Time series prediction problem for seq2seq data - time-series

I have a sequence prediction problem that confuses me. I am trying to predict some graphs as an output. I am using LSTM for this. I tried several things but still there is not any good results. I have 158 laboratory test which has 4 time series as an input and one time series as an output. I am taking 126 of them as training and 32 for testing. Input shape can be thought as (126,17658,4). Which are 126 samples, 17658 time steps and 4 features. Output shape is (126,17658) or it can be (126,17658,1). So, I am trying to predict a serie with looking to 4 time series. All have same timesteps. I tried classical LSTM structure, encoder decoder structure, LSTM with windowing etc. And there is not any accurate solution for this. What I am asking that if you faced with this problem, what will be the best method for this? Thanks.


How to plot epochs versus training accuracy in Keras?

I am working in Keras and would like to produce a plot like Figure 3 in this paper. In the caption of Figure 3 in the paper, its says 10 iterations correspond to 1 epoch. I assume this is due to the batch size used for training per epoch.If anyone has further insights to confirm this would be appreciated.
Epoch - One pass through the data, or how many times you have seen each record.
Iteration - Update of the models parameters.
Basically they are saying that they updated the model parameters ten times per each pass through the data.
from https://deeplearning4j.org/glossary

Using LSTM for binary classification

I have time series data of size 100000*5. 100000 samples and five variables.I have labeled each 100000 samples as either 0 or 1. i.e. binary classification.
I want to train it using LSTM , because of the time series nature of data.I have seen examples of LSTM for time series prediction, Is it suitable to use it in my case.
Not sure about your needs.
LSTM is best suited for sequence models, like time series you said, and your description don't look a time series.
Any way, you may use LSTM for time series, not for prediction, but for classification like this article.
In my experience, for binary classification having only 5 features you could find better methods, will consume more memory thant other methods, and could get worst results.
First of all, you can see it from a different perspective, i.e. instead of having 10,000 labeled samples of 5 variables, you should treat it as 10,000 unlabeled samples of 6 variables, where the 6th variable is the label.
Therefore, you can train your LSTM as a multivariate predictor for your 6th variable, that is the sample label and compare with the ground truth during testing to evaluate its performance.

LSTM neural network for a chemical process?

I have the following dataset
for a chemical process in a refinery. It's comprised of 5x5 input vector where each vector is sampled at every minute. The output is the result of the whole process and sampled each 5 minutes.
I concluded that the output (yellow) depends highly on past input vectors in a timely manner. And got recently to have a look on LSTMs and trying to learn a bit about them on Python and Torch.
However I don't have any idea how should I prepare my dataset in a manner where my LSTM could process it and show me future predictions if tested with new input vectors.
Is there a straight forward manner to preprocess my dataset accordingly?
EDIT1: Actually i found out this awesome blog about training LSTMs on natural language processing http://karpathy.github.io/2015/05/21/rnn-effectiveness/ . Long story short, an LSTM takes a character as an input and tries to generate the next character. Eventually, it can be trained on Shakespeare poems to generate new Shakespeare poems! But GPU acceleration is recommended.
EDIT2: Based on EDIT1, the best way to format my dataset is to just transform my excel to txt with TAB-separated columns. I'll post the results of the LSTM prediction on my above numbers dataset as soon as possible.

Why do Tensorflow tf.learn classification results vary a lot?

I use the TensorFlow high-level API tf.learn to train and evaluate a DNN classifier for a series of binary text classifications (actually I need multi-label classification but at the moment I check every label separately). My code is very similar to the tf.learn Tutorial
classifier = tf.contrib.learn.DNNClassifier(
classifier.fit(x=training_set.data, y=training_set.target, steps=100)
val_accuracy_score = classifier.evaluate(x=validation_set.data, y=validation_set.target)["accuracy"]
Accuracy score varies roughly from 54% to 90%, with 21 documents in the validation (test) set which are always the same.
What does the very significant deviation mean? I understand there are some random factors (eg. dropout), but to my understanding the model should converge towards an optimum.
I use words (lemmas), bi- and trigrams, sentiment scores and LIWC scores as features, so I do have a very high-dimensional feature space, with only 28 training and 21 validation documents. Can this cause problems? How can I consistently improve the results apart from collecting more training data?
Update: To clarify, I generate a dictionary of occurring words and n-grams and discard those that occur only 1 time, so I only use words (n-grams) that exist in the corpus.
This has nothing to do with TensorFlow. This dataset is ridiculously small, thus you can obtain any results. You have 28 + 21 points, in a space which has "infinite" amount of dimensions (there are around 1,000,000 english words, thus 10^18 trigrams, however some of them do not exist, and for sure they do not exist in your 49 documents, but still you have at least 1,000,000 dimensions). For such problem, you have to expect huge variance of the results.
How can I consistently improve the results apart from collecting more training data?
You pretty much cannot. This is simply way to small sample to do any statistical analysis.
Consequently the best you can do is change evaluation scheme instead of splitting data to 28/21 do 10-fold cross validation, with ~50 points this means that you will have to run 10 experiments, each with 45 training documents and 4 testing ones, and average the result. This is the only thing you can do to reduce the variance, however remember that even with CV, dataset so small gives you no guarantees how well your model will actualy behave "in the wild" (once applied to never seen before data).

big number of attributes best classifiers

I have dataset which is built from 940 attributes and 450 instance and I'm trying to find the best classifier to get the best results.
I have used every classifier that WEKA suggest (such as J48, costSensitive, combinatin of several classifiers, etc..)
The best solution I have found is J48 tree with accuracy of 91.7778 %
and the confusion matrix is:
394 27 | a = NON_C
10 19 | b = C
I want to get better reuslts in the confution matrix for TN and TP at least 90% accuracy for each.
Is there something that I can do to improve this (such as long time run classifiers which scans all options? other idea I didn't think about?
Here is the file:
Please help!!
I'd guess that you got a data set and just tried all possible algorithms...
Usually, it is a good to think about the problem:
to find and work only with relevant features(attributes), otherwise
the task can be noisy. Relevant features = features that have high
correlation with class (NON_C,C).
your dataset is biased, i.e. number of NON_C is much higher than C.
Sometimes it can be helpful to train your algorithm on the same portion of positive and negative (in your case NON_C and C) examples. And cross-validate it on natural (real) portions
size of your training data is small in comparison with the number of
features. Maybe increasing number of instances would help ...
There are quite a few things you can do to improve the classification results.
First, it seems that your training data is severly imbalanced. By training with that imbalance you are creating a significant bias in almost any classification algorithm
Second, you have a larger number of features than examples. Consider using L1 and/or L2 regularization to improve the quality of your results.
Third, consider projecting your data into a lower dimension PCA space, say containing 90 % of the variance. This will remove much of the noise in the training data.
Fourth, be sure you are training and testing on different portions of your data. From your description it seems like you are training and evaluating on the same data, which is a big no no.
