Evaluating LightFM model performance with lightfm.evaluation.precision_at_k - machine-learning

I am trying to use lightfm.evaluation.precision_at_k() to evaluate performance of my model.
My questions are around the parameters that I need to pass to it:
Does the test_interactions parameter needs to be the exact same shape (user indexes matching) as the interactions set that the model was trained on? In the examples I have seen from LightFM's Movielens data, it appears the test and train sets have the same number of rows (so they index to the same exact users in the same order). This would make sense since the model it self does not store any user ID -> matrix index mappings. However, I wonder if I can use the precision_at_k() method at all if I just want to get the evaluation done on a subset of users. If not, I guess I would have to iterate over my test users by hand and call .predict() on each one and calculate precision-at-k for each user in my own code?
I trained the model with item features but I'm confused why I would need to pass it again as item_features to precision_at_k(). If I'm just trying to predict the recommendations for a user that was part of my train data set (but has now some new interactions data), and if the features of the items haven't changed, is it safe to just not pass the item_features again here? If I have to pass them, I have to store them along with the model somewhere - just painful and I'm not sure why it is needed. What are item_features used for in this precision_at_k() case?
I might end up trying to just manually evaluate predictions for each user and skip using precision_at_k() completely.


Handling a missing value in machine learning

I was analyzing a dataset in which i have column names as follows: [id , location, tweet, target_value]. I want to handle the missing values for column location in some rows. So i thought to extract location from tweet column from that row(if tweet contains some location) itself and put that value in the location column for that row.
Now i have some questions regarding above approach.
Is this a good way to do it this way?. Can we fill some missing values by using the training data itself?. Will not this be considered as a redundant feature(because we are deriving the values of this feature using some other feature)
Can you please clarify your dataset a little bit more?
First, If we assume that the location is the information of the tweet that has been posted from, then your method (filling out the location columns in the rows in which that information is missing) becomes wrong.
Secondly, if we assume that the tweet contains the location information correctly, then you can fill out the missing rows using the tweets' location information.
If our second assumption is correct, then it would be a good way because you are feeding your dataset with correct information. In other words, you are giving the model a more detailed information so that it could predict more correctly in the testing process.
Regarding to your question about "Will not this be considered as a redundant feature(because we are deriving the values of this feature using some other feature)":
You can try to remove the location column from your model and train your model with the rest of your 3 columns. Then, you can check the success of the new model using different parameters (accuracy etc.). You can compare it with the results of the model that you have trained using all 4 different columns. After that, if there is not any important difference or the results become severe, then you would say it, the column is redundant. Also you can use Principal Component Analysis(PCA) to detect correlated columns.
Finally, please NEVER use training data in your test dataset. It will lead to overtraining and when you use your model in the real world environment, your model will most probably fail.

How to pre process a class data (with a large number of unique values) before feeding it to machine learning model?

Let's say I have a large data from an online gaming platform (like steam) which has 'date, user_id, number_of_hours_played, no_of_games' and I have to write a model to predict how many hours a user will play in future for a given date. Now, user_id has a large number of unique values (in millions). I know for class data we can use one hot encoding, but not sure what to do when I have millions of unique classes. Also, suggest if we can use any other method to preprocess the data.
Using directly the user id in the model is not a good idea, since that would result like you said into a large number of features, but also in overfitting since you would get one id per line (If I understood correctly your data). It would also make your model useless in case of a new user id and you would have to retrain your model each time you have a new user.
What I would recommand in the first place is to drop this variable and try to build a model with only the other variables.
Another Idea that you could try is to perform a clustering on the users you have based on other features, and then pass the cluster as a feature instead of the user id, but I don't know if this is a good idea since I don't know the kind of data you have.
Also, you are talking about making a prediction on a given date. The data you described doesn't suggest that but if you have the number of hours per multiple dates, this is closer to a time series prediction problem, which is different from a 'classic' regression problem.

How to identify the details of incorrectly classified instances in Weka GUI?

