Need help pushing Zapier Webhook url to Go High Level - zapier

My problem is I don't know steps to create webhook.
What are specific steps to create a Zapier webhook (url) for me to push lead data from private crm to go high level?

If you're on a free account on Zapier, webhooks aren't supported. If you're looking for an alternatives that doesn't limit your abilities to receive webhooks for free, I created this open source app:


How to query Jira webhooks defined in descriptor of Atlassian Connect app?

I have a Jira connect app that specifies a number of static webhooks in the app descriptor. The webhooks aren't being fired for some (non-admin) users, which I'm trying to debug. In the docs, there's a way to query REST (dynamic) webhooks, using the but this returns an empty list for our app (presumably since the webhooks were declared as a connect module).I've tried this by GETting the /webhook/failed and the /webhook endpoints.
The app has ADMIN scope, and we have webhooks for a number of events including jira:issue_created, although for some users these are never firing.
My question is how can you query webhooks specified by an add-on in a connect descriptor? Is there a way to see failed deliveries or other metadata for webhooks that might have fired?
Thank you!

Webhook support for GitLab application

I am looking for general information on GitLab, specifically OAuth applications and Webhook
I have created my own application and I can register it with GitLab. However, as part of my application I also want to be able to receive webhooks when any events happen in the repo - specifically push events.
I can register webhooks separately from the Project -> Settings -> Webhooks menu. But my goal is that when users authorize the application, the webhook is automatically registered on their repositories.
Is there a way to do this? One thought I had was to register the webhooks using the GitLab API once the user completes the OAuth workflow, but I am yet to try it out.

How to send pipeline changes(commits) notification to microsoft teams\skype using jenkins

I want to send pipeline changes(commits) notification to teams channel using Jenkins and notify all what changes have been deployed. I know about the office365 plugin in jenkins but the problem is it only tells the status of pipeline etc pass/fail/stopped.
P.S sending notification to skype would also work. Please help!!
This can be setup directly in teams through the connectors marketplace.
First click on the elipses of a channel you want the information to be posted to.
Search for jenkins and configure
From here you should be able to run through the configuration process supplying details as required.

Slack integration on Bitbucket server

I cannot see Webhook function on Bitbucket server. The view is different from the Bitbucket on Cloud. The main goal of mine is i am trying to integrate Slack to get all updates from Bitbucket. Could anyone help me figure this out?
To do this you will need to install the 'Slack Notifications Plugin'.
BitBucket server works on a 'add additional functionality as you need it' model, whereas BitBucket cloud has to cater to a large number of possible user needs where users don't have admin to install the plugins themselves.
To setup: navigate to the custom integrations tab on the Apps admin page in Slack, then select 'Incoming Webhooks', 'Add configuration', choose a channel and hit add. You should now have a webhook URL copy this. (you can come back and change the appearance of your webhook user later on or edit it now)
Take the URL you copied, and go to the admin page for your repository in BitBucket server, click 'Slack settings'. Select the events you want to receive messages for, if you want to receive notifications for commits then tick the Push notifications option. Enter the channel name you want to post to including the # e.g. #git and paste in your Webhook URL. Save.
Now when you push a commit to BitBucket you should get a message in the specified Slack channel.
The official Bitbucket Server integration for Slack, developed by Atlassian, is now released with Data Center support. You can try it out right now.
Disclaimer: I work for Atlassian.

Amazon SNS Mobile Push - how to bulk subscribe endpoints to a topic?

I am trying to move my existing iOS push notification infrastructure over to amazon SNS mobile push.
I exported all my tokens from my local db into an SNS application (using CSV). Now I want to send push notification to all my 10,000 users. I think the only way is to create a topic and subscribe all the users to that topic then publish message to that topic.
Is there any easy way to subscribe all the 10,000 users who I have imported into the system to a topic?
Thanks for any help!
It sounds like you have created the Amazon SNS Platform Application and imported your tokens as Amazon SNS Platform Endpoints.
What kind of notification are you sending?
If you send a custom message to each user, use Direct
Addressing. With this approach, you
Publish to each EndpointARN.
If you send the same message to all users, use topics. You need to subscribe your endpoints to a topic. When you are ready to send, Publish to the TopicARN. Amazon SNS will handle delivery to all endpoints subscribed to that topic. Amazon SNS currently does not provide a bulk subscribe API, so you will have to invoke Subscribe once per EndpointARN.
Full disclosure: I work for AWS on Amazon SNS.
Unfortunately there is no way so far... see Bulk push endpoints subscription to a topic on AWS Discussion Forum.
Hi there langelvicente,
Thanks for this feature request. I've passed this back through to the SNS Service Team for review.
Best regards,
Phil P
This is now possible with subscribing mobile endpoints to topics. The default subscriber limit was increased.
Q: Are there limits to the number of topics or number of subscribers
per topic?
By default, SNS offers 10 million subscriptions per topic, and 3,000
topics per account. To request a higher limit, please contact us at
If you have an application full of endpoints which you want to bulk subscribe to a SNS topic you can do so from the AWS SNS dashboard by:
Going to that application in SNS
Waiting until the 'total items' count at the bottom has completed its count (ie all items are listed)
Checking the select all check mark above the list of endpoints (screenshot attached)
Tap on platform action > subscribe endpoints to topic
Enter your topic ARN and click create subscription
The process will begin and it will stall your web browser but let it be as it takes time and if you want to see the subscriptions to the topic increasing you can use the AWS CLI with :
aws sns get-topic-attributes --topic-arn "[YOUR TOPIC ARN]"
note the "SubscriptionsConfirmed" value
Yes, but caveat: they each must accept your effort to enroll them into push messaging. That means that for each token in your database, each individual must consent to receiving future messages from you (via SMS and email, that is).
Each address (tel #, email) becomes an endpoint, and you can use SNS to create a topic, then subscribe each endpoint. After a confirmation email is sent to each endpoint (person on your list), they must confirm, in order to begin receiving your stream of messages via text or email.
Unfortunately, this confirmation/consent event is dicey, and must be handled correctly. Your ARN's title must be succinct (7 letter via SMS, no subject line allowed). Hence, you must contact them via SMS using a name they will recognize (the SMS message will arrive via short code, 304-something), and can be refused and/or blocked.
Not trivial! Best to investigate using push messages via mobile app. This will avoid the coveted SMS space, but you might consider putting out a blast to email and/or SMS, in order to get them using your mobile app. Apparently, given the immediacy of SMS, folks will be reading your first confirmation within 20 seconds. This could be a good thing, if they confirm, then accept your future messages.
Am doing this right now, and am preparing to be recognized by name using my initial blast -- apps that create anonymous SMS will be banned through iTunes!
