aps-iot-extensions-demo---'Error: 401 ()' - iot

I am new here.
I try to run locally with https://github.com/autodesk-platform-services/aps-iot-extensions-demo
1.change to my clientID & secret
2.use rac_basic_sample_project.rvt sample project
Please help me to check the problem.
Xhr.js:900 GET https://cdn.derivative.autodesk.com/derivativeservice/v2/manifest/dXJuOmFkc2sub2JqZWN0czpvcy5vYmplY3Q6YW0zcXo4NTV3M2JodHNqY3BrdzJlYWludHBzc25penktYmFzaWMtYXBwL3JhY19iYXNpY19zYW1wbGVfcHJvamVjdC5ydnQ?domain=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080 401
viewer.js:52 Uncaught (in promise) {code: 4, message: 'Error: 401 ()', errors: 401}
1.change to my clientID & secret
2.use rac_basic_sample_project.rvt sample project

The root cause is the incorrect model view GUID (saying APS_MODEL_VIEW) at https://github.com/autodesk-platform-services/aps-iot-extensions-demo/blob/master/public/config.js#L2
After changing the URN, the APS_MODEL_VIEW must be changed together since the GUID specified in the config.js is the master view's GUID. The master view is generated by Model Derivative service automatically, so its GUID is not persistent like other Revit views inside the RVT file.


Can't deploy an app to Intune store via graph API - DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All is an invalid scope?

We want to enable uploading apps to the Intune store via an API.
I saw this example on GitHub, and want to do something similar in JS, so I've tried using the same REST calls.
The problem is, I can't seem to make the https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/deviceAppManagement/mobileApps request properly - I always get 401. When making the same request via the Graph API Explorer it works fine.
I tried fixing my permissions, and I'm kinda stuck getting the correct token.
I did the following steps with an admin account, on both the "common" and our own tennant:
Called the admin consent - https://login.microsoftonline.com/nativeflow.onmicrosoft.com/adminconsent?client_id=<ID>&redirect_uri=<URI>
Got authorization from the user - https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=<ID>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=<URI>&response_mode=query&scope=DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All
POST request to get the actual token -
with the following body:
client_id: <ID>
scope: https://graph.microsoft.com/.default
client_secret: <secret>
grant_type: client_credentials
requested_token_use: on_behalf_of
code: <The code I got in step 2>
I tried changing the scope in step 3 to https://graph.microsoft.com/DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All or simply to DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All, but it says that it's not a valid scope.
I got a token in step 3, but when I try calling the actual API I receive this error:
_version: 3,
Message: "An error has occurred - Operation ID (for customer support): 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - Activity ID: 7b5c3841-976d-4509-b946-f7fdabd047d7 - Url: https://fef.msub02.manage.microsoft.com/StatelessAppMetadataFEService/deviceAppManagement/mobileApps?api-version=5018-05-02",
CustomApiErrorPhrase: "",
RetryAfter: null,
ErrorSourceService: "",
HttpHeaders: {"WWW-Authenticate":"Bearer realm=urn:intune:service,f0f3c450-59bf-4f0d-b1b2-0ef84ddfe3c7"}
So yeah, I'm pretty much stuck. Anyone have any experience with it? I've tried making the calls in Postman, curl and via code, but nothing works.
Cheers :)
You have a couple issues going on:
You're using the Authorization Code Grant workflow but requesting Client Credentials.
The scope Device.ReadWrite.All is an application scope, it is only applicable to Client Credentials. It isn't a valid Delegated scope so it will return an error when you attempt to authenticate a user (aka delegate) using Device.ReadWrite.All.
Your body is using key:value but it should be using standard form encoding (key=value).
To get this working, you need to request a token without a user. This is done by skipping your 2nd step and moving directly to retrieving a token (body line-breaks are only for readability):
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/nativeflow.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/v2.0/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Error occured while updating the IDProvider

I followed the Spring SAML quick start guide to enable SSO.
While updating the IdProvider with the sp metadaata (generated one) , SSO Circle throws the error saying "An error occured. Reason:0004-Entity descriptor "localhost" under realm "%2F" has invalid syntax."
I don't know what exactly is the problem.
Help is needed :(
Please check that the property includeDiscoveryExtension is set to false on your MetadataGenerator bean. If it is set to true an Extensions element is generated which is not compatible with SSOCircle. Check that no extensions element is included in the generated metadata.