I want to get the details (unique id) of the incorrectly classified instances using Weka GUI. I am following the answers of this question. In that, they ask to use the filter StringToNominal in Preprocessing tab to convert the unique id, which is an string. However, by following that, I doubt if the classifier is considering the unique id column also as a feature during the classification?
Please suggest me the correct way of approaching this.
I happy to provide examples if needed.
Let's suppose you want to (1) add an instance ID, (2) not use that instance ID in the model, and (3) see the individual predictions, with the instance ID and maybe some other attributes.
We’re going to show this with a smaller data set. Open iris.arff, for example.
Use the AddID filter in the Preprocess tab, in the Unsupervised Attribute filters. ID will be the first attribute.
Now we need to ignore it during the modeling. Use the filtered classifier with the Remove filter.
And we need to output the predictions with the ID variable so we can see what happened. Here we are outputting all the attributes, although we don’t need to do all.
We get out this detail in the output window:
=== Predictions on test split ===
and so on.

Detect common features in multidimensional data

I am designing a system for anomaly detection.
There are multiple approaches for building such system. I choose to implement one facet of such system by detection of features shared by the majority of samples. I acknowledge the possible insufficiencies of such method but for my specific use-case: (1) It suffices to know that a new sample contains (or lacks) features shared by the majority of past data to make a quick decision.(2) I'm interested in the insights such method will offer to the data.
So, here is the problem:
Consider a large data set with M data points, where each data point may include any number of {key:value} features. I choose to model a training dataset by grouping all the features observed in the data (the set of all unique keys) and setting it as the model's feature space. I define each sample by setting its values for existing keys and None for values in features it does not include.
Given this training data set I want to determine which features reoccur in the data; and for such reoccurring features, do they mostly share a single value.
My question:
A simple solution would be to count everything - for each of the N features calculate the distribution of values. However as M and N are potentially large, I wonder if there is a more compact way to represent the data or more sophisticated method to make claims about features' frequencies.
Am I reinventing an existing wheel? If there's an online approach for accomplishing such task it would be even better.
If I understand correctly your question,
you need to go over all the data anyway, so why not using hash?
Actually two hash tables:
Inner hash table for the distribution of feature values.
Outer hash table for feature existence.
In this way, the size of the inner hash table will indicate how is the feature common in your data, and the actual values will indicate how they differ one another. Another thing to notice is that you go over your data only once, and the time complexity for every operation (almost) on hash tables (if you allocate enough space from the beginning) is O(1).
Hope it helps

Which machine learning model should be used in this situation?

Recently I'm working on my course project, it's an android app that can automatically help fill consuming form based on the user's voice. So here is one sample sentence:
So what I want to do is let the app fill forms automatically, my forms have several fields: time(yesterday), location(MacDonald), cost(10 dollars), type(food). Here the "type" field will include food, shopping, transport, etc.
I have used the word-splitting library to split the sentence into several parts and parse it, so I can already extract the time, location and cost fields from the user's voice.
What I want to do is deduce the "type" field with some kind of machine learning model. So there should be some records in advance, input by user manually to train the model. After training, when new record comes in, I first extract the time, location and cost fields, and then calculate the type field based on the model.
But I don't know how to represent the location field, should I use a dictionary to include many famous locations and use index to represent the location? If so, which kind of machine learning method should I use to model this requirement?
I would start with the Naive Bayes classifier. The links below should be useful in understanding it:
I wonder if time and cost are that discriminative/informative in comparison to location for your task.
In general, look at the following link on working with text data (it should be useful even if you dont know python):
It should include three stages:
Feature Representation:
One way to represent the features is the Bag-of-Word representation, which you fix an order of the dictionary and use a word frequency vector to represent the documents. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bag-of-words_model for details.
Data and Label Collection:
Basically, in this stage, you should prepare some [feature]-[type] pairs to training your model, which can be tedious or expensive. If you had already published your app, and collected a lot of [sentence]-[type] pair (probably chosen by app user), you can extract the features and build a training set.
Model Learning:
Cdeepakroy has suggested a good choice of the model: Naive Bayes, which is very efficient for classification task like this. At this stage, you can just find a suitable package, insert your training data, and enjoy the classifier it returns.
