Yesterday I updated my project (advanced complexity) from Angular 14 to 15 (Angular Material too obviously, and I know it came with a lot of breaking changes). After this, I started seeing repeated CSS classes from components:
I made a project from zero just for test, thinking that maybe in the other project I have some stylesheets causing this problem, but got the same issue with the MatTable in this case:
Table styles
I have started using Vaadin 23 which is launched recently. But when I'm trying to compile theme its not working. Below is the message I'm getting on console.
[ERROR] Could not find goal 'update-theme' in plugin com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:23.1.1 among available goals build-frontend, clean-frontend, dance, prepare-frontend
Many things have changed since Vaadin 8. There is no more update-theme. You should create a new template project and use that as a reference.
Vaadin 23 uses plain CSS instead of SCSS, so it doesn't need to be compiled. Thus there is no need for an "update-theme" goal.
I'm probably missing something very basic here, but I've spent quite a while searching for just about any term I could come up with.
I wanted to check out Dart and Dart.Polymer, so I grabbed some examples from various tutorials. I managed to get everything working, but it seems ALL HTML/JS/CSS content from custom Polymer elements and paper-/iron-/... elements get pasted to index.html, along with various other JavaScript stuff.
This leads to my index.html being 16.000+ lines long in release mode builds, (20.000 in debug) in this Dart Academy Tutorial, and here is the corresponding source in GitHub
The tutorial also links to a live version that has pretty HTML/imports.
The same happens with the basic Polymer sample project in Webstorm.
My different setups:
Windows 10 and Ubuntu 14.04 (tried both)
Dart SDK current stable and dev version
pub build --mode:release and debug, from commandline and within Webstorm
various transformers, various orders, various dependency versions in pubspec.yaml
Aside from the index.html file my output folder seems fine, elements are present in e.g. output_folder/build/web/packages/polymer_elements/.
I know that everything that is compiled into the index is necessary, but why does it not generate links to the files in the created build/polymer_elements folder? I assume it is possible and the live versions of the examples I found have not been edited manually to link to all elements and scripts and cut them from index.html. I know it probably does not even affect load times in a significant way, but it still bugs me.
Thanks for any help in advance, don't be shy to point out if I read over something very basic or just did not search for the right term :D
This is a deployment optimization, similar to the vulcanize tool for polymer js, except that its the default in Dart. Html imports create tons of extra requests which is slower than just downloading the one large file.
Inlining transformed code (JS/CSS) is normal behavior and none of the options to dart2js will affect this.
I believe the demo output linked in the tutorial you mentioned was unfortunately not the actual dart output. I believe is a demo of the original polymer version, not the dart version.
I am working on MEAN stack with angular material design. After testing on chrome & firefox, every functionality including flex & offset etc is working perfect. but in internet explorer, nothing is working as it is supposed to.
My question is, how to make angular material compatible with IE 10 & IE 11?
Angular Material is targeted for all browsers with versions n-1; where n is the current browser version. IE 10 is no longer supported.
Edge seems to work well with material, but IE 11 still has some discrepancies. I get around these layout issues by simply adding a few CSS rules to elements that aren't displaying correctly while making sure they don't affect my Chrome / FF layouts.
Also the way you nest your divs; layout rows, input containers, etc, can have an undesirable effect in IE 11. Trial and error worked best for me.
It is best to avoid angular-material if your main targets are internet explorer, but instead use Angular-Materialize library which is a add-on (directives) library for that works pretty much with every modern browser.
As for Angular 5 you can uncomment imports in polyfills.ts to deal with IE.
Using Angular 8, I got the Angular Material Datepicker to work in IE by doing the following:
Removed everything that had to do with moment.js and the material moment adapter. (Uninstalled it)
Imported MatNativeDateModule in app.module.ts
Set the appearance attribute to "legacy" in the html, like this:
<mat-form-field appearance="legacy">
I'd like to upgrade my jQuery UI version due to an annoying slider bug found in older versions.
My problem is that I'm using a custom jQuery UI build, with an inherited codebase. The current jquery-ui.min.js is about 260k, so I really don't want to download the whole thing at 2 megs zipped!! Is there any way to easily figure out exactly what I'm using so I can upgrade only the relevant bits?
I'm a math teacher with some novice Java skills. About six years ago I made some applets so my students could practice word problems. As time went on, more and more of my students have had problems using the applets because of browser incompatibility (I think). So this summer I've been working to convert the applets into a Dart app. The entire project is two textareas and about eight buttons that either display a problem or its solution.
So far I've got it working just fine in Dart Editor. It compiled to JavaScript without an error or warning and runs well in JavaScript, also through Dart Editor.
I copied the files to my website using FileZilla, but when I access the app on the server via a browser (I tried Safari and Internet Explorer) the app looks correct but none of the buttons work. That is, nothing happens when they are clicked. I'm not sure that I have copied all of the correct files/folders. I copied everything to the server that is within the web/ directory. There are two HTML files, one in out/ and one in web/. Which HTML file should it launch from? And should I just rename that file to index.html?
I've got about 40+ hours on the Dart phase of the project but am about out of time to devote to this particular problem. I've put in a few hours searching for help and related examples online, but I think my questions are so basic that there is no information available.
Again, I'm not a web developer or programmer. Think 50 year old math teacher.
Since a Dart project contains symlinks to dependencies, you can't simply copy a project to a server and have it work. pub deploy is a command that bakes your application and bundles the files for copying to a server.
It's somewhat a early, but there's a description here: