How to add (write a review) / (rate this app) in my app on iOS 7 - ios

I know that there are other answers on this forum for adding this feature to my app but none of the answers deal with iOS 7. I have heard that (iRate) is one of the better options for this but is that still the best option for iOS 7? Any help would be appreciated!! P.S I am using cocos2d in my app.

I use Appirater ( Even if you don't want to remind your users it has a call to rate your app and it presents within your app.


Need advice on writing iOS apps on iPad with Swift Playgrounds

I want to write a keyboard app for iOS, but I only have an iPad at my disposal at the moment. I've been searching Apple Developer documentation as well as online forums and I'm not finding the answers I need to get started. There is focused documentation on Apple Developer (see: Creating a custom keyboard) that pertains to xcode and selecting the Custom Keyboard Extension template, but I'm not seeing this in Playgrounds. This makes me think I may have to build the app from the ground up, and I have no experience with Swift or app development.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can get started?
Out of my comfort zone,
Unfortunately you will need to use Xcode on a Mac to do this. Playgrounds are not a full replacement for Xcode.
The ability to publish an app from a playground is relatively new and is limited.
To create a custom keyboard you need to combine an app with a custom keyboard extension in one project. Playgrounds can't do this.

Extend existing independent WatchOS app with iOS app and share data between them

First of all, I'm a newby and I'm sorry if this question is already answered. I searched and I didn't found any similar.
I already have and independent WachOS app and works fine by itself. At firs I thought that with it alone will be enough but now I realized that with an equivalent iOS app I could reach more people. So now I'm wondering if it's possible to modify my Xcode project in order to add an iOS app with the same content and functionality as I have in the WatchOS app and both of them sharing the same data, that is, if I change a value in one of them, later I will see this value updated in the other one.
Thx in advance
If you already uploaded the app to the AppStore then I'm afraid it's not possible. Source: Reverting from an Independent Watch app, to one that is dependent on an iPhone app

Are location-based lock screen app suggestions automatic in ios?

Anyone know if there is anything you have to do as a developer of an app to get your app to be suggested form the lock screen in iOS 8 (I'm talking about when the app isn't installed, so it takes you to the app store)? The only information I've been able to find about this is speculative at best -- most seem to conclude that this is either based off of the "apps near me" that the app store has, or direct arrangements made with Apple. Anyone know for sure?
This can be achieved using Passbook

How to implement Login with FaceBook in iOS app

I want to implement an app which uses FaceBook login to enter the app. How can I do this. I have seen few guidelines like this
I want to support iOS 3.0 and above. But really confused how to implement this. Can some one point some useful tutorials ?
What you are looking for is called SSO (single sign on) for Facebook.
You can use Facebook code as a starting point.
You would have a serious difficulties supporting iOS 3.x because Apple doesn't support it anymore, With the new xCode you can submit apps from 4.3 and above so consider if you want to waste your precious time debugging on something irrelevant in most cases.
you can use this code

iPhone is there a way to allow a user to rate the app from within it?

I have seen some apps with a button to rate the app. It brigs them to a page that always them to rate that app.
I can't figure out how to do this. Does anybody know how to do this? I fred googling it.
The most well known way to do this is an open source library called AppIRater, but I have also seen iRate and people roll their own versions of the simple code.
Use Appirater by Arash Payan. It's easy and clean ;)
Appirater is good, but using the Game Center is better, because it allows to rate inside the app (without switching to iTunes). Check out Apple's GameCenter API.
