How to prevent the axeptio cookie banner from stealing the focus? - axeptio

On our app, we start with a search field which should have the focus by default.
Since we integrated the Axeptio cookie banner, we have this little problem : when the cookie banner loads, the search field looses the focus.
Is there a way to prevent the Axeptio cookie banner from taking the focus ?

Maybe try this:
if (document.activeElement !== document.querySelector('#search') {


GWT: Textbox doesn't show Cursor on Ipad

I am trying to implement a Textbox that can show fractions with GWT.
Therefor I have an Canvas were I can draw what I want and receive KeyEvents and MouseEvents.
But on Ipad (Safarie and Chrome) the software keyboard does not show, so I created an Composite and combined the Canvas with a Textbox witch gets the focus after each key or mouse Event on the Canvas.
But the softkeyboard does not show up every time so I tried a bit and can see, that the Textbox seems to get the focus (it gets a blue boarder) but does not always show the cursor.
This does not happen on my Notebook.
Is there any difference between being focused and showing the cursor?
I tried:
Setting the Cursor position
set the Text of the Textbox.
Any help would be appreciated,
public void setFocus(boolean b) {
// if (hasFocus) {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute () {
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute () {
// box.setVisible(false);
// box.setVisible(true);
// t.setFocus(b);
// box.setFocus(b);
// }
The iOS browsers don't allow the focus to be set programmatically unless directly in response to a user interaction (i.e. a touch). I believe the reason is to prevent websites bringing up the virtual keyboard for no reason.
The downside is that it clobbers setFocus() for websites that want to use it for legitimate reasons. You can't call setFocus() in a deferred command because that doesn't count as a direct response to the user interaction.
(To be more precise, you can call setFocus() in a deferred command, but it won't have the desired effect as you found out.)

Display keyboard without text input in react native iOS

I want to keep the keyboard displayed at the bottom by default without using a text input which the user needs to tap.
I need to keep the keyboard at the bottom at all times.
Then I need to listen to the events of the keyboard.
How can I do this?
The workaround I implemented was adding an invisible text box somewhere on the screen and then set it as focused manually.
Just in case someone else might stumble upon this, OP's self answer works. In order to set focus manually, you'll need to get the ref to the hidden input.
ref={input => (this.textinput = input)}
style={{ display: 'none' }}
then elsewhere in the code, you focus manually by
if (this.textinput) {
This answer is way too late to do the OP any good, but for others:
You can't do this. In iOS, the operating system, keyboards simply don't/can't work this way. iOS never shows a keyboard without an active text input focus, and there is no way for even a native iOS app to override this OS-level behavior. The OS itself prevents this from happening.

iPhone Safari keyboard to say next vs go

I have a website that is optimized to work on iOS devices. But the problem is that the keyboard always says Go as user fills the form. How do I get the keyboard to say Next until the last entry on the form, where it should say Go? Or alternatively, how do I disable the Enter button entirely?
Again, this is a website. It works everywhere websites work: in browsers. Except I have having this particular problem in Safari on mobile devices.
while changing the input type gives you some control of the keyboard layout the return key label in IOS cannot be customized.
Other than changing it to say Search there are no customizations available. You can disable the functionality of the button using something like this injQuery:
$("#myForm input").live("keyup", function(evt) {
if (evt.keyCode === 13) {

AS3/Air Shift focus from one text field to the next in ios

I am using Flash Pro cs6, AS3, Air3.8.. And I am using textfield for input. I am trying to make it so when the user presses "Done" it shifts to the next field. I am finding conflicting information about this on all the forums, including this one. I did search but never found a fix..
I am definitely receiving the events, and I tried adding a line that identifies the keycode, which has confirmed it is receiving keycode 13. I actually made it put the keycode into the field I want the focus to shift to successfully.. It just refuses to put focus on that field..
The code I am using is stated in the docs that it will not work in iOS.. BUT it DOES work further along on the same page of script, as well as on two other ones... I have:
function keyhandler(event:KeyboardEvent){
if(event.charCode == 13)
stage.focus = null;
stage.focus = nextTextField;
I tried that while adding the listener to the text field first, then changed it to the stage, neither work.. I tried "requestsSoftKeyboard" and several other ways I have seen posted that supposedly work in iOS, but they didn't work.. There are other functions that use the same stage.focus to null, followed by stage.focus to MyTextField and they work, but they are initiated by pressing a button on the stage, NOT a button on the soft keyboard. The code there that works is just a standard if statement:
if (TextField == "")
}else if (NextTextField == "")
stage.focus = null;
stage.focus = NextTextField;
}else if (TextFieldAfterThat == "")
stage.focus = null;
stage.focus = TextFieldAfterThat;
That continues through all fields and always goes to the right one with the soft keyboard open, cursor blinking, and ready to type.. every time. I know the listeners are received from the soft keyboard "Done" because a function to capitalize the words works, and when I added code to confirm the keycode it worked. I also have found access to that value using "charcode" AND "keycode".. I do not know what the difference is, but both returned 13 and neither worked for me..
There is another place I use the same code to make a TextField active and set the focus after the user presses a radio button, and those all work every time.
I am not sure what the difference is coming from pressing "Done" vs. pressing an object on the stage, but it refuses to set the focus with the done button.
Anyone have any ideas or made this work before?
I had success assingning focus to a StageText in iOS like this:
StageText offers many advantages over TextField because it shows a native text input. The only disadvantage I know is that you can't use custom fonts.
Here's the documentation, and a tutorial.
I haven't experimented with the "Done" key, but I did what you are trying to achieve with "Enter" key and it worked. Also take note that in iOS the "Done" key is meant to hide the keyboard, so that could be why you are having these problems..
With component FPTextField you can listen to the event click DONE. In this video, compared StageText and FPTextField:
Use ane library FPNativeUI:

Phonegap prevent scrolling when show keyboard

On Phonegap application, is there any way to prevent page scrolling when a text-input is focused and the soft keyboard shows?
In case of no way, Is there any way to scroll the page to the position of text input instead of 'bring' the text input onto center of screen?
in phonegap 2.6 there is a new option to prevent scrolling by resizing the webview. take a look at the documentation and find the KeyboardShrinksView option.
I've used this javascript code with some success. It overrides the window.scrollTo function and cancels it out...
window.oldScrollTo = window.scrollTo;
window.scrollTo = function (x, y) {
