XGBoost feature importance (TFIDF + TruncateSVD) - machine-learning

I have an XGBoost model that runs TFIDF vectorization and TruncateSVD reduction on text features. I want to understand feature importance of the model.
This is how I process text features in my dataset:
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize)
tfs = tfidf.fit_transform(token_dict)
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=15)
temp = pd.DataFrame(svd.fit_transform(tfs))
temp.rename(columns=lambda x: text_feature+'_'+str(x), inplace=True)
It works okayish and now I'm trying to understand importance of the features in the dataset. I generate the charts using:
xgb.plot_importance(model, max_num_features=15)
And get something similar to:
this chart
What would be the right way to "map" importance SVD dimensions to the dimensions of the initial dataset? So I know importance of summary and not summary_1, summary_2, summary_X.

one thing you can try is getting the how important each original feature is to creating new features. you can get it using the following:
feature_importance_scores = np.abs(svd.components_).sum(axis=0)
feature_importance_scores /= feature_importance_scores.sum() # normalize to make it more clear
you can get the overall importance by multiplying these values with xgb.feature_importances_


Accuracy in outlier detection

I am having an issue understanding this question while learning about outliers. I have attached an image of the question. Is there anyone help me understanding the question as I am new to Data Mining and unable to crack this question. Resources for expanding my knowledge will be appreciated.
All I know right now is you can check the accuracy of one model for detecting an outlier by comparing the generated results and predicted ones. But in this problem, there is no such actual values which has led me towards the issue. It would be a great favor if anyone can help me out.
Thanks in advanceenter image description here
The purpose of the questions seems to be more related to the ROC curve interpretation than to the task at hand being an outlier prediction problem. It seems that it needs to understand how to compare two algorithms based on the ROC curve, and to conclude that the suitable metric to be used in this case is the AUC score.
Using Python and scikit-learn we can easily plot the two ROC curves like this:
#define three lists with the given data: two sets of scores and their true class
scores1 = [0.44, 0.94, 1.86, 2.15, 0.15, 0.5, 5.4, 3.09, 7.97, 5.21]
scores2 = [0.73, 0.18, 0.76, 1.6, 3.78, 4.45, 0.3, 3.3, 0.44, 9.94]
y = [0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,0]
# calculate fpr, tpr and classification thresholds
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, roc_auc_score, RocCurveDisplay
fpr1, tpr1, thresholds1 = roc_curve(y, scores1)
fpr2, tpr2, thresholds2 = roc_curve(y, scores2)
auc1 = roc_auc_score(y, scores1)
auc2 = roc_auc_score(y, scores2)
# get the curve displays using the above metrics
curve1 = RocCurveDisplay(fpr=fpr1, tpr=tpr1, roc_auc=auc1,
curve2 = RocCurveDisplay(fpr=fpr2, tpr=tpr2, roc_auc=auc2,
Then, from the plots you can interpret based on the values you can see for False Positive Rate on the x-axis vs True Positive Rate on the y-axis and the trade-off they imply. Moreover, you will see that the algorithm 1 having a graph that accounts for larger scores of TPR than those of the algorithm 2, is a better algorithm for this task. Moreover, this can be formalized using the AUC as a metric, which was calculated using "roc_auc_score".
Note that you can also have the plot manually if you calculate FPR and TPR for each of the algorithms using their corresponding classification thresholds.
Hope it helps :)

Text Classification with scikit-learn: how to get a new document's representation from a pickle model

I have a document binomial classifier that uses a tf-idf representation of a training set of documents and applies Logistic Regression to it:
lr_tfidf = Pipeline([('vect', tfidf),('clf', LogisticRegression(random_state=0))])
lr_tfidf.fit(X_train, y_train)
I save the model in pickle and used it to classify new documents:
text_model = pickle.load(open('text_model.pkl', 'rb'))
results = text_model.predict_proba(new_document)
How can I get the representation (features + frequencies) used by the model for this new document without explicitly computing it?
EDIT: I am trying to explain better what I want to get.
Wen I use predict_proba, I guess that the new document is represented as a vector of term frequencies (according to the rules used in the model stored) and those frequencies are multiplied by the coefficients learnt by the logistic regression model to predict the class. Am I right? If yes, how can I get the terms and term frequencies of this new document, as used by predict_proba?
I am using sklearn v 0.19
As I understand from the comments, you need to access the tfidfVectorizer from inside the pipeline. This can be done easily by:
tfidfVect = text_model.named_steps['vect']
Now you can use the transform() method of the vectorizer to get the tfidf values.
tfidf_vals = tfidfVect.transform(new_document)
The tfidf_vals will be a sparse matrix of single row containing the tfidf of terms found in the new_document. To check what terms are present in this matrix, you need to use tfidfVect.get_feature_names().

