ViewportSize in .runsettings? - playwright

I'm using NUnit and would like to start the browser in a custom size ViewportSize, I know that it is possible through overriding the ContextOptions() method, however I was wondering if this were to be possible by .runsettings also.
I've tried to add it below by going with the browser options documentation, but to be frank i can't really find a clear list on what is and isn't allowed within the .runsettings in regards to playwright or environment variables for playwright. Could anyone shed more light on this?
Code below is from the playwright documentation page.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- NUnit adapter -->
<!-- General run configuration -->
<!-- For debugging selectors, it's recommend
to set the following environment variable -->
<!-- Playwright -->
<!-- I tried it here -->


Ant xmlproperty task fails due to validation error

I want to extract an application version from a DITA map file. The ditamap file is valid and looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">
<map id="user-manual">
<title><ph keyref="product"/> User Manual</title>
<prodname><keyword keyref="product"/></prodname>
<vrm version="4" release="3" modification="0"/>
The information I want to get is in the <vrm> element.
"Easy peasy," I think to myself. So I use Ant's <xmlproperty> task to just load this XML file.
<project default="test">
<!-- notice #validate -->
<xmlproperty file="path/to/user-manual.ditamap" validate="false"/>
<target name="test">
I don't want it to validate because Ant isn't going to find map.dtd.
Loading the file returns an error: /home/user/user-manual/map.dtd (No such file or directory)
If I remove the <!DOCTYPE> declaration or add a nested <xmlcatalog> with the path to the DTD, the file loads and I can use the properties from it.
I tested this with Ant 1.7.1 and 1.9.4. Is this a bug with Ant, or am I misunderstanding how Ant loads XML properties and the purpose of the validate attribute?
How can I make Ant obey my will?
I recommend to not use the <xmlproperty> for this. Please have a look at the docs:
For example, with semantic attribute processing enabled, this XML
property file:
<foo location="bar"/>
is roughly equivalent to the following fragments in a build.xml file:
<property name="" location="bar"/>
<property name="" value="${}"/>
So the name of the properties you set is generated using their paths to the root element, so they rely on the structure of your DITA Map. But many elements in DITA may be set at different positions on your DITA Map. That means, if you move your metadata to another parent element, the property name changes and your build fails. This is probably not, what you want.
I'd recommend to grab those values via XSLT and than set the properties. That way, you could, for example, say, "give me the first occurance of that element with a simple //foo[1] XPath selector. Further on, you have the power of XSLT and XPath to slice values, format dates and so on before setting a property.
You can use the oops consultancy Ant xmltask for that. It is very easy to set a property using <copy>:
<copy path="//critdates/created/#date"

Adding configuration options to a basic JIRA gadget

This line in the Atlassian documentation leads me to believe that simply including a UserPref element should be sufficient to automatically generate the UI for updating the configuration of a gadget:
The container handles generation of the configuration UI, saves the settings and provides an API to access the settings in JavaScript.
But it doesn't seem to actually work when I create a test gadget with the following - I don't see any options when I click the "Edit" link on the gadget:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
author="Test Test"
directory_title="JIRA Tests"
<Require feature="setprefs" />
<UserPref name="show_summ" display_name="Show Summaries?" datatype="bool" default_value="true"/>
<Content type="html">
<div id="main">Test Stuff</div>
Is there more to do to make that happen? I've seen a few examples that hard-code configuration options, but the above documentation suggest that you don't have to.
Is that something that's only available if you're packaging it as a plugin, or if you include some other js resource? So far I've been doing a bare plugin so I don't have access to stuff like #requireResource, but I'm fine with hard-coding some script elements if that's what's necessary (for now).
Sincerely stumped.
Unfortunatly that neer worked for me eighter. I think it broke in JIRA 6..
Solution: take the javascript approach and you will be just fine. it is also way more powerful.
it works for me, just add this script
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
var edit = window.parent.document.getElementById( + '-edit');
edit.classList.remove('hidden'); = 'none';

