We are using the deformable_torus example in examples/multibody/deformable_torus modified to use the stanford bunny tetmesh (which we created using TetWild) where the bunny falls from some small hight. The simulation runs fine until the bunny hits the ground at which time we get the following error
[2022-11-28 18:43:40.215] [console] [warning] Linear solve did not converge in Newton iterations in FemSolver.
The simulation seems to stop working at that point and we just get a lot of the same repeated error. Is there a way to change the solver so that the simulation works?
We've tried reducing the number of points in the tetmesh but this seems to still break whenever the object hits the ground
I am new in python or any programming language for that matter. For months now I have been working on stabilising the inverted pendulum. I have gotten everything working but struggling to get the right reward function. So far, after researching and trials and fails, the best I could come up with is
But I don't get to stability, this being theta=0 long enough.
Does anyone has an idea of the logic behind the ideal reward function?
Thank you.
For just the balancing problem (not the swing-up), even a binary reward is enough. Something like
Always 0, then -1 when the pole falls. Or,
Always 1, then 0 when the pole falls.
Which one to use depends on the algorithm used, the discount factor and the episode horizon. Anyway, the task is easy and both will do their job.
For the swing-up task (harder than just balancing, as the pole starts upside down and you need to swing it up by moving the cart) it is better to have a reward depending on the state. Usually, the simple cos(theta) is fine. You can also add a penalty for the angle velocity and for the action, in order to prefer slow-changing smooth trajectory.
You can also add a penalty if the cart goes out of the boundaries of the x coordinate.
A cost including all these terms would look like this
reward = cos(theta) - 0.001*theta_d.^2 - 0.0001*action.^2 - 100*out_of_bound(x)
I am working on inverted pendulum too.
I found the following reward function which I am trying.
costs = angle_normalise((th)**2 +.1*thdot**2 + .001*(action**2))
# normalize between -pi and pi
but still have a problem in choosing the actions, maybe we can discuss.
I recently started getting into Q-Learning. I'm currently writing an agent that should play a simple board game (Othello).
I'm playing against a random opponent. However it is not working properly. Either my agent stays around 50% winrate or gets even worse, the longer I train.
The output of my neural net is an 8x8 matrix with Q-values for each move.
My reward is as follows:
1 for a win
-1 for a loss
an invalid move counts as loss therefore the reward is -1
otherwise I experimented with a direct reward of -0.01 or 0.
I've made some observations I can't explain:
When I consider the prediction for the first move (my agent always starts) the predictions for the invalid moves get really close to -1 really fast. The predictions for the valid moves however seem to rise the longer I play. They even went above 1 (they were above 3 at some point), what shouldn't be possible since I'm updating my Q-values according to the Bellman-equation (with alpha = 1)
where Gamma is a parameter less than 1 (I use 0.99 for the most time). If a game lasts around 30 turns I would expect max/min values of +-0.99^30=+-0.73.
Also the predictions for the starting state seem to be the highest.
Another observation I made, is that the network seems to be too optimistic with its predictions. If I consider the prediction for a move, after which the game will be lost, the predictions for the invalid turns are again close to -1. The valid turn(s) however, often have predictions well above 0 (like 0.1 or even 0.5).
I'm somewhat lost, as I can't explain what could cause my problems, since I already double-checked my reward/target matrices. Any ideas?
i suspect your bellman calculation (specifically, Q(s', a')) does not check for valid moves as the game progresses. that would explain why "predictions for the invalid moves get really close to -1 really fast".
I am using OpenCV's solvePnPRansac function to estimate the pose of my camera given a pointcloud made from tracked features. My pipeline consists of multiple cameras where I form the point cloud from matched features between two cameras, and use that as a reference to estimate the pose of one of the cameras as it starts moving. I have tested this in multiple settings and it works as long as there are enough features to track while the camera is in motion.
Strangely, during a test I did today, I encountered a failure case where solvePnP would just return junk values all the time. What's confusing here is that in this data set, my point cloud is much denser, it's reconstructed pretty accurately from the two views, the tracked number of points (currently visible features vs. features in the point cloud) at any given time was much higher than what I usually have, so theoretically it should have been a breeze for solvePnP, yet it fails terribly.
I tried with CV_ITERATIVE, CV_EPNP and even the non RANSAC version of solvePnP. I was just wondering if I am missing something basic here? The scene I am looking at can be seen in these images (image 1 is the scene and feature matches between two perspectives, image 2 is the point cloud for reference)
The part of the code doing PNP is pretty simple. If P3D is the array of tracked 3Dpoints, P2D is the corresponding set of image points,
solvePnpRansac(P3D, P2D, K, d, R, T, false, 500, 2.0, 100, noArray(), CV_ITERATIVE);
EDIT: I should also mention that my reference poincloud was obtained with a baseline of 8 feet between the cameras, whereas the building I am looking at was probably like a 100 feet away. Could the possible lack of disparity cause issues as well?
Impulse response is usually used in filter and for convolution but i always find it difficult to explain my self what is this and how does it help.
My question what is practical meaning of impulse response, either it an equation or characteristic of a system in response to input.
In signal processing, the impulse response, or impulse response function, of a dynamic system is its output when presented with a
brief input signal, called an impulse.
