Is it possible to force activate youtube auto translation using query parameters in the url? I tried this but it's not working
I'm working on a site where they have recently changed their domain. I'm trying to get a list of all the videos that contain that domain and change to the new domain using the Youtube API.
I am using the developers PHP example on search list, changing the 'q' value to be equal the old website domain and also adding a channelId parameter so that it'll only search inside their channel.
The problem is that some of the results do not contain the old URL in the description. Am I doing something wrong?
AFAIK there isn't any official YouTube Data API v3 endpoint to directly do what you are trying to.
If I were you I would list the YouTube channel's videos and then use Videos: list with part=snippet to retrieve their descriptions and then I would locally filter the retrieved descriptions.
Note: I am using a YouTube Iframe from a webview inside a Chrome App.
This is what YouTube's API states:
The videoSyndicated parameter lets you to restrict a search to only
videos that can be played outside If you specify a value
for this parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value to
The videoLicense parameter filters search results to only include
videos with a particular license. YouTube lets video uploaders choose
to attach either the Creative Commons license or the standard YouTube
license to each of their videos. If you specify a value for this
parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value to video.
The videoEmbeddable parameter lets you to restrict a search to only
videos that can be embedded into a webpage. If you specify a value for
this parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value to video.
Even if I turn them all on, I still get error messages like
This video contains content from X
Example video:
Q: Why is this the case, and how do I ensure that the search results only include the videos that are playable from my website?
I realized it's not that the filters are broken, it's that the videos have domain-specific blacklists. For example, certain videos cannot be played from mobile devices or in my case, from a chrome app that has chrome-extension:// domain.
There is a separate check for copyright claims. The legal copyright holder of some content on the video ( usually the music ) has the legal right to restrict or block the embed on certain sites. This info is currently not available through the YouTube API.
Using CMS account we can download raw data files from youtube(
This csv does have information whether a video was Partner-provided or UGC.
The corresponding closest match from Youtube Analytics API I believe is using the uploaderType
But this is at a contentOwner Level rather than at video level.Kindly let me know if I am missing something.
You're not missing anything. You can run a content-owner YouTube Analytics API report and use the uploaderType as a filter, to find stats about all the videos underneath that content owner that have a specific uploader type value. You can't request uploaderType as a dimension in a request with a video== or channel== filter, though.
The matrix of supported parameters is at
I am trying to get the full list of videos uploaded by a user.
I am using the following url:
And using curl in php to get the contents.
But I am getting only 25 results. If I use the max-results, the max is 50.
What should I use in order to get the whole list?
After replacing 'username' with a valid name the response shows a url link for the next request in the response you get. Look for: {"rel":"next","type":"application/atom+xml","href":""}
As you can see another parameter is added: 'start-index'. Which you also can add yourself
BTW. I assume you know there is a typing error in your example. You set the version parameter by using 'v=2' instead of 'v2'.
I suggest using YouTube Data API v3 for this purpose.
You can get to use PHP examples in YouTube API Samples project.
I need to show a link to a session recording after the session is over. But this should be handled programmatically rather than clicking on session recording by the session creator while being on session. I have read something about forced recordings, but I am unable to get it working. Any help would be highly appreciated.
It's difficult to discern exactly what you're asking for. I read it as this: you need to discover the URL of your recording and include that URL in some content you're presenting.
This can be done programmatically with the Connect API:
Execute API action sco-contents
Include a sco-id parameter set to the meeting room's SCO ID.
Include parameter filter-icon=archive to limit the results to recordings
Walk the XML results. This XPath: //sco[#icon='archive'] will select recordings (recordings are also referred to as archives in Connect.)
Select the recording of interest according to your criteria (e.g. most recent) and extract the URL from the entry.
Each recording will be a <sco> element in the results
The URL path will be defined in a child <url-path> element.
Append the URL path to the FQDN of your Connect service to construct the full URL.
Insert URL into your content.