Why do Tensorflow tf.learn classification results vary a lot? - machine-learning

I use the TensorFlow high-level API tf.learn to train and evaluate a DNN classifier for a series of binary text classifications (actually I need multi-label classification but at the moment I check every label separately). My code is very similar to the tf.learn Tutorial
classifier = tf.contrib.learn.DNNClassifier(
classifier.fit(x=training_set.data, y=training_set.target, steps=100)
val_accuracy_score = classifier.evaluate(x=validation_set.data, y=validation_set.target)["accuracy"]
Accuracy score varies roughly from 54% to 90%, with 21 documents in the validation (test) set which are always the same.
What does the very significant deviation mean? I understand there are some random factors (eg. dropout), but to my understanding the model should converge towards an optimum.
I use words (lemmas), bi- and trigrams, sentiment scores and LIWC scores as features, so I do have a very high-dimensional feature space, with only 28 training and 21 validation documents. Can this cause problems? How can I consistently improve the results apart from collecting more training data?
Update: To clarify, I generate a dictionary of occurring words and n-grams and discard those that occur only 1 time, so I only use words (n-grams) that exist in the corpus.

This has nothing to do with TensorFlow. This dataset is ridiculously small, thus you can obtain any results. You have 28 + 21 points, in a space which has "infinite" amount of dimensions (there are around 1,000,000 english words, thus 10^18 trigrams, however some of them do not exist, and for sure they do not exist in your 49 documents, but still you have at least 1,000,000 dimensions). For such problem, you have to expect huge variance of the results.
How can I consistently improve the results apart from collecting more training data?
You pretty much cannot. This is simply way to small sample to do any statistical analysis.
Consequently the best you can do is change evaluation scheme instead of splitting data to 28/21 do 10-fold cross validation, with ~50 points this means that you will have to run 10 experiments, each with 45 training documents and 4 testing ones, and average the result. This is the only thing you can do to reduce the variance, however remember that even with CV, dataset so small gives you no guarantees how well your model will actualy behave "in the wild" (once applied to never seen before data).


Machine Learning - Huge Only positive text dataset

I have a dataset with thousand of sentences belonging to a subject. I would like to know what would be best to create a classifier that will predict a text as "True" or "False" depending on whether they talk about that subject or not.
I've been using solutions with Weka (basic classifiers) and Tensorflow (neural network approaches).
I use string to word vector to preprocess the data.
Since there are no negative samples, I deal with a single class. I've tried one-class classifier (libSVM in Weka) but the number of false positives is so high I cannot use it.
I also tried adding negative samples but when the text to predict does not fall in the negative space, the classifiers I've tried (NB, CNN,...) tend to predict it as a false positive. I guess it's because of the sheer amount of positive samples
I'm open to discard ML as the tool to predict the new incoming data if necessary
Thanks for any help
I have eventually added data for the negative class and build a Multilineal Naive Bayes classifier which is doing the job as expected.
(the size of the data added is around one million samples :) )
My answer is based on the assumption that that adding of at least 100 negative samples for author’s dataset with 1000 positive samples is acceptable for the author of the question, since I have no answer for my question about it to the author yet
Since this case with detecting of specific topic is looks like particular case of topics classification I would recommend using classification approach with the two simple classes 1 class – your topic and another – all other topics for beginning
I succeeded with the same approach for face recognition task – at the beginning I built model with one output neuron with high level of output for face detection and low if no face detected
Nevertheless such approach gave me too low accuracy – less than 80%
But when I tried using 2 output neurons – 1 class for face presence on image and another if no face detected on the image, then it gave me more than 90% accuracy for MLP, even without using of CNN
The key point here is using of SoftMax function for the output layer. It gives significant increase of accuracy. From my experience, it increased accuracy of the MNIST dataset even for MLP from 92% up to 97% for the same model
About dataset. Majority of classification algorithms with a trainer, at least from my experience are more efficient with equal quantity of samples for each class in a training data set. In fact, if I have for 1 class less than 10% of average quantity for other classes it makes model almost useless for the detection of this class. So if you have 1000 samples for your topic, then I suggest creating 1000 samples with as many different topics as possible
Alternatively, if you don’t want to create a such big set of negative samples for your dataset, you can create a smaller set of negative samples for your dataset and use batch training with a size of batch = 2x your negative sample quantity. In order to do so, split your positive samples in n chunks with the size of each chunk ~ negative samples quantity and when train your NN by N batches for each iteration of training process with chunk[i] of positive samples and all your negative samples for each batch. Just be aware, that lower accuracy will be the price for this trade-off
Also, you could consider creation of more generic detector of topics – figure out all possible topics which can present in texts which your model should analyze, for example – 10 topics and create a training dataset with 1000 samples per each topic. It also can give higher accuracy
One more point about the dataset. The best practice is to train your model only with part of a dataset, for example – 80% and use the rest 20% for cross-validation. This cross-validation of unknown previously data for model will give you a good estimation of your model accuracy in real life, not for the training data set and allows to avoid overfitting issues
About building of model. I like doing it by "from simple to complex" approach. So I would suggest starting from simple MLP with SoftMax output and dataset with 1000 positive and 1000 negative samples. After reaching 80%-90% accuracy you can consider using CNN for your model, and also I would suggest increasing training dataset quantity, because deep learning algorithms are more efficient with bigger dataset
For text data you can use Spy EM.
The basic idea is to combine your positive set with a whole bunch of random samples, some of which you hold out. You initially treat all the random documents as the negative class, and train a classifier with your positive samples and these negative samples.
Now some of those random samples will actually be positive, and you can conservatively relabel any documents that are scored higher than the lowest scoring held out true positive samples.
Then you iterate this process until it stablizes.

