Disable screenshots and video capture - dart

Is there any plugin for disable screenshots and preventing video capture for flutter WEB
Specifically for flutter web


Change brackground in Twilio Video for React Native and React in iOS browsers

I've recently developed video calls with twilio video in our React app. I've used twilio/video-processor too changing video background to white screen. But it's only working in chrome desktop browsers and mostly on Android.
In iOS doesn't work (specified in documentation) but it's a highly requirement.
Now we've developing React Native apps for both Android and iOS and here are my questions.
There's a way having a white background video in iOS web browsers? Maybe with TensorFlow.js and WebRTC ? or it's only working in desktop?
There's a way to change background for twilio video in React Native?

Prevent only single screen recording or screenshot capture on single screen in flutter

Found many solutions to prevent the screenshots in flutter and this solutions needs to write code in native android and iOS files. If we do it in native file of iOS or android then it applies for all the screens in flutter. But my requirement is to prevent screen recording only for single screen in flutter. I don't want to prevent screenshots on all other screens in flutter app.
Thanks in advance.

Mute Cordova plugin cordova-plugin-camera-preview

I'm developing an app in Cordova, using a plugin for video screen capture, a 'self' style, the plugin natively implemented the processes of the camera in android and ios, but in ios at the moment of image capture, it does the camera noise, on the android I managed to remove, can someone give a light? follow the ios plugin source:
I was able to solve by editing the ios font :

Why does my webview doesn't show the webrtc camera in ios?

I'm working with the Licode webrtc system. In the web browser works very well and now I want to use it on mobile devices with the help of a webview. I was researching and saw that the webview I want to use (crosswalk) is not compatible with webrtc systems in ios but it is in Android as I could verify.
I Installed the camera plugin
  and also I installed plugins to give camera permissions
  But nevertheless I still can not get the webrtc system's camera to show up in my webview.
My question is:
Is there any way to operate the camera on the crosswalk webview in ios?
If it is not like this:
Do you know any way to use the Licode webrtc system with a webview?
Unfortunately, you can't currently use getUserMedia() in a WebView on iOS, hence capturing camera from there won't work.

Why does navigator.device.capture.captureVideo sometimes show the Picture Camera instead of the video camera?

Sometimes when calling navigator.device.capture.captureVideo() in my iOS PhoneGap application the picture camera comes up instead of the video camera. Any idea why this might be happening?
It seems like it may be a memory issue as it does happen after a TokBox WebRTC chat session quite frequently, but we have also experienced it at other times as well.
Using iOS 5 & 6, PhoneGap 2.1 and the OpenTok PhoneGap plugin.
When OpenTok runs, it opens up a view to capture video in order to stream it, putting the camera in video mode. When you then call navigator.device.capture.captureVideo, phonegap could be flipping the camera in their sdk but I dont know for sure.
Either way, this should be resolved with the latest OpenTok SDK and Cordova framework.
