Normalize Machine Learning Inputs - machine-learning

I have a set of inputs that has 5000ish features with values that vary from 0.005 to 9000000. Each of the features has similar values (a feature with a value of 10ish will not also have a value of 0.1ish)
I am trying to apply linear regression to this data set, however, the wide range of input values is inhibiting effective gradient descent.
What is the best way to handle this variance? If normalization is best, please include details on the best way to implement this normalization.

Simply perform it as a pre-processing step. You can do it as following:
1) Calculate mean values for each of the features in the training set and store it. Be careful, do not mess up feature mean and sample mean, so you will have a vector of size [number_of_features (5000ish)].
2) Calculate std. for each feature in the training set and store it. Size of [number_of_feature] as well
3) Update each training and testing entry as:
updated = (original_vector - mean_vector)/ std_vector
That's it!
The code will look like:
# train_data shape [train_length,5000]
# test_data [test_length, 5000]
mean = np.mean(train_data,1)
std = np.std(train_data,1)
normalized_train_data = (train_data - mean)/ std
normalized_test_data = (test_data - mean)/ std


XGBoost feature importance (TFIDF + TruncateSVD)

I have an XGBoost model that runs TFIDF vectorization and TruncateSVD reduction on text features. I want to understand feature importance of the model.
This is how I process text features in my dataset:
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=tokenize)
tfs = tfidf.fit_transform(token_dict)
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=15)
temp = pd.DataFrame(svd.fit_transform(tfs))
temp.rename(columns=lambda x: text_feature+'_'+str(x), inplace=True)
It works okayish and now I'm trying to understand importance of the features in the dataset. I generate the charts using:
xgb.plot_importance(model, max_num_features=15)
And get something similar to:
this chart
What would be the right way to "map" importance SVD dimensions to the dimensions of the initial dataset? So I know importance of summary and not summary_1, summary_2, summary_X.
one thing you can try is getting the how important each original feature is to creating new features. you can get it using the following:
feature_importance_scores = np.abs(svd.components_).sum(axis=0)
feature_importance_scores /= feature_importance_scores.sum() # normalize to make it more clear
you can get the overall importance by multiplying these values with xgb.feature_importances_

Use of 'is_unbalance' parameter in Lightgbm

I am trying to use the 'is_unbalance' parameter in my model training for a binary classification problem where the positive class is approximately 3%. If I set the parameter 'is_unbalance', I observe that the binary log loss drops in the first iteration but then keeps on increasing. I'm noticing this behavior only if I enable this parameter 'is_unbalance'. Otherwise, there is a steady drop in log_loss. Appreciate your help on this. Thanks.
When you do not balance the sets for such an unbalanced dataset, then obviously the objective value will always drop - and will probably reach the point of classifying all the predictions to the majority class, while having a fantastic objective value.
Balancing the classes is necessary, but it doesn't mean that you should stop on is_unbalanced - you can use sample_pos_weight, have customized metric, or apply weights to your samples, like following:
WEIGHTS = y_train.value_counts(normalize = True).min() / y_train.value_counts(normalize = True)
TRAIN_WEIGHTS = pd.DataFrame(y_train.rename('old_target')).merge(WEIGHTS, how = 'left', left_on = 'old_target', right_on = WEIGHTS.index).target.values
train_data = lgb.Dataset(X_train, label=y_train, weight = TRAIN_WEIGHTS)
Also, optimizing other hyperparameters should solve the issue of increasing log_loss.
When you set Is_unbalace: True, the algorithm will try to Automatically balance the weight of the dominated label (with the pos/neg fraction in train set).
If you want change scale_pos_weight (it is by default 1 which mean assume both positive and negative label are equal) in case of unbalance dataset you can use following formula(based on this issue on lightgbm repository) to set it correctly.
sample_pos_weight = number of negative samples / number of positive samples

How do I perform a differentiable operation selection in TensorFlow?

