Firebase and googleplus integration in ios - ios

I am creating an iOS app. I need to integrate Push notification and google plus sigin in my app.I have integrated both google plus and push notification .I used firebase for push notification. When integrating firebase for push notification, i got one "GoogleService-Info.plist" file. I have imported that file into my project. I have also got another "GoogleService-Info.plist" file when i integrating google plus. It is not possible to import two files with same name. Then what should i do? How can i integrate both google plus and fire base together?Please help me

Use the freshest one, or override it with new one because if you are using same project for both push notification and sign in then both plist will be the same.

just use the file "GoogleService-Info.plist" from firebase. Actually, when you should not create a new project on google developer, you should connect the existing project in Firebase.


settings for using firebase messaging on Ios app with nativescript

I use Firebase Messaging on an application made with nativescript, and I managed easily to set push notifications on android but on Ios it's a bit of a struggle...
I have 2 questions :
Do I have to follow these instructions & where do I manage the part wit "registerForRemoteNotifications" ?
How to refresh GoogleService-Info.plist if I changed my app ID Bundle ?
Thanks a lot !

How to get a Tracking_ID in Google Analytics for iOS apps for Google Tag Manager usage?

I've set up my account in Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and have already installed firebase/analytics and GoogleTagManager to my project...
The problem is when I go the admin section and click on the default property created for my app I have no Tracking_ID on property settings menu,
the property is set as app + web I've tried to set a new property as App it then gives me only a .plist and no Tracking_ID for managing the events on Google Tag Manager...
Is google tag manager a tool meant to be used only for web now?
Because I installed it on iOS but it seems GA doesn't provide Tracking_ID for mobile tracking and without Tracking_ID I just can't use GTM...
Any help on this matter would be highly appreciated,
Thank you all in advance)
GA App properties were sunsetted and are now app+web properties.
In GA for the Property you created, you also need to add a data stream. App+Web Properties use a Measurement ID, not a Tracking ID.
When you add an app data stream, Analytics creates a corresponding
Firebase project and app data stream, and automatically links the
Firebase project to your property if your project and property are not
already linked. Currently, you cannot link to an existing Firebase
project from Analytics.
Enter the iOS bundle ID or Android package name, the app name, and for
iOS, the App Store ID, then click Register app.
Analytics will progress through the steps of creating a Google Cloud
project, a Firebase project, linking the Firebase project to
Analytics, and creating the app stream. Click Next.
Follow the instructions to download the config file for your app. Click Next.
Follow the instructions to add the Firebase SDK to your app. Click Next.
Run your app to verify installation of the SDK and that the app is communicating with Google servers. Click Finish.
Alternatively, click Skip this step if you want to complete app setup
at a later time. Click Next.
GTM also has two new tags in it - GA App+Web Configuration tag & GA App+Web Event.

Can you use two iOS apps with the same Firestore database?

I am working on a project that requires a user iOS app and a creator iOS app, such as how Uber has a driver iOS app and a customer iOS app.
Can I use the same Firebase project and Firestore database for both?
How would I set this up with the GoogleService-Info.plist? as both apps will have a different Bundle Identifier.
On your project console, go to settings and scroll down. you should see the button to download the GoogleService-Info.plist of the iOS app you already have. If you click on the "Add app" button you can add another iOS app for the same project, which will have its won .plist file.

iOS - Unable to reach 3rd instance of firebase project via FCM

I have 3 different Firebase projects that are initialized in a single application. The first app is initialized using the default GoogleService-info.plist file.
The first two projects contain a Firebase iOS app with the same bundle id as the app. The third project contains an iOS app with an arbitrary bundle id.
I develop an SDK that uses Firebase to provide push notification service, and utility silent push functionality. The use case I describe here is one where the client app has its own Firebase project, the SDK has a client dedicated project, and another "Master" Firebase project that is used as the utility-cross-client Firebase project.
While FCM can reach the app via the first two projects (The ones with the same bundle id) it cannot reach the app via the third one (the cross-client one) due to invalid-apns-credentials error. Note that I generate the fcmToken correctly using Messaging.messaging().retrieveFCMToken(forSenderID::) and that the same APNs auth key is used throughout all 3 projects.
I tried to solve it by adding a new Firebase app to the third project with the same bundle id as the application, and which allowed me be able to reach the application. However, I was still able to reach the client app even after I've delete the Firebase iOS app from the 3rd project (the one with the same bundle id not the "arbitrary one")

Google Cloud Messaging app for iOS

I want to use "Google Cloud Messaging" service in my existing iOS app but first i want to try on an tets app. I am trying to get register with GCM for Notifications. I have generated P12 files from apple developer account and than got the "GoogleServices-Info.plist" configuration file from google. I am following this link , here first point is that get our sample project but i don't know that where i have to get the sample project and when i create my own new project and run this command "pod try google" is giving error that Unable to find a specification for google. Please help me in this regard.
It's pod try Google (with a capital G).
