How to generate a new Redeem code on TestFlight? - ios

I have a new iOS device and want to install one of my applications on it to test it. The problem is that I used the redemption code on another device long ago and I don't find the email I received from the App Store Connect.
So, I removed my email from my tester's group and added it again. I received a new email from App Store Connect and the link to download the app. However, I received the following message when I tap on the link:
The invitation has already been redeemed. Please request a new invite
from the developer
Any idea how to revoke my previous redemption code and generate a new one? The problem is that the TestFlight app does not have any sort of login button to let me log in and it shows the list of my projects under this account. Am I doing anything wrong?

I just found the solution. There is a painful fact that I had to sign out of my personal account (Apple ID) and then Sign in with my Company email address. Doing this way, Testflight pulled the list of my pass automatically and I am able to install them.
Isn't there any way, like Android, to have both accounts together? I am happy to approve your answer if you tell me a simpler way than what I have done. Thank you.


Where is redeem code for public link for TestFlight?

Sent public URL to a user, and he reported TestFlight does not show the app, but asked for a redeem code? Where can I or he find this code?
The redeem code is sent by mail when you add an external or internal new tester in TestFlight.
When you open your app in App Store Connect, go to "My Apps" and select your app. Then go to the "TestFlight" section, complete the "Information" section, and then add external testers as needed and the build to test.
After this Apple sends emails to all testers with the invitation.
A good tutorial on TestFlight can be found on
This issue is happening to me also. Some customers are saying they are asked to enter the redeem code while using the public link for downloading the app from TestFlight, so they are unable to download the app.
Workaround was to add the user's email id to the test group so it will send email invites with redeem code.
But I still do not understand why the public URL for downloading the app is asking for a redeem code? And what will be the redeem code for people using the public link? Another interesting thing is it's happening only to some users.
[tl;dr user is doing it wrong + Apple designed this flow poorly.]
Presumably what is happening is some users who haven't previously installed TestFlight (or who opened the link in an app other than Safari, which won't automatically open TestFlight for them) are clicking on the public link, which if opened on an iOS device shows: "Step 1 Get TestFlight".
(notice that on many devices some portion of "Step 2" will be covered up, such as the critical "Start Testing" button in the screenshot above.)
And then instead of returning to the webpage after installing TestFlight and scrolling down and clicking the "Start Testing" button under "Step 2 Join the Beta", some users are mistakenly staying in the TestFlight app and either tapping the "Redeem" button as it is the only interactable element on the mostly empty default TestFlight screen or reading the subtitle that says to "contact the developer for an invitation code."
(Note the big title text would be confusing to users who thought this was how they start testing and they would naturally think at this point something has gone wrong.)
Unfortunately this is a natural consequence of the way this workflow is designed, and I don't see a simple way around it besides educating your users.
Certainly one workaround is to invite the user via email, so they will get a code they can enter into the "Redeem" alert text field, but this should not be necessary.
It may seem obvious to technically-savvy people, but one can clearly see some people not understanding that they need to switch back and forth like that. Until this design flaw is fixed, a certain percentage will make this mistake. I suggest sending Apple some feedback about this.
My rep is too low to comment, but something you can also do is ask your testers to do a "long press" on the link. This will allow them to open the link in either Safari or TestFlight. Opening in TestFlight will sometimes resolve this issue.
For public links, when you click the link, it'll open a page with two steps to follow. The first step is to download the TestFlight app. The second step is to install your app. After you install TestFlight, go back to the link and press the install button on the second step. There is no need to redeem codes for public links.
Struggling with the same issue here.
I found a couple of things.
If you're trying to renew a previously added a user, go to the same version you initially issued the code on. If you don't see reissue as an option, try deleting / then add new external tester. If you try to reissue the redeem code on a different (newer?) TestFlight version that option is unavailable. First time-adds should also show the reissue button after you send the first invite.
TestFlight "redeem" button is the top of the left panel.
If you are working on an app-managed computer. You need to have rights to run TestFlight and access the AppleStore.
I have one last hurtle and I think it's a security feature of the managing application (JAMF ?).
It typically happens when the user is not registered to the App Store and/or iTunes with the given email address. In my case it turned out that my tester gave me his iCloud email which was why he experienced the same issue.