I am trying to produce a mathematical operation selection nn model, which is based on the scalar input. The operation is selected based on the softmax result which is produce by the nn. Then this operation has to be applied to the scalar input in order to produce the final output. So far I’ve come up with applying argmax and onehot on the softmax output in order to produce a mask which then is applied on the concated values matrix from all the possible operations to be performed (as show in the pseudo code below). The issue is that neither argmax nor onehot appears to be differentiable. I am new to this, so any would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
#perform softmax
logits = tf.matmul(current_input, W) + b
softmax = tf.nn.softmax(logits)
#perform all possible operations on the input
op_1_val = tf_op_1(current_input)
op_2_val = tf_op_2(current_input)
op_3_val = tf_op_2(current_input)
values = tf.concat([op_1_val, op_2_val, op_3_val], 1)
#create a mask
argmax = tf.argmax(softmax, 1)
mask = tf.one_hot(argmax, num_of_operations)
#produce the input, by masking out those operation results which have not been selected
output = values * mask
I believe that this is not possible. This is similar to Hard Attention described in this paper. Hard attention is used in Image captioning to allow the model to focus only on a certain part of the image at each step. Hard attention is not differentiable but there are 2 ways to go around this:
1- Use Reinforcement Learning (RL): RL is made to train models that makes decisions. Even though, the loss function won't back-propagate any gradients to the softmax used for the decision, you can use RL techniques to optimize the decision. For a simplified example, you can consider the loss as penalty, and send to the node, with the maximum value in the softmax layer, a policy gradient proportional to the penalty in order to decrease the score of the decision if it was bad (results in a high loss).
2- Use something like soft attention: instead of picking only one operation, mix them with weights based on the softmax. so instead of:
output = values * mask
output = values * softmax
Now, the operations will converge down to zero based on how much the softmax will not select them. This is easier to train compared to RL but it won't work if you must completely remove the non-selected operations from the final result (set them to zero completely).
This is another answer that talks about Hard and Soft attention that you may find helpful:

Random Forests and ROC Curves in Julia

I'm using the ScikitLearn flavour of the DecisionTree.jl package to create a random forest model for a binary classification problem of one of the RDatasets data sets (see bottom of the DecisionTree.jl home page for what I mean by ScikitLearn flavour). I'm also using the MLBase package for model evaluation.
I have built a random forest model of my data and would like to create a ROC Curve for this model. Reading the documentation available, I do understand what a ROC curve is in theory. I just can't figure out how to create one for a specific model.
From the Wikipedia page the last part of the first sentence that I have marked in bold italics below is the one that is causing my confusion: "In statistics, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC), or ROC curve, is a graphical plot that illustrates the performance of a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is varied." There is more on the threshold value throughout the article but this still confuses me for binary classification problems. What is the threshold value and how do I vary it?
Also, in the MLBase documentation on ROC Curves it says "Compute an ROC instance or an ROC curve (a vector of ROC instances), based on given scores and a threshold thres." But doesn't mention this threshold anywhere else really.
Example code for my project is given below. Basically, I want to create a ROC curve for the random forest but I'm not sure how to or if it's even appropriate.
using DecisionTree
using RDatasets
using MLBase
quakes_data = dataset("datasets", "quakes");
# Add in a binary column as feature column for classification
quakes_data[:MagGT5] = convert(Array{Int32,1}, quakes_data[:Mag] .> 5.0)
# Getting features and labels where label = 1 is mag > 1 and label = 2 is mag <= 5
features = convert(Array, quakes_data[:, [1:3;5]]);
labels = convert(Array, quakes_data[:, 6]);
labels[labels.==0] = 2
# Create a random forest model with the tuning parameters I want
r_f_model = RandomForestClassifier(nsubfeatures = 3, ntrees = 50, partialsampling=0.7, maxdepth = 4)
# Train the model in-place on the dataset (there isn't a fit function without the in-place functionality)!(r_f_model, features, labels)
# Apply the trained model to the test features data set (here I haven't partitioned into training and test)
r_f_prediction = convert(Array{Int64,1}, DecisionTree.predict(r_f_model, features))
# Applying the model to the training set and looking at model stats
TrainingROC = roc(labels, r_f_prediction) #getting the stats around the model applied to the train set
# p::T # positive in ground-truth
# n::T # negative in ground-truth
# tp::T # correct positive prediction
# tn::T # correct negative prediction
# fp::T # (incorrect) positive prediction when ground-truth is negative
# fn::T # (incorrect) negative prediction when ground-truth is positive
I also read this question and didn't find it helpful really.
The task in binary classification is to give a 0/1 (or true/false, red/blue) label to a new, unlabeled, data-point. Most classification algorithms are designed to output a continuous real value. This value is optimized to be higher for points with known or predicted label 1, and lower for points with known or predicted label 0. To use this value to generate a 0/1 prediction, an additional threshold is used. Points with a value higher than threshold are predicted to be labeled 1 (and for lower than threshold a 0 label is predicted ).
Why is this setup useful? Because, sometimes mispredicting a 0 instead of a 1 is more costly, and then you can set the threshold low, making the algorithm output predict 1s more often.
In an extreme case when predicting 0 instead of a 1 costs nothing for the application, you can set the threshold at infinity, making it always output 0 (which is obviously the best solution, since it incurs no cost).
The threshold trick cannot eliminate errors from the classifier - no classifier in real-world problems is perfect or free from noise. What it can do is change the ratio between the 0-when-really-1 errors and 1-when-really-0 errors for the final classification.
As you increase the threshold, more points are classified with a 0 label. Consider a chart with the fraction of points classified with 0 on the x-axis, and the fraction of points with a 0-when-really-1 error on the y-axis. For each value of the threshold, plot a point for the resulting classifier on this chart. Plotting a point for all thresholds you get a curve. This is (some variant of) the ROC curve, which summarizes the abilities of the classifier. An often used metric for quality of classification is the AUC or area-under-curve of this chart, but in fact, the whole curve can be of interest in applications.
A summary like this appears in many texts on machine learning, which are a google query away.
Hope this clarifies the role of the threshold and its relation to ROC curves.

