Need advice on writing iOS apps on iPad with Swift Playgrounds - ios

I want to write a keyboard app for iOS, but I only have an iPad at my disposal at the moment. I've been searching Apple Developer documentation as well as online forums and I'm not finding the answers I need to get started. There is focused documentation on Apple Developer (see: Creating a custom keyboard) that pertains to xcode and selecting the Custom Keyboard Extension template, but I'm not seeing this in Playgrounds. This makes me think I may have to build the app from the ground up, and I have no experience with Swift or app development.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can get started?
Out of my comfort zone,

Unfortunately you will need to use Xcode on a Mac to do this. Playgrounds are not a full replacement for Xcode.
The ability to publish an app from a playground is relatively new and is limited.
To create a custom keyboard you need to combine an app with a custom keyboard extension in one project. Playgrounds can't do this.


what is the meaning of "scene-based UI" concept in iOS

I am a Xamarin.Forms developer and recently I started training on native iOS development. Throught the reading of Apple's documentation I faced many times "Scene-based UI" or "Scene-based application" concept, and I could not find out what is it. I made some searches on google but I could not feel I understand what is it excactly. So, can any one help me?
iOS 13 introduced a new app architecture where, instead of just a window, there is a UIWindowScene that owns the window. Among other things, this allows iPad apps to have more than one window, but this architecture is present even if the app has just the one window.

IOS 12 Unwanted communication Reporting Extension Working on Phone but not on Messages app

I have been trying to make the new iOS extension Unwanted Communication Reporting work. Currently I couldn't find any good walk-through tutorial or code-sample to make it work. Above that by just firing up a new project with this extension and building it shows me the option of reporting in the Phone App but not on the Messages app, Moreover, the option to enable it only appears in phone app but it says "sms/phone" so I think this should work for both of them.
I know its in beta right now but just want to know if anyone had any luck with it. Also, There is no code to share as its just the boiler plate that comes with the new project.
This might have been a personal issue. I reset the whole phone and now I can see the options to report message. Apple might have fixed it in their latest iOS build or it might have just been my device issue.
Apple's developer site specifies ”SMS and call spam reporting," which is an app extension that you will have the option of turning on or off.
You may enable an Unwanted Communication extension in the Settings app. I am not sure if Apple will utilize this but i know for android - screen turns red when such spam calls come in, also caller id notes that but currently apple seems to have found a middle ground.
The following worked for me, you can try:
Remove command definition for this in Plist file.
Delete the Target in project (you can delete code folder).

Is there anyway of opening the container app from an app extension in iOS 8.3?

I have all the editing functionality in the container app of my keyboard extension, and I have a button to open the container app on the keyboard. I was using these methods openURL not work in Action Extension
However, in iOS8.3 apple changed his mind again. And, I cannot find a way to open the container app.
Has anyone any idea how to do it? Please, help!
Apple hasn't changed its mind on this even once, let alone "again". Only today extensions support opening their containing app, others do not. The workarounds that people found were-- from Apple's perspective-- bugs that were fixed.
There is no supported way to do what you want. If you find some workaround, you should expect it to disappear in the next iOS update.

How to add (write a review) / (rate this app) in my app on iOS 7

I know that there are other answers on this forum for adding this feature to my app but none of the answers deal with iOS 7. I have heard that (iRate) is one of the better options for this but is that still the best option for iOS 7? Any help would be appreciated!! P.S I am using cocos2d in my app.
I use Appirater ( Even if you don't want to remind your users it has a call to rate your app and it presents within your app.

text to speech iphone app

Good Evening,
I'm looking for a simple text to speech for iphone app development. I see numerous posts about this including ...
Text-to-speech libraries for iPhone
Question though, this link is all third party developers to use text to speech. I thought apple has a class reference to create speech? (nsspeechsynthesizer) Can someone please explain? Does apple not provide this for us?
NSSpeechSynthesizer works fine on Mac.VSSpeechSynthesizer is available for the iOS - but it is a private API and as such will likely be rejected from the app store. However you can still make apps for private consumption. I consider this a bug as it makes creating accessible apps for the partially sighted for instance, harder. I have filed Bug ID #: 9451650 Bug Title: VSSpeechSynthesizer is Private.
iOS 7 has the AVSpeechSynthesizer class
As other answers have mentioned, Apple does not include NSSpeechSynthesizer in iOS, only in Mac OS X.