External testing on testflight rejected because demo account needed

I submitted my app for review to start external beta testing and I got the response:
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
...but we are not able to continue because we need a demo account to
fully assess your app features.
The app requires verification by phone number (same as when you install whatsapp), and sends a message to the phone number, but there is no "demo account". Do I need to create an account which they can access, with a phone number, and a pre-set verification code in this case? The app is based on the contacts on the phone, so the "experience" won't work as it would for a user this way.
Yes create a basic demo account that they can login to - Apple is strict about this.
Once you are finished you can either update the information and email them back or handle it through the Resolution Center. I updated the app information in iTunes connect with the demo login information and replied to the rejection email stating the demo account information, shortly after that the app was approved for TestFlight.
They basically just need to be able to see as much as possible within your app, so even if what shows is minimal that is fine.

Adding internal testers to TestFlight not working - email not sent

I am trying to add new users to my Users and Roles in iTune Connect. I go through the steps, assigning them as Technical/Admin, and hit the Add button.
I get the confirmation on the dashboard that they have been sent a verification email... but it seems nothing is being sent!! And as a result I cannot add them to the Internal testers list.
Is there a reason why verification emails are not being sent to new users being added?
iTC TestFlight has been notorious for dropping emails. Apple has also been having outages recently related to iTC (as well as other systems). The only thing you can do is remove the user and later re-add them - that will trigger the invite email again, and if iTC is working properly at the time they'll get the email.
You might also want to reach out to support so they can see if there is anything going on with your account. I had to do this for an iTC issue last week...and I heard back a week later that the issue was resolved.
Good luck!

Apple TestFlight error 'Couldn't accept the invite'

I have installed an app successfully as an internal tester. Now the app is ready for external testing, and has passed Apple review. In the email received from Apple, I clicked the Open in TestFlight button, which opened the TestFlight app and displayed the app details.
Clicking the INSTALL button fails with the following alert:
Couldn't accept the invite
You've already accepted the invite for this app.
The message does identify the problem. Any ideas how to resolve it?
Also make sure that you're not trying to install as internal tester while being added as an external tester in a previous build because this will for sure result in the same error. To resolve this problem simply log in to iTunes Connect and remove this account from the external testers list - then you should be able to install as internal tester without problem.
I fixed this by unsubscribing to the old version of the app and then accepting the invite.
I got the same message. In the TestFlight app I had the previous version of the same app with the 'Expired' status. I clicked on that expired version and on the detail view scrolled to the bottom and tapped on "Stop testing". After this, I was able to accept the most recent invitation.
You can only be associated with an app as either an internal or external tester. You cannot be both at the same time.
You will need to unsubscribe from one of them, if you wish to be part of another.
Same thing applies if you need to send out another email invite. Remove from beta testing, then add to beta testing.
Old question, new answer.
It is possible for an invitation to be sent to an email address and accepted with a different email address. This is only likely to happen if you use two different Apple IDs
An invitation was sent to my work email not associated with my Apple ID. I opened the email from my iPhone and accepted the invitation with my personal Apple ID. Months later, I received another invitation. I opened the invitation on an iPad where I was signed in using my work email address. The error message above was displayed.
Fix the problem by signing into the device with the same Apple ID you used to originally accept the invite.
I tried removing the user from the External testing, All Testers, and Internal Testing and re-doing everything but still had the issue. I then realized that I had public links enabled way back and I think I used one of them with that Apple ID, after proceeding to remove all public links from All Testers" I was able to re-accept the invite from the Internal Testing group.