Gradient descent stochastic update - Stopping criterion and update rule - Machine Learning

My dataset has m features and n data points. Let w be a vector (to be estimated). I'm trying to implement gradient descent with stochastic update method. My minimizing function is least mean square.
The update algorithm is shown below:
for i = 1 ... n data:
for t = 1 ... m features:
w_t = w_t - alpha * (<w>.<x_i> - <y_i>) * x_t
where <x> is a raw vector of m features, <y> is a column vector of true labels, and alpha is a constant.
My questions:
Now according to wiki, I don't need to go through all data points and I can stop when error is small enough. Is it true?
I don't understand what should be the stopping criterion here. If anyone can help with this that would be great.
With this formula - which I used in for loop - is it correct? I believe (<w>.<x_i> - <y_i>) * x_t is my ∆Q(w).
Now according to wiki, I don't need to go through all data points and I can stop when error is small enough. Is it true?
This is especially true when you have a really huge training set and going through all the data points is so expensive. Then, you would check the convergence criterion after K stochastic updates (i.e. after processing K training examples). While it's possible, it doesn't make much sense to do this with a small training set. Another thing people do is randomizing the order in which training examples are processed to avoid having too many correlated examples in a raw which may result in "fake" convergence.
I don't understand what should be the stopping criterion here. If anyone can help with this that would be great.
There are a few options. I recommend trying as many of them and deciding based on empirical results.
difference in the objective function for the training data is smaller than a threshold.
difference in the objective function for held-out data (aka. development data, validation data) is smaller than a threshold. The held-out examples should NOT include any of the examples used for training (i.e. for stochastic updates) nor include any of the examples in the test set used for evaluation.
the total absolute difference in parameters w is smaller than a threshold.
in 1, 2, and 3 above, instead of specifying a threshold, you could specify a percentage. For example, a reasonable stopping criterion is to stop training when |squared_error(w) - squared_error(previous_w)| < 0.01 * squared_error(previous_w) $$.
sometimes, we don't care if we have the optimal parameters. We just want to improve the parameters we originally had. In such case, it's reasonable to preset a number of iterations over the training data and stop after that regardless of whether the objective function actually converged.
With this formula - which I used in for loop - is it correct? I believe (w.x_i - y_i) * x_t is my ∆Q(w).
It should be 2 * (w.x_i - y_i) * x_t but it's not a big deal given that you're multiplying by the learning rate alpha anyway.