How to apply zca on a huge image dataset with limited memory?

what google told me is:
For keras, the ImageDataGenerator function seems to have a zca_whitening which can be used out of the box. But if this option been set, it requires to call the ImageDataGenerator.fit on the whole dataset X. So this is not an option.
For sklearn, the IncrementalPCA seems to work with a huge dataset, but I don't know how to rotate PCA to ZCA in an generator style.
Thanks for the help!
I have defined a function that might be helpful following the ZCA transformation:
def ZCAtransform(X,IPCA_model):
# get the Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
U = IPCA_model.components_.transpose()
S = np.sqrt(IPCA_model.explained_variance_)
Xdemeand = (X-np.mean(X,0)).transpose()
#get the transformed data
# Xproj' = U * diag(1/(S+I*epsilon)) * U' * X_data
return (U.dot(np.diag(1/(S+IPCA_model.noise_variance_))).dot(U.transpose()).dot(Xdemeand)).transpose()
Xproj = ZCAtransform(X, ipca)
Following the given example at Scikit-learn, I was able to generate the ZCA of Iris dataset as shown below:
ZCA Whitened PCA

Normalize Machine Learning Inputs

I have a set of inputs that has 5000ish features with values that vary from 0.005 to 9000000. Each of the features has similar values (a feature with a value of 10ish will not also have a value of 0.1ish)
I am trying to apply linear regression to this data set, however, the wide range of input values is inhibiting effective gradient descent.
What is the best way to handle this variance? If normalization is best, please include details on the best way to implement this normalization.
Simply perform it as a pre-processing step. You can do it as following:
1) Calculate mean values for each of the features in the training set and store it. Be careful, do not mess up feature mean and sample mean, so you will have a vector of size [number_of_features (5000ish)].
2) Calculate std. for each feature in the training set and store it. Size of [number_of_feature] as well
3) Update each training and testing entry as:
updated = (original_vector - mean_vector)/ std_vector
That's it!
The code will look like:
# train_data shape [train_length,5000]
# test_data [test_length, 5000]
mean = np.mean(train_data,1)
std = np.std(train_data,1)
normalized_train_data = (train_data - mean)/ std
normalized_test_data = (test_data - mean)/ std

Using chi-squared test for feature selection

I always have trouble understanding the significance of chi-squared test and how to use it for feature selection. I tried reading the wiki page but I didn't get a practical understanding. Can anyone explain?
chi-squared test helps you to determine the most significant features among a list of available features by determining the correlation between feature variables and the target variable.
Example below is taken from https://chrisalbon.com/machine-learning/chi-squared_for_feature_selection.html
The below test will select two best features (since we are assigning 2 to the "k" parameter) among the 4 available features initially.
# Load libraries
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2
# Load iris data
iris = load_iris()
# Create features and target
X = iris.data
y = iris.target
# Convert to categorical data by converting data to integers
X = X.astype(int)
# Select two features with highest chi-squared statistics
chi2_selector = SelectKBest(chi2, k=2)
X_kbest = chi2_selector.fit_transform(X, y)
# Show results
print('Original number of features:', X.shape[1])
print('Reduced number of features:', X_kbest.shape[1])
Chi-squared feature selection is a uni-variate feature selection technique for categorical variables. It can also be used for continuous variable, but the continuous variable needs to be categorized first.
How it works?
It tests the null hypothesis that the outcome class depends on the categorical variable by calculating chi-squared statistics based on contingency table. For more details on contingency table and chi-squared test check the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=misMgRRV3jQ
To categorize the continuous data, there are range of techniques available from simplistic frequency based binning to advance approaches such as Minimum Description Length and entropy based binning methods.
Advantage of using chi-squared test on continuous variable is that it can capture the non-linear relation with outcome variable.