Explanation: Think of it from a system perspective. Lets look at an airplane.
Sitting at the controls, a test pilot will get to a smooth level flight. Then they will push the flight stick all the way forward, then bring it all the way back to center position, as fast as possible.
They then see what the planes response is. Some will just drop in altitude, then level off. Some will start to dive and keep diving at a constant rate, and some (OH NO!) will start to dive faster and faster!
So knowing what the impulse response is, goes a long way in telling the characteristics of a system.
A designer should know what the impulse response should be, then design the system to it.
The definition of impulse is given by the function
δ(t)= { 1 , t=0 | 0 , otherwise }
When you want to analyze a system from its frequency, you transform the time domain to the frequency.
First we find the transfer function of the system, so we spent this function to the frequency domain (Fourier transform).
The system input and output are related by Y(jW)=H(jW)*X(jW)
Where Y(jW) is the output, X(jW) is the input and H(jW) is our transfer function.
To analyze how our system behaves in frequency, we take as input X(jW) a unit impulse.
Applying the Fourier transform for δ(t) we have δ(jW)=1
Y(jW)=H(jW)*1 ---> Y(jW)=H(jW)
Thus our output does not change with the entry of a unit impulse, and we can analize our system in two different domains.
This is usually used for filter projects. However, there are several other applications for this tool.
Does anyone know of anywhere I can find actual code examples of Software Phase Locked Loops (SPLLs) ?
I need an SPLL that can track a PSK modulated signal that is somewhere between 1.1 KHz and 1.3 KHz. A Google search brings up plenty of academic papers and patents but nothing usable. Even a trip to the University library that contains a shelf full of books on hardware PLL's there was only a single chapter in one book on SPLLs and that was more theoretical than practical.
Thanks for your time.
I suppose this is probably too late to help you (what did you end up doing?) but it may help the next guy.
Here's a golfed example of a software phase-locked loop I just wrote in one line of C, which will sing along with you:
I present this tiny golfed version first in order to convince you that software phase-locked loops are actually fairly simple, as software goes, although they can be tricky.
If you feed it 8-bit linear samples on stdin, it will produce 8-bit samples of a sawtooth wave attempting to track one octave higher on stdout. At 8000 samples per second, it tracks frequencies in the neighborhood of 250Hz, just above B below middle C. On Linux you can do this by typing arecord | ./pll | aplay. The low 9 bits of b are the oscillator (what might be a VCO in a hardware implementation), which generates a square wave (the 1 or -1) which gets multiplied by the input waveform (getchar()) to produce the output of the phase detector. That output is then low-pass filtered into a to produce the smoothed phase error signal which is used to adjust the oscillation frequency of b to push a toward 0. The natural frequency of the square wave, when a == 0, is for b to increment by 16 every sample, which increments it by 512 (a full cycle) every 32 samples. 32 samples at 8000 samples per second are 1/250 of a second, which is why the natural frequency is 250Hz.
Then putchar() takes the low 8 bits of b, which make up a sawtooth wave at 500Hz or so, and spews them out as the output audio stream.
There are several things missing from this simple example:
It has no good way to detect lock. If you have silence, noise, or a strong pure 250Hz input tone, a will be roughly zero and b will be oscillating at its default frequency. Depending on your application, you might want to know whether you've found a signal or not! Camenzind's suggestion in chapter 12 of Designing Analog Chips is to feed a second "phase detector" 90° out of phase from the real phase detector; its smoothed output gives you the amplitude of the signal you've theoretically locked onto.
The natural frequency of the oscillator is fixed and does not sweep. The capture range of a PLL, the interval of frequencies within which it will notice an oscillation if it's not currently locked onto one, is pretty narrow; its lock range, over which it will will range in order to follow the signal once it's locked on, is much larger. Because of this, it's common to sweep the PLL's frequency all over the range where you expect to find a signal until you get a lock, and then stop sweeping.
The golfed version above is reduced from a much more readable example of a software phase-locked loop in C that I wrote today, which does do lock detection but does not sweep. It needs about 100 CPU cycles per input sample per PLL on the Atom CPU in my netbook.
I think that if I were in your situation, I would do the following (aside from obvious things like looking for someone who knows more about signal processing than I do, and generating test data). I probably wouldn't filter and downconvert the signal in a front end, since it's at such a low frequency already. Downconverting to a 200Hz-400Hz band hardly seems necessary. I suspect that PSK will bring up some new problems, since if the signal suddenly shifts phase by 90° or more, you lose the phase lock; but I suspect those problems will be easy to resolve, and it's hardly untrodden territory.
This is an interactive design package
for designing digital (i.e. software)
phase locked loops (PLLs). Fill in the
form and press the ``Submit'' button,
and a PLL will be designed for you.
Interactive Digital Phase Locked Loop Design
This will get you started, but you really need to understand the fundamentals of PLL design well enough to build it yourself in order to troubleshoot it later - This is the realm of digital signal processing, and while not black magic it will certainly give you a run for your money during debugging.
Have Matlab with Simulink? There are PLL demo files available at Matlab Central here. Matlab's code generation capabilities might get you from there to a PLL written in C.