How to install Dart SDK for Fedora 37? - dart

I cannot install dart sdk on fedora.
I tried through apt-get (official website), but it doesnt work.
Also some troubles to do this through python3

[Update] Completed the two steps below, and got flutter/dart up and running on Android Studio Electric Eel.
I'm about to do this myself this afternoon. From the flutter documentation it looks like dart is packaged up with flutter. have you been able to use snap to install flutter?
If not -
install snap package manager
Then install flutter using snap
Hope this helps.
2023 Flutter documentation explaining dart bundling


I am trying to install Kivy again it is shows this warning

this error and warning is showing when I tried to install Kivy
As Python 3.10 is still currently relatively new and library developers need to recompile their package to the newest version, there is currently no way to install Kivy and its dependencies on Python 3.10 . I suggest you downgrade to Python 3.9 or even 3.8 for the installation to succeed.

Why can't I install this aqueduct

Why can't I install this aqueduct?
Although I have installed dart before as shown in the picture:
It's important to ensure that the dart SDK is in the PATH. You can easily test it by trying to use pub or dart.
One way to ensure it's in the PATH is by creating a .bashrc file in your user's folder.
Then add the following:
export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/dart/installation/bin/folder"
First of all check if dart is installed using dart --version if it gives a command not found error that means it is not installed (hence why you cannot install aqueduct since it requires pub which is shipped with the dart sdk).
To install dart on macOS first install brew and the follow the instruction here (don't run brew switch dart 2.1.0 as shown in the screenshot since it makes no sense because current the latest stable is 2.9.1 and 2.1.0 is pretty old).
If you don't want to install brew you can download the sdk here (for your system) extract it, and update your path variable as #gabriel-octávio says.

dart ubuntu package is behind the latest release

I've installed dart using apt as per the instructions here:
The latest version of dart is 2.8.4
The apt package is still on 2.8.1.
Am I doing something wrong or is google just being slow to update the apt packages?

How Do I Install Dart v2?

Ive looked all over the official Dart site. They go into great depth about 'dev' channels and 'stable' channels but no clue whatsover about how to actually install a version of the SDK. There is no information about the current stable and dev versions either.
Clearly I have missed something hiding in plain site. I want to try out some official angulardart component libraries but the builder requires Dart version 2 - but I have no idea how to get that.
Can someone put me out of my misery, and tell me how I'm being an idiot
Installation instructions for dart v2 (which currently only has a dev channel release) can be found here. To summarize,
Mac Installation with homebrew
brew tap dart-lang/dart
brew install dart --devel
Edit: If you are upgrading from Dart 1 see, How to upgrade to Dart 2?
Windows Installation
Visit here for the graphical installer or if you have Chocolatey installed do:
choco install dart-sdk -version 2
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo sh -c 'curl | apt-key add -'
sudo apt-get update
export PATH=/usr/lib/dart/bin:$PATH
sudo sh -c 'curl > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dart_unstable.list'
sudo apt-get install dart
Ahhhhhhh. If you go to
And then wait for about 10 minutes, you suddenly get some links. - Problem solved.
The latest version in the dev channel is Dart 2 (2.0.0-alpha.36).
There is no released Dart 2 yet.
This VM and tools can still process most Dart 1 code.
There are several flags to enable Dart 2 features for the VM or tools
these options are highly experimental and in flux.
Not all tools support the same set of options.
New options might be added or existing ones removed when the behavior becomes the default without previous anouncement.
I found above options in
for windows go to for install dart
if you want if dart is install in your pc
1-open terminal and type this command dart --version when will appear version dart
ex: 2.28 (sdkDart)

How can I test the latest Polymer lib when it requires an older SDK?

I wanted to give the latest Dart Polymer lib a spin, so I updated the pubspec file and ran a pub install. However, the install fails with the following message:
Pub install failed, [1] Resolving dependencies.........
Package polymer requires SDK version >=0.8.1+1 but the current SDK is
Is it somehow possible to use the latest Polymer version via pubspec, or do I need to build the SDK myself from the sources? has links to the bleeding edge, continuous build DartEditor
As of today, you should be able to upgrade if you go to Help > About Dart Editor.
It seems pretty common that the libraries update a day or two before the SDK, so normally when I run into this problem I put in the pubspec something like the following until I can update the SDK:
polymer: "< 8.0.0"