Verification Required during inApp purchase [duplicate]

I have signed out from the store in device settings.
I entered user credentials only in my App.
I have set up a brand new (actually around 4 times) test user.
Why this message keep poppin' up?
Is it something connected to iOS 5, automatic app sync, or iCloud?
I had exactly same problem with sandbox in-app purchases, in built-in model (no receipt verification), app received valid products, now i called addPayment, everything alright. But now "Verification required" appeared and payment was canceled.
After hours of pain I discovered, my problem was in test account.. i created test account for Czech Republic iTunes store... and that was the reason of fail. Dumb.
I tried to create Canadian test user and it suddenly worked! "Verification required" will no longer appeared.
I've dealing with this problem for about one week, trying to use accounts in US/Canada without any success. Finally I found this post and it works:
You need a test account that NEVER has a credit card attached to it, NEVER is logged into itunes store or app store via device, and if you do login to itunes or agree to any app store stuff it voids the test account and will never work again.
So, To test your In App Purchase app, you need to use a new account that does not have a credit card. logout of the store, and only use your new account inside the app you are testing.
Update: After a long time system maintenance of iTunes in Sept 2013, only test accounts in US can make test purchases.
I have struggled with this myself, i finally found a workaround that worked for me...
On the device Log out of iTunes account in settings (also hard close settings and iTunes if you have them open as a precaution)
Delete app
Create a new test user at “” – selecting the United States as your store
Reinstall app
Try to make a purchase in the app
Enter you new test user account details
If a pop up states that it needs to swap stores, immediately press home. DO NOT press OK.
Relaunch the app, and try again. It should now work as expected.
Hope this works...
In addition of the above answers, note the below points also :-
1) Uninstall your app from the device.
2) Create a new test account on iTunes Connect and verify its email address. Never add any payment information for this test account, not online, not on iTunes, not on your device. Doing so might invalidate your test account (and trigger the "verify payment info" vicious cycle.) Also never use this test account out of the Sandbox.
3) Log-out from the App Store on your device. DO NOT log back in the App Store via Settings > iTunes & App Stores on your device. You will be asked your login credentials from your app later (see points 5-6)
4) Re-install your app.
5) Attempt an in-app purchase. You should now be prompted to enter both your username and password (as you logged out from the App Store)
6) Type in your username and password: you should not see the dreadful "Verification Required: before you can make purchases, you must verify your payment info" message and the purchase should be successful.
Even in sandbox, you need to complete the buy verifying the receipt to the server.
It corresponds to steps 6-7-8 of built-in model and 11-12-13 of the server model.
All you need to do is:
Retrieve the receipt data from the transaction’s transactionReceipt property and encode it using base64 encoding.create a json like this:
"receipt-data" : "(receipt in base 64 encoding)"
Make a post to verification URL for production:
For sandbox :
The response is like this:
"status" : 0,
"receipt" : { ... }
If the value of the status key is 0, this is a valid receipt.
If the value is anything other than 0, this receipt is invalid.
For further information look the guide:
Swift 3
Insert this temporary code somewhere in your project:
for transaction: AnyObject in SKPaymentQueue.default().transactions {
guard let currentTransaction: SKPaymentTransaction = transaction as? SKPaymentTransaction else {return}
SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction as! SKPaymentTransaction)
This clears out the payment queue. Make sure to run it much later than viewDidLoad if you can. I made mine triggered by a button. Ran it a couple times, then removed the code. No more annoying verification pop-ups.
I saw this issue after iOS5 got released.
Earlier I used to create test accounts with dummy email addresses and it used to work well for me, but post iOS5, it started showing verification required for test accounts.
Thus I ended up using actual email addresses for the test accounts and verified when asked for, which seemed to do the trick for me.
I was facing same problem after spending several hours i figured out that county/region of your itunes connect test account and your device/simulator must be same.
Please verify it as it solved my problem
Register a fresh test user for the USA. You can put any email address.
Log out under settings.
Delete the app.
start it again via xCode
login with your new user within the app.
It may say that you are not located in the USA and it opens the browser, Close the browser and start it again.
It should work now.
If you are having such problem for 4th IAP item to buy.
It looks, each test account does not work for purchasing more than 3 items of an application. You may create a new test account from>Manage Users->Test User to test your 4th IAP item.
Creating a canadian test user solve this issue.