How do I improve my Neural Network output?

I have a data set with 150 rows, 45 features and 40 outputs. I can well overfit the data but I cannot obtain acceptable results for my cross validation set.
With 25 hidden layers and quite large number of iterations, I was able to get ~94% accuracy on my training set; put a smile on my face. But cross validation result turned out to be less than 15%.
So to mitigate overfitting I started playing with the regularization parameter (lambda) and also the number of hidden layers. The best result (CV) I could get was 24% on training set and 34% on the training set with lambda=1, 70 hidden layers and 14000 iterations. Increasing the number of iters also made it worse; I can't understand why I cannot improve CV results with increased lambda and iters?
Here is the lambda-hiddenLayer-iter combinations I have tried:
Any suggested way(s) of trying smarter regulationParameter-hiddenLayer-iters combinations? Or other ways of improving my NN? I using my matlab code from Andrew Ng's ML class (uses backpropagation algorithm.)
It's very hard to learn anything from just 150 training examples with 45 features (and if I read your question right, 40 possible output classes). You need far more labeled training examples if you want to learn a reasonable classifier - probably tens or hundreds of thousands if you do have 40 possible classes. Even for binary classification or regression, you likely need thousands of examples of you have 45 meaningful features.
Some suggestions:
overfitting occurs primarily when the structure of the neural network is too complex for the problem in hand. If the structure of the NN isn't too complex, increasing the number of iterations shouldn't decrease accuracy of prediction
70 hidden layers is quite a lot, you may try to dramatically decrease the number of hidden layers (to 3-15) and increase the number of iterations. It seems from your file that 15 hidden layers are fine in comparison to 70 hidden layers
while reducing the number of hidden layers you may vary the number of neurons in hidden layers (increase/decrease) and check how the results are changing
I agree with Logan. What you see in your dataset makes perfect sense. If you simply train a NN classifier with 45 features for 40 classes you will get great accuracy because you have more features than output-classes. So the model can basically "assign" each feature to one of the output classe, but the resulting model will be highly over-fitted and probably not represent whatever you are modeling. Your significantly lower cross-validation results seem to be right.
You should rethink your approach: Why do you have 40 classes? Maybe you can change your problem into a regressive problem instead of a classification problem? Also try to look into some other algorithms like Random Forrest for example. Or decrease the number of features significantly.

caret: using random forest and include cross-validation

I used the caret package to train a random forest, including repeated cross-validation. I’d like to know whether the OOB, as in the original RF by Breiman, is used or whether this is replaced by the cross-validation. If it is replaced, do I have the same advantages as described in Breiman 2001, like increased accuracy by reducing the correlation between input data? As OOB is drawn with replacement and CV is drawn without replacement, are both procedures comparable? What is the OOB estimate of error rate (based on CV)?
How are the trees grown? Is CART used?
As this is my first thread, please let me know if you need more details. Many thanks in advance.
There are a lot of basic questions here and you would be better served by reading a book on machine learning or predictive modeling. Thats probably why you haven't gotten much of a response.
For caret you should also consult the package website where some of these questions are answered.
Here are some notes:
CV and OOB estimation for RF are somewhat different. This post might help explain how. For this application, the OOB rate from random forest is computed while the model is being build whereas CV uses holdout samples that are predicted after the random forest model is computed.
The original random forest model (used here) uses unpruned CART trees. Again, this is in many text books and papers.
I recently got a little confused with this too, but reading chapter 4 in Applied Predictive Modeling by Max Kuhn helped me to understand the difference.
If you use randomForest in R, you grow a number of decision trees by sampling N cases with replacement (N is the number of cases in the training set). You then sample m variables at each node where m is less than the number of predictors. Each tree is then grown fully and terminal nodes are assigned to a class based on the mode of cases in that node. New cases are classified by sending them down all the trees and then taking a vote; the majority vote wins.
The key points to note here are:
how the trees are grown - sampling WITH replacement (a bootstrap). This means that some cases will be represented many times in your bootstrap sample and others may not be represented at all. The bootstrap sample will be the same size as your training dataset.
The cases that are not selected for building trees are referred to as the OOB samples- an OOB error estimate is calculated by classifying the cases that aren't selected when building a tree. About 63% of the data points in the bootstrap sample are represented at least once.
If you use caret in R, you will normally use caret::train(....) and specify the method as "rf" and trControl="repeatedcv". You can change trControl to "oob" if you want out of the bag. The way this works is as follows (I'm going to use a simple example of a 10 fold cv repeated 5 times): the training dataset is split into 10 folds of roughly equal size, a number of trees will be built using only 9 samples - so omitting the 1st fold (which is held out). The held out sample is predicted by running the cases through the trees and used to estimate performance measures. The first subset is returned to the training set and the procedure repeats with the 2nd subset held out, and so on. The process is repeated 10 times. This whole procedure can be repeated multiple times (in my example, I do this 5 times); for each of the 5 runs, the training dataset with be split into 10 slightly different folds. It should be noted that 50 different held out samples are used to calculate model efficacy.
The key points to note are:
this involves sampling WITHOUT replacement - you split the training data and build a model on 9 samples and predict the held out sample (the remaining 1 sample of the 10) and repeat this process as above
the model is built using a dataset that is smaller than the training dataset; this is different to the bootstrap method discussed above
You are using 2 different resampling techniques which will yield different results therefore they are not comparable. The k fold repeated cv tends to have low bias (for k large); where k is 2 or 3, bias is high and comparable to the bootstrap method. K fold cv tends to have high variance though...