OAuth 1.0b receiving access token

Until few days ago everything worked fine. But after some changes on FitBit new user can not get OAuth handshake anymore. The problem is when I receive temporary tokens and make call to finish handshake and receive credentials.
So in first step I get:
TOKEN: 1a227cfde686220183763946a98173bc and VERIFIER: p2g5ims7o4ffscev603rbif05g
and in second step I use theme to make call to https://api.fitbit.com/oauth/access_token ...
Signature Base String is:
And by that I receive header (with signature calculated using the same function as in first step)
Authorizing with HEADER: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="7c5e888aa3dd4d17a26d82a7f541b278",oauth_token="1a227cfde686220183763946a98173bc",oauth_nonce="5hw45lgu",oauth_signature="X4udgn9A7Q2xI%2FN38QELl%2BIDVqM%3D",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="1391094796",oauth_verifier="p2g5ims7o4ffscev603rbif05g",oauth_version="1.0"
That should work but I get 401 error saying:
{"errors":[{"errorType":"oauth","fieldName":"oauth_access_token","message":"Invalid signature or token 'JNGSIMomid/oghtWGrz7crC6KhM=' or token '6c45d0ce39195e848da14cad0a4f9719'"}],"success":false}
I have been working od that for 7 hours now ... and as far as I can see everything is OK ... Error is saying about field name oauth_access_token ... This fields doesn't even exist. I tried anyway and recived error saying that security is not OK ...
Any Idea?
I had the same problem. After doing some research I noticed that the API has changed and the lib I was using was out dated.
To fix that, I updated my lib and did some code changes.
Here is the link of a .Net implementation after the change:

SignatureDoesNotMatch error when Content-type is 'text/*' using TAmazonStorageService.UploadObject

Using the following Delphi XE2 (update 4) code:
ConInfo: TAmazonConnectionInfo;
RespInfo: TCloudResponseInfo;
Service: TAmazonStorageService;
Content: TBytes;
Headers: TStringList;
ConInfo.AccountName:='YOUR ACCOUNT NAME';
ConInfo.AccountKey:='YOUR ACCOUNT KEY';
SetLength(Content, 128);
FillMemory(#Content[0], 128, Byte('x'));
if not Service.UploadObject('YOUR BUCKET', 'test.txt', Content, TRUE, nil, Headers, amzbaPrivate, RespInfo) then
ShowMessage('Failed:' + RespInfo.StatusMessage);
I always get an error on the call to UploadObject:
Failed:HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - The request signature we calculated
does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing
method. (SignatureDoesNotMatch)
This only happens when the Content-type is set to 'text/plain', 'text/html', or text anything. Using exactly the same code, if you just change the content-type to any other content-type, e.g. 'video/3gpp', then it works as expected and without error. The actual content of the object being uploaded isn't relevant and has no bearing on getting the error or not.
I've traced through the Indy code in Delphi, but I'm stumped as to why the text content type always gives this error.
Any ideas?
If you append "; charset=ISO-8859-1" to the Content-Type string, then it works:
Headers.Values['Content-type']:='text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1';
Stepping through the code I see the Content-Type is being changed in TIdEntityHeaderInfo.SetHeaders (IdHTTPHeaderInfo.pas) which is called from TIdHTTPProtocol.BuildAndSendRequest (IdHTTP.pas).
Ultimately, it looks like the problem is that TIdEntityHeaderInfo.SetContentType (IdHTTPHeaderInfo.pas) is appending a character set to the content type if it is 'text' and it doesn't already have one. It shouldn't be changing the content type in these situations because the content type is part of the string to be signed, so changing it after the signing makes the signature invalid.
I had the very same problem. I also used application/octet-stream as content type, but still had some trouble. Later on, I discovered that bucket names have to be in lowercase (In US Standard Region, Amazon allows to define buckets with Uppercase or mixed case names; however, those buckets are not accessible through the HTTP API (including TAmazonStorageService). Instead of a not found message, I still got the 403 error (unauthenticated user).
However, one I changed the name to all lowercase, it worked fine.
Hope it helps

ServiceAuthorizationManager exception always sending xml response

I have a custom ServiceAuthorizationManager implemented in wcf webhttp service to do api key verification. It sends a webfaultexception with the code 403 if the key is invalid.
But the issue is, when the exception is thrown, it s always send to the client as xml.
The service accepts both JSON and XML and it s working fine for all the other operations except for the exception from the manager.
No matter if I set the accept header or content type the result is always xml. But for other requests, the response type switches perfectly according to the content-type header
Here's the web.config
<standardEndpoint name="" helpEnabled="true" automaticFormatSelectionEnabled="true" />
Any help is really appriciated.
If anyone else ran into this issue: looks like no way to fix it. The solution I did was to do the verification in the service's constructor. Make sure the instance context mode is set to per call.
More info http://amilagm.com/2012/04/better-way-to-do-api-key-verification-in-wcf-webhttp-services/
