ASP.NET MVC apps with Mspec you might want to take a look at James Broome's MSpec extensions for MVC
