Show Permission Denied using rfid and firebase - firebase-realtime-database

How to add and show 'Permission Denied' on a web page to those rfid card id which are not stored in the firebase?
Want to display persimison denined on the web page


Able to fetch users but not able to fetch mailFolders details for particular users present in the same tenant from graph API

I am not able fetch mailFolders details for some user present in my tenant and I m able to fetch the user info.Using graph explorer to fetch details.
On top of that I have tried fetching mailFolders details for my admin account in the tenant (logged in with admin account) and it was successful.
I have already given the required permission to my application. and Mail.ReadBasic.All. Both are the application permission.
Users are added into my Azure Active Directory as well as app.
The API GET URL is this one -*****#******
I am trying to fetch other user mailFolders while logged in with an admin account of that tenant, but getting the error Access Denied.
Error Access Denied
How do I fix this?
I tried adding users to graph app in Azure enterprise applications but this also didn't help.
I also modified mailbox permission on the Admin console for some of the users but this also didn't help.
Please help
There is still one permission is missing I think in the permissions tab "Mail.ReadWrite"
Also please check the token if the required scopes are present in there in

How can I verify that the user inputted data is stored in Realtime Database or not, using React-Native-firebase without expo?

How can I do Only authenticated users can access , If any user enter her/his phone number if the phone number match with the data which is store in Realtime Database then firebase provide a OTP to verify the user and successfully login otherwise not(otherwise send a alert that Please Signup First)? I tried to connect with Realtime database. But I get a error: ERROR TypeError: (0, _$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[5], "#react-native-firebase/database").getDatabase) is not a function. (In '(0, _$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[5], "#react-native-firebase/database").getDatabase)()', '(0, _$$_REQUIRE(_dependencyMap[5], "#react-native-firebase/database").getDatabase)' is undefined)

Twitter API get account with warning "This account is temporarily restricted"

I am trying to find out users showing the warning "This account is temporarily restricted". I tried to use Twitter API (Tweepy) to extract out the user details but there are no such fields showing whether this warning is enabled or not.
result = api.get_user(user_id=<user_id>)
An example of one such user is present in this link

Maintaining user permission on user seesion

I am developing MVC website. In my website all the pages are based on user permission( based on theirs role). Like some of the user will have permission for all pages and some of all only permitted for fewer pages.
In the menu itself if the user not having permission we need to display some tool-tip like, there is no permission. For every request we are hitting DB and getting permission details. Instead of hitting DB for every request, shall we maintain the permission information for that user in server session?

How get from Twitter api friends list who added my app?

I can get user's friends list. But i`m intresting only in user's friends who authorize my app on my site.
How i can do it?
At the end of an authentication process (with OAuth I guess), Twitter gives you tokens for the application, the ID and the screen name (username) of the user who authorized the app.
So you can do something like this :
At the end of the authentication process : storing the user ID and/or the username of the user who authorized your application (in your database for example).
When you retrieve the user's friend list, you can see if user's friend authorized your app by watching if its ID (and/or its username, depending on what you kept) is in the storage where you keep informations about users who authorized your app.
