what is the meaning of "scene-based UI" concept in iOS - ios

I am a Xamarin.Forms developer and recently I started training on native iOS development. Throught the reading of Apple's documentation I faced many times "Scene-based UI" or "Scene-based application" concept, and I could not find out what is it. I made some searches on google but I could not feel I understand what is it excactly. So, can any one help me?

iOS 13 introduced a new app architecture where, instead of just a window, there is a UIWindowScene that owns the window. Among other things, this allows iPad apps to have more than one window, but this architecture is present even if the app has just the one window.


Need advice on writing iOS apps on iPad with Swift Playgrounds

I want to write a keyboard app for iOS, but I only have an iPad at my disposal at the moment. I've been searching Apple Developer documentation as well as online forums and I'm not finding the answers I need to get started. There is focused documentation on Apple Developer (see: Creating a custom keyboard) that pertains to xcode and selecting the Custom Keyboard Extension template, but I'm not seeing this in Playgrounds. This makes me think I may have to build the app from the ground up, and I have no experience with Swift or app development.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can get started?
Out of my comfort zone,
Unfortunately you will need to use Xcode on a Mac to do this. Playgrounds are not a full replacement for Xcode.
The ability to publish an app from a playground is relatively new and is limited.
To create a custom keyboard you need to combine an app with a custom keyboard extension in one project. Playgrounds can't do this.

One bundle identifier in Crashlytics for multiple apps

I have a whitelabeled app and every customer's app has its own unique bundle identifier. This causes Crashlytics to flood with different apps which potentially could have the same crash report. I would like to have it all grouped under one app, so it's easier to maintain.
I know there's a solution for Android (https://gist.github.com/tyvsmith/6188014), but couldn't find anything for iOS.
Does anybody know if this is possible for iOS and if so, how can I do this?
Mike from Fabric here.
Currently, there isn't a way to do this on iOS for Fabric. I'll let the team know you'd like to see it added in.
I have the same situation, and I've confirmed with testing today that Crashlytics forces me to have a separate app in their system for each of my customers. I suspect with Firebase/Google integration this will not change as they'll be offering a complete app framework (just as the transition from Xamarin Insights -> HockeyApp -> Microsoft Mobile Center). I reviewed the alternatives today; Raygun.com has had long-standing support for Xamarin and the only association between your app and Raygun is a text key, and it works with or without the dSYM files. So far so good!

Can I develop an App that all elements of it are developed with WebKit?

I have to develop an Application.There is just a UITabBarController, others are all developed with WebKit.I am going to rebuild the APP,but I have to make it in AppStore first.I guess that it will be refused by Apple.Hope some advice.thx
I think it will be accepted. If you look at the official drudge report app it is just a ui webview with similar tabbar controls.
I don't know the nature of your project so the drudge app might not be close to what you are thinking.

I have my iOS App Prototyped/Wireframed, how do I go about turning it into code?

First off thanks for any help in advance!
I have designed and made a prototype of my iOS application using UXPin and Invision. I am now ready to begin setting up the working product in Xcode.
I am lost as to how I should go about doing this. Do I import the PSD files into Xcode?
In short, I am looking to begin setting up my user interface in Xcode, and cannot seem to figure out how to get (for example) my prototype login screen turned into code.
You can start by reading the basics on how to develop apps. the iOS developer portal is filled with a wealth of info that you should take the time to study if you plan on getting anywhere: Apple developer portal

Template/Tips for Photo/Artwork viewing only App in iOS

First, I must say have never programmed in iOS, I am only familiar with Matlab & Mathematica.
I would like to create an App to show my artwork & photography. A "view only" app. yet.
Any suggestion on existing templates or place to start ?
Many thanks for your attention & any help you could provide.
Google for iPhone tutorials. There are undoubtedly some opensource photoviewer apps out there. Apple has a few takes in their developer examples. But here's the thing: You are going to need a lot more background in iOS basics to get what you want completed. You really need to be looking at beginner's iPhone tutorials, of which the web is flooded with them. Google.
