settings for using firebase messaging on Ios app with nativescript - ios

I use Firebase Messaging on an application made with nativescript, and I managed easily to set push notifications on android but on Ios it's a bit of a struggle...
I have 2 questions :
Do I have to follow these instructions & where do I manage the part wit "registerForRemoteNotifications" ?
How to refresh GoogleService-Info.plist if I changed my app ID Bundle ?
Thanks a lot !


Add React-native app to 'Activities' panel on IOS

I am looking for informations about to add an App in the 'Activities' IOS panel in order to can add my app to the list of sharing apps.
I don't know if it's automatic or if it need some configuration.
This is possible using AppExtensions in iOS SDK.
In React native, the docs talk about App extensions here. And an example app for sharing is available in a github repo.

Firebase and googleplus integration in ios

I am creating an iOS app. I need to integrate Push notification and google plus sigin in my app.I have integrated both google plus and push notification .I used firebase for push notification. When integrating firebase for push notification, i got one "GoogleService-Info.plist" file. I have imported that file into my project. I have also got another "GoogleService-Info.plist" file when i integrating google plus. It is not possible to import two files with same name. Then what should i do? How can i integrate both google plus and fire base together?Please help me
Use the freshest one, or override it with new one because if you are using same project for both push notification and sign in then both plist will be the same.
just use the file "GoogleService-Info.plist" from firebase. Actually, when you should not create a new project on google developer, you should connect the existing project in Firebase.

Phonegap ios pushnotification

I am new to iOS programming don't know anything about objective-c . I have done Push Notification on Android and it is working properly.I am using Cordova to implement in cross-platform device so, anybody can help me out how can I implement it in iOS ?
Thanks in advance.
If you are working on cordova then you can implement push notification using plugins available in cordova. You can use PushPlugin in you app, it will work for both Android as well as iOS. For more information about pushPlugin please Click Here.
You have to follow some steps for iOS to implement push notification. For more description please visit link mentioned here.
While generating .pem certificate for iOS please execute command written below instead of command written at point 10.
cat apns-dev-cert.pem apns-dev-key-noenc.pem > apns-dev.pem
You can also refer link mentioned here

Google app invites on iOS deep link only opens app store

I am working on adding Google App Invites deep linking to an iOS app and I followed all the steps for Adding App invites to iOS but the deep link just opens the app store to my app page even if the app is installed.
To recap, I...
Installed the Cocoapod
Generated and added the config file using the appropriate app store ID and bundle ID
Included the code for application:openURL:... and didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
Added the URL Scheme for google and inputted the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID
I'm not sure how to debug this considering I did all that Google told me to do. Their only help link on the Google Developers site was to Stack Overflow. Has anyone tried implementing these deep links on iOS and succeeded?
EDIT: This was done using iOS 8.x. #Caio pointed out the problem still persists on iOS 9 but not on iOS 7.x.
We need to set the value "applinks:{your_app_link}" to Associated Domains on Capabilities tab of Xcode.

PhoneGap Meteor iOS Push Notifications

I have currently used phonegap and deployed an iOS app that takes the URL of my meteor app and convert it into a "webapp" (not sure if this is accurate). However, I would like to implement remote/push notifications to Apple's servers APNS to enable the app to receive notifications, update badges etc... Are there any other means other than Urban airship?
Also, I chanced upon ObjectiveDDP,, but the tutorial is not working for me and it is really frustrating.
Thank you!
You can use the Phonegap team Push Plugin (on github) that allows sending push notifications for Android and iOS.
The plugin can be integrated via the phonegap build site without having to use Java or Objective-C or using Java or Objective-C.
Here is an updated answer that works as of 12/25/14:
Simply use the push package by raix: The documentation is really good.
I think you need this one,
I am implementing the same,
If I am able to do so I will put the demo too
I just released a new package that makes it easy to integrate Meteor with Cordova (Phonegap). You can use the Cordova API, including push notifications, just like it describes in the docs.
Check out Cordova Loader package.
Use PushPlugin
cordova plugin add