big number of attributes best classifiers

I have dataset which is built from 940 attributes and 450 instance and I'm trying to find the best classifier to get the best results.
I have used every classifier that WEKA suggest (such as J48, costSensitive, combinatin of several classifiers, etc..)
The best solution I have found is J48 tree with accuracy of 91.7778 %
and the confusion matrix is:
394 27 | a = NON_C
10 19 | b = C
I want to get better reuslts in the confution matrix for TN and TP at least 90% accuracy for each.
Is there something that I can do to improve this (such as long time run classifiers which scans all options? other idea I didn't think about?
Here is the file:
Please help!!
I'd guess that you got a data set and just tried all possible algorithms...
Usually, it is a good to think about the problem:
to find and work only with relevant features(attributes), otherwise
the task can be noisy. Relevant features = features that have high
correlation with class (NON_C,C).
your dataset is biased, i.e. number of NON_C is much higher than C.
Sometimes it can be helpful to train your algorithm on the same portion of positive and negative (in your case NON_C and C) examples. And cross-validate it on natural (real) portions
size of your training data is small in comparison with the number of
features. Maybe increasing number of instances would help ...
There are quite a few things you can do to improve the classification results.
First, it seems that your training data is severly imbalanced. By training with that imbalance you are creating a significant bias in almost any classification algorithm
Second, you have a larger number of features than examples. Consider using L1 and/or L2 regularization to improve the quality of your results.
Third, consider projecting your data into a lower dimension PCA space, say containing 90 % of the variance. This will remove much of the noise in the training data.
Fourth, be sure you are training and testing on different portions of your data. From your description it seems like you are training and evaluating on the same data, which is a big no no.

Using weka to classify sensor data

I am working on a classification problem, which has different sensors. Each sensor collect a sets of numeric values.
I think its a classification problem and want to use weka as a ML tool for this problem. But I am not sure how to use weka to deal with the input values? And which classifier will best fit for this problem( one instance of a feature is a sets of numeric value)?
For example, I have three sensors A ,B, C. Can I define 5 collected data from all sensors,as one instance? Such as, One instance of A is {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, and one instance of B is{3,434,534,213,55,4,7). C{424,24,24,13,24,5,6}.
Thanks a lot for your time on reviewing my question.
Commonly the first classifier to try is Naive Bayes (you can find it under "Bayes" directory in Weka) because it's fast, parameter less and the classification accuracy is hard to beat whenever the training sample is small.
Random Forest (you can find it under "Tree" directory in Weka) is another pleasant classifier since it process almost any data. Just run it and see whether it gives better results. It can be just necessary to increase the number of trees from the default 10 to some higher value. Since you have 7 attributes 100 trees should be enough.
Then I would try k-NN (you can find it under "Lazy" directory in Weka and it's called "IBk") because it commonly ranks amount the best single classifiers for a wide range of datasets. The only issues with k-nn are that it scales badly for large datasets (> 1GB) and it needs to fine tune k, the number of neighbors. This value is by default set to 1 but with increasing number of training samples it's commonly better to set it up to some higher integer value in range from 2 to 60.
And finally for some datasets where both, Naive Bayes and k-nn performs poorly, it's best to use SVM (under "Functions", it's called "Lib SVM"). However, it can be hassle to set up all the parameters of the SVM to get competitive results. Hence I leave it to the end when I already know what classification accuracies to expect. This classifier may not be the most convenient if you have more than two classes to classify.