Ant tasks don't run IN IzPack installer

Hello, everyone
I'm studying IzPack as a tool to be used in a future project and I'm really enjoying it. It's as flexible as I need and makes the process much more easy. I have even submmited a silly pull request at github with a modification I needed to my purposes. Who knows?
Although I don't find it particularly complicated, I've been stuck trying to use a resource for some days. I need that certain Ant Tasks to be executed in certain points of the installation process (right before everything is unpacked is the really one that matters) and that is not working, besides all the efford. :(
My current state, that seems right looking at examples, is the following:
[ My current use of this is based on an example I found here (the docs don't clear too much when It cames to these kind of Actions.]
In my definitions xml file, I included some things:
First, the AntActionsSpect.xml and the .jars, followed by the listeners:
<res id="AntActionsSpec.xml" src="specs/AntActionsSpec.xml" />
<jar src="libs/ant/ant.jar" stage="both" />
<jar src="libs/ant/ant-launcher.jar" stage="both" />
<listener classname="AntActionInstallerListener" stage="install" />
<listener classname="AntActionUninstallerListener" stage="uninstall" />
<pack name="test_app" required="yes" installGroups="Application Core">
In the specs/AntActionsSpec.xml file, I have the following:
<pack name="test_app">
<antcall order="beforepacks" quiet="no" verbose="yes" buildfile="$INSTALL_PATH/ant-tasks.xml">
<property name="INSTALL_PATH" value="$INSTALL_PATH" />
<target name="touch_beforepacks" />
And the ant-tasks.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<target name="touch_beforepacks">
<touch file="$INSTALL_PATH/beforepacks.txt"/>
Nothing special here, just creating a dumb file.
The ant-tasks.xml is unpacked right before anyone else. Everything builds with no error, even if I create one "mistake" at AntActionsSpec or ant-tasks.xml, what suggests me that they aren't even been loaded, though if I mess with the path where the definitions file has them, the build will fail.
I would like some help addressing that. I'm probably making some stupid little error and just can't see it by myself. If any of you could provide an example of a running build, that would be sweet.
If I can give any more information, please, let me known so I can update the question.
Thank you very much.
Just found it using a forum on a Google Groups discussion: [izpack-user] Quick question on variable substitution.
Unfortunattly the I will conclude that the docs are misleading. The docs in
"AntActionInstallerListener and AntActionUninstallerListener" until this date are stating that I should use this listener configuration:
<listener classname="AntActionInstallerListener" stage="install" />
<listener classname="AntActionUninstallerListener" stage="uninstall" />
That is what is up there, in the question. Comparing my XML code with the one in the Google Groups discussion, I found a different use of it:
<listener installer="AntActionInstallerListener"
uninstaller="AntActionUninstallerListener" />
In fact, that is the instruction given in the other wiki: Ant Actions (InstallerListener and UninstallerListener), what points out that I something can be wrong under the hood, but that is a story to another episode.
That just works. The Ant tasks are executed properly. :)
I just could not find where freaking Codehaus will allow me to grab a login and edit the docs wiki. >:( . If someone could endorse-me with some testing and then adjust the wiki for future happiness or just give a link to this tired programmer, I'd be happy.

NLog internal log not working with ASP.Net MVC

I have a problem with NLog for logging its internal logs with this configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns=""
<target name="debug"
fileName="${basedir}/App_Data/Site.log" />
<logger name="*"
writeTo="debug" />
The target "debug" is working well, but the internalLogFile is only working if I set it for exemple to "D:/NLog.log".
Any idea why this happening?
You can't use layout renderers ${...} in the internalLogFile property. They are for a target's layout only:
<target layout="${...}" />
Try to use relative path like "..\App_Data\NLog.log"
Update NLog 4.6 enables some simple layouts.
The internalLogFile attribute needs to be set to an absolute path and the executing assembly needs to have permission to write to that absolute path.
The following worked for me.
Create a folder somewhere - e.g. the route of your c: drive, e.g. c:\logs
Edit the permissions of this folder and give full control to everyone
Set your nlog config: internalLogFile="C:\logs\nlog.txt"
Remember to clean up after yourself and not leave a directory with those sorts of permissions on
NLog ver. 4.6 add support for environment-variables like %appdata% or %HOME%, and using these basic layouts in internalLogFile=:
NLog ver. 4.7 also adds this:
See also:
from this link I think the path is absolute

How do I get javadoc to link to the Java API using an Ant task?

Right now my ant task looks like.
<javadoc sourcepath="${source}" destdir="${doc}">
<link href="" />
And I'm getting this warning:
javadoc: warning - Error fetching URL:
How do I get the javadoc to properly link to the API? I am behind a proxy.
You can also pass the arguments inside the ant task
<arg value=""/>
<arg value="-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=##"/>
If going the offline link route. Download the package list by going to the URL of the Java API ( and saving it as a text file and then using this Ant task.
<javadoc sourcepath="${source}" destdir="${doc}">
<link offline="true" href="" packagelistloc="path-containing-package-list"/>
You probably need the http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort system properties set. For example, ANT_OPTS="" ant doc
Alternatively, you could set the "offline" flag and provide a package list, but that could be a pain for the Java core.
You can also use the "offline" mode that allows you to build (faster!) without accessing the internet. Please see this answer:
